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Box: Metaphor (2023)
14 June 2024
I always appreciate a filmmaker's effort to innovate, even if the concept isn't entirely new-as seen in CUBE and other movies where characters are confined in a space. The design and texture of the box in this film are interesting, although the flaws in the visual effects become apparent when viewed from a distance, especially the drones. The lead actress and one of the supporting actors delivered commendable performances. However, the film suffers from overly dark lighting, which detracts from the overall experience.

Although this might be a low or no-budget indie Australian film, budget constraints should not justify poor filmmaking. Unfortunately, the acting, with a few exceptions, was subpar, the story lacked engagement, and the dialogue was weak. The film felt aimless, lacking a clear narrative arc or purpose. I struggled to grasp what the film was trying to convey about a future dystopian society or the significance of the beach setting; a desert might have been more appropriate for the prisoners.

Overall, there isn't much that stands out positively in this film. The writer and director could benefit from studying storytelling techniques to develop a more compelling narrative and journey. I'm sorry to say that I did not enjoy this film especially when you have someone read the intro out loud - that was a cringeworthy moment and a strong indicator to the films impending doom.
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You'll Never Like This
1 June 2024
Lots of fake reviews here, nothing happens for almost one hour inside of a trailer home. It's a one location film that tries its best to be creepy and scary, but it waits until the last 20 minutes to actually gets somewhere. Once again Aussie mentality of trying to make a horror / supernatural / psychological thriller BUT nothing much happens apart from lots of talking (slow burn) creepy sound effects and lots of trying to make you guess WTF is happening. Just a note for the film-makers - SCREENWRITING 101 - You can have 1-2 things max to have as a mystery but not trying to make the film 5 different things and confuse an audience. Is it a horror? Is it a ghost film? Is the old man insane? Is the girl a ghost? Is he drunk? Is he on drugs? It's exhausting. The story is actually boring as nothing intelligent actually happen. It's too late by the time you get to the last 20 min and then give everyone your twist. Overall, I wouldn't recommend it, I'll end with the positives. Great cinematography, Production Design and Grade is beautiful, actors are descent and music, and sound all technical aspects are spot on. It's always the WRITING & DIRECTING is the common problem and why it's NOT on par with the rest of the world's standards and it's a constant reason that Aussie audiences will always flock to a well written and directed American or foreign film. Nice try but no thanks.
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41 (I) (2012)
28 May 2024
Not a bad film at all for an indie Aussie film, which for once injects some heart and emotion. The premise is interesting although not original. The time travel story will never gets old, but Glenn Triggs found an interesting concept using a motel room. I did like the homage or rip off from Back to the future in terms of the timeline splitting. I thought the actors were solid especially David Macrae who gave an outstanding performance. I think this is a great start for this director and overall enjoyed the story. Unfortunately, it fails when it comes to the cinematography, lighting, set design and has an awful color grade. I forgive it for all that as I enjoyed the story. Music was quite beautiful too and the simple VFX simply worked, not bad for an indie low or no budget film. Overall, a director I believe is going places.
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Time Addicts (2023)
13 May 2024
I really wanted to LOVE this, especially after I was sucked into the trailer, the concept had promise but wasn't executed correctly. Firstly, the drug addicted characters did not ring true to life, I could see the actors phoning it in or trying very hard to be a bogan junkie without having the acting chops to pull it off. It didn't feel authentic like the writer / director didn't experience it and wanted to make a film about it. You can see when someone hasn't had lived experience. Especially the lead actress she really needed to go further with her character, she seemed to OK to be a druggie. I didn't quite believe her performance. The lead actor was trying to play it cool or eccentric, but it didn't land either. The other ensemble cast were actually quite good. The story is lacking so much, long scenes with pacing issues and boring, I found myself fast forwarding as NOTHING literally was happening. I can't believe yet another terrible funding choice from VIC SCREEN and the funding bodies whereas other filmmakers are struggling to make films who are far more talented.

