
49 Reviews
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Man About the House (1973–1976)
Best 1970's UK Comedy Ever Made!
16 May 2024
OK I am writing this review for the love & respect I have for this very funny Thames TV 1970's show.

The actors playing the characters are just fantastic in the roles given to them.

The writing is superb from Cooke and Mortimer is flawless where every episode is golden in being funny.

It amazes me that this show is still funny in 2024 after re-watching every episode again.

The story of one man sharing a flat with two gorgeous looking women is TV gold and then adding a married couple being their landlords downstairs who are at each others throats is just hilarious.

If you unsure or not if you want to watch this show for the first time then do so because you will love it.

The show had a movie spin off which was great but not as good as the TV show of course.

After the show ended it got two spin offs being Robin Nest & George & Mildred which are both really good so check them out too.

10/10 because this show was a hit for ITV in the 1970's for a reason, it was funny, that simple!
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One of the 80's massive movie bombs!
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wonder if Sonny Bono last thoughts before he hit that tree in the snow was that my last movie would be this stinker on massive proportions. Did Sonny get paid a lot to star in this movie or did he do it as a favour for one of the producers maybe?

Getting back to this lackluster production of a stinker it must have been written as a story plot in less than a day. There really isn't much to give away because the only drama in the whole movie was when the gang bag gets washed out by the waves while a couple are having sexy time.

Seriously the scenes seem rushed and the actors look bored as well as embarrassed just dishing out their lines. One whole fight scene and guess what the Juliet of the movie saves her Romeo so yeah go figure!

Avoid this movie like the tree Sonny Bono should have avoided.
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Timebomb (1991)
Timebomb Needs Defusing In Confusing Plot Hole Mania!
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK Michael Biehn is a fab actor and does his best regardless of the material he is given.

Patsy Kensit acting is dire and so wooden I was embarrassed for her watching this half pile of plop. The sex scene wit Biehn was also terrible and if I made love like that I would be single for the rest of my life.

The two main characters had zero chemistry and in truth like to have seen Tracy Scoggins been the love interest in terms of scope than the awful Patsy Kensit.

Movie has heaps of plot holes and some of it makes zero sense on how a secret organisation could produce such an army is mind boggling.

The 5 score goes to the great Michael Biehn and oh Patsy Kensit big knockers in the bedroom department.
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Damaged (2024)
Bore Fest Murder Who Done-It!
14 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Two leading Hollywood actors couldn't save this dud of a movie.

Slow paced movie to start off with and plot holes galore in truth.

John Hannah makes a good creepy Tommy tank weirdo who carries the role of red herring.

Vincent Cassel looks completely bored in this role and he has every right to be because the script is rather weak in terms of delivery.

How hard would it have taken too work out the killer who spent time in Chicago killing and then Scotland? Easy to trace a suspect with international pedigree but the writers ignore all this.

Samuel Jackson is a great actor but he is given little dialogue or any real effort to show his talent in this movie sadly.

Your be better watching an old mystery who done it movie made years ago than watching this pile of cow dung.
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Nowhere to Land (2000 TV Movie)
Plane Disaster Bore Fest!
14 April 2024
Ok it's a TV movie and yeah it's done on a budget especially as they have used stock clips from better plane disaster movies.

First of all no way the security would have allowed that ornament on the plane with all that wiring in the case so already the B. S meter is alive and kicking.

Acting is rather wooden with some of the characters and in truth it's a case of nobody cares with regards to each character as zero character development.

I was wishing the whole plane would crash killing them all as they were all stupid and as interesting as paint drying on the wall.

The would be nerve gas terrorist was just so dull it made me switch off constantly.

Is this worth your watch?

No is the answer and how people gave this high numbers of rating beggars belief but trust me when I tell you this * Films Sucks Goats Balls*
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White Coats (2004)
The Best Medicine Is To Give This Movie & Miss
2 April 2024
So this movie flopped at the cinema and the guy that made this awful unfunny comedy blamed the distributor on only spending $250,000 on promoting the film.

I have another theory it was because the movie just wasn't funny and even when it tried to be funny it just wasn't.

Dan Ackroyd was wasted completely in this movie and I am surprised he agreed to star in it after reading the script because it lacked any funny lines.

The biggest fail was having no real famous other actors to take on the roles of the medical staff. The so called actors were rather wooden and lacked any comedic skill.

The best bit for me was the end credits as I knew my pain of watching this crass movie was over for good.

