
450 Reviews
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Blonde (2022)
What a horrible story
21 October 2022
The truth is, the pace of this movie made me not get fed up despite its long length, but the story is really very bad.

A lot has already been said about this movie and most of it is true, from my point of view, I think that the way in which the celebrity situation that the movie is based on, is approached is not the best, since it puts her in a vulnerable situation, where she is literally dominated by men, but without any justification or development of why this happens, leading the film to be misogynistic with this celebrity and turning everything she went through into a spectacle. There are also too many uncomfortable scenes to see that they don't even have a justification for why they are there, they make visible the abuses of power that Marilyn experienced, but in a very morbid way, although it seems that it is about portraying how horrible that was, I don't think that these scenes create a reflection in the audience, only makes us feel uncomfortable and even bad for having seen that.

Biopics are usually made to see the reality behind the lives of artists or celebrities that all or many of us know, but honestly we only want to know the gossip about their personal life, something that this film does half, since it tells a little of her private life and she never develops properly as a real person, because the movie never tells us what she thought or what she would fictitiously do.

One of the few things that can be salvaged is the performance of Ana de Armas, which is surprising, I think she did a lot of work to prepare for such a monumental personality, despite the horrible story that this movie tells and the horrible way in which they expose Marilyn.

My expectations were very high for this project, so it was disappointing to see this story, in addition to dishonoring the memory of such a great celebrity, it ends up being very uncomfortable to watch because of its explicit scenes that are only there for curiosity, Ana de Armas It's not enough to save the movie, it's a shame that all of her projects this year have been gruesome.
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Amsterdam (2022)
21 October 2022
This movie is completely boring and without grace.

Of so many things that the film has wrong, I don't know which was the worst, the so null script and poor in story, the awful direction or the bad performances. I think the biggest mistake was the script, which gives us an interesting story at the beginning, but then only gives us something very predictable and at the same time forgettable, the writer's lack of interest in giving us a good story completely ruins the intention of this movie. I also found it very boring, as there wasn't much interesting going on that related to the main premise, just unnecessarily long subplots that didn't add much. The ending was very predictable, it was very obvious what was coming. Although at the beginning it has some promising scenes, we don't see scenes like these again during the whole movie.

The performances are horrible, I never completely believed the characters, it would be understood if they were just any actor, but the entire cast is renowned and we know how talented they are, that's why they should have done much better, although it could also be due to the poor direction of the film.

It's not even an entertaining movie, it's totally forgettable and very lazy on telling an interesting story, the writer's lack of commitment is noticeable, it's a shame that all the actors involved end up muddy in the failure of this movie.
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A dramatic movie with some romance
21 October 2022
This movie is classified as a comedy, but it is actually more of a personal drama about identity discovery.

The plot was a big surprise for me, what was going to be a predictable romantic comedy was totally different, which was its greatest success. At first I was confused because I thought it was going to be a story of bisexuality, but my great surprise was that it was directed towards homosexuality, something that Mexican films had not dealt with, in fact I do not remember any recent Mexican film that its plot focuses in a homosexual drama or romance, something that works for good in this film, since the supposed representations have been poorly planned and very problematic. In addition, the drama increases thanks to the problems of the protagonist's family, which adds more flavor to the plot. The way of the discovery of the identity of the main character is approached, is excellently executed, it is noted that the writer was based on a real situation, since it is easy to identify with something that this character is going through. It was very pleasant to follow that character and his discovery of his sexuality, despite the drama, I managed to empathize with him most of the time.

Although sometimes it becomes annoying that after several scenes he continues to deny reality. I also liked that the story is not completely pretty, it has its dark side, just like in life, combining romance and drama. Also captivating are the performances of the entire cast, which reflect sincerity and quality work on the part of the director and the actors. But one thing I didn't like was that sometimes it seems like there are a lot of sequences that look like music videos, just putting clips of what's happening with music in the background. Just as I didn't like some scenes that seemed copied from 'Call me by your name'.

For me, it ends up being a slightly different Mexican film, due to its plot and the themes it portrays, which works correctly as a story that entertains and also brings to the table themes that had not been dealt with in Mexican films.
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Grand finale
7 October 2022
This film did not convince me at the beginning, but later I ended up loving it.

Without mentioning much about the plot, I can say that this movie is funny, interesting and surprising. There are moments where it makes fun of itself, which is funny, although there are also other moments that are a bit monotonous. The execution of the plot is unique despite the clichés it uses. The ending is spectacular and very funny, the way it is executed is wonderful and surprising. The performances are phenomenal, but Saoirse Ronan steals the movie, the production design is polished and wonderful, the photography and all the other technical aspects make it a visual spectacle, not because of its approach, but because of the elegance in this elements.

