
29 Reviews
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The Snowman (2017)
A Jumbled Mess
21 February 2024
I don't know if it was due to bad editing or just a bad script, but I got halfway into the movie and felt like there were scenes missing. The movie starts off with a pretty intriguing beginning, but soon after your left wondering if you fell asleep and missed a portion of the movie. The director really leaves a lot of important information out and just assumes you know what's going on. Characters in the movie disappear and your left wondering if they where they went.

Don't waste your time on the movie. Aside from being confusing, it's incredibly boring. There's nothing to keep your attention.

There are some decent actors in the movie. Hard to believe they are associated with this mess.
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Hysterically Awful!
27 December 2023
Remember the Geico commercial where the teenagers are running from an ax murderer and they come across a running car and the one girls says ," why can't we just get in the running car". They of course decide not to get in the car and go hide right in front of the ax murderer. THAT'S THIS MOVIE!

The movie centers around a high school senior Eden Murphy who is trying to get into a prestigious college. But she needs a letter of recommendation from her classmate's father who is a man of influence. Her classmate doesn't really want to help her so she decides to attend a party at his house to try and get on his good side. This is where the "fun" starts.

This movie gives horror movies a bad name. It's just one implausible decision after another. But it goes beyond that. The story line is awful. I don't think I could s story this bad if I tried.

There's not one redeeming quality in this movie. Horrible script and laughable performances from the actors (but with a script is so bad I'm not sure the actors could do much).

Have you ever watched a movie and hoped all the characters would just die by time the movie ends - and in a hurry. That's THIS movie.

Save yourself the time and pick something else.
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The Meg (2018)
Typical Hollywood Action Formula
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I waited 5 years to watch this film simply because I was sure I already knew the storyline and how cheesy it would be. Well, The Meg didn't disappoint! Glad I waited. In all honestly, it was so cheesy and predictable that I finished The Meg while doing housework.

Here's our list of cliche characters:

Main Hero - Typical tough guy rebel type that can do anything no one else on the planet can do... like out-swim a shark in the open ocean.

Main Female Character - Love Interest. Tries to help out but needs to be saved multiple times by the Main Hero.

Black Character - Wise cracking black guy that works at sea but can't swim and finds it racist when while people point out the irony. Contributes nothing to solving the problem but light hearted humor.

Business Owner - Rich, shallow and cares about no one but his bottom line. Rainn Wilson actually did a nice job with this character.

Little Kid - Saves the black guy and speaks like a 30 year old.

Best Friend To Main Hero - Typical sidekick. Doesn't really solve that much but there to just support our hero.

Lesbian - Gotta have this character in any movie these days.

That sums it up.

But really, these people don't seem at all fascinated that a Meg still exists. They just know they need to kill it. Because.... No other Megs apparently exist. Just 1 survived millions of years. Procreation wasn't part of it which would clearly mean multiple Megs are in the ocean. Smh.

The Meg qualifies as good background entertainment while doing something else.
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Just Awful! AVOID!
22 November 2023
How could the creators of Squid Game: The Challenge totally miss the point of the ordinal show. The original Squid Game is a fictional competition and extreme example of the dehumanization of capitalism (as originally and correctly stated by the Hollywood Reporter). Yet Squid Game: The Challenge is all about the wonders of capitalism when someone comes up with a dumb idea based on a great show. I feel like I just got suckered into wasting 45 minutes of my time.

I don't think I've ever rated a show a "1" before. But this complete rip off with shallow and uninteresting characters who are in real life competing for real money makes no sense whatsoever. What is the point. THIS IS NOT SEASON 2 OF THE REAL SQUID GAMES. It's a realty TV SHOW based on Squid Games. With that said, are we really to believe this was a fair competition? (Search the internet, the competitors will tell you it wasn't) Do we even care?

Don't watch and send Netflix a message that we don't care for this trash.
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Fun Musical But Cringeworthy Storyline
4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have no issue with the writers and producers putting out something completely different. However In my opinion, the timing of this musical episode was not the best. Season two already had two comedic episodes and an episode spent almost entirely in present day earth. With only ten episodes a season the musical could have waited. As Star Trek fans we were originally drawn to Strange New Worlds because it reminded us of the original series with its content and familiar characters. The second to last episode should have been more true to the series and not an experimental musical with the crew singing and dancing.