Avoid like the plague or of your life counted on it.
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Roadkill (I) (2024)
Don't be fooled by high scorings this film sucks!
8 January 2024
What do you get when you hire a Keanu Reeves look a like and a poundland Megan Fox? A film that sucks goats balls on a huge scale. Not based on the best hitch hiking movie ever the hitchiker of course so this is not even on the same level.

Dialogue which was written by a 5 year old and the most dire of acting on so many levels.

Not going to give any spoilers away because if you read my review you wont watch this movie and you will avoid at any costs.

Unsure why people finance these kind of films because you know your going to get your fingers burnt by a true critic and not one employed by the company churing this rubbish out.

Gave it 1 because there is no zero which sucks like this movie so go figure!
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Doctor Who: The Church on Ruby Road (2023)
Season 1, Episode 0
A Real Turkey Of An Episode!
6 January 2024
OK been a Doctor Who fan since the 1970's so yea I am getting old but not wise with regards to watching New Who. I found the start as a major rush with so many plot holes it could out do pot holes with have in our roads in the UK.

This was the worst episode for viewership for a new Doctor. Why you may ask? Well the 60th specials was trash and just awful story telling in Who history. So now it's a snowball effect where fans as well as non fans are turning off watching the show in its droves.

Back to the episode in question it was a real turkey for acting and CGI as well. The only out standing actor is Millie Gibson who could act her socks off when needed too. As Ncuti Gatwa he didn't shine like I hope he would because the writer R. T. D made him so camp in queer it was just embarrassing to say the least.

Nothing Sci-Fi but more fantasy tripe which doesn't bode well with the true fans of the show.

I'm giving this 2/10 for Millie Gibson acting abilities and nothing else was special at all in truth.

The new season 1 as it's called when in fact it's season 14 so go figure on that one on how much infulence Disney has control over the show now. R. T. D could write much better than the turkey episodes we have had so far but not holding much hope this for show going forward as there will be a massive trend of people desserting this once great show!
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Sexy time in The Black Room!
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK the movie beginning sequence starts of with some sexy time which sets the movie up on what is to come forward in terms of shock horror! The main lead character Larry is so horny I am surprsied he doesn't carry a box of tissues round with him. Anyway Larry wants the room to fullfill his lusts of banging hot chicks! So basically to cut a long story short the owners are serial killers who just enjoy killing their tenants and why not? OK the overall ark of story is kinda dumb and makes little sense to normality but hey it's a cheap horror flick! Is this worth your time? Yes in truth as it's an 80's flick and you can never go wrong with an 80's horror flick. Gave it 5 as the music is naff and the dialogue isn't great but what the hell it's worth the entertainment in sexy time value!
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Boring Sci-Fi Soap Opera!
22 December 2023
OK where do you start with this Sci-Fi bore fest?

First of all has Charlie Hunnam ever made a good movie? Everyone this guy stars in are flops or just nothing to write home about. Any movie starring this actor should be warned of the Hunnam curse of your movie bombing from great heights. Is he a bad actor? Not really but he isn't good at picking films as most turn out to be turkeys.

The critics were correct for once avout this pile of plop it is very boring in dialogue with terrible slow motion zoom in and out frames making it hard to watch at times.

Overall I could write an whole essay about why this movie sucks but I can't be bothered.

If you suffer with insomina watch this movie and it will soon send you into a coma.

Part 2 will be like part 1 as it is a Zak Snyder movie so yeah go figure.

2/10 for some of the CGI and nothing else in truth!
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A Sequel With Zero Substance!
9 December 2023
Ok where do I start with this dull sequel to a movie which is lacking any decent story telling in the process?

Right the two main love characters have zero chemistry in terms of connection. They both looked bored in terms of the awful dialogue they are given but there is just no spark between them for the whole movie length.

The other side characters are just wasted in terms of development.

It was an lacksture affair with a script from the 1970's comedy genre of that time.

Personally I am at a lost why they made a sequel as the original wasn't much to write home about in truth.

If your at a loose end watch something else on a Xmas movie list as this movie is just a pile of Donkey dung!
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Christmas at the Chalet (2023 TV Movie)
Unbelivable boring romp!
27 November 2023
Xmas can be the time of giving as well as recieving well I am going to have to call out humbug on this lackluster affair. OK the two main protagonists are as dull as dish water who have got zero chemsitry on screen.

Terri Hatcher looks way to old to be the mother of her son in the movie which they also have zero chemistry in mother and son status.

There is the most annoying kid child I have seen in a movie for sometime and oh my she grates on me I just want to punch the screen.

Getting back to the naff story of Terri working like a slave so she can have a room to stay in the hotel which makes no sense as she can go anywhere to get a hotel stay in the area so why make yourself a slave to the trade?