It is a movie where there is a lot of fun despite some moments of mystery, although it does not develop the characters much, it manages to be memorable due to the novel execution of the plot and the well-done technical aspects.
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Presencias (2022)
Interesting concept poor execution
7 October 2022
The twist ending of this movie brings up a great concept, but the execution doesn't get it anywhere else.

Honestly almost the whole movie was boring as there wasn't much interesting stuff but the ending left me wondering what was the real reason all that happened, but there wasn't any answer, this interpretation of the story leaves me unsatisfied as usually, the explanation blows your mind. The terror is ill-conceived, thanks to the final plot twist, making it totally unnecessary in the whole story, as well as how boring the whole plot is and its two hours. The characters lack development, making them less interesting than they are, the performances are not horrible but not very believable, the technical aspects, in general, are decent.

This film fails as a horror and as a psychological thriller, despite the interesting concept that the plot twist gives us, as well as the development of the entire plot being boring.
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Unsurprising direction
2 October 2022
The script for this film has several things going for it, but the weak direction leaves a lot to be desired.

The story is decent, since it's a remake and there's material to work with, but the direction ruins almost any standout moment. There are several things that are raised but do not culminate in a great impact on the plot, such as the concept of second chances, getting older and be rejected by your family and the differences between the younger and older generations, leaving an empty message and little material to create an impact on the viewer. The story drags on a lot from the second half, especially at the end where you already know how everything will end. The performances are good, Veronica Castro does not surprise but does not disappoint either, Natasha Dupeyrón has charisma but rarely seemed that she was playing the same role as Veronica, they seemed like two very different personalities, the rest of the cast interpret their characters as previous roles, the others technical aspects are flat, nothing surprising. The comedy worked on very few occasions, the jokes that occur between young people and older adults are wasted.

It is a film that brings out some laughs, that is entertaining most of the time, but it does not go beyond that, all the topics that it touches very superficially are wasted, and despite the fact that the director has the opportunity to translate interesting concepts into a potentially funny story, he just doesn't do it, just as he wastes the talent of all the actors involved, knowing that they can do a memorable job, he just doesn't take them out of their comfort zone.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
The film was too much for the director
26 September 2022
I don't like to say that the movies could have been anything else, but this one could have been so much better.

The concept of this movie is good, but its execution is not the best, even though it keeps your attention on the screen all the time. The concept of this movie is a cross between The Matrix, Ready Player One, and Black Mirror, which is a great concept, but the script and direction keep it from being a great movie. The story tells us that everything must be perfect, but in technical aspects, that perfection is rarely appreciated, despite the fact that the relationships of the characters appear to be perfect, the script does not end up developing these relationships in depth. The script does not develop many things in depth either, such as the antagonists, the decisions that are made in the third act and the characters in general, some things are interpretive, as well as the ending, but at those moments the script falls short and no longer continues with that narrative. As for the direction, there are times when it doesn't feel like a psychological thriller, at the beginning it does well, but then the tension decreases, and even though it is present, I was expecting a lot more tension and a more suspenseful atmosphere. The ending seemed spectacular to me, with a lot of tension, but I was surprised how rushed it was, the tension could have been higher, but I think it was enough. Florence Pugh's performance is masterful, the best work of her career so far, Harry Styles is not an actor, therefore, he does not know how to act and here he shows it, the rest of the cast does a fairly good job, but Pugh really is the star of this movie. The production design is flashy, but is not set to feel perfect, the costume design is riveting, and some of the special effects are good. I think that this film was too much for the director, since you can't see her commitment to the concept and to the atmosphere of the thriller genre, it could have been much better if she had also been involved in improving the script, I liked it a lot her first film 'Booksmart' but that was a little simpler and the strength was in the script and in the direction of actors, this concept was too much for Wilde, but not for lack of talent, but for lack of experience in the genre and in the profession of filmmaker.

For me it was an entertaining film, since the concept is interesting and the story is not boring, in addition to a masterful performance by Florence, but considering that it could have been much better, this film falls short, especially for what we have seen before in the genre.
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Flee (2021)
Emotional portrait
22 September 2022
This true story format mixed with animated visuals is pure gold.

