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Abbott Elementary: 2 Ava 2 Fest (2024)
Season 3, Episode 10
Ava meets The Bear
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The return of Ava fest was pretty predictable. Of course we knew Questlove would show up. Also, I thought for one second that the show would extend Janine's stint at the district office. It was worth a few laughs this season. I just don't want the show to get stale. The characters are so engaging.

What I found really funny was the sub-plot about the lunchroom staff. I thought it was funny how it mimicked The Bear. Abbott Elementary lost to that show in last year's Emmys. Which is weird since I do love watching The Bear, but I don't consider it a comedy. The Bear's humor comes from a totally different place. Abbott is good old fashioned fun.
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Good movie but miscasted
22 March 2024
I found this little gem on Hulu while in the mood for a movie in black and white. For some reason all of the movies showing on TCM were made in the 1970's (yuck).

So, not being a regular viewer of Tyrone Power, I didn't know what to expect. About mid way through the movie I thought it would really be great if this were Myna Loy and Cary Grant or William Powell.

The stars of this movie were missing that certain spark that lifts a thin storyline into something more. While the stars were very likable and attractive they had very little chemistry. Some of the dialogue was rather funny and the supporting cast was good. It definitely wasn't a waste of time.
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Miss Scarlet & the Duke: The Fugitive (2024)
Season 4, Episode 6
Well done!
16 March 2024
For an episode that is missing both the Duke and Moses this was really good.

The chemistry between Nash and Scarlett was pitch perfect in this episode. I believe this is my first episode to be rated 10 since season one. That says a lot about the great writing and acting. The show is so well written, and so character driven that you kind of lose yourself within the story.

This episode was bittersweet because it was the last one of the season and perhaps the last one with the actor who plays the Duke. I look forward to the next season to see what the writers bring with a possible new cast of characters. I just hope they can keep Nash out of jail.
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Will Trent: Me Llamo Will Trent (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Fly Cricket Fly
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the general consensus that Cricket should've stayed in the storyline a little bit longer. The actress who played her was on point with her character. I liked her immediately in the story. Cricket was just the right amount of assertive that she would have been a nice challenge for Will.

In addition, this was a great way to kick off the season. A lot of action and following up on plots left open from last season made this an enjoyable episode to watch. I too would like to see Will move onto other love interests in the season. A break from the dysfunctional relationship with Angie would be a good way to see him grow more as an individual.

I really enjoy watching this supporting cast. Hope this season stays up to the same level as the opening episode.
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True Justice: Family Ties (2024 TV Movie)
Thank goodness for the supporting cast
18 January 2024
I was about to give up on this movie about 20 minutes into it. Luckily the Liam character joined and provided a much need lift to the cast.

The lead actress and actor who played Casey and Eli were so bad in the opening of the movie that I couldn't take it. No emotion, inappropriate smirking and unbelievably bad delivery of lines. How did they even get the roles?

The rest of the cast was okay, but the movie would have benefited from more screen time from the Hallmark veteran actors.

Like I said, once the actor who played Liam came on screen I enjoyed the movie more. However the plot was weak and the killer of the woman found in the alley was totally unbelievable.
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My favorite episode
13 January 2024
As I noted, this is my favorite episode of the season. While the case itself was just OK, the assembly of all the main cast was great. Having Scarlett work with all the male leads was inspired writing. The Duke, Moses and Nash in the same room was sensory overload. I know I am objectifying the males but I really don't mean any harm.

I had to watch this twice because I paid too little attention to the case being investigated. Turns out it really wasn't much of a case. A lot of red herrings then the perpetrators come out of nowhere.

However the case is secondary to the central point of the episode. Which is to get the Duke and Miss Scarlett closer together. Something better happen between them in season 4...or I will...simply keep watching. There is no way I could ever voluntarily stop watching.
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A Royal Date for Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Could have been better
1 January 2024
I stumbled across this movie while flipping through the channels. I have a like/dislike feeling towards Danica McKellar. Some of her movies I really love and others where I think she acts too girlishly for a woman her age.

This movie started off with a good premise, but her acting ruined it for me. I really liked the plot and the actor who played the Duke was fantastic. This was my first time watching Damon Runyon in a romantic movie and I thought he was quite good.

However, the movie became too cliche for me, but I stuck with it until the end. I really hoped it would get better , but even the leading man couldn't save it. I get the fairytale undertone but a grown woman jumping every time someone interrupted her and the Duke touching was overkill.

I have to add that while I have seen a few good movies on GAC, I still find the movies subpar the Hallmark and Lifetime. The budget on the GAC movies must be pretty tight. When the guests at the different parties in the movie wear the same clothes twice, that's a problem. See the lady in the green evening grown who gossips with Bella at both events. Do you really think a woman would be caught in the same dress more than once within a week. Please!
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Yes, Chef! Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
Just okay, but Luke is always good to look at.
23 December 2023
OK Christmas movie, but has an implausible storyline. I can't say much without spoiling the movie, but the movie goes kind of south after the plot twist is discovered.