Over acting and dumb sub plots make this romp of a movie a huge snooze fest.

If there is any positives Terri Hatcher facelift is looking good amongst the silver screen and that's about it.

3/10 Avoid like the plague!
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Slay Belles (2018)
I Hate This Movie With A Passion!
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK lets cut to the chase and I will explain why this turd fest of a movie has got 1/10.

Bad acting to start off with where the characters are so wooden it makes wooden coffins look interesting.

Camera, sound and special effects are bottom standards of Z movie grading.

Story not fit for purpose or any logical sense? Seriously a 5 year old could have had a better imagination of writing a better script than this festive turkey.

The 1 star it got was for the main monster effect which the budget must of been spent on because it deft wasn't on getting decent actors.

The dumbest scene was when the old man cowboy took the monster down with his stick to let the girls escape.

I hate this movie with such a passion it makes Christmas Vacation 2 look like a masterpiece. I hate Chrsitmas Vacation 2 with all my strength but Slay Belles is worst so go figure!
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Vacation title that doesn't deserve the honour!
15 November 2023
God I am so damn angry watching a movie based on a great comedy series which starred the great Chevy Chase.

What did we get for this turkey of a movie!

Poor script which must have been completed on a toilet number 2 dump.

Audrey is over acted by the original actress from the series franchise. Still what could she do with the naff dialogue she was given.

Sexist sterotyping towards the Asian actress in the movie which made me cringe.

This was suppose to be a Xmas movie but felt more like a summer holiday movie which defeats the object for me as it started off with snow but it soon moved on to a hot location!

Overall I wanted to smash my fist through the TV screen because of the abomination of this dud of a movie made me feel.

Seriously this movie sucks and anyone says different then you must be mentally challenged like Eddie the character from the film.
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Letters to Satan Claus (2020 TV Movie)
Not very impressive for a comedy horror!
15 November 2023
Once you seen a movie in this genre you will realise they all suck in terms of quality as well as direction. I have seen worst quality movies of this low level so take my feedback as well as my scoring as acceptable for the movie in question.

Just wanted to add that I have never seen so many unattractive women iin one movie so lost more points just on that factor.

Overall if you fancy a Xmas horror movie based on what has come before as well as after then this movie might be for you.

Gather Covid couldn't stop this movie from going forward so it was meant to be in terms of general release.