Overall its photographed well, all technical aspects are very good, nice locations and music but that where it ends.
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26 April 2024
Despite its promising premise, "Late Night With The Devil" fails to deliver on its potential as a supernatural horror film. The movie struggles to evoke fear or suspense, instead opting for a slow-paced narrative that feels lackluster and somewhat boring. The first half of the film is dominated by mundane conversations on a talk show, with little to propel the story forward.

While the concept of the film is original, it is let down by poor execution and a lack of scary moments. Despite its title, the appearance of the Devil and other supernatural elements are saved for the final act, leaving viewers waiting for any semblance of horror until the end. The film relies more on gore than genuine supernatural terror, missing the opportunity to fully utilize its potential.

However, "Late Night With The Devil" does have its strengths. The cast delivers strong performances, and the cinematography effectively captures the atmosphere of a 70s-style talk show. The costumes are also commendable, adding to the film's aesthetic appeal.

Unfortunately, these positives are overshadowed by the film's lackluster story and failure to evoke any real emotion. While it may be an easy watch, "Late Night With The Devil" ultimately falls short of leaving a lasting impression on its audience.
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13 January 2024
One of the best Aussie films this year, certainly kept my attention. It was interesting, engaging and easy to watch. The film is a psychological thriller with supernatural elements, I think the Director did really well, this is much better than most Aussie films, this surpasses The New Boy and Shayda. This has most of the elements that most American films have. There was some moments of slow pacing issues and the backstory needed to be clearer a little earlier in the first act and also it didn't really pull at any strong emotions, but overall, the film looks beautiful, great locations, great cast, Sarah Snook is exceptional as always and the film looks and sounds great. Well done, highly recommend, don't listen to those reviewers giving low scores. Just a note to the producers - The Poster is a fail - It doesn't attract the right audience and doesn't sell the film as it should, a creepier poster with the mum and girl would have been better.
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Blueback (2022)
3 January 2024
Based on accomplished novelist Tim Winton's book of the same name, this film falls very short. Not all books can be adapted into films especially if the screenplay is written by the wrong person, a person who has more producing and directing credits than writing.

The film is photographed well, and all technical aspects are met especially with a big budget. Locations are great and most of the actors are good, apart from Mia - who seems to be phoning it in on this film - half the time she seems so flat in her performance, she actually seems like she doesn't even want to be in the film and was doing it for a paycheck or a favor. (Just watch the first few lines while she's on the satellite phone and listen to the delivery) The film and its themes are well-intentioned, but this was actually packaged as a kid's film? I can tell you; I have 5 young kids and they wouldn't sit through the first 10 min. This was a missed opportunity to tell a heart-warming story about a beautiful blue Groper fish which has a beautiful relationship with the Jackson family over a few decades. Robert Connoly should have taken a page out of Free Willy or A Dolphin Tale. There is hardly any real emotion evoked from this story, any emotion portrayed is actually dribble and contrived. The narrative is disjointed and convoluted, its pacing is too slow and somewhat boring. Also feel like Radha Mitchell is trying too hard to be SUPER AUSSIE with her accent, but I believe her performance is still quote strong. Overall, a well-shot film, with all the bells and whistles thanks to Screen Australia and ScreenWest. Lottery West helping already established filmmakers instead of funding new voices. Just remember if you watched this film and agreed and are Australian - your tax payed for this. Do you think it was executed correctly? Want to watch a fantastic Tim Winton film? Go and watch an excellent film called Breath directed by Simon Baker - a fantastically made film.
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The New Boy (2023)
27 December 2023
Overall, a beautifully photographed film amongst the beautiful landscapes and county of Australia. OK acting by the main cast and a beautiful soundtrack to accompany it. The sound design is terrific as well as the production and costume design and that's where the beauty stops. The films narrative is convoluted and not clear and is left to major interpretation which in storytelling means it's a weak premise with no real strong intention. It dances around the ideas of faith and indigenous culture, but it's never fully fleshed out, disappointed coming from a first nations director. There was definitely potential there in a conceived spiritual essence of an idea which was left underdeveloped and a missed opportunity to mix faith and spirituality. The imdb synopsis stated that it's about a renegade nun (Cate Blanchette) but that doesn't really describe the character. The film is easy to watch, pacing is better than most Aussie films, but it just needed so much more, Aussie films have this real problem in being able to do the simplest of things - Tell a good yarn on screen. Why is that? We get this idea that we must continue to tell first nation stories BUT we cannot find a new angle or a GREAT story to tell, this story is mediocre at best and Cate Blanchette can't save this. Doesn't matter how many AACTA or award nominations this film gets - your larger GENERAL audience can see through the pretentious arty-fartyness of underdeveloped narrative storytelling and by attaching known actors - it tries to sell you that this a film worthy of accolades. Films are political now, not made or judged by their merit but by the politics of the government agencies and the people who have power to get them made.