This true story impacts the viewer in different ways, since it is told from the point of view of the person who experienced it, and we can easily see their emotions and feelings, in addition to portraying a harsh reality that many people live on the planet. Migration is a very important topic to deal with, and this film does it excellently, seeing it from a real point of view, but raw and full of despair. It also portrays the feelings of a gay person, which you can identify with some of them. There are many feelings and emotions in this film, although most are of despair, sadness, concern and fear, it was revealing to know the story of this person who opened his heart to tell his experiences and portray a harsh reality that many people live today.

Although it is a bit dark, I thought it was a very nice movie, since the ending makes us hope that everything can change for the better, no matter how horrible time you are going through in your life, in addition to telling a story with many feelings and emotions of a single person, something that many people have a hard time expressing and that we would like to open up in this way.
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X (II) (2022)
A tribute that does not work
22 September 2022
This movie is a tribute to the horror movies of the last century, but it doesn't quite convince me.

The resemblance to certain horror films and their homage to them is visible, but I see it more as a copy of the conveniences and how predictable most of them were, I think that if this weren't an A24 film or a known director, it would be an atrocity, due to how predictable it is, and how little fear it causes. The story is written as if it were a psychological horror movie, where not much happens until the last minutes, where emotions are linked to terror, something that do not cause much terror and very boring, and this time is no exception, not much happens during the whole movie, and what happens is not scary or tense, everything becomes very predictable, and the ending seemed very absurd to me, since there was no extensive development to justify that, or even to leave clues of it's interpretation, but honestly I didn't understand it at all. The technical aspects are what save this film, the performances are phenomenal, the cinematography is good, the production design is very good and some of the visual effects are convincing.

The story made me despise this film, I could never see it as a tribute, it seemed like a poorly made copy with an unexciting story and a direction that does not cause fear or transmit terror.
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Drive My Car (2021)
Mourning, emotions and theater
16 September 2022
This film is a portrait of the importance of expressing our feelings and how grief can define our actions.

This story is very well written, from the relationships between the subplots, to almost all the well-developed characters, the story is very beautiful, since it correctly portrays the feelings of the characters and how they hide them due to their work. Almost all the characters have a very extensive development, the performances are fascinating, I forgot for a moment that I was watching a movie and thought it was a documentary, because of how realistic the story and the characters are written, also because of the great photography that presents us with unique and realistic shots, it even seems that my eyes are in that place.

It is a film that deserves to be seen without knowing much about the story, since you will be surprised how realistic it is, it is totally worth the 3 hours of duration, thanks also to the performances so full of emotion and for its beautiful photography.
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Ambitious but conventional
16 September 2022
This second part is more ambitious than the first, but still doesn't leave the formula of family films.

This is a story that we have already seen many times, but the idea is more ambitious by involving more characters and more subplots, and that is what fails in this film, the first one is also very predictable and conventional, but it was more simple, that did not involve complex characters and situations, contrary to what happens in this film, where the formula ruins any new idea. The characters do not have a growth, as well as their relationships between them are very simple and are very similar to those in the first part, the story has many conveniences, unnecessary subplots and uninteresting characters, although it did not bore me at all, it has parts quite entertaining, but the ending is very predictable. The special effects look good and realistic, the humor is still very childish, I hardly laughed throughout the movie, but the Natasha Rothwell scenes were hilarious, even though they don't have much impact on the plot.

The children's movie formula completely ruins any potential idea of the plot, although it entertains almost all of the time, it fails to stand out or surpass the previous one, it only does so in the special effects.
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Different but not good enough
16 September 2022
This movie is a breath of fresh air for current Mexican cinema, but it doesn't have a solid enough script to be a good movie.

It is difficult to see diversity in current Mexican cinema, which is full of romantic comedies that offer nothing new, and this film manages to be different, handling the comedy genre within a story of con men, which is good to see something different, but the script has many flaws, preventing it from being a memorable film. The story takes a long time to start, mainly because there is no development of the characters and why they make those decisions, the ending was very wobbly, since it could have been very dramatic and disastrous, but it seems that they wanted to finish it very abruptly and put on an epilogue that leaves more questions than answers. Although, it has quite a few positive things, starting with the humor, which is funny most of the time, especially in the scenes where the main characters do their scams, there is one action scene that is well done and well executed, the chemistry among the actors is very good, as are the performances, specifically I really liked Diana Bovio's performance, here she shows her talent and her ability as an actress, te movie also has very good music.

It lacked emotional depth to make the characters more interesting, but its successes must still be highlighted and also in what differs from other current Mexican films, it is not the best, nor is it the most entertaining, but we must recognize the effort that there is behind the film.
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Beast (I) (2022)
A bit of action mixed with family drama
16 September 2022
This film has little action but it is effective, in addition to having a story with a lot of family drama.

