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3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How is nobody talking about Vader in these reviews!? The biggest baddass in the galaxy is on screen FINALLY. I like most was displeased about the first 2 episodes. Biggest reason being there was no Vader.

I want Vader and I want Obi-wan. I want a story that deepens our understanding of these 2 characters. We get so little of that in the original 3 SW movies. I think where Disney went wrong is that episode 3 should have been episode 2 and in episode 1, lose the scenes with Leia. All of them. Love Leia but she is not what I signed up for. Vader and Obi-wan finally crossing paths because of Leia I'm totally fine with. Going into deep character development of Leia as a child isn't what I signed up for when I started this series. I will repeat, I WANT MORE VADER AND I WANT MORE OBI-WAN.

Episode 3 kicked ass. It was what I wanted and I hope it builds up to another epic fight between the two in episode 6. I fear Obi-wan won't be any stronger then he is now by then and that is the arc I would have liked to see. Beat down and battered Obi-wan, reignited by his battle with Vader, retools his skills and his mentality to then stand up to Vader and the empire again by episode 6, more determined then ever to keep Luke safe and save the galaxy, as even though Obi-wan is stronger then he was at the beginning of the series, he's no match for Vader and knows that Luke and Leia provide the galaxy the best chance to defeat him. I fear we won't quite get that but this series but I'm excited to see how it ends.
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You Suck if you can't admit this show shreds
9 April 2022
This show shreds. It's jaw dropping and cringeworthy in all the right ways. I'm only through 3 episodes right now but if it finishes as strong as it started it's the best reality TV show since survivor. All the haters are lying to themselves.

The reason you "hate" this show is because you think it's asinine. And it is. Extremely asinine. Unbelievably asinine. Pure chaos. Your watching this and saying, "how could you possibly think this was a good idea to give your significant other a marriage ultimatum and then drag them on a reality tv show that then then forces them to date other people and expect that by the end they realize you are a sane human being that they will love and want to spend the rest of their lives with ". And your right, these people are lunatics. But that's what makes it can't look away popcorn television.

These people are real and are all in the same room as one another. Like they found Bigfoot, Santa Claus and Jesus and put em all in the same hotel. It's great. It's addicting. Anyone that is crapping on this show is doing so for the wrong reasons and lied about not watching the whole thing. They did. And can't wait for season 2.
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WeCrashed (2022)
ACTING A++ (Leto Is A Star)
1 April 2022
Anyone who says the acting is bad in this show, doesn't understand what an actor is. I know this can be hard to understand but acting is the art of playing a character, whom which you may or may not like in real life. Just because Draco Malfoy is an evil prick, doesn't mean Tom Felton sucks at acting. And just because the character is a crazy lunatic who blows billions of dollars and runs a company into the depths of hell doesn't mean that Leto doesn't do a damn good job at portraying him. I mean for the love of god people, do you even know who the real Adam Neumann is? Have you ever seen him talk? Or walk in a room? JARED LETO IS ADAM NEUMANN. Jesus people. He's a star.

And so is Anne Hathaway for that matter. She too plays an UNBEARABLE character. Does that mean she does a bad job at ACTING? Hell no. She's the bomb.

Spoiler alert folks, this is not a Disney story. Nothing good comes out of this. The world is not a better place due to We Work. But the world is a damn better place due to We Crashed and the talented folks that worked on it, not the least of which Jared Leto and Anne Hathaway.

Great show. Not all time great but just great. Acting however is top notch and anyone who says different is a blind fool.
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Hot Date (2017–2019)
Very Funny & Brilliant
19 February 2022
In addition to others, I'm mostly writing this review to silence the 1/10 crowd. This show is excellent. Witty and perfectly captures the farces of dating in the age of social media. The jokes are clever and funny. Emily Axelford is a genius and I fell in love with all of her quirky characters she played. Hoping that this review and other positive ones like it gets this show the recognition it deserves. One of the funnier shows on Netflix.
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Vacation (I) (2015)
Awkward & Awful. Ed Helms Worst Moment.
14 February 2021
Just not good. They tried so hard to make this movie awkward in a funny way. This movie was just plan awkward. Ed Helms character, Rusty Griswold, doesn't represent the Rusty Griswold from the original National Lampoon Vacation movies what so ever. Makes no sense.