The film s well-made and it shows from the decent budget it was made with - but that deserves no accolade - tell a story and move me, make me feel emotion - I felt nothing watching this - disappointing because the hype didn't watch the viewing experience.
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23 December 2023
This is a really good film, great cast, great locations, great cinematography and has everything going for it, especially the story telling. Kitty Green is a great story-teller unlike all these arty-farty people trying to tell stories in Australia. Her last film - The Assistant was a abysmal and was so boring, but this is a great follow-up. Even though I hate when Aussie filmmakers make the lead an American - that is an insult and we know you're doing it to get the funding, but it works with this story as its based on the real documentary. Overall, the film works well and is truly entertaining. There are some execution problems as well as plausibility issues when you have a lead character is potential danger and you don't fully flesh it out and realize it, its like your almost on the edge of your seat and then your back on your seat so quickly that the danger that could have happened - was over so quickly you didn't give the audience time to take it in, you didn't let the danger get there, just a glimpse of it and then nothing. I want to be entertainment by giving my senses an extravaganza of emotions manipulated. Overall, I enjoyed the film and it a good watch, nothing to call home about but from an Aussie film perspective it has my vote.
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Foe (2023)
23 December 2023
This is not even close to being a good film. What happened to Garth Davis, Lion was such a beautiful - almost perfect film, then there was that terrible Mary Magdelene film and now this.

This concept was interesting but very poorly executed, the screenwriting was contrived babble and didn't know where it was a western or sci-fi film, I think the idea was better than the screenplay. Look with a descent budget anyone can have great actors, beautiful cinematography and all the required technical capabilities. But with an indie-film you have none of that so you really on telling a good damn story, this was so hard to watch as it was sooooooo boring, slow paced, contrived drivel that tried to be unique with mixing genres but failed miserably. I wanted to like it so much, love you Garth but this was a no -go. Actors impeccable, all the photography and locations fantastic. It's an American film with the usual misses and fails of an Australian production. I think this was just a paycheck for everyone because this film would be hard to get a general audience to watch. Sorry Garth I'm not biting - go and watch Lion and bring your tissues because Lion is pure cinema with real emotion and has everything a great story should have.
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Of an Age (2022)
23 December 2023
So I went into this with the talk of the town, but mainly from the film industry and the fact that the film is up for accolades in the awards season. The film is shot well, even though the 4:3 ratio BOX non widescreen format is being overused so it can be seen as stylized filmmaking. The film has a nice color and look regardless. The actors were fantastic but most especially Elias Anton in particular. The film is score is beautiful as is the song soundtrack. Starts of good in say the first 15-20 in but then the first half falls on its arse. The fact that you have multiple talking scenes in cars while driving and the dialogue is mundane, boring and uninteresting, it could have been 20 min shorter. There are many pacing issues with the film and lots of too quiet (arty) beats and pauses that don't really move the story forward. Special mention to Hattie Hook for a special performance and the whole ensemble cast. Overall, the second half of the film performed better, I didn't feel the emotion the film was trying to portray, I felt it was slightly forced, I felt the character development was not developed enough and then when the film jumps a decade it just felt off. Overall, the director is a good storyteller, not great but once again it's a film with an agenda about a minority that's had a lot of support and funded by Screen Australia. I feel this years AACTAS are a big miss, look at the films such as Monolith, Streets of Colour, Damage, The Cost which didn't get nominated for AACTA awards and should have. This film is an ego-driven film about the director and the general public wouldn't watch this or rate this up there. I recommend watching The Cost.
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Shayda (2023)
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Based on a true story this film is shot beautifully and the actors are very good (not great) and the music and production is produced exceptionally.

