
11 Reviews
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Scars of Nanking (2017 TV Movie)
Copy of a copy (a historical farce)
28 January 2021
OK, the title is strong; this movie is nonsense. First, it has been "americanized", with John Rabe removed entirely and made into a 'nice' American. If you really want a movie that depicts real people in real events (and still is a watchable movie!) - actually risking their lives to save people in Nanking, try the movie "John Rabe", not this monstrous attempt to change history.

That said, the movie does have wooden actors who march through scenes like sticks; bad make-up with children occasionally bloodied and dirty after a battle/bloodbath and left nicely washed the next part of the scene.

Conclusion? Don't bother. Somewhere there is an exciting clothes-dryer that needs watching - and that will provide a much better experience.
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14 November 2020
The title says it all (can't give it a zero). My review was not accepted with only the title, so I have added the following:

This is likely the worst movie I have watched (see below) in the past 10 or 15 years. I have a pretty high tolerance for trash; but... in this case I only managed a few minutes. Then just to be sure. I spot watched a few minutes at random times through the "video".

Graphics? 0/10 Acting? Acting? Really? 0/10 Plot? 0/10

Pure trash.
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The Cave (III) (2019)
Just plain terrible!
7 February 2020
Someone recently said this was an awful firm about a really heartwarming story. Unfortunately, this firm goes even further that that - it is worse than awful. Avoid this like the plague it is. If you really want to see the story, check out the Discovery Channel short about it - MUCH better.
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A true glimpse of history - strongly recommended!
20 March 2019
I'm not certain the other reviewer (or at least a person who commented) on this film actually watched the video. The comment so far removed from reality I can only assume this was the rambling of someone who feels ashamed of what the US military did to the people of Hiroshima (and Nagasaki, for that matter).

This is one of the only historically true documentaries on this horrible event that doesn't include images of US bodies washed-up on some island - in an attempt to justify killing all those tens of thousands of civilians in the name of "saving US lives".

This documentary is horrible. The images are disturbing. But this documentary is real - which makes it all the more disturbing.
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Thus is supposed to be a comedy...
15 March 2017
... and it is.

Some of the reviewers appear to belief this is a Helen Keller story; or the story of a pre-Christmas mass at your local church.

NO, it is not any of those.

It is a adult comedy, and it fulfills that role beautifully.

Want an adult-oriented comedy? Watch this movie - it's worth your time.

Not your thing? Avoid this movie - it's a d*** good, sacrilegious, comedy. COMEDY.
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NCIS: New Orleans (2014–2021)
Will Vanessa Ferlito kill this show?
6 January 2017
This was one of the best shows on TV. Emphasis on the was. And the reason? The introduction of Vanessa Ferlito into the show.

That was a horrible mistake. She detracts from the character played by Scott Bakula; destroys or seriously damages most of the scenes with her in it.

Yes, the departure of Zoe McLellan has damaged the show - her character seemed to provide long-term stability, from show to show, that Scott alone could not provide. The show still has potential, even without Zoe's character.

Sadly, that potential is being seriously curtailed by Vanessa's (is it just her or is it her character? I for one don't know which it is. Nevertheless, it is time for the show's producers to acknowledge they made a mistake bringing Vanessa into the show, and correct it as soon as possible.
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MacGyver (2016–2021)
Sad way to remember a really good old show...
23 September 2016
This parody of a TV show is a sad wad to remember a really GOOD show from years back.

First, the casting director should have been banned to North Dakota for his or her choices for the cast. Lucas Till was a poor choice for lead. His silly grain throughout the show makes you want to smuck him, or at minimum turn off the TV. A paperclip and chewing gum? How infantile.

Yes, I know George Eads was available, his long-term job now cancelled. But why here? His flippant acting does noting good for the show. His stupid remarks (dialog writer to North Dakota as well!!) detract from what could have been a rather interesting show.

All in all, I predict it will be cancelled. Probablty before Christmas.
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Bull (2016–2022)
A sad comedown for Michael Weatherly
23 September 2016
Michael Weatherly left NCIS for this? It is sad to see him now associated with this really poor quality show - both in the plot itself, and in the writing. Yes, I might understand that Weatherly wanted out of the type-casting that NCIS gave him, but for this?

The concept of manipulable juries has been around for ages, both in big screen and in TV. It's a stupid concept (the rich and smart get away with anything; the simple and poor get the shaft) and to make a show that uses that as it's only reason for being, now that is really sad.

Just because Weatherly was in the show, I gave it a 4. It should have had a 2.
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6 Plots (2012)
See it?
20 January 2013
Another reviewer called this movie "indisputably terrible". Well, I wish to strongly dispute his/her statement.

Yes, the movie is a mishmash of concepts borrowed from other films in the same genre - as are most movies which at least borrow some scenes/concepts/portions of the script from previous movies.

The purpose of creating a movie is not to create rocket science deep thought - it is to entertain. Viewers of the pseudo-horror genre already know before the start to watch the film what to expect. And this film does deliver at least a portion of what is expected, nay, demanded of a film of this type. There is tension, suspense, action, scenes of horror, etc. What the film does NOT do is create a thought-provoking environment where you are "deeply 'into' the film". It is entertainment. Only that, nothing more. And it delivers.

No, this is not "The Godfather" or "Inception". It is a mock horror film that will entertain you - once. I give it a 6.5/10.
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The war movie no one wants to release ......
9 October 2006
Svel Hassle has written a lot of books about his war experiences as a Dane in the German Army in WWII. Most of these fictional accounts but based on real-life events), the books have been widely released in Europe, but from time to time are available in North America as well (Corgi Press).

This is the one and only movie made from one of his books, a shame really, since Swen Hassle portrays way in a most realistic manner; neither making light of what is happening, not glorifying war, but emphasizing the "Kameradschaft" - the effects of the war's events on Swen and his friends.

The movie unfortunately has some flaws that keep it from being really great. Foremost of these is the casting of David Carradine as a German officer. Too bad, since his performance in this film is sub-par at best.

The casting of Bruce Davison as Porta is a great choice, and he really shines in this movie, and along with David Patrick Kelly (as "The Legionnaire") gives realistic performances.

One of the major reasons this movie didn't receive wider distribution was protests from a number of groups who thought the movie - although they probably had not seen it - glorified the Nazi regime. It doesn't - it portrays war as brutal (on all sides), with no leaders to rely on, rather only one's fellow soldiers to depend on for your life.

A side-note - Swen Hassle is still alive (at this writing) and until relatively recently, has still been writing (although not writing fiction any more). Two of the three major characters in his books (Tiny, Porta and the Legionnaire) survived the war as well.
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Mr. Nice Guy (1987)
A HIGHLY under-rated comedy!
9 October 2006
A lot of people might look at the IMDb rating of this movie and avoid like the "Killer Tomatoes"... That would be a mistake. "Mr. Nice Guy" has both humor AND drama, a great combination during a time when a lot of the movies being made concentrated too hard on one or the other.

Yes, it was a relatively low-budget movie, but acting (and a great comedic script!) in fact took precedence over special effects, gruesome deaths, and "sex & Violence".

While the plot is relatively simple, it is a product that displays the movie-making formulas of the time and has enough plot twists to make it VERY watchable.

Even if you feel the rating might be too low to pop this one into your player, give it a try. You will not be disappointed. IMHO, at least.
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