I found moments in the episode to be cringeworthy, but it wasn't due to the singing and dancing. I was pretty disappointed in Captain Kirk's storyline with La'an. There's no doubt he's been borderline flirting with La'an and showing a bit of interest. I'm pretty sure he has a line in this episode that confirms this. He's been so friendly with her that she feels comfortable telling him about the events of "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow". He reaffirms his feelings for her and then mentions he got Carol Marcus pregnant. Uh what?!!! Guys like that are referred to as (fill in derogatory word). Why would the writers put James T Kirk in this light???

I'm sorry, but I have to say it. The actor they chose to play James T Kirk reminds me to much of Jim Carrey. Very talented for sure, but not the iconic James T Kirk.

Now onto Spock and Nurse Chapel. I realize they are both young and Spock is experimenting with his human side. But the scene in the bar where Nurse Chapel is celebrating her Fellowship with crew members and we find out Spock had no idea is awkward to say the least. I realize it was meant to be awkward which leads to a song and dance. But, the scene just seems very uncharacteristic of both of them. It's surprising that Spock felt it wise to confront her in front of everyone. On the other hand Nurse Chapel is pretty insensitive to the whole situation. Perhaps the writers are attempting to explain their relationship in TOS?

Now onto the singing and dancing. I had no idea the cast had members who were this musically talented! Christina Chong was fantastic as was Celia Rose Gooding! The cast as a whole really did nice job. It was a fun episode and something completely different. But please, can we get back to serious storyline now.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Frightening Climbing Experience!!!
6 March 2023
I loved this movie! Yes, there were some inconsistencies and you ask yourself how could these 2 girls get themselves into this situation? But, as with most thrill seeking movies you look past that and just enjoy.

First, a bit about the actual climbing. Aside from watching Alex Honnold videos, I know next to nothing about climbing. However, even with my complete lack of knowledge on the subject I was able to spot some very questionable climbing techniques in this movie, or stretches in what's really possible. I can understand why some of the reviewers who have experience in climbing may have been turned off by this movie.

With that said, the visuals and camera work were fantastic. My hands were sweaty throughout most of the movie watching these girls climb. It was hard to watch while imagining yourself being up this high. I was so amazed out how well this movie was shot that I researched the making of this movie on YouTube.

The backstory of these two girls relationship is somewhat intriguing also. There's more to the movie than just finding out if they survive their ordeal.

If you love sitting on the edge of your seat through most of the movie then this is a great watch. Certainly not for the faint of heart when it comes to extreme heights!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 3 is FANTASTIC!
15 September 2022
Picard Season 3 is so good that I had to come back to IMDB and update my review. My original review below still stands for seasons 1 & 2. But season 3 hits it out of the park with the original cast!

This is just as good, if not better than The Next Generation. It's a great story line. The actors are all crushing it in their roles. There are many call backs the original series and some surprises. Why did it take the show's writers and producers so long to give us this???

Season 4 maybe?

---- Original Review ----

Originally rated 4 stars.

Star Trek has always been about great character development which made us follow their story lines intently. The show would comment on current issues but in a metaphorical sense. Each show stood on its own with a beginning and ending mini story.

Unfortunately with the Picard series those days are long gone. Picard is a 10 show season long mini-series with lots of filler in between. The characters, if they hang around long enough, don't inspire.

I get that Picard is retired and much older now so we're not going to see the old Picard leading a Star Ship. That makes sense to me. But where the writers took his story arc by the end of season 1 is beyond reasonable.

As far as the woke agenda some reviews talk about, yes there is some of that also in season 2. A statement is made about a particular group of people that is clearly based on lies and misrepresentation. Why would the writers do that? They did nothing but push 50% of the audience away.

This is Star Trek in name only. There's nothing about Picard that reminds us of what made Star Trek so popular.

On a positive note, regardless of storyline it was nice to see some of the old characters in action. Hence, why I gave at least 4 stars.
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Annapolis (2006)
27 June 2022
I live a few minutes from Annapolis. There is no shipyard across from the Naval Academy. In fact, there isn't a shipyard any where near Annapolis. I get that Hollywood likes to embellish, but this one was just to much.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Unlikeable Family
14 May 2022
The Robinsons are the most arrogant, egotistical, controlling, borderline narcissistic family ever. Their need to control every situation and to remind each other only they can solve an issue because they are the Robinsons makes them totally unlikeable and the show almost unwatchable. Why the Robot puts his well being on the line for this family is beyond me. The Robot should have just let them all freeze in episode one. Maureen Robinson reminds me of one of the soccer moms on my son's team who will cheat everyone just to take care of her own.

OK. Enough about the Robinsons. The show does have excelllent special effects and if you can get past the unlikeable characters the story line does have some good moments. But knowing the show will end after 3 seasons with only 8-10 episodes a season helped. You don't have to invest that much time.