I really wanted to like this movie because I loved the originals. I was able to suffer through it but it wasn't easy. The funniest part of the movie was the various vacation photos of real families that they showed in the opening sequence. Straight dumpster fire from there.

This movie is a comedy about a family that goes on a cross county road trip from Chicago to Los Angles to visit the infamous " WallyWorld Amusement Park". The movie is a remake of the hit 1983 classic, National Lampoon's Vacation with Chevy Chase. In the original movie, Chevy Chase's character Clark Griswold, takes his family on the same vacation that his son, Rusty Griswold (Ed Helms) is now trying to recreate decades later with his own family.

Comedy remakes rarely work. This one certainly falls in that category. One of the things I hated most about the movie was the dynamic between Rusty's older son and his younger son. In the movie, the younger brother bullies the older one. It just doesn't work. The younger brother is like 8 and consistently makes fun of his older, bigger, teenage aged brother for being soft. I kept waiting for the older brother to kick his ass. Never really happened. Snot nosed brat deserved a spanking. Like the time Michael Scott spanked his adult cousin. That would have made this movie funnier.

In all honesty I did enjoy Rusty's brother in law, played by Chris Hemsworth. Dude is great. And the Korean GPS was pretty good. Liked the 4 corner scene between the 4 cops. In fact, every cameo appearance was way better then watching the main characters. Charlie Day playing a whitewater rafting guide trying to commit suicide is funny.

All in all I just think that Ed Helms was never going to be able to make this script work. He's a goofy guy that is great in other comedy's but unfortunately he's not Chevy Chase's Clark Griswold. It's not his fault but when push comes to shove, that is what everyone wanted when watching this movie.

If you're a fan of the original Vacation movies I can safely say that you can skip this one and watch reruns of the originals. Just YouTube the 2 minute Charlie Day scene and call it good.
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Well Done Crime Movie With Excellent Cast
5 February 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. Thought the cast was excellent. Denzel Washington playing a cop is a role he's used to and perfect for. Thought Rami Malek was an excellent co-star. Jared Letto brought a nonchalant creepy doobie brothers vibe to the antagonist role. Supporting cast was all rock solid as well.

About ex Los Angles Detective Joe Deacon (Denzel Washington) who returns to the city to investigate the murder of a young women by a serial killer that resembles that of another case that went unsolved during his detective days. Working the case now is his replacement, Jim Baxter (Rami Malek). Pressured to solve the case and finally put this serial killer behind bars,, Baxter looks to Deacon for help.

Besides the cast, I liked the mystery behind Joe Deacon's past life as a detective and slowly figuring out through the use of flashbacks why it is his life unraveled, quit his job, got divorced and moved out of Los Angles. Deacon's past literately haunts him throughout the film. As the movie progresses, you can see the mirror images between Deacon's character and Joe Baxter's. It is like Deacon is re-living his life right though his replacement, Baxter's eyes. Right down to the same unsolved murder of a young women.

The scenes with Jared Letto in them are great. He really does a great job portraying a rag tag serial killer who just loves to screw with the police. He was fun to watch and brought a good energy to the movie.

That sense of mystery starts right from the beginning, as the movie opens with a car chase between the killer and his soon to be victim. I was thoroughly hooked from the beginning through the end as the drama of the situation escalates. That said I will point out that the flashbacks could have been executed clearer. I found myself a tad confused at times as they were unfolding. There was also a lot of just sitting in a car doing nothing as Deacon and Baxter performed not so covert stake outs while tracking the whereabouts of their suspect. I still found the scenes to be good but I can see how some may be bored of them after while. Not much action at all in this film.

I think if you enjoy crime movies you'll like this one quite a bit. I found the main draw of the movie to be less about the killer and more about the weight and mental exhaustion a homicide detective puts on their own shoulders while trying to solve a case like this. These cases change their lives forever and they feel personally responsible for bringing justice to them and their families. They wear this responsibility like an anchor around their necks.

