
27 Reviews
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Obsession (2023)
A bit of a mixed bag
17 April 2023
The only good thing about this show was the initial sexual chemistry between the two lead characters. I was completely convinced by the attraction when they first met at the bar. Aside from that the script and story was sadly lacking. Such a shame as I feel the cast were capable of giving so much money but will let down by the material. Also the shoehorned in woke attitude that seems to be filling every writing room in entertainment at the moment is blatantly obvious and distracts from what is already fairly ropey storytelling. Once the crew realise the good thing they were onto with the cast they should have re-written some of the story to better utilise the talent.
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Alice in Borderland (2020– )
Interesting concept. Poorly executed.
24 December 2022
It's an interesting idea for a show.

Unfortunately the depth of character development is very shallow leaving you uncaring about characters succeeding or failing. This leaves you uncommitted to the plot as you don't really care who lives or who dies. The plot also seems to be very shallow and meandering leaving you confused as to the direction that the program may take. The English dubbing is very very poor and obviously cheap. They could have spent some more money getting better actors to provide the voices. Comparing the show to the squid games is very obvious as they are both coming from the same type of genre. However this show fails to capitalise on the excitement the squid games left viewers wanting more of.
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24 September 2022
I honestly can't say enough negative things about this.

It is so boring and so paced. Six hours in and so little has actually happened.

There is so much build up with no pay off or resolution.

The script is terrible. The characters are unlikeable and have no depth.

The accents are terrible. Especially the half foots.

The only redeeming aspect is the cgi which is quite impressive.

I can't see how they can redeem themselves at this point.

To the casual viewer there is nothing to hook you in and want to see the next episode.

For fans of Tolkien it's just a massive insult and slap in the face.

I can't see how it can get any worse.
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A good war time thriller
24 August 2022
Very enjoyable. Based on a true story but with extra 'Hollywood' style garnishing to make it seem more exciting. The work was for the most part very boring but it's a splendid story. The love interest part of the plot is an unnecessary addition that distracts the film more than adds any value. The actor's themselves all did a great job and the script for the most part is very well written and believable for the time period and social class of the characters. The pacing is fine although the final third does drag out a little. In total it's well worth a watch on a Sunday evening if you fancy a period style war thriller film that is fairly easy to follow.
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Breeders: No Comfort (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
Chronic complex spinal injury
14 July 2022
As someone who suffers with a chronic complex spinal injury, I was so pleased to see Paul dealing with the insane pain in such a true to life way. It really is the worst kind of pain imaginable. I just hope that we continue to see the condition as the series progresses and it's not just depicted in the same way as so many other shows before where it seems to magically cure its self with time. Once you suffer an injury that produces the amount of pain we saw this episode it becomes a problem that will continue for the rest of your life. Things are never the same again. If this is just brushed aside and not mentioned again I will feel very let down. The show has a great chance here to remove some of the stigma those with spinal conditions deal with on a daily basis. I hope they don't waste it!
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Moses Ingram
8 June 2022
Moses Ingram Is truly horrific in this. How did she ever get cast to play this part. She is not believable, not intimidating, and has no dynamic or depth. The little girl however is great. What a wonderful new young talent.
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15 February 2022
A fun watch. Don't get to hung up on the details and just enjoy the story for what it is. Acting is decent from all the cast. Nothing award winning but no terrible performances.
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Archer (2009–2023)
Are we still doing phrasing?
29 September 2021
This show is genius.

Must watch!

Nothing more to say.
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Not for UK audience
29 September 2021
I'm not sure if it is intentional but the humour of this show does not come across to British viewers.

I think it's intended for an American audience.

The fact that I also can't get past the voice of Archer coming out of another character does not help.

Archer by the way is genius.

I would give this a miss if you are not American.
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Solos (2021)
What a shame
14 September 2021
I really wanted to like this.

It has some great actors and some not so good over rated actors but that is not the problem.

In principal this could have been great and explored some really interesting themes. The issue lays in the script writing and direction. It is just so average.

Worth a watch if you can't find anything else on. Might entertain your teenagers.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Great show
7 September 2021
I really enjoyed this exciting look at how Jews could have hunted Nazis in America.

Well worth a watch if you are looking for a different kind of show to binge watch.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Very fun
7 September 2021
Great lighthearted cop show. Such a shame that the actor flamed out and got the show cancelled. The chemistry was just not the same in the third season. I guess his carer is over.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
Old school
3 August 2021
Classic old school cop show.