What ends up ruining this movie is that there is not enough of either, neither drama nor action, there is very little of that, leaving several parts with nothing to offer. The suspense is good, the director knows how to convey that to the audience, but the performances don't really help the credibility of this suspense, it doesn't seem like they're scared to death, the lack of a better structured script makes the movie fall flat at times and, at crucial moments, no longer recovers. The action scenes look decent, the special effects are good, and while the ending feels rushed, it's compelling. Also, in some parts, the family drama is in the background and is no longer given much importance after the first act, this turns in something unnecessary.

It is not the best film of its kind, but it has some things that favor it when it comes to feeling the suspense and tension, even so the poorly worked script makes the characters not so memorable and makes the story have little impact on the audience.
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The third act ruined it
16 September 2022
I thought this movie was funny and very sarcastic, but the third act ruined it.

It's a movie that doesn't take itself seriously and you don't have to take it seriously, that's where the laughs and the comedy are, but the overblown third act ends up ruining the fun of the movie. The story is very funny, in addition to constantly making fun of itself, because of how it is constituted, although there are some characters that do feel real, as well as the relationship between them. Although sometimes it borders on the ridiculous, it works because of its very sarcastic story. But the third act is exasperating, the intelligent way in which the story had been planned, disappears here, it even seems that they only finished the film in a very hasty way and with many conveniences, although it tries to criticize the films of today's Hollywood, does not come out of those conventions that it criticizes, I found that outcome very ridiculous.

Thanks to that third act so out of place, it ruined the opportunity for it to be a great movie, despite its successes, such as establishing a story based on the actor who plays the main character, I did not end up loving it, although it worked, most of the time, to turn off my brain and relax for a while.
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11 September 2022
This movie is very forgettable, due to its uninteresting plot and weak execution.

The trailer for this movie seemed interesting to me, but the movie doesn't go any further, it doesn't make an effort to bring us an interesting story or at least intriguing enough to remember it for a long time. The low budget is understandable, but other thrillers of this type like 'Searching' have a more solid script and a very intelligent execution despite its low budget, in this film the creators simply did not make the effort to do something of that type, they made a very forgettable movie. The script is not the best, it does not give a broad explanation about the characters, nor about what is happening in the film, everything is very superficial, the direction does not make an effort to give us a broad vision of the place where the protagonist is, neither does the tension increase during the scenes, there is always a very flat and weak tone of tension, and very rarely you get moved by the emotions of the protagonist. Naomi Watts's performance does not save this forgettable script, even her interpretation falls short unlike other recent works, it does not go further. The editing could have been better but the mediocrity and laziness on the part of the director prevents this from being a remarkable factor, there are even scenes where the camera moves too much and you can't see anything. Of the few redeemable things are the moments you can empathize with the protagonist, despite the stupidities and inconsistencies that she does, you understand her concern and her impotence, there are also some moments at the beginning where the tension is effective but this doesn't last long.

It was an idea that could be exploited much better, but laziness and mediocrity lead this film to be one more of the bunch and that you will forget in a few weeks due to the little impact that the story generates and the little tension that manages.
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Las Vocales (2022)
Just awful
9 September 2022
I had no expectations for this movie, but it still fails miserably.

The main theme of the film is controversial for me, since I experienced a situation, very uncomfortable and traumatic for me, related to this theme, but even so I dared to see it and from the first minutes I got very angry. The subject is very poorly presented, in fact the film does not even talk about 'Las Vocales', it talks more about motherhood and the competition that certain mothers may have in certain schools, from there we started badly, then we continued with the development of the story, which is completely null since there is never a reason why the characters act that way or why they change their way of being so suddenly, which leads us to their acting so selfish without a reason for that, causing that we don't empathize with them or understand anything that is happening, all the situations made me angry, because, despite the fact that they may be similar to reality, there is no development that can make us understand the characters, even in reality these situations have an explanation. I never understood why the main character was so submissive and so manipulable to become such a selfish person that she stopped caring what happened to her own son, just like I didn't understood the antagonist character, although it can be quite obvious understand her way of being, the script never goes into this, making each character completely flat and without much form. Also several scenes look like a copy of the movie 'Bad Moms' although nothing is ever developed in it or you completely understand something. I was about to give it a rating of 1, but at the end there is an important message about motherhood that is not perfect, and about not giving importance to what other people have to say about your life, even if it seems that the characters have not learned anything in the end, but that message seemed important and remarkable to me, as did Gabriela de la Garza's performance, who is the only one who gives a good performance and whose commitment to this project is noticeable. The technical aspects suck, the music is terrible, the same song over and over again, the same notes every time, the photography is very bad, there are too many blurs and very simple shots, the lighting is well controlled outdoors but it is very flat, the performances of all, except the actress that I mentioned earlier, are terrible, very exaggerated or null in terms of expressing emotions, and of course with such a disgusting script, the forced romance could not be missing, and the endless conveniences in the plot.