The Little Things is well worth your time. Excellent cast. Good storytelling .Plenty of mystery. More realistic then most detective movies.
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The Dig (2021)
Not a "hole" lot to like. Good acting but the story just wasn't interesting enough.
2 February 2021
5/10 Stars

They tried to dress this movie up with world war 2 droplets but in the end it bombed. A story about a man and his hole just wasn't entertaining enough for me. Odd sequences of dialogue between characters while the characters were doing mundane things. Almost felt like the movie was just glitching at times.I found myself more interested in the start of world war 2 then I did the dig. Probably because after the first 45 minutes or so it seemed like they were pretty much done with the project and forgot that the movie had another 75 minutes of runtime left.

The Dig is a previously untold real life story of an excavator (Basil Brown played by Ralph Fiennes) who is hired by a wealthy widow (Edith Pretty played by Carey Mulligan) dying of cancer, to dig up her land in hopes of discovering something historic before World War 2 shuts the country and project down.

I'd say the biggest problem with this movie was they didn't make the dig itself important enough to the plot. There was little suspense nor was there much build up behind the story. The writers didn't do a good enough job describing why this dig was so important to the characters involved or history in general. They got caught in between making this movie about Basil Brown, who's credit for his discovery was lost in history and Edith Pretty, who was dying from cancer and wanted to leave behind a legacy for her son and family to be remembered by and the historical importance of the actual findings from the dig itself. They should have picked a lane and drove everything else around it.

I did like the acting by the two main characters, Mr. Brown and Mrs. Pretty. They both were very intriguing characters in their own right. I just wish I could have had a little bit more from them and less from the side story love affair between 2 randoms that oddly enter the film halfway.

I liked the soundtrack and the shots of this small town in England. I liked the aura they were building up as they incorporated scenes of England preparing to fight World War 2. Wish they would have played that urgency up more though. The impending warn in combination with the fact that you now have a character in Brown desperate to make a name for himself with limited time to finish what will end up being the biggest archaeological dig of his life who desperately needs the support and encouragement of a women in Pretty who's health is quickly deteriorating should have made for a good movie. And even though I think they executed it poorly, I still think The Dig wasn't half bad. Has its moments, especially within that first hour that I enjoyed.

Overall I think this movie can be skipped but if you watch it until the end you probably won't be as disappointed as my review will lead you to believe. It will have its moments with the well acted characters. However you'll leave it wondering why they didn't execute the story better and probably find yourself to be just down right uninterested in what they did show.
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Didn't see the point
1 February 2021
Rating: 4 stars

Some good action sequences but ultimately the movie came up flat. Found myself confused and questioning the major character twist and it's necessity to the plot.

Movie is about an army drone pilot who carelessly disobeys orders and is punished by being reassigned to be a field soldier out in Eastern Europe or (somewhere near Russia, never quite sure where they were). He teams up with a secret cyborg soldier who looks exactly like a real person, to stop a terrorist or terrorist grouping from starting a nuclear war.

Found the movie to be at odds with itself. Not sure what to think of the cyborg soldier, Leo, played by Avenger's star Anthony Mackie. Didn't really see the point in him being a cyborg at all. Seamed to me the movie could have been less confusing without it.

Also, I never could get behind an army drone pilot turning into a stealth field soldier overnight. Harp, played by Damson Idris, was poorly written. He didn't have anything interesting to say or do really for the majority of the movie. Speaking of the majority of the movie, I couldn't tell what it was that they were doing or who the main antagonist was. I questioned for the majority of this movie, "what is the point?" Obviously there is some user error here as I could have paid attention better, but the fact that it was never made clear to me speaks volumes.

I like action movies quite a bit and there were some good sequences within there. The robot soldiers had me interested but their role in the movie was poorly executed. You will be left disappointed in the plot but entertained enough by the battle scenes to stick it through, probably.
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Vice Principals (2016–2018)
Hilarious & Delightfully Cringeworthy
31 January 2021
Season 1 Rating (Review Below): 9 Stars. Season 2 Rating (Review Below): 9 Stars

Series Review:

Phenomenal laugh out loud comedy. Danny McBride & Walton Goggins form a comedy dream team that is everything you want and more.

The series is about a duo of childishly vulgar and radically immature vice principals named Neal Gamby (McBride) and Lee Russel (Goggins) who hate one another. Both want nothing more then to fulfill their lifelong goals of becoming principal of Jackson High School. Their dream is about to become a reality when it is announced in the series premiere that the current principal ( elegantly played by Bill Murray) is retiring to be with his sick wife.

