
13 Reviews
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Neither satire nor drama
9 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can gather that the show is taking a big swing making fun of how culture today finds real life stories of murders entertaining, but what it fails to deliver is the WHY society is so fascinated. The killer just likes to kill, that's why, but let's focus on him- only surface though, for fun.

It's so try hard, and can only be described as a "Murders in the Building" trashy cousin.

The premise is diabolical. And even in a false TV world, it treats its subject matter with complete disregard. "Murder for Dummies" anyone? Let's just kill young women in a satire-ish, blood filled way- cuz that's fun and hey, it proves our point about how reckless our society's fascination is! That's smart! (Eyeroll)

Awful characters, elementary dialogue, and an unforgivable, disgusting plot. If you like the CW, you'll looooooove this.
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ONE reason to watch this
29 January 2023
The ONE and only reason to watch this film is Kate Watson. And it's an absolute shame they didn't have more of her in this.

There was no need for countless non-actors fumbling the ball.

The script is obviously torn to shreds to accommodate these other characters- when they really could have had a badass female lead deliver a full story with a developed character arch. Huge missed opportunity, but Watson does the absolute best with what's she's given.

Music isn't even a score really- it's distracting and doesn't add anything to the emotional stakes. Editing is uneven.

Well cast LEADS, story that plays into the pandemic horror, and.. oy. Star rating 10 for the balls of male producers telling a story about a badass female character. Y'all should have respected that and ran it to a touchdown.
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What in the drab, commercial "Nick Sparks" garbage was this?!
24 July 2022
This, dear ones, is a perfect example of what happens when you hand a brilliant best seller to a group of filmmakers that are NOT qualified to adapt it.

Everything about this film was absolute disappointment. Why did a woman with next to NO feature film experience direct this?!

For starters- casting was WRONG. I'm sorry, but our lead actress fell short on so many levels here. Appearance aside, I feel sorry for the weak, exposition filled script she was given. On the other hand, she NEVER brought the heat, the feral strength that Kya so desperately needed. She was flat, uninspiring, and- hate to say- I SAW her work. Nothing felt effortless or natural.

The screenplay was disjointed, antiquated, and elementary. What a HUGE miss if an opportunity to bring gritty writing into this haunting environment.

Cinematography- FLAT. Mid shots the whole way through. No energy, no elements of a period film with style- just commercial. I'd expect this from a CW show.

What a shame. $44M budget?! Where?!

Applause for a story about something other than a superhero- but what a let down. I'll stick to the book.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
3 July 2022
Let's keep it real shall we? There's no way on earth the Duffer brothers were prepared to continue past ONE season. There was NO set up, whatsoever.

Since Season One we've been blindly clawing away for an intelligent story to sink into, but instead have gotten stolen characters and narratives from hit 80s films and pop culture.

Where's the actual substance? You can only impress for so long with cheap, greasy special effects and Kate Bush riffs. The story is nonsensical, even by sci-fi standards.

The elementary dialogue was never-ending; exposition galore. Bloated episodes, a multitude of strange departures of cinematography and tone from what was set in Season One, and less believable acting then seen in previous seasons.

Anyone who thinks this is a masterpiece has a very limited understanding of filmmaking and writing.

I know how terribly difficult it is to accomplish shooting anything, let alone 10 over and hour long episodes. But for almost $300M- it's baffling!!
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Killer Advice (2021)
People must have nothing better to do than complain
5 June 2022
Anyone complaining about a "realistic" storyline needs to watch an episode of Dateline ASAP. Also, if you come on here to dump on this genre of thriller, why on earth are you watching this network?

Get a life.

This story is flushed out, has a character arch, and is extremely entertaining. Contrary to opinions of folks that have never attempted to make a movie, this was a cut above!
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Interceptor (2022)
My lord...
5 June 2022
I've seen Asylum movies better than this made with 1/100th the budget.

Any TV movie out today is more entertaining and made better.

I understand that budgets get smaller as the demand for content gets bigger, but from every angel this film missed every mark.

We need to rethink our desire for quantity over quality.
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Collision Earth (2020 TV Movie)
IF only YOU had been on this set! It deserves more
2 June 2022
Look, I get it. You think this movie is SO bleak. It's choppy, visuals are non comparable to anything with a large budget, and the story has fantasyland science.

It's a MOVIE! One of the most difficult things in life to make, aside from brain surgery. So many different elements have to come into play- of which I can promise you acting was NOT an issue on this set. (I'm a producer, not on this film, and yes- I know how about every detail on this shoot)

With 6 days to shoot (yes, you read that correctly) the novice director was a massive issue. The director spoke over every take- making much of the dialogue unusable, changed lines on the spot, and didn't trust the actors or crew to execute A TON of story in next to no time. Have you ever had to memorize lines right before a take? How about set up a shot with no understanding of the context, with an ever changing script?

I'm not explaining this for you to excuse your opinion, rather I'm explaining this to give you an idea of what your taking aim at, pointing the finger at the actual professionals involved on this production that where strong armed.

When producers don't give any time for filmmakers to prep and execute due to an unreasonable budget, the team on set can only do so much.

Easy to critic and not create. It's a miracle this film was made- thanks to the actual talent it did have.
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Maid (2021)
Bad writing, poorly shot, blah
24 January 2022
With the tone ripped off of Shameless, with worse camera work. I get the interest in the peeling back the curtain on issues like addiction, poverty, and motherhood- but this overshoots with lazy writing and drab shots.

Allie McDowell ruins every scene she's in with her attempt at a strung out addict that's lost her mind.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Waste of $75M
4 January 2022
Completely forged with the intention that a shiny cast list would make money- who cares about craft, humor, acting, or entertainment, right?

Let's all talk about the environmental issues we face as we make millions per film and fly around private.

What garbage.
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Fatal Memory (2022 TV Movie)
What a ride!
4 January 2022
This thriller delivers! Paced quickly, but it packs a punch. Intense action and moments that will actually bring you to tears. (Really, and I almost never tear up at movies.) Holy hell- Kate Watson, the lead, has some serious range! She took this genre to another level. Great cast chemistry. Pay attention to the easter eggs and slick cinematography.
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Saving My Daughter (2021 TV Movie)
How did this pass Lifetimes QC?
18 April 2021
First of all, the music is WAY too much and WAY too LOUD. LMN continues to amp up the score of every film they air, but this one is a perfect example of how a movie can be OVER scored. It's almost unwatchable. Producers- are you reading??

Dialogue (as bad as it is here) is going to convey narrative and emotion, not the never ending music. That should be used as a bare minimum supporter, always.

Framing, camera work, direction- everything was less than the acceptable standard on this network.

And the acting-unfortunate. It's a far cry LMNs stand out thrillers. This was simply amateur.
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The Wrong Fiancé (2021 TV Movie)
Gone is the ART
13 April 2021
As vanilla as vanilla comes, Jessica. No real range or depth here, just your typical cheap, basic tricks.

This director needs a lesson in tension building on a shoe string budget.

These wrong movies have become the fast food option of LMN.
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Paradise City (2021– )
13 April 2021
You have one of the most talented guest stars, Kate Watson, and list her name in the credits INCORRECTLY?? How on earth does that happen??! SHAME on you- who let that happen?

Overall, the third episode is by far the best. The music is the standout.
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