Tia Mowry gives her typical performance which is normally just passable. I really am a fan of Luke Humphrey. I first saw him in the Frankie Drake television show. He was an interesting addition to the movie but not enough to elevate it above ok.

I enjoyed the Christmas scenes with the two leads and the cooking scenes were good. But again not enough to distract me from my iPhone. So, I started my review before the movie was over.
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The Burial (II) (2023)
The word of mouth about this is true
29 October 2023
Many of my family and friends saw this movie before I could find time to view it. Their comments were so positive that I had to see it for myself.

The movie was great. The nuanced performances of Jaime Fox and one of my favorite actors Tommy Lee Jones hooked me in right away.

I'd never heard the true story that the movie was based on, but was drawn in by the wonderful screenplay. Don't get me wrong, I believe in capitalism but stumping on the little guy and small businesses is wrong. I loved how the egos of the two lead characters would not let the corporation get away with using the legal system and a contract to disadvantage people who don't have deep pockets.

The casting supporting cast was great. Jurnee Smollet just gets better and better. The movie was wonderful to watch.
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The Irrational: Zero Sum (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Best episode so far
19 October 2023
The characters on the show are beginning to grow on me. I really like the dynamics between the university staff and Alec. I also enjoy his interaction with his sister. Very engaging dialogue between the two of them.

Despite guessing the culprit in the first 10 minutes, I like the way this episode played out. The backstory of the family and the wealthy benefactor was very interesting.

Nice flirtatious interplay between Alec and the private security lead.

Hopefully the show can maintain the same engaging writing in the future episodes. I am looking to seeing more.

Also the ongoing back story is just getting interesting.
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Chicago Party Aunt (2021–2022)
All it needed were more Chicago Bears references
11 August 2023
I loved this series! If you lived through the Mike Ditka era in Chicago you would get the jokes. It is spot on with life in Wrigleyville during the time when it was the center of entertainment in the city. The Cubbies and the Bears ruled. All of the other Chicago teams were an afterthought.

Diane's love of Chicago made me smile and remember my days in college when pub crawls through the neighborhoods of the city were like an Olympic sport. I had friends whose parents were just like Diane. Any Cubs game was a reason to party and tailgating at the Bears game was a family affair.

Loved this show. Wish they had more episodes. Maybe a spinoff with Mikey's college years at DePaul University would be a good idea.

I can't believe the haters who didn't get the humor. They truly missed out.
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What a love story!
8 August 2023
I waited awhile after the premiere on Netflix to watch the episodes. I didn't want to be influenced by all the reviews and commentary. After the first two episodes which were rather uneven, I really got into the love affair between George and Charlotte. The "mad king" met his match with a queen who eventually sacrificed her on individual happiness for the good of the crown and her husband.

The last 20 minutes of the final episode had me crying for the couple who had thirteen surviving children but were barely able to continue their lineage to the thrown. What a unexpectedly beautiful story. Very well acted by the leading cast.
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Cozy Mystery Movie Without The Mystery
2 August 2023
I watched the entire movie because I liked the dynamics between the lead character and her friend who was a cop. A rerun of Murder She Wrote probably could offer more suspense. Which isn't saying much.

The acting overall wasn't compelling. I never felt her struggle with God was fairly acted out. For example, she seemed to always try to pray with a glass of red wine nearby. Not sure that is the right inspiration.

Her efforts to find the killer were pretty laughable and the red herrings were easy to spot. Overall this is no competition to the Hallmark mystery movies but I found it watchable nonetheless.
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More please!
28 January 2023
I have watched every episode across the three seasons of this show. Each season continues to engage me and the characters continue to evolve. The one flaw is that Eliza has not grown as much as some of the other characters. I hope there is another season where she can grow more mature. Other than her relationship with Ivy and Moses we see very little of her lighter side.

The casting on the show is perfect. From Inspector Wellington to Moses and all the quirky supporting cast members, the show highlights some of the best character actors on tv. I really like the recurring character of Nash. I hope he will be back.

I purposely avoid binging the seasons. It is better to savor the episodes. Also, the actor who plays Inspector Wellington is too gorgeous to rush through!
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Lease on Love (2022 TV Movie)
Enjoyed this movie despite its shortcomings
22 January 2023
I am a big fan of the lead actress in this movie. It took me awhile to figure out who she was but then I remembered her from the Frankie Drake Mysteries tv show. It is on the strength of her performance, and that of the other lead characters that I was able to enjoy this movie despite the unrealistic plot.

Being a fan of romcoms, I could suspend my disbelief despite the plot holes. Boy meets girl and they fall in love. In that regard, I sat back and enjoyed the performances of the two main characters. I also enjoyed the supporting cast. Give the movie a try and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. It is better than the group rating indicates.
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A Christmas Spark (2022 TV Movie)
Really good movie
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a rom com fan and I didn't think I would like this one.