The story is a little too long, about 15-20 min too long, there are significant pacing issues and the story which is of a refugee should have been compelling and emotional, yes there are moments, but it failed to connect with me as a middle eastern person from the same region.

There are problems with the style of storytelling - the problem the film fails to move the story forward instead it cuts back and forth between mundane scenes that don't move the story forward and then serious scenes.

I give credit to the little girl who did an incredible job in this.

Overall the film's intentions are nice, but I fail to see why this film is winning awards when there are far better films that tell an emotional, thought-provoking, powerful story that actually moves you.

This missed the mark by a lot, and poor and inexperienced direction. Doesn't matter if the film is produced by Cate Blanchette, tell me a good story that will actually and me cry, and you will have the audience in the palm of your hands.

A lot of these awards are very political and there are favoritism especially knowing that Cate Blanchette is attached. The diversity and person of color ticking boxes is always a draw card, a film should be based on its merit and not because of its diversity.

Overall, a film well-made but overrated.
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23 October 2023
This is not for everyone, it's certainly a journey of one character only. In a world that seems to be post-apocalyptic, like the end of the world, virus wiping people out and people are out for survival.

Masterfully made in every way, cinematography is brilliant, the color grade, the music, the amazing locations, excellent directing and just pure cinema brilliance, SO much happens in this film without dialogue - where most SLOW-PACED boring films that use a lot of dialogue tell NO STORY, here is an example of masterful storytelling with no dialogue and with 1-3 characters. (see my other reviews to understand) ROLF DE HEER does it again. This should win so many awards.

Warning this is NOT for the average audience - this is for lovers of cinema and are looking for a unique and cinematic and weird and wonderful experience.
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The Land (2021)
23 October 2023
Don't waste your time on this super typical Australiana film in the bush that has absolutely NO STORY, nothing really happens, it's boring, the pace is extremely slow, the color is so bland and depressing and the actors are not very good apart from the female lead.

No excuse for being a indie film, this really has NOTHING engaging, or interesting or really there isn't anything here to say.

The premise in the film has told in the synopsis - is that a guy comes back to see his mate and they talk about a rape they did 20 years ago - you would think something BIG would happen after that - nothing compelling, or thought-provoking, or emotional.

Completely unforgettable.
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Damage (2020)
23 October 2023
This is a nice film with a nice idea about an Arab taxi driver refugee who picks up a woman who's lost or doesn't know where she's going. Basically 1 location film inside the car the whole time apart from a few scenes.

The film is engaging, and the non-actors are very good especially the old lady.

The music was good and some locations, but the photography looked amateur, and the color grade was off.

It has annoying glitch drone footage and other cut away stock footage which is distracting and takes away focus from the core story.

I felt the characters were good but not great, the Arab man was portrayed as being very rude and usually in that culture they would never treat an older lady with disrespect.

The problem I have with this particular film is that it is white washed in the storytelling and the culture. It's supposed to be a story about a refugee and Aussie woman with a culture clash and we learn about both their worlds. The story decided to focus more on flashbacks with Ali and his traumatic past in IRAQ and the war he faced losing possible loved ones.