However Gamby and Russel's joy turns quickly into angst as the Super Intendant looks past both of them and makes an outside hire in Dr. Brown, (Kimberley Greggory). Enraged, Vice Principals Gamby & Russel decide to form an unlikely alliance to sabotage Dr. Brown in an effort to reverse their bad fortune. The wild escapades that follow are well worth the watch.

The insanely creative and vulgar phrases that come out of Lee Russels mouth are pure gold. I must say that after watching a season of him he may be one of my favorite TV characters of all time. The guy is jus spit your drink out of your mouth, slap your knees funny. And he plays his character so well. The awkwardly confrontational and jackoff behavior of Neal Gamby is also brilliant and makes you cringe with a grin on your face the entire time. Classic Danny McBride character.

For a show that takes place in a high school, there is nothing school appropriate about the main characters behavior. Even Principal Brown is crazy in her own way.

Season 1 Review:

For a comedy, season 1 of Vice Principals does a great job of mixing in character development alongside a sprinkle ( maybe more of a drizzle) of heartwarming moments. The 2 VPs will truly stop at nothing to ensure the removal of the new Principal Dr. Brown.

My favorite scenes are the ones that involve Russels Korean mother in law, whom which doesn't speak a lick or English. Russel in her get into hilarious nonsensical shouting matches that left me dying each and every time.

Binged the entire first season in 2 days. I'll probably follow it up by powering though the second right after. I found season 1 to be very well written and easy to root for. If you like comedy's that include lots of well written profanity and an overdose of tomfoolery, this is the show for you.

Season 2 Review: (Mild Spoilers If You Haven't Seen Season 1)

I had a really tough time deciding if season 2 was better then season 1. Both of them are so damn good! Gamby and Russel both are excellent again but I thought the supporting cast really stepped up on season 2. Loved the addition of Mage. She was exactly the type of person I was looking for to step in as Russel's #2 to start the season. I thought that the dynamic between the teachers and Russel/ Gamby were more polarizing in season 2 as well, especially Ms. Abott's role.

Interestingly enough, in the midst of a comedy you find yourself in the middle of a murder mystery as well as season 2 starts with Gamby trying to figure out who shot him at the end of season 1. Even though I was first and foremost watching for the laughs, of which there are many in season 2, I found myself really drawn in to the mystery of the situation. You don't find out for sure who shot Gamby until the end of the season, which keeps things exciting throughout.

Watching Lee Russel rule over the school as principal was a real gem. Gamby right by his side. This show is hilarious but the fact that they can actually string together a plot line and character arcs that function and make sense sets this comedy over the top.

I honestly have nothing but good things to say about this series and could have just as easily rated it a 10. Maybe I will after I re watch it again for the second and third time because that is just how good this mini series is.
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Below Zero (2021)
Suspense Thriller That Is Best With Subtitles
31 January 2021
Spanish movie. Great ending. Thriller the entire way. Assuming you are like me and don't speak a lick of Spanish, trust me when I say you need to watch with subtitles on in Spanish language. That is a must. Watching the dubbed over version in English will ruin it for you.

About a police officer who's first day on the job is tasked with driving an armored police truck to transport a half dozen or so very dangerous cons. During the trip, the truck is attacked in the middle of nowhere by a mysterious maniac who will stop at nothing to get inside the truck and kill one of the cons. Why that Is exactly you don't find out until the end.

This movie has suspense from start to finish. Not a dull moment. Very serious. I can't recall chuckling once. Not a horror film but it tiptoes the line with a very eerie setting.

I throughly enjoyed the acting and for a movie that takes place mostly from the constraints within an armored police truck, it had me on the edge of my seat throughout. I planned on only watching a bit of this movie and then going to bed as it was already late in the night when I started watching. The adrenaline of the movie kept me going to entire way and I easily finished it in one setting Features a surprise ending I didn't see coming. Has an element of darkness that I find attractive in suspense thrillers like this.

If you're someone who can sit though foreign movies while reading the subtitles and you like suspense thrillers, this movie is well worth your time.
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