Highlight - I loved Parker Posey as Dr. Smith! She's very convincing in the role.
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The Batman (2022)
Where Is Bruce Wayne?
27 March 2022
Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight is the standard for all Batman movies. What made his movies work so well is the audience was invested in Bruce Wayne. However, in The Batman Bruce Wayne hardly has any screen time. Likewise, it's hard to become emotionally involved with Robert Pattinson's Bruce Wayne because we hardly know him. With that said, when we did see Bruce Wayne it seemed rather obvious to me he was Batman. Unlike Christian Bale's Batman who acted the part of rich spoiled billionaire, Robert Patterson had the same mannerism's as Bruce Wayne and Batman.

The Riddler is the main villain, but you don't get much screen time with him either. Certainly nothing like Heath Ledger's Joker or Tom Hardy's Bane. However, I loved this version of The Penguin. He's very believable and scary as one of Gotham's top crime lords. Job well done by Colin Farrell. Zoë Kravitz does a decent job as Catwoman, but nothing like Anne Hathaway who knocked it out of the park.

No doubt this is perhaps the darkest Batman yet. Mostly night scenes and its constantly raining. Overall, the action scenes were well done. The new bat mobile is bad ass! Oddly enough, I just started watching the TV series Gotham and I thought this movie was a natural extension of that show.

It's a good Batman movie worth seeing, but it's not in the same class as The Dark Night by any stretch of the imagination.
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Home Team (2022)
Fun Family Movie
14 March 2022
Any movie I can watch with the family that my 11 year old finds funny is time well spent. Kevin James does a nice job as Sean Payton coaching his son's team while on suspension from the NFL. The movie is fast passed with plenty of fun moments and a hint of parenting challenges. Side note, anyone who has ever coached a youth team can probably identify with some of this movie.
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Reacher (2022– )
Decent TV Series
9 March 2022
In full disclosure I never read the books. So with no preconceived notion of what Jack Reacher should look like I really enjoyed the Tom Cruise movies. But, Alan Ritchson does a fantastic job also. To me Jack Reacher is more about his incredible Sherlock Holmes like reasoning skills and his obvious military training when fighting and less about what he looks like (or how big he is).

With that said, it's a good mystery series with plenty of action scenes. There's only 8 episodes so it goes by quickly. Each episode ends on a discovery leading to the next episode.

We all wish we could live off a nice pension and travel at will anywhere we want like Jack Reacher, right? But no matter where he goes stuff happens. That's all I'll say.

Looking forward to where season 2 takes Jack Reacher.
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Simply Mind Blowing
30 January 2022
No doubt one of the best MCU movies. If Spiderman is you favorite hero, then this movie will most likely top all of them. It's an very ambitious plot not seen in any super hero movie that if not done right could have fallen flat on it's face. But the MCU didn't just do it right, they knocked it out of the park. The acting by all is superb with one actor (dare I say) rivaling the great Heath Ledger's joker. What is so amazing about this film is the story fits right with previous Avenger movies, but some how nails who Spiderman really is to all of us. The film is fun and emotional with a hint at a second chance for the characters in many different ways. I don't purchase many movies on DVD, but this will be one of them.
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Raccoon Valley (2018 Video)
$175 Production Cost?
22 January 2022
The movie has a Tom Hanks Cast Away kind of feel where it's basically one character navigating through a disaster. Except the movie takes place in the main character's house when she fails to hear (she's deaf) an evacuation notice. For this kind of movie to work the audience has to be drawn into the main character much like we were with Tom Hanks in Cast Away. However, our main character is completely expressionless through the whole movie. Likewise, I had a hard time feeling for her and investing any kind of emotion into the film. Unfortunately, after watching a slow burn for over an hour it felt like the film really went no where. Some questions were left unanswered. Good premise and cinematography for only $175, but they failed in executing storyline and character development.
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The Alpines (2021)
Psychological Study Among Friends
17 January 2022
Actually, it's a psychological study among "best" friends that lie, cheat and treat each other like garbage. There are many secrets among these 7 friends that we discover throughout the movie.

If you're into human interaction and the psychology behind the crappy things friends do you might like it. But for me, it was one of those movies all 7 characters couldn't get killed soon enough if that was going to be the direction of the movie. There was to much boring and mundane dialogue between characters I really didn't care about.

The movie was very well acted and it had to moments of suspense. But not enough in the actual story line and likable characters for me to give anything higher than 4 stars.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
It was a Sin to sit through this movie.
16 January 2022
Really Bruce Willis? What were you thinking?