I felt sorry for him but it DIDNT evoke any real emotion, it felt forced and contrived and it didn't come from a place of lived experience. Even if the Director who is of Anglo-Saxon background did research and uses real lived experience from the real actor - it didn't translate well, it was missing so much emotion - I should have been crying by the end or feeling something strong.

It can be dangerous telling other culture's stories as it sometimes fails and doesn't transcend the real world and trauma that middle eastern people face.

Overall, a really nice movie and I enjoyed it, but it should have been so much more.
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The Big Dog (2023)
21 October 2023
Started off great, quirky dialogue, good characters, interesting world of financial guy mixed up with online dominatrix - (dominatrix) is misleading because there is NO SEX in this film nor is it sexy or anything.

Just a bunch of scenes with the main lead talking to a young girl online and getting off on her dominating him and spending his money.

This story is good until it gets to the last act and becomes really weird.

There's a lesson here about marriage and troubled suicidal son - but it's not executed correctly.

Its tries to be serious and funny but none of it quite lands and the refuses to go deeper and evoke any real emotions.

The film is shot well, and the actors are very good, the standout here if Felicity price with an award-winning performance.

Other than that, there isnt anything special.

An easy film to watch, better than 95 percent of any Aussie film made this year in 2023 so congrats to the team in actually having an engaging and interesting story for once.
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Petrol (2022)
21 October 2023
Probably the most boring film ever made.

The film forgot to add an interesting story, this film lacks substance and actually there is NO story.

This film is made well but thats it.

It tries to be arty and poetic, but it moves so slow, nothing really happens.

It really baffles me how bad films get made, Australia is on a roll this year with probably some of the worst films made.

We will never move get better if we let these filmmakers keep making films.

Im sorry Director these are the basics in story telling that you missed. 1. Tell a story that will resonate with people NOT a film for yourself - thats selfish and narsvcasstic.

2. Have something to say - tell an actual story - go back to story basics - 3 act structure, plot points, conflict, journey, resolution.

Where is the story, where is the conflict?

3. Make it interesting, compelling, evoke an emotion - fear, joy, love, fear etc.

Note: Spielberg isn't the most successful storyteller in the world because he put us to sleep and admit - how many of his films have you seen?

Stop trying to be a European in Australia - It doesn't resonate with our Audience.

I would have loved if you showed me more of the Russian culture something deep and meaningful and emotional.

The people at Screen Australia and MIFF need to be replaced and overhauled.
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Shadow (I) (2022)
21 October 2023
WOW - JUST WOW!!! Talk about Diversity and Inclusion this one wins.

This was a brave film with real disabled people doing an extraordinary job with acting in this great weird but whacky film that centers around holding a conference on disability for the disabled by the disabled.

There was nothing disabled in this film just the use of that word to me is now becoming ugly - these beautiful people showed what it's like to be treated differently and they showed how inhuman so called "NORMAL" people. Are.

The fact is that people who don't have any impairment are impaired in their behavior, they are more selfish and ruder and people with impalements are much kinder.

The film is shot beautifully and may in fact win the BEST INDIE FILM, a story well told with a brilliant cast of disabled actors.

Loved this film.

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Limbo (II) (2023)
17 October 2023
This film has NOTHING, it has no pulse, the story is so booooring and everyone talk very very slow and theres nothing compelling, nothing interesting, theres no conflict, no character development, no reason to make this film.

Anyone that says this is a haunting tale has brain damage or related to the film in some way.

The landscapes are magnificent and the cinematography is just beatiful.

I love Simon Baker but just wasted here.

Screen Australia and Screen Agencies please STOP giving funds to people who make bad films just because there are Aboriginal people.

I am a person of color and I'm begging people to stop.

There are so many cultures in Australia and suburbs with stories that are underrepresented.

I am done with the slow Australian paced films.