It's a movie to totally avoid, it doesn't teach anything, it has a horrible story and characters learn absolutely nothing during the whole movie, its very moving message is the only thing that keeps me away from giving it 1 star.
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Super generic
9 September 2022
Maybe it's a bit better than the first movie, but still the story is very generic.

What improves from the first film is the essence of the Minions and Gru, which is executed in a convincing way, but the entire story is full of well-known and well-used plots and subplots, from the relationship between the main characters, passing through the antagonists, the predictable ending, until the climax of the film. It is a story that we have already seen many times, adding too many subplots that do not end up impacting the story and that we know how they will end, and with a totally known and predictable ending, I even stopped focusing my attention during the last 10 minutes since I knew how would it all end. The cameos feel very forced, and while some parts of the story fill in script holes from previous movies, they open up new plot holes in the franchise at the same time. Although at first I thought it was funny and throughout the whole movie there were quite funny jokes, there were other jokes that I did not understand and that did not make me laugh at all.

I really like the Minions, just like the first movies in the franchise, but since the first solo Minions movie came out, everything has gone downhill, and this installment is no exception, mainly because of the unoriginal story and that we have seen many times before.
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Nope (2022)
Original ideas are appreciated these days
9 September 2022
This movie is a mixture of several genres, and it has a quite digestible story.

I really liked this movie because it portrays opportunistic people, who take advantage of misfortunes or traumas to generate money and gain fame, not only portrays them but also criticizes them for their shameless way of taking advantage of a delicate situation or serious, considering this the story is very good, although it seems a bit slow at first, it takes shape from the middle. The film has hints of terror and suspense, very light but they are present, there are also several touches of comedy that can lighten the seriousness of the plot, this can be positive or counterproductive depending on each person. The performances are very good, the special effects are very realistic and the design of these is spectacular, although the plot has many conveniences. The ending is very open, which didn't seem so bad to me but it leaves a feeling of knowing what will happen next, there are some things that don't have development, but I think this is because the characters aren't interested in any of that, they just focus on obtaining monetary benefit and fame.

Although it is a digestible and concise film, there are parts that are interpretive and that you can see in a different way every time you see the film again, it seemed to me a successful proposal in terms of the criticism it makes and in terms of the film itself, as original ideas are in such short supply these days and it's nice to see such a film on the big screen, despite its few but glaring flaws.
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Very dramatic
9 September 2022
This movie gets overly dramatic as the plot progresses, but this can be a positive thing for some people.

I don't mind the excess of drama, sometimes it even makes me laugh, just like this movie did, especially at the end when everything was very exaggerated and it made me laugh, but most of the time I took it as a serious problem, something that can be counterproductive for some people since it exceeds the limit of drama that they can bear. I could not say if the story portrays the rehabilitation of an addicted person, since I have never been in that situation or people close to me, but what it does is sell that premise and convince the audience, thanks also to the good performances, although Mila Kunis has a hard time at first, then recovers, and thanks also to the development of the characters, which allows us to see them at their most vulnerable. The song of the credits is very good and in general it seemed to me that it was not a perfect movie but it caught my attention.

It is not a movie that preaches to the audience, even the story is very digestible and you can empathize with the characters, but the moments where there is too much drama affect the reception of this movie, especially because of the rushed and a bit ridiculous ending.
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Ambulance (2022)
Stupidly absurd
28 August 2022
This movie fails to give us good action, but manages to hold our attention one way or another.

To tell the truth, it seemed like a horrible action movie to me, since the action is almost non-existent and what is there is not very exciting, but somehow the director manages to make a good thriller and keep our attention throughout the film, despite of the non surprising story, in fact it becomes more predictable as the plot progresses. For some people, such absurd and implausible action can work in favor of the film, but to me it simply seemed zero fun and too exaggerated, the action genre by nature is like that, but this film takes it to the limits, being terribly tedious almost all the time. There were times when it felt like a Transformers movie, this just makes it clear that the director has stuck on how to do action scenes similar to those movies. The characters are flat and the performances are terrible, the constant movement of the camera does not reveal what is happening, evidencing the little commitment when planning the filming of this movie.