Easy to follow plot line.

Good to binge watch.

Don't expect any award winning plot lines or acting.
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Amazon Prime
12 April 2021
I managed to watch this on Amazon prime.

It's nothing to get overly excited about. The over the top cockney accents can get a bit annoying at times. And the acting from some is a bit wooden. But all that being said I did still really enjoy this. You just have to go in to it with the right attitude. Still well worth a watch if you are looking for something easy to follow to kill a few hours. Enjoy.
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Music (I) (2021)
A good movie. Don't listen to the 'woke' leftwaffe.
18 March 2021
This is an ok movie.

I would normally have rated it 7/10.

However I felt like I needed to give it a 10 because of all the 1 star reviews left by people who have probably not even watched it.

This is the problem when the woke idiots mobilise on Twitter in the hope of getting something they find offensive cancelled. They just parrot each other's talking points and then pat each other on the back for taking action. It's disgusting and disingenuous.

Just give the movie a try. You might just like it.
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Wayne (2019)
Really fun series
11 March 2021
I really enjoyed this show. It was very easy to watch and follow the plot. The acting is great. I binge watched the whole thing over a couple of days on Amazon prime. Enjoy.
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Soulmates (II) (2020)
Great idea. Poorly executed.
9 March 2021
Episode one was good. I had a feeling that it was going to be a great series. Episode 2 was a big let down. It then was a bit hit and miss. Episode 6 was probably the highlight. Worth a watch if you have nothing else to see.
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SEAL Team: All In (2021)
Season 4, Episode 7
Getting bored
25 February 2021
I really enjoy seal team. It is easy to watch and has good action scenes that I completely buy in to. The problem has become the monotony of the 'is he in or out' story line. There must be some more exciting things they can explore other than who will be bravo 1.
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Devils (2020– )
Challenging to understand.
24 February 2021
Even though I struggled to understand a lot of the technical side of the story (I still have no idea what 'shorting stock' means), I did enjoy it in general. The lead actor is very good. I've not seen him in much before but it's worth watching just for him. I would recommend it if you can't find anything else on and you are getting to the end of your box list must see list.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Binge watch this now!
12 February 2021
I binged watched this entire series in a single night until 3am after being hooked by the first episode. I knew very little about the HIV/AIDS pandemic that struck the British gay community during the 1980s. This programme was very enlightening while being both sensitive to the topic and entertaining. I now have a totally different view on the struggles that living as a gay man during this time period must have been like. It must have been terrifying, confusing and ultimately heartbreaking to go though either personally or as a friend or relative. I can only hope that were I to have lived during this time I would have been just as empathetic as Jill was. I laughed, I cried, I learnt.
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A perfect example of how PC culture is destroying comedy
12 February 2021
This show perfectly demonstrates how our culture of being terrified to offend is spoiling comedy made for the television. If you want to see proper comedy these days the only place to find it is in small live venues. I feel terrible for upcoming comics trying to make their way in the industry now. How on earth can they hope to navigate the minefield of the virtue police desperate to stamp on anything they find to be offensive. It's just impossible and this show proves it. If you can't stand to be made to feel uncomfortable about a joke then I don't know what to tell you. Comedy is supposed to make you feel that way. Ricky Gervais opinions on this topic perfectly demonstrate what I am badly trying to explain.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
8 February 2021
I found this to be a very fun and easy to watch series. If you are looking for something to watch with your partner of the sofa with a nice glass of wine then look no further.
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The Serpent (2021– )
Slow burner
8 February 2021
It takes a few episodes to get going but once you get in to the swing of it then it really gets you gripped. It jumps around a lot in the time frame with lots of flash backs and twists that bring the plot together. If you can keep up with it then it's well worth the patience. I noticed a lot more during my second viewing.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
Must see tv
8 February 2021
It's not often I say this but this really is must see television. If you can't get in to it then I don't know how to help you. Don't just watch one episode. They are all so different that you really have to watch 3 or 4 before making up your mind.
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The Boys (2019– )
Very watchable
8 February 2021
I really enjoyed this program. It's not laugh out loud funny but it is quite a giggle mixed in with some good action and great visual effects. If you are looking for something light hearted to watch with a bit of a twist to the classic super hero shows then give it a try.
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