However, this movie threw me for a loop because I found it very entertaining. The mature couple played by Jane and Joe really had wonderful chemistry. Outside of the breaking of the tree topper (which was unnecessary), the movie was going at a great pace. The script doesn't wait till the end to have the lead characters some emotions. Also, the discussion around starting one's second chapter resonated.

Don't let the low ratings from others stop you from seeing this movies. It has great Christmas feels and the lead actors make it worth the watch.
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Abbott Elementary: Egg Drop (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Beautiful lessons in this episode
22 November 2022
This is now one of my favorite episodes. Janine and Barbara independently learn valuable lessons about what is within their control and what is not.

Gregory helps Janine understand that not everything is possible just because you set your mind to it. By telling her class that all things are possible Janine is setting them up for failure. It was nice to see Janine and Gregory interact together in a different way.

For Barbara to learn her lesson she needed Ava... yes Ava. I am really impressed with the way they are letting Ava evolve this season. The writing for Barbara and Ava was really exceptional. The simple lesson of not judging a book by its cover doesn't quite get to the lesson Barbara learns in how to relate to the mother of a student in her class.

This is a must watch episode. Entertaining and thoughtful. Good laughs from Jacob's character too.
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Did I Watch a Different Movie....
19 November 2022
Wow. What rough reviews. Seriously any one who rated this below a 5 couldn't have seen the whole movie.

Based on the comments from some of the reviewers, in "It's a Wonderful Life" George Bailey would be an abuser and his wife Mary would be an enabler. Maybe even a stalker.

I am a huge rom-com fan. This movie has a wonderful thoughtful storyline. The characters actually evolve in the movie and make each other better people.

There was no love at first sight in the movie and they timidly move toward each other making mistakes alone the way. It is an imperfect romance of two people who learn to believe in themselves individually and as a couple.

Please watch again.
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Christmas on Mistletoe Lake (2022 TV Movie)
Fell off the boat....
13 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first part of this movie. I suspended my disbelief and sunk into story. The chemistry between Ray and Reilly was okay and the outdoor scenes of the town were nice.

The story started going downhill when Louis as Scrooge attempts to buy the boat. Then Reilly's sister totally ruins a perfect one minute reconciliation between Ray and Reilly. The drama just never felt anything beyond something to move the plot along.

Once the Christmas miracles started I gave up fully on this movie. There also seem to be some continuity issues in the last 15 minutes of movie.

For a movie about people seeking authenticity this movie was surely missing it.
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Home for a Royal Heart (2022 TV Movie)
Unbelievable plot but ok movie
25 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of course, romcoms reuse this plot line a lot. A royal trying to get away from their restricted duties and live a normal life. This movie does nothing to elevate this rusty plot line. However, I did enjoy the lead characters and the supporting cast.

The lead character's focus on keeping the island unchanged got a little tiresome after awhile but the idea of the king deciding to buy the land near the marina was also a bit far fetched.

I have to say that I am not yet 100% GAC Family fan. Hallmark is still the best to me. I really had to suspend my disbelief on this one.

Good for a Saturday night and a bowl of popcorn.
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Frankie Drake Mysteries: Summer in the City (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
Good Episode
20 August 2022
Liked this episode. Good storyline led by a terrific cast. The guess actors playing Eric and Moses were quite the scene stealers. The main characters are also growing on me.

Still trying to figure out the inclusion of Ernest Hemmingway. After binging only the first 3 episodes, I will have to wait for my answer.
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Love on the Rise (2020 TV Movie)
Obviously no production costs were spared
19 June 2022
I was following along with this okay movie until I noticed the bakery back room was a green screen. The lead actress and the actress who co-owns the bakery have several scenes in that room. The scenes are in a purple tint and the canisters and shelving are as fake as the chemistry of the lead actors.

This is a GAC movie. Not Hallmark.
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Love Life: Paloma (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
Loved the brother/sister dynamics
21 May 2022
Transitioning to season 2 is kinder hard but I do feel that the writing is more consistent. Interesting to see the man's perspective after a divorce. He seemed much more confident when he was married.

I simply love the dynamics between the brother and sister. The dialogue and interplay between the characters just flowed.
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In the Heat of the Night: Accused (1989)
Season 2, Episode 18
Is it just me?
30 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was truly a cringe worthy episode. I don't know if it's because it was made in the 80s but having a rape victim proposition the suspect who raped her just didn't feel right. What police officer would put a victim up to that? Also, the episode was just unbalanced with comedy and drama. This episode has not aged well.
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Abbott Elementary: Work Family (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
My favorite episode so far
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was good on so many levels. Janine and Gregory getting closer. Gregory finally loosening up with his students was wonderful. Jacob came across as a real person...rather than the goofy character in the previous episodes. Best thing was the casting of Orlando Jones as Gregory's father. They look so much alike.

If you are on the fence about liking this show you have to see this episode. Funny and poignant.
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