56 Reviews
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Keystone Cops
5 May 2024
Horrible episode. Not worthy of broadcasting. They make Murdoch and team look like utter fools throughout the entire episode. Prisoner should have been gagged and shackled and cuffed to a railing in the car. The writing was atrocious. The original private safe car was locked from the inside. Come on. Blow the lock with your shotgun if you have to. It was clear from the start he was going to escape. It was just a matter of what stupid set of circumstances would the writers inflict on the actors to make it happen. We fast forwarded to the last few minutes to see what idiocy would lead to his escaping. God , this was awful.
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NCIS: Prime Cut (2024)
Season 21, Episode 9
1 May 2024
They left out the NCIS in NCIS in this episode. This episode was nothing but a lot of stupid filler. It is getting more soap opery with every episode. The whole kitchen redecoration theme, the fung shway thing with the lab, the stupid sticky honey in the morgue were all absolutely ridiculous. The opening with the bee handler just died on the vine. The Texas stereotypes were so overdone and completely unnecessary plus the bull headed father son lawyer relationship is straight out of a hundred other shows. Then they throw in the overdone gay scenario to tick one of the boxes of so-called misunderstanding by good old boy bad dad. Bottom line, there is no investigation of any type in this episode. This is one episode you'd never want to watch twice.
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Wild Cards: Inside (Con)Man (2024)
Season 1, Episode 9
Writers Lost There Mind
17 March 2024
This is the typical hostage episode when the writers run out of ideas. And it's so poorly done and written they should be ashamed. The criminals totally overplay the attempt which should have been simple in and out. The actors should have objected to performing to this script. And having a married couple as bank manager and assistant manager would never occur. That's just asking for a inside robbery to take place. It's just a whole waste of time while they force the audience to listen to all their life stories, which no one cares about because they're not going to part of the show going forward.
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Inspector Lewis: Your Sudden Death Question (2010)
Season 4, Episode 3
My Favorite Episode
4 February 2024
This is probably one of my favorite episodes. It's Full of very familiar actors, Inspector Sullivan, Alastair MacKenzie of Father Brown and Alan Davies of Jonathan Creek for example. Superintendent Innocent is a bit playful while serious funny. It's great to have an episode that's not centered on some crazy religious fanatical bunch of priests or professors. Sargent Hathaway is keen on so called helping with Inspector Lewis's advancing relationship with Dr Hobson. At least they killed off a man before killing off the pretty girls. It's usually pretty girls eighty percent of the time I believe. Enjoy rewatching it.
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The OA: Champion (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
Miserably Slow
20 January 2024
The telling of her tale and back story has become miserably slow. It is filmed almost completely in the dark. Whether in the dungeon or in the house at night you can barely discern what's going on. It needs to pick up the pace with more revelations or it's a lost cause. How long can you wait till the give us some clue on how she gets her site back. This would be better as a four hour mini series. We're starting to fast forward looking for some semblance of activity not in the dark or an action that seems to have some meaning. The lead characters are very good. We just wish they'd move the whole thing along.
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Romantic Fun with Comedy and Adult Conversations
1 January 2024
This plot is what you expect. But, the writing is truly adult conversations with grown up relationship witticisms. Not the tripe of Hallmark. We both enjoyed it and it was nice to hear clever dialogue. There's a talented cast (even the kids seemed to appeared as you'd expect). The two main actors are definitely winners and worth checking out. And the secondary actors are strong in their own right. They provide the comical aspect. The story kept the banker way in the background so you don't see any ludicrous across the desk back and forth or whining. A couple hours of fun and easy enjoyment. If you are into romantic comedies you should definitely give this one a look.
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Hidden Assets (2021– )
Ineptitude in Season 2
30 December 2023
Hidden Assets - Started off well. But Season 2 demonstrated these teams are totally inept. How many times do people need to get killed before they test for a mole in their department. Where's the armed escort? Where's the armored vehicle? Where's the second backup car? Why is the car a pitiful little sedan? Why is the backup team 10 minutes away. Why do they not take the car into a secure garage? Just open the door so they can get shot. He's chasing an armed assassin and you don't cripple him with a shot to the legs. Just Left assassin standing...not forcing him to the ground. The last episode is the pinnacle of stupid planning and lousy execution. It was bad in previous episodes, like at the country safe house. But this one just infuriates you.
