12 Reviews
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8/10, 10 to boost from the ridiculously low current 5
25 April 2024
I greatly enjoyed this sequel, as did my mother. We watched it right after the first one. I'm very happy they made a sequel, as it would've been far too rushed as a single film. I still feel this would make an amazing tv series, video game, or anime, as it would give more time to flesh out the characters. I would adore a book, too. As is, I really truly enjoyed it, especially the Samurai Seven parallels. I highly recommend giving it a shot, and like someone else said in a review, if you aren't the Simpsons comic book guy, you'll enjoy this. Many seem to think that simply because it occurs in space, it's a ripoff of a certain popular movies series, and I find that take extremely ignorant. Watch the movie, decide for yourself.
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I'd rate it a 8, gave it a 10 to boost from the abysmal 5 it currently has
24 April 2024
Seven Samurai in space. If you like Seven Samurai, Magnificent Seven, etc, you're more likely to like this. Me personally? I loved the Samurai Seven anime, nostalgia is strong. Strong enough for me to go "hell yeah" for anything similar. Funny, huh? But to the review: I enjoyed it. My mom enjoyed it. We like sci-fi. People are so burnt out and cynical that they only see negatives. It's a shame. I feel this movie would have benefited from a longer runtime, more specifically a tv show or or video game or anime (lol). Alas, Netflix is known for destroying good things, specifically tv shows. It was either come out as a movie, or the story would never be finished, canceled after the first season. Unfortunate, but true. As is? Like I said. We enjoyed it.
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Unhuman (2022)
I'd rate it a 6.5-7 max. 10 to raise the score.
8 March 2024
This was genuinely a fun film. Cheesy and it knows it, doesn't take itself too seriously, teen high school trope characters in peril with zombies. I picked it out because I wanted a fun survival horror movie and I'm glad I did. No regrets. I had a lot of fun watching it. Good acting, good writing, high-school-sucks-esque horror, predictable but good character growth, all the good stuff you want in a movie. Made me laugh multiple times, my brother enjoyed it too. I say give it a shot. What have you got to lose? Don't take it too seriously, and don't yourself too seriously, either. Life is too short.
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The Harbinger (II) (2022)
7/10, gave a 10 to boost the rating as it deserves higher
28 February 2024
Really well done, psychological horror that plays on real fears, especially those present with Covid. Kinda gothic, made me think of The Yellow Wallpaper. My brother and I both enjoyed it a lot. Acting was great, writing was great, nothing to complain about. Low budget high value horror done great. Loved the main actress, loved the writing for her too. Definitely worth the time and the watch. Really sweet moments full of kindness which was unexpected for a horror. But it's not just a horror is the thing, it's so much more. Everyone in this had so much personality, I look forward to seeing them in more.
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I enjoyed it
1 September 2022
I like slashers a lot though. Like. I'll-take-what-I-can-get like them. The kids weren't anywhere as annoying as a lot of people are making them out to be imo. Although yes, the writers made a dumb decision writing them that way. Kids are smarter than that. Even the most cowardly. But yeah. I liked it. Would've been nice to have some motivation for the killer, any sort of backstory would've been nice. Kinda confusing on why he's doing it. I've seen much worse. This is nowhere near that. I'll be showing it to my brother who also loves horror movies, even when they aren't great. We've been having a hard time finding movies to watch lately since so many are pretty damn bad.
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You're Next (2011)
Give it a try
1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed that the main character wasn't who everyone expected her to be. Subverted expectations and all that. Watched it with my brother and we both enjoyed it. He absolutely hated the ending while I loved it! Can't please everyone, right? Didn't like the girlfriend that lasts the longest but hey, you aren't supposed to lol. I just found her writing a little cheesy? Just the whole bed/mom scene. You'll know it when you see it. Anyway. Liked that a particular a-hole character ended up being more reliable than one would expect and actually ended up liking that character. As I said earlier, I liked the main character, and didn't expect the twist which was a nice change.
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1 June 2022
Anxiety inducing, you really empathize with all of the characters. I really enjoyed it despite the rather dark subject matter. I rated it a 10 because it deserves a higher score.
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The Wasteland (2021)
Great movie, very slow start
6 January 2022
Genuinely had my heart pounding. I've never had that happen before. Really really good movie. Great acting, genuinely scary. Slow start. I would've turned it off had I not been watching with someone else. I'm glad I kept watching. This movie made me so full of anxiety and fear for the characters.
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I'd give it a 6
5 December 2021
I gave it a 10 for what it could've been. It deserves a higher rating. The script is just bad. I would actually rate it at a 6. It really could've been great. The actors did great. I really liked the main character. It's just the script that's bad. I loved the badges too. Very cool detail.
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From the Dark (2014)
Deserves a higher rating!
20 November 2021
Watched this with my dad and brother. We all liked it! It doesn't deserve a 10 but it should have a much higher rating than what it does now! Loved the writing, characters, all of it.
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Mulberry St (2006)
I really truly liked it
19 November 2021
I like B movies. I think they're a lot of fun. I genuinely enjoyed this movie a lot. I'd rate it a good bit higher than a B movie, too. Does it deserve a 10? No. But the rating for it should be higher than what it is so there you go. I really liked the characters, the music, the plot, the writing, the actors, I really enjoyed the whole thing. All of it. I'm also very excited to watch this movie with my father who hates rats lol.
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It was awful but in a good way
15 February 2021
I personally enjoy watching awful movies and wow this one was just... amazing in the best worst way. Not once did they mention the cannibalism from the previous movie (that I noticed) and I knew what they were trying to do the whole time and I still ended up rooting for freaking Leatherface of all people. I was honestly pretty content with the ending and was laughing over it the whole time. It's what I was hoping for after all lmao. I went "omg you know what would be a funny ending???" And then it HAPPENED. It was an enjoyable turn-your-brain-off kind of film. And no it does not deserve 10 stars but I think it deserves a higher overall score so I'm trying to raise that. I'd honestly give it a 6-7 for the entertainment value.
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