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6 September 2022
I'm a huge fan of Trailer Park Boys and have seen it several times over. I was expecting this to be more of that style of comedy, being a mockumentary/comedy, but on the other side of Canada instead. Or maybe an adventure like Wayne's World, something like that. What I got in its place left me disappointed. This movie elicited a single guffaw from me, even though the goal of comedy is usually supposed to be to make people laugh. The goal of great comedy also invites the viewer to contemplate something or another, which this one fell short of as well. This movie was like nails on chalkboard and I felt like I was wasting my time while I watched it. It's problematic in its handling of women and gender issues and instead of satirizing Canada's largest environment struggle, it glorifies it. Since it's a dumb comedy, you expect some amount of tone deafness, however because it didn't deliver anywhere else, it just comes off as offensive "comedy" aimed at young, possibly alcoholic, right-wing dudebros.
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Untold: Crimes and Penalties (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Content does not go beyond synapsis
25 September 2021
"mafioso buys kid junior hockey league" is about the extent of it. Went in thinking it was a bigger-than-life tale, wound up with background material at best.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Begotten (1997)
Season 5, Episode 12
Gaslighting "dad" ruins it more than O'Brien
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Does nobody else abhor this freak? I love Odo too much by now to see him succumbing to Stockholm syndrome and forgiving someone who tortured him.
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12 September 2021
This is now on my top 10 of all time list. Is it better than Parasite? I think it just might be...! Oh, I don't know, I love them both so much!
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rejoined (1995)
Season 4, Episode 5
Forward-thinking, but falls flat
5 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers here have left good insight about the trills/symbiants, the lack of logic/depth in this episode, etc.

I'm in the LGBT+ community. I'll give this show credit for going where no man (literally) had gone before; this episode no doubt had one of the very first scenes of two people of the same gender embracing on national television. Bravo, CBS! (...even if it was namely for hetero male fanservice)

Where it goes wrong is in the scene towards the end which comes off as bad melodrama fit for daytime television instead of primetime. Instead of invoking actual emotions, we are kept at arm's length of such sapphic improprieties. The result is unconvincing performances from both Dax and Khan, possibly through no fault of their own. Sisko, who directed this episode, could have pushed the actors to deliver somewhat-believable performances, but the real culprit is the writing. This franchise never was good at writing romance, but the dialog for this scene feels more low-effort than usual.

Either way, despite its pioneering, I will be leaving this episode out of any future viewings.
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Trailer Park Boys: The Bible Pimp (2002)
Season 2, Episode 5
The perfect TPB episode
9 June 2021
So many 1-liners! Uncountable great scenes! K-Rock vs Randy had me rolling for about 2 solid minutes.
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Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown: Newfoundland (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
Decent not-Montreal episode?
4 June 2021
I live in Montreal, and after watching this episode I no longer have any desire to visit Joe Beef. This episode made it clear that its owners are pretentious, self-important, single-minded douches who obviously spend their free time thinking up new ways to make money rather than a good dish that honors the ingredients. Bourdain should have left them at home rather than spoil a perfectly good episode with their over-the-top show-stealing and self-absorption. Montreal is chock full of this type, which is why their restaurant has found so much success.

The restaurant with the seafood tower looked amazing and I wish they'd spent more time on stuff like that. The fishing scenes were nice. Some more could have also been said about the history of Newfoundland, but I guess we got what CNN wanted us to get.

The part with St-Pierre/Miquelon could have been left out instead of blurred together with Newfoundland.

The axe throwing was dumb. Loved how Small Joe Beef Guy says he used to have a throwing axe board at his restaurant but proceeds to utterly fail at the game thereby exposing his fraud. These guys are such hypocritical pigs! An insult to the Canadian food scene.

The bartender at the end seemed fun, but that's the kind of touristy experience that used to make Bourdain cringe (see: infamous Dracula scene from Romania).

All in all, worth a watch for a window into what actual Canadian food is like (hint: it isn't canned jellied foie sprinkled with black truffle) and for the exercise of one's critical thinking skills.
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Not exactly the Documentary of the Century, but not far, either.
14 May 2021
I get that the makers wanted to make this appeal to as wide a base as possible. What I don't get is how they direct us to sympathize with some of the bad guys and let slide some of the more toxic aspects of American culture. I also think some of the content could have been left out because at times it felt like they were beating a dead horse and I'm not sure the people who need to see this are going to sit through 4 hours of information.

That all being said, it is a very important work and was generally well-told and well-produced. It managed to keep (most of) my interest for the entire length. I wanted to punch my tv a lot, which is probably a good sign the makers got out of me the reaction they were looking for.

Highly recommend for anyone and everyone. This story needs to be heard so it isn't repeated, since (spoiler alert) the Sacklers mostly escaped scot free.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Duet (1993)
Season 1, Episode 19
The Reader, only better!
26 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode tackles the gray zone in warfare where unwilling accomplices to atrocities end up suffering PTSD as a result of their presence. Instead of romanticizing this gray area, as happened in 2008 movie The Reader, DS9 more gracefully broaches the subject.

While some viewers will resonate particularly well with the 180° swap near the end, I for one wasn't convinced and would have preferred a more robust exploration of the ethics of complicity in war crimes, especially when all of it is pitted against Kira's biased, overzealous perspective. All it took was a single sentence wherein a prolific liar confesses he had allegedly covered his ears every night? Come on.