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Hidden Assets: Episode #2.6 (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Totally Inept Teams
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These teams are totally inept. How many times do people need to get killed before they test for a mole in their department. Where's the armed escort? Where's the armored vehicle? Where's the second car? Why is the car a pitiful little sedan? Why is the backup team 10 minutes away. Why do they not take the car into a secure garage? Just open the door so they can get shot. He's Chasing an armed assassin and you don't cripple him with a shot to the legs. Left assassin standing...not forcing him to the ground. This episode the the pinnacle of stupid planning and lousy execution. It was bad in previous episodes, like at the country safe house. But this one just infuriates you.
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Physics thrown out the Porthole and Jar Jar Binks
27 October 2023
Broke every law of Physics that we know of. Beyond ridiculous sequences, excluding the beast scenes which we know are just crazy. People walking 5 kilometers across the ocean floor at 25,000 feet. That's beyond the scope of anything, except maybe Jar Jar Binks. Haha. No suit is going to keep you from being crushed. It's not thought out, overblown in every aspect, and way too complicated. And really far too long. Cinematography was so dark you couldn't figure out who was being attacked by what. Dozens of menacing sharks plus the tooth critters seems desperate in the extreme. I enjoy reasonable gratuitous action and unbelievable heroics as much as the next guy. The nemesis mining guy looks like an extra they pulled out of the local garage. Jonas Taylor is promoted from dedicated marine contractor to special forces super soldier, Meiying has grown from perceptive innocent school girl to fearless teen hero, and DJ is transformed from most-likely-to-get-eaten extra into a buff, highly trained badass ("Get some!"),
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Filming Method Atrocious
13 August 2023
I Tried watching. The filming is atrocious. Camera flips from face to face, one persons nose to another nose, follows an arm putting a case file on a desk, etc. Makes you dizzy trying to follow. They have people talking to suspects with characters jumping around in front of the camera. Truly annoying. I Tried later episodes and it was still the same. The stories seemed decent, characters not obnoxious and acting good. For once the show did not have a horrible chief superintendent who brow beat people for no reason. A very rare event in UK police dramas. Lastly, they might have well filmed it in black and white for all the lack of color in the environments.
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Sadness - Disappointment
9 August 2023
Season 3 looses it funniness, glibness and light hardiness. There's way to much Paul Rudd and his meanness is way overdone. This season everyone in the show now seems melancholy. The trio of sleuths appears to be at a loss. Each drowning in their own world, past and present. Myrel Streep may prove the savior of this season. We hope so. In the first season, with its effective mystery and comic sensibility, and the angst came across as a valuable supporting player. But, in season three, the angst has taken on the leading role because the comedy is a worthless mixture of awful flashbacks and rehashed jibes. It is a great disappointment so far in episodes 1 and 2.
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Actresses a Mess
8 August 2023
We wanted to like it. But a little too woke with actresses that can't act, who lack any femininity, and spend all the time fist fighting and kick boxing the men (the bad guys). Beautiful scenery on the French Riviera. That's it. The lead actress has zero charisma. The other actress hates everyone and takes the fun out of everything. There's no pleasantness in this shows. No sexy undercurrents. They tried to make a Mallorca Files but missed in every aspect. The Mallorca Files is the way it should have been done. Recast the whole thing with characters that have effervescence and panache. And don't have every episode end with ladies duking it out, and badly I might say.
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Trite - Church Service
2 August 2023
Trite. Way Too much praying. Way too much Poppa. Too much sniffling. Best part was when she was whacked for snooping around. Guy hanging around outside again and again. Too obvious man was not related. Too obvious who evil person was too. Too many potted plants in the mix. No one actually looked in the coop. Mean old boss. Plot too slow. No follow up on obvious mystery elements. Convoluted. No intermittent resolutions of the clues. Belongs as part of Sunday morning Church Service. Praying they find new writers, directors and supporting cast. Everyone way to bland. Could have been good. But, too far off on every component.
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Megalodon (2018 TV Movie)
Worst Shark Movie Ever
8 July 2023
Essentially this a movie about people in a submersible and on a ship getting shaken or rolled around for 90 minutes. And throw in a Gunfight At The Kremlin Corral. Mostly closeups of commanders yelling in their subordinates faces. Horrible Bac Awful Stupid Ridiculous Worthless Wasteful Terrible Bizarre. Rampant disregard for any military accuracy. Put only twelve people on a destroyer, a joke right there, in fatigues and hang a seven foot flag off a railing, give a speech and go. But they made sure they qualified for the diversity casting star from the academy. One or two of everything. Perhaps except for the lgbtq set. Never could figure that one out.