Apparently in the year 2550 mankind has not progressed at all. We are still driving around in gas vehicles. Sexism in the military runs rampant. We rush to war without first seeking to understand. First contact means we must immediately drop the space equivalent of the Hiroshima bomb on the enemy without so much as a conversation.

The movie could have been written by a 15 year old. The dialogue sounded like two teenagers talking to each other. No imagination what so ever. The year 2550 looks oddly like 2021 with some slight modifications. Well, aside from the space travel of course. But when our cast lands on an alien planet it looks like they landed in the Appalachian woods.

Why did I waste an hour or so on a Sunday afternoon watching this? Instead, I could have painted a wall that didn't need to be painted and watched the paint dry.

Bruce Willis has been an plenty of good moves. This is far from one of them. Pass on it.
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Great Story!
18 December 2021
Sandra Bullock is brilliant in this movie! She's completely believable as an ex-con who's past weighs heavily on her as she tries to reintegrate back into society. Bullock's character quickly finds out that society won't forgive her. The movie moves along at a quick pace and has several twists and turns. Highly recommend.
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Bruised (2020)
MMA Fighter and Single Mother
25 November 2021
Halle Berry gives an excellent performance as an MMA fighter who is struggling as a single mother. This is a woman that has demons in her past which leads to mistrust in relationships and bad decisions. The MMA fighting is almost secondary to her daily struggle to stay afloat and reconnect with a son that has his own demons.

Although I was able to predict a little bit of the story, Bruised kept my attention throughout. It definitely deserves it's R rating so I did not watch with my 11 year old. There is blood of course but the scenes are not gory or overly graphic. Highly recommend to add to you watchlist.
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Replicas (2018)
Laughed out loud a few times... watching by myself.
24 November 2021
Bad acting, bad script and to many times I just shook my head in disbelief. SciFi movies ask us to accept imaginary story lines somewhat based on science. But Replicas is just completely implausible even for science fiction. The 3rd act takes a turn which feels like the original premise is abandoned. I'm not even sure I'd say watch it if you have nothing else to watch as it's a bit cringeworthy at times. Pass on it.
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Jolt (2021)
Don't Think, Just Go With It
16 August 2021
If you're a Kate Beckinsale fan then the movie is worth watching. Without Kate this movie gets a much lower rating. It's a subpar story line that leaves you not really caring when you get to the plot twist at the end. If you choose to watch just turn your brain off for 90 minutes, enjoy watching Kate and don't question anything.
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Fun Summer Movie!
11 July 2021
I'm surprised by some of the harsh reviews and complaints on plot holes here. This movie isn't going to teach you the theory of quantum mechanics and time travel. It's not meant for you to think that much. Rather, just sit back and enjoy a fun story with a great performance by Chris Pratt and the supporting actors. Think of it this way, we sat down and enjoyed Stranger Things and accepted that kids solved saved the world. Same concept minus all the kids.
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Complete Waste Of Time
10 July 2021
To many questions left unanswered leads to an incoherent script that made no sense. It felt like they ran out money and just had to end it. The only bright spot is the lead actress who pretty good. But she can't salvage a poorly written script. Don't waste your time. Find something else to watch - anything else.
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Island Zero (2018)
OK Mystery/Horror, But eventually falls flat.
23 February 2021
It's a decent enough mystery that's keeps you somewhat engaged until about 70% through when it starts falling off a cliff. The ending is... well, maybe they just ran out of ideas. They writer had a good idea, but just didn't know where to take it.

The entire movie takes place on an island not to far from the Cape Cod area. The characters are interesting enough, although acting is a little subpar by some of the actors. Not sure it was cast well either.

Recommend if you like low budget mystery/horror and can't find anything else to watch.
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Brightburn (2019)
Anti-Super Hero Movie
23 February 2021
What if Clark Kent was a psychopath? Brightburn is an anti-Super Hero story with a bit of horror. After watching many MCU and DC movies Brightburn was a heck of a twist. Elizabeth Banks does a good job as does the rest of the cast. Recommend if you want something a little different.
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Greenland (2020)
Armageddon meets 2012
23 February 2021
It's a fun disaster movie about a man trying to save his family from impending doom and a society gone wild. Yes, it's a bit cliche and it feels like we've seen it before. But so what! Gerard Butler does a fine job and the story keeps you on the edge of your seat. More importantly my 10 year old enjoyed it. Just sit back and grab some popcorn and candy with the family and enjoy for a few hours.
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