I thought it was a very bad movie, despite I never took my attention off the screen, thanks to its poor quality in the production and to an unexciting and too absurd action sequences.
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La civil (2021)
23 August 2022
This film not only reflects a harsh reality that is lived in some parts of Mexico, but also has a narrative that captures your attention.

Most Mexican films that portray a harsh reality of the country are slow and very interpretive, which can be negative or positive for the public, but this film has an easy-to-digest narrative that keeps us attentive to what will happen next, in addition to not rambling and developing the characters extensively. This story is raw and shocking, something that many Mexican families live, with a narrative that people can connect with the film, of course there are some things that are left to interpretation but they are very few. The characters are well developed and the performances are phenomenal, the quality of this movie seems like Hollywood, compared to the movies that are used to made in Mexico, since most of them look very cheap. The ending is interpretive, I liked that since it is an artistic aspect of the film.

I do not want to say much about the plot since each twist is shocking and unexpected, the director knows how to capture a story with a good narrative that is not boring and that at the same time has a good development and represents a reality without preaching the audience.
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Entertaining, silly and nothing more
23 August 2022
This movie fits perfectly into the mold that Marvel had given us some years ago, being the highlight of this movie.

When you go to see a Marvel movie you don't expect anything extravagant or artistic, you expect a movie to turn off your brain, watch the action and laugh a little, something this movie does perfectly, it doesn't try to be something it's not. The story is entertaining, with some exciting moments, but the tone is what makes it not so good, it's very childish, the jokes and the way it approaches some interesting topics like love is very silly, it seems that children wrote those parts, there is no maturity in the story or in the characters, that is the most counterproductive thing about this film. But the rest is everything that we would expect from a Marvel movie, good special effects, entertaining fight scenes, a predictable but enjoyable story, new characters, some cameos and very childish jokes.

It's definitely not trying to be something it's not, the director knows what franchise the movie is in and does a good job with the narrative, but the very childish and silly tone of the movie makes it not the best or the most remarkable among the movies of this character.
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Sing 2 (2021)
Great sequel
15 August 2022
I didn't love the original movie, but I found this second installment very endearing.

This script impressed me a lot, it develops each character even a little, something that did not happen in the first one, the story also improves a lot and keeps the audience entertained without rambling into unnecessary subplots, everything works correctly. The animation is very good and colorful, it improves a lot compared to the first one, the musical production is great and makes this movie worth seeing in the cinema, due to how exciting some musical numbers are. The characters are more endearing and it makes it easier for us to empathize with them, I think there were only a few flaws, like creating a very flat antagonist and giving him an unbelievable outcome.

Of what a few movies were in animation in 2021, this film is among the best of that year, this sequel was a great surprise, I would certainly see it again in the near future.
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Do we really need a prequel?
15 August 2022
The answer is no, it wasn't totally necessary, although the movie fill some plot holes from the past movies.

The story is very predictable and unoriginal, it's linear and this is appreciated, but it didn't seem as interesting to me as the first movies. The development of the antagonists is null and of the other characters is insufficient, the development of the story is very simple. The animation of the landscapes is very simple and not very surprising, but the essence of the entire saga is present in this film. It bored me at moments but some others were funny, I guess it's not as bad as I expected to be but it's still not memorable.

It can be entertaining for children, but in general it is far from being a memorable and interesting film, within the saga it is not the worst but the effort to create an interesting and fun story is not very noticeable either.
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Lightyear (2022)
I found it boring
15 August 2022
This movie is not bad at all, but its uninteresting story makes it not a worthy spin-off.

At the beginning it seemed entertaining, I was even enjoying it, but from the middle everything falls apart thanks to an unoriginal story that we have seen many times before. There are some really nice characters, but they're cliches, nothing we haven't seen before, and the main character doesn't have enough charm to be the lead, so it's not enough to sustain the movie. The development of the story is very poor, since the antagonist is not enough to keep my attention the whole time he comes out, just like the explanation of his name is very stupid, it even seems that they had not thought of something credible and they just improvised the origin of his name. The animation is very beautiful, it's excellent, but not enough to sustain the story.

The truth is that it bored me from the middle and there were moments when I almost fell asleep, but what stands out about this film is its very careful and well-crafted animation, something that does not save the film from an unoriginal and unentertaining story.
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