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Deadloch (2023– )
Three Stooges meet Abbott and Costello on Lesbian Island
11 June 2023
They were going for eclectic and totally missed. People interrupting constantly. The Police have zero control over anything. They ship in a Senior Detective who is probably the most unfunny obnoxious character in the world. They talk over each other so much and so fast you can't figure out what actual crime is being investigated and what clues are being accumulated. There is no in-process summarizations to give the viewer a chance to sift though the maze of off-the-wall assumptions being made by the Senior Detective. Exchange this Sr Detective for a calm sleuth who participates and you'd probably have a great story.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Unfunny Dysfunctional Idiots
15 December 2022
A bunch of unpleasant dysfunctional people go to a high end resort run by morons. You just want to slap everyone. Not even any humor. The son sleeps in the kitchen cause they didn't get a suite for daughters and son. Stupid right off.

There isn't a single person to like in this entire series. You hope there is at least group to like, even if they are awful and/or funny. Instead, we get an entire cast of people you wouldn't want to be caught dead with, let alone a series. And almost nothing really happens.

We forgot about this show until Kelly Ripa was saying how much she enjoyed it so we gave it go. Truly awful.

There isn't a single memorable scene or bit of dialogue in the first season. Not one. Every single character is stupid, boring, and pointless. If I had to listen to the guy complaining about not getting the room he paid for one more time I'd puke. So I just fast-forwarded.

There wasn't a word of clever dialogue and nothing that even approached humor. It's just a bunch of miserable souls being miserable.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Inept Women
18 October 2022
Although there are clever pieces throughout and the acting good I couldn't get over how docile and the ineptitude of all the sisters with respect to JP. There were dozens of ways the sisters could have gaslighted JP, physical harmed in subtle and not so subtle ways. Basically make him feel inept. The sisters just rolled on taking his abuse. And why did all 4 of 5 sisters have to participate in every attempt, tripping over themselves at every turn. And from the beginning why didn't they just tell the insurance guy to take a hike. One look and you knew he was a slime ball. Have they not heard of attorneys? Basically how stupid can we portray ourselves.
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Hoping for Better
23 August 2022
This was disappointing. Characters lack panache in their manner and voices. The gratuitous genital hacking was unneeded. Also the sex scenes were mild compared to GOT but also poorly done. Didn't see much enthusiasm from anyone. Last 15 minutes started to pick up a bit. They got passed all the "check the boxes" stuff. It must get more intriguing or it'll fade away.
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A Call to Spy (2019)
Not Spy Thriller
6 July 2022
It is interesting from an historical standpoint. But if you're looking for a spy thriller this is NOT it. It's Mostly, how do we not get caught which does a disservice to the whole group of folks who actually did the job. I don't believe there was one instance of running an actual sabotage act from end to end.
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The Brokenwood Mysteries: Death n' Bass (2022)
Season 8, Episode 2
5 July 2022
This episode was a real stinker. The show has completely eliminated the townspeople except a token few lines for Frodo and the Pharmacist Mayor. The plot for this being a murder of a druggy musician at a festival was horrible. Nothing special or qwerky here. The interviews went on and on and on with little or no personality from the guest actors. Covid has taken its toll on this show. Writers are so restricted they don't care.
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5 June 2022
The evil side intentionally kills a baby animal in the first ten minutes. That was enough for us to turn it off. Plus the filming was incredibly dark. You can't really see what's going on.
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Limited George 3
27 May 2022
We like Lucy but felt the title of this episode was misleading. Majority of coverage was on the woman who attacked King George and the insane asylums and their hideous conditions.
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
17 May 2022
Nice. Pleasant. Some Mystery. Lovely scenery. Emilia Fox is gorgeous as ever. Episode 1 was a great introduction ala James Bond Under The Tuscan Sun. Episode two good. Episode three is the obligatory lgbtq episode. It's sad the production companies are forced to do the latter. And in this case it's the same rehashed blackmail situation. Maybe they realize it that's why they don't even try to make it interesting.
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The Bay (2019– )
Forget Season 3
18 April 2022
Season 1 and 2 where great. Season 3 is a total mess. In Season 3 Each show pretty much rehashes the same discussions and arguments of the previous episodes. There never really seems to be progress until the last one. Hope season 4 is thought through.
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The Bay: Episode #3.1 (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
18 April 2022
Can you pick a more horrendous dead end local. I think not. A town where people have zero hope. I'm still slogging my way through this season 3. In episode 5. I can't stand the whiney mother. Also the repetitive and long so called discussions with the family members.
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