14 Reviews
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Boba Fett Unleashed (2016 Video)
Not very good.
8 July 2021
I understand this is a fan film but I mean cmon man. The guy clearly had some type of budget and it wall all spent of b roll footage. There's basically no plot. It's all establishing shots of the desert. Thumbs down for me.
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Rick and Morty: Mort Dinner Rick Andre (2021)
Season 5, Episode 1
Damn good episode
21 June 2021
This for the most part has everything I want in a Rick and morty episode. Although it's not the funniest one.
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BlackedTheAnime (2020– )
Get drunk and watch it with your friends
11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bro this is prolly the worst piece of media I've ever watched in my life. As a show this is a 1/10. But I love this show ironically. It is so laughably bad that I just love watching it.
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The last movie that made me feel this same way was Star Wars a new hope
23 March 2021
Yea it's good. This film is this 4 hour epic that puts even some mcu films to shame. This film makes cyborg a main charter, have a ark, and shows us how he is actually powerful. Superman is written as a acual person too which is great. Stepinwolf also has motivations and a killer new design. Parademons have a more dinosaur scary look to them as well. The flash isn't annoying and also has a really cool ending bit. Batman also isn't this joke machine who cry's about Superman he's actually decent. And wonder women and aqua man have way more screen time and build up a relationship. I can talk about this film all day just go watch it. One gripe I was is it's 4 hour run time takes away the rewatch Factor. But no worries because there a solution. The film is cut up into Episodic parts. So you can watch it more as a miniseries. Overall just watch it please.
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One of the last good movies made
27 February 2021
Look at some older movies that are regarded as some of the greatest movies ever. One you may of thought of just now is the god father. What makes it such a good movie though? Well one thing is it is slow paced, long and patient. People thing that a movie being slow means it boring but it doesn't. This movies is so good because it is just like those old classics. It patient and takes it time with everything. Similar to Star Wars IV. The cinematography is amazing and so it the few bursts of action it has to break up the monotony. And the action is very quick and short so it makes it very gritty and realistic. Another movie I would compare it to when it comes to pacing and patients is 2001: a space Odyssey. I don't want to talk about it too much because I want people to see this movie. I will say this though. This movie is not like say avengers infinity war where it a instant classic that anyone can have a fun time watching. It's a sequel to a cult classic and this film also holds that same title. It requires you see the original. It requires you pay attention and try to see some of the hidden meanings. Overall if you have a short attention Spand you will not like this movie. If you are a smarter more sophisticated moviegoer I think you will enjoy this film. Thank you
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Alien: Ore (2019)
14 February 2021
Amazing like it's so good. 10/10 I would recommend
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22 January 2021
I hated it when it came out and rewatching it I still hate it. It is the worst X-men film ever.
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21 January 2021
What do I need to say? This movie is great and we all know that. This movie has great pacing, action, villain, hero, acting, plot and much more. Batman is one of the best hero's and this whole trilogy gets him right. And this one is the best of them. Everyone should watch it because it's not even really a superhero film it's like a crime drama. Just watch it. It's on HBO but Pirate Bay will let you get it for free so you have no reason to watch it.
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Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020 Video Game)
14 January 2021
The first one was a lot better. This was a ok dlc to the first game marked at full price. The combat is fun and the swinging is better but that's about it. People are praising the game for that but there forgetting that just because you like the combat and swinging doesn't make it a good game. The story is very predicable and the villains are really forgettable. Also they still have boring puzzles and non Spider-Man stuff. Over all just don't buy it it's not good.
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13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first wonder women was amazing. I loved so much and I still do, but this film is one of the worst superhero film ever made. This film makes green lantern look like a masterpiece. I just can't stand it. It was so outrageous, cheesy and dumb that it's hard to watch. Like with other bad superhero flicks I can watch them just to make fun of them. But this movie was so in-interesting and boring that I never want to watch it agin even to make fun of it. Also (spoiler alert) wonder women flys at the end and I guess patty jenkins forgot that justice league and bvs take place after ww84 and she never flys in those so it's kinda weird. Steve Trevor is the only good thing in this movie but unfortunately they still did some weird thing with him in another person body so it is and isn't him. Like what? Just make him come back don't over complicate things. Anyways I wouldn't recommend it even to laugh at how bad it is because it's not fun to watch. It's boring And it makes me angry how good the first ww was and how bad this one was. Nothing significant happens in it either like you can skip it and it doesn't change anything in the dceu. If you haven't seen it yet I envy you. Don't watch it and if you have already all I can say is sorry. It's trash
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Feels like a acid trip
11 January 2021
This film is the trippiest thing I've ever seen. Listing to living island while watching it was insane. And it's also a fun little story with a good message. And it's really nostalgic.
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Rick and Morty: The ABCs of Beth (2017)
Season 3, Episode 9
9 January 2021
I feel like it's just really good. People are mad that it's messed up but it's funny ig. I enjoy the show and this is the show at its higher notes
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The Joe Rogan Experience (2009 Podcast Series)
29 December 2020
Joe is very insightful. Most of the people who leave low reviews only do it because they don't support his opinions which is kinda dumb but he's cool.
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24 December 2020
Prettyyyyy gewdddddddd. I mean it's just great. Good action, great storytelling and cinematography
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