
15 Reviews
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Perfect blend of horror and fun.
3 January 2023
Another film by this director that has a beautifully judged tempo, and mix of very funny dialogue, beautiful natural performances and a genuine feeling of dread slowly creeping into things.

Don't be fooled by the title, which could lead you to believe this is just another teen horror film, because it has more substance than you may expect.

It has a similar naturalistic feel to the director's earlier film There Are Monsters, and if you've seen that you will appreciate that this is no bad thing.

It's so good to see a picture trust it's audience to be ok with slower progressions rather than the slam bang never ending sequence of set-pieces we usually get.

There's character here.

In some ways similar to Ty West's films, which I also love.

The director says his next film is going to be pretty dark, and I promise you I will be looking out for that one!

I really highly recommend this movie to everyone, but particularly to discerning fans of the genre.
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Here Before (2021)
I loved it.
22 November 2022
Beautifully shot, with immersive sound design, stunningly acted by everyone and in particular the luminous Andrea Riseborough who has never looked more naturally lovely than she does in this touching role.

I'm Welsh so I can't speak with any real authority here, but her Northern Irish accent sounds bang on to these ears.

This is a low key, brooding, wonderfully-played superb drama.

If this is the director's first feature then I can safely say that good things lie ahead, and I will be looking out for future projects.

Speaking as a musician I'd like to add that the subtle score is perfect, too.

Highly recommended to discerning viewers.
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Spencer (2021)
8 June 2022
Absolutely not what I was expecting.

In a good way.

I'd watch Kristen Stewart reading the news, and although I don't think she's at her most comfortable here I appreciate it was a very difficult role to pull off, and I'd say it's mostly pretty great. She got the shoulder just right.

Loved the jazz infusions in the score and would have liked more of that, instead of the chamber music that prevails This will not be for everyone as you can see from the many negative reviews, but if you're open to a leisurely-paced character study with a welcome dose of weird, you may dig this.
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WWII in HD (2009)
28 May 2022
Gripping viewing.

The further away from WW2 we get, the closer it seems, to me.

This series pulls no punches and presents war in all its horrible details, and it's all the more compelling for it.

Emotionally draining, but somehow hard to turn away from.

High recommendation.
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Shortcut (II) (2020)
Eat your own elbows instead. It's more fun.
30 April 2022
Normally when I see a synopsis that starts with 'a group of teens...' I immediately discard it and move on.

For some reason I didn't today.

I wish I had.

The synopsis should have started... 'a group of teens, unable to act, and seemingly hired for their inability to act...' You know the kind of thing - when someone is eating and talking... they actually ACT they are eating too, even though they're actually eating, and have no need to emphasise the point.

But to be fair the grown-ups were no better.

This is beyond awful.


The usual drone-photography over 'remote' woods that start these movies should have been an immediate clue to the clichéd dross that followed, but I'd just opened a tub of ice cream so pressed on.


But I did at least enjoy the ice cream.

Cadbury's Flake.


The ice cream, not the movie.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Quite interesting
18 April 2022
It took until episode 2 for the first Woke moment to arrive, which made me sigh.

I knew it had to be shoehorned in there at some point, but still this constant hectoring on these issues is tiring, and patronising.

Kind of an interesting show, otherwise.

Well acted, mysterious and atmospheric.
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Very, very good.
10 April 2022
Beautifully shot, superb sound design, well-performed by all (apart from the lady at the hotel desk, who I found too mannered) this is a beautifully eerie and weird short film.

Very loosely adapted from the MR James story, but retaining the sense of quiet menace, I have to recommend it to all lovers of the phantastic who appreciate a tale told carefully and slowly.
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Better than many reviews would suggest.
8 January 2022
Believe it or not I saw this in the cinema on a double bill with Fist of Fury (or maybe King Boxer) a Bruce Lee martial arts movie. One of the most incongruous double bills ever!

This is more like a documentary on prehistoric life than an action movie and as such it was a pretty brave move for Hammer, as I'm sure most were expecting dinosaurs.

I actually spoke to Tony Bonner recently, one of the stars, and we both agreed Julie Ege was a beautiful girl, and how sad it is that she's left the party.

He was unsure about the other main cast members fortunes due to the passing of time...many years.

This film makes me think of an old cinema I used to frequent that is now long gone, somewhere that played a big part in my young life, and for that reason it holds a place in my heart, along with many other Hammer movies of the early 70s which I love to this day.

Nostalgia is a powerful thing.
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The Amazing Mr Blunden (2021 TV Movie)
26 December 2021
The predictable Gatiss Woke ghastliness, with his usual diversity shoehorned needlessly into the well-loved tale.

A totally pointless remake.

Makes me tired all over.
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22 December 2021
Within the first two minutes I thought uh-oh.... this looks like it's going to be the usual Woke nonsense currently so in favour by movie-makers.

Total turn-off.

Mis-cast wooden performances.

Unfunny and undramatic.

Kidman looks ....weird in this.

Not good on any level.
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The Tractate Middoth (2013 TV Movie)
Very disappointing.
22 December 2021
While I applaud the decision to resurrect the Ghost Story for Christmas series, which I always loved, this sadly isn't very good.

Extremely poor dialogue, overly mannered 'acty' performances, and a very rushed feel (understandable I suppose due to time constraints) all add up to a very inferior ghost story.

The usual predictable Gatiss Woke trappings in evidence, too.

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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Average to poor.
20 November 2021
Extremely disappointing.

Predictable and corny as all hell.

Felt like everyone had phoned in their performances apart from maybe Essoe who did well in a very limited part.

I found myself rooting for the bad guys.

The Shining remains a classic to this day, but this mediocre sequel will soon be forgotten.

In fact, I already have.
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16 October 2021
Finally caught up with this movie, having quite enjoyed the first.


The acting in general was school-play level. Jessica Chastain seemed to be trying harder but even she seemed caught up in the made for tv in the 80 vibe that pervades the film.

Editing timing was off in places.

Jump scares have to be earned and in this they were all predictable. The only thing that actually made me jump was the sudden loud noise that seems to be the law now.

CGI.... well the only time it's been done right was in Jurassic Park, and only then fleetingly.

Set your expectations low.
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Rust Creek (2018)
Tepid and predictable yawn-fest.
16 May 2021
Having slept a night in the woods with a knife wound in her leg, and in true Bruce Lee-style after having beaten up two 6ft tough hillbillies, our leading lady looks as fresh as a daisy.

Written by a woman, directed by a woman, starring a woman - you know what to expect.... yep, 21st century fist-in-the-air, girl-power nonsense.

Nicely shot with wintery colour-grading, and a good score though.

But it's awful.
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Clara (III) (2018)
What a beautiful experience
1 May 2021
I half-heartedly sat down to watch this as I was a little tired.

But from frame one I was hooked on this meditative, beautifully acted gem of a movie.

It's science-fiction with a huge heart, and is more a human story about our place and relationship with one another in the cosmos.

I think.

I don't cry easy, but I must admit to choking back a tear or two several times during this.

It's a little classic in my opinion.
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