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97 Minutes (2023)
Poor man's plane adventure!
10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Want to see poor CGI in a movie? Want see a movie where a man killed by a stewardess trolley? Want to see a move full off over acting? Well 97 min is the film no one wanted or asked for. Imagine another movie filled with terrorists hyjacking a plane so that they can all die on leaving just one man who turns out to be the only actor in the movie who can act. This movie is on a B level in terms of budget as well as actors including Alec Baldwin who can only attract these kind of movies due to his previous movie actions. Overall it's just a movie you have seen before but done much better in terms of quality. My advice is don't bother it sucks!
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The worst adaptation of War of the Worlds
27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet baby Jesus this movie of the beloved War of the Worlds is so poor I ended up laughing my socks off. A serious movie was undone by poor acting, poor special effects, poor script. Starts off with an attack of the aliens but our would be three main leads were stuck in a house for the first 24 hours while the earth was being attacked. Then a soldier entered their backgarden claiming he had lost his unit to the evil aliens. But there was no houses or flats destroyed on their travels to Leatherhead of all places in Surrey, just comical. Then they get a £5 boat on some river courtesy of the soldier they saved because he has clout in the army. Then they meet the worst plastic priest not seen since the walking dead as the prophet of doom. As the film goes on the comic level rises due to more poor special effects made from a $30 dollar software application. Seriously this is way the worst adaptation of a great story. Remember no houses, flats or humans hurt in the making of this woeful movie.
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Watching this movie can be fatal.
23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK this is a lifetime movie so I am guessing that they make movies for people who don't care about plot holes, poor acting or even just a pointless story altogether? This movie had some good feedback so I thought take the plunge and have some faith that the reviews were not fake? Well judging by what I have watched those reviews were not entierly very honest. The whole plot is ludicrous from start to finish you do wonder if anyone kept a straight face while reading their scripts to this monstrosity of a TV movie. The leading character is a typical dumb blonde stereotype doing exactly the opposite to what they preach. One dimensional cardboard character who loves to punch the crap out of her boxing sparring trainer while in the next scene being scared whitless carrying a baseball bat. So it's a very condradicting cliche character. The whole movie is based on trust issues and that's about it. There is one huge plot hole where the main character kills someone because they were scared even though the person she kills has shown zero violence to anyone. Even worst the police let her go without questioning accepting that he deserved to die because he may or may not have paid someone to trash her house over. Bonkers and more far fetched than a Steven Spilberg movie, it beggars belief. Avoid this B movie because it's not even good it's just a frustrating dumb movie for dumb people!
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Bikini Traffic School (1998 Video)
Sex Doesn't Sell With This Dud!
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has literally nothing going for it not even the amount of breasts on offer in this so called Z list level comedy. The story intails of an old Aunt leaving her driving school to her grandaughter the strip tease artist. Yes it's that straight forward of a story it must have taken the film makers all of 5 min to come up with. To cut a long story short there are others who want the school business and are willing to do anything to succeed apart from trying to act because nobody in this lame ass movie can act. Got some soft porn scenes which are just as bad as the acting and if I made love like the guys do in this movie I would take up another hobby. Give this pile of trash a huge miss!
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Freeze (I) (2022)
Freeze Sucks!
18 March 2023
Poor acting, poor costumes, poor looking monsters and this is just the 5 min of the movie. Poor acting goes into over acting by hamming it up like a cheap thespian on stage in Bognor Regis. The creatures remind me of the Jon Petwee , Dr Who series run of rubber monsters. Seriously this movie is not worth your time because it sucks on a huge scale. 1/10 for being the worst movie to call itself an horror movie. I haven't left any spoilers in this review because there is no worthy spoilers to be given away in truth because the film is just so awful. If anyone can justify making this movie I will be astounded but I am going for tax loss reasons!
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Mountain Devil 2 Sucks!
18 December 2022
Wow has a documentary been so dull with little action thrown in that I can only give this bore fest a 1 star rating! Reenactments are just poorly done with the worst looking bigfoot costume ever it makes you wonder why they bothered at all in truth. Based on facts from 1976 where most eye witnesses are now so old they are trying their hardest to try to remember that way back it's cringe worthy. It's the same ole same ole for a big foot docuementary where it's all based on the usual over hyped stories are big foot encounters. Mountain Devil 2 is a long winded boring dull concept of another big foot dramatization which is no different to any other docs out there on the same subject. Big boring stinker and not talking about big foot but this doc yes!
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80's Sex Comedy Missing Laughs!
14 November 2022
I have just had the misfortune of having watched this pile of steaming horse manure.

Love Police Academy that was funny this rip-off is not even remotely funny.

Don Most from happy days nolstalgia is playing exactly the same character he did in the happy days series. I was half expecting the Fonze to turn up to basically to tell Don character this movie isn't cool bro!

The other main male character is as dull as they come with bad eyesight to make him more comical. Well it fails because his acting is atrocious and being short sighted like Mr Magoo was funny once in 1960 but not in the 80's.

The sex antics are embarrassing and just so lame it just isn't funny.

The women characters are so one dimensional and boring it beggars belief the script got past the motion board of pictures.

Columbia pictures should be up for the trades description act for advertising this as a comedy when I have had bigger laughs watching a live execution on death row.

Don't belive the hype this film stinks on a huge level of dumbness and belive me you will never start laughing from start to finish guaranteed.
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Live Escape (2022)
Zombie Bore Fest On Huge Levels!
30 October 2022
Ok I love zombie genre movies through out my life time so far but this awful trashy b movie on a massive level is a let down by calling itself a horror in the first place.

Acting is terrible, zero sub plot and storyline is non excistent it's embarrassing.

Been more scared of recieving an energy bill than watching this dark infested pile of excremente.

It basically dwells on the dark eliment to try and muster up some shock chills which are not happening due to the worst looking so called zombies sadly.

I was chuckling in parts when it was suppose to be serious moments of zombie kill attacks.

Avoid this film at all costs due to the zero funds spent on making it and watch at your peril due to the whole boredom factor the film has to offer.
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Poor thriller!
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok this movie has the right direction but it's so daft it leaves credibility of belief completely out of the lake. House arrest detainee who seems to get a more lengthy sentence than her ex husband who commited the fraud so you work it out?

Anyway lonely house arrest hires a private security guard who lost his ex girlfriend through supicious circumstances which should be a worry considering if he couldn't keep her safe what chance does the client have with his services.

Overall without giving to much more away the film is borderline dumb which makes it a poor thriller IMHO.

To many plot holes you could hit a stick with and expect to be very disappointed with the character direction.
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Wacko (1982)
Wacko gets my vote
16 August 2022
This film is totally bonkers and is funny from start to finish.

The film has no actual storyline as it seems it was made up as they went along.

Well worth watching for 80's cheese fest comedy.
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