Kira's response at the end, however, shows personal growth, and overall I would recommend this episode alongside S01E01 for mandatory Star Trek viewing.
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Is Mads Brügger the Michael Moore of Denmark?
10 April 2021
I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough for this one to have the impact Brügger wanted it to have on me (for example, Alejandro, being confined to Spain and deprived of his income from the North Korean government, had no incentive to be anything other than an actor). It was also slow-paced and part 2 was a bore; I would have preferred a piece that slanted more on the human condition aspect of the mole who'd sacrificed so much just for 15 minutes of fame, rather than whatever charade Brügger was trying to construct. Cold Case Hammersjold was very similar; when Brügger hits a wall, he makes do with the footage that he has, but is it the truth he is after? He seems to be a producer that cares more about the end than the means. 6.5 rounded up only because it fleshes out how the North Koreans exploit those around them and deal in illicit goods. I would not really say it was worth my two hours of attention.
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Great storytelling but missing some information
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I adored the larger-than-life personalities and the storytelling. Funny, entertaining, and unique. I would have appreciated a bit more info at the end, where the pacing feels a bit rushed. For example, how'd they all escape jail time in the US if there were 15,000 hours of wiretaps? Why did Tarzan conveniently ignore the spy cam and the free CIA phone? How did Tarzan escape penalty from the cartels and didn't he care about his family? I guess these details were left out because the truth would have made them seem a lot less cool... And we can't have that in the post-Sopranos era.
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Perfect television
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It has it all:
  • future timeline with quixotic overtones explores dementia and represents humanity's eternal quest to shoot for the stars, pun intended. Future Picard wants us to chase our dreams even when nobody else believes in us. The Worf/Riker subplot reminds us that it's never too late to mend bridges and calls into focus the theme of regret, which is held in stark contrast to the windmill-chasing of old Picard.

  • present timeline with a theme of listening to reason tackles pregnancy loss, an issue which is strikingly common as it affects 1 in 5 to 1 in 4 pregnancies in the developed world. Primetime entertainment it remains, so it does not dwell on the loss to the point of depression; still, that a show in the 90's boldly went where do few have gone before is worth something.

  • past timeline with messages of faith, trust, and inspiration draw us back to the center and remind us what the human condition is all about: to do one's best, even and especially in the face of uncertainty. Tasha Yar makes an appearance to remind us of the sacrifices made and the rest of the crew is fresh-faced, reminding us of just how much has occurred on the journey we have all taken with the Enterprise.

This is all tied up nicely into a bow by our favorite alien, Q, who seems to have some humanity in him after all. With his primordial soup field trip, we are reminded at just how fragile and happenstance was (is) our mere existence. With the end of his trial, we are left with messages of hope, even if the deities will forever be watching and judging.

I dare you to watch this episode without laughing AND tearing up. It sure took me for a roller-coaster ride, and now I'm sad it's done. It was fun while it lasted, TNG. One to beam out. 🖖
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Masks (1994)
Season 7, Episode 17
Better on paper
26 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode seemed like it probably had a lot of potential at the drawing board. Combine the weird probe thing that made Picard live a whole lifetime with a more nefarious purpose and a horrible amalgamation of Picard's archaeology passion, add in some terrible amalgamation of mesoamerican culture and Brent Spiner's amazing performance and voilà!

In reality, we got an arthouse play that had some weird BDSM tension between Picard and Data that left me wondering whether there's something more going on between the two than meets the eye...
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Drumhead (1991)
Season 4, Episode 21
Good episode marred by the "irrational woman" stereotype
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great performances abound in this typical Star Trek fare. It was good viewing the first time around, but I will skip it in the future. I can forgive the lack of legal development in the 2300s, I can forgive the racism which shall hopefully not be so much in the forefront of society by then. I can even forgive the stupid slapstick from the previous episode in which the only two women who lend a hand in the fight using the stupid "vase to knock him out" trope. I cannot forgive yet another woman being dismissed for being irrational.

Everything about this episode contributes to the formula for a great Star Trek episode, but that a racist woman's dumb beliefs get eclipsed by "I'm an old, irrational bint, don't listen to me" was off-putting to say the least; it undermined Picard's points about ethics and made for a dull conclusion to an otherwise decent TNG episode.
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Pure fanservice
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was glaringly obvious about being written to give Lt. Yar a more dignified death. The plot is milquetoast, the outcome predictable, and I find it hard to invest in the characters. The ending pulled on the heartstrings, I'll admit that, but it seemed like an expensive piece of fanservice to reverse someone's decision to leave the show. Special effects were decent and Gainan finally gets a spotlight. Interesting, but not to a 9+ out of 10 level.
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Contrived, illogical, and above all, boring!
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why did the aliens let La Forge back on the ship? Why didn't the Enterprise warp Picard and Crusher to the starbase? Why aren't there any qualified surgeons at the starbase? Why didn't anyone but Data listen to Troi's panic? Why do surgeons in the future wear red instead of hygienic white? Why didn't the Enterprise drag the aliens to court in their tractor beam for criminal violations, instead leaving them there to potentially prey on another Federation ship? Why is the show implying that people with dull wit can only get anywhere in life by mooching/crime?

Nobody knows, not even the writers, apparently!

Redeeming factors: Crusher and Picard bond, La Forge gets some screen time, introduction of a unique alien species
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1959 called. It wants its values back.
25 December 2020
The scene where Chevy Chase is stuck watching films from his childhood tells you all you need to know about the writer's and director's intentions for this steaming pile of Reagan-voter drivel: nostalgia for an age wherein men could objectify women without scrutiny, wives were only good for cooking (apparently overcooked) meals, The Poors™ exploit the wealthy instead of the other way around, and the elders of the family are clueless. It may solicit a laugh or two, and call me the "PC police" if you want, but in 2020 this garbage should no longer be considered a classic.
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