You are creating more hatred from the Aussie audiences, there only like 1 percent of the population who would watch this.

This is a box office fail, if you are trying to make arty films for yourself that's fine, but this is NOT for a big audience, and you are only making films now to try and win awards.

Its time to let the next generation if film-makers make some films, and let them have the funds.

I understand that there is an agenda that you should have Australiana films but this is just ripping off the tax-payers.

A huge overhaul is needed at Screen Australia, stop giving your friends money and stop being corrupt because there is no way that when you read 90 percent of the scripts that you would greenlight them.

Having lived in the states for some time now and having done coverage for the studios I can assure you none of the screenplays that get greenlit here would ever get made in the states.

The reason is marketability, Australia fails even to compete with New Zealand a smaller nation.

Please stop making films like this unless you make them with your own money.
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Slant (2022)
14 October 2023
This is a dark comedy that is quite original and unique.

The story is a little off kilter and hard to follow due to it being too complex, erratic, and convoluted.

But there is hope for this, it has a brilliant cast of great actors especially Sigrid Thornton who is a force in this film with a great ensemble witty cast like Pia Miranda. There are brilliant locations, production design, grading, hair and makeup (except the fake beard at the end) and really good music score.

This film is very ambitious with some great dialogue, and many genres in a mixed bag, drama, comedy, murder-mystery-esque film.

If you want something different to watch - Check this out I feel this will possibly be nominated or sweep the AACTA AWARDS - You heard it here first - 15th October 2023.

Overall great execution of a so-so storyline and great overall direction.
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The Cost (2022)
13 October 2023
Great story telling here, edge of your seat stuff, really enjoyed it.

Another good follow up by talented director Matt Holmes, I didn't like The Legend of Ben Hall, this was much better,

Most of the actors are good except the guy who plays the Jordan is not the most convincing of actors especially in a role that requires so much emotion because of the themes.

Damon Hunter and Mark Dee are exceptional and should be nominated or win awards at this years AACTA awards.

Overall great storytelling, great locations, great production design and music and great direction.

Congrats to everyone who made this film, its a great Indie effort.

Only lost marks for Jordan's casting and some story holes or plausibility issues like when the girl getting kidnapped at the beginning she's walking in a dark street and doesn't even look around, I found that highly unlikely, most women look around.

Also, its just missing some genuine emotion, it has all the right ingredients, but something was missing, I should have felt more - it needed more heart, to dig even deeper into the soul of losing someone to murder. I found that it was Jordan who let it down, I should have cried for his loss, but something didn't connect.

Some people in the reviews claimed it was THOUGH-PROVOKING I mean to each their own but really this is not the type of film you're going to walk away contemplating life unless you're a murderer.

What this film is pure excellent entertainment.
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The Rooster (2023)
13 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow apart from a stellar performance by Hugo Weaving who goes slightly off kilter with his performance and great location, production design and grading there's NOTHING here to watch.

It's about a local bush cop who finds his old friend dead and apparently goes looking for what happened to him. The story goes off on an arty-farty tagent along with forced stylistic choices that takes focus away from the story. But there is NO story here, just a bunch of scenes of Hugo and Phoenix (who just phones it in as an actor) they play, they drink, they talk, they dance, they talk, they cry, they play ping-pong, they walk, they eat - you get my drift thats NOT storytelling thats just out mundane lives. All while this is happening is a slightly over-the-top eccentric performance from Hugo playing a mentally ill mad-man.

By the time they get back to the nonexistent idea of the story - it's too late you have lost the audience from the snail pace and boredom, and we no longer care.

The story or characters never really develop, and you can see the writing was bad and the direction was poorly exectuted, This is not cinema and this is a PERFECT EXAMPLE OF EHY AUSSIE FILMS SUCK!!!

I am sick of this NON engaging, uninteresting style of non storytelling with only 1 unique to no unique or interesting chracters.

There are obvious elements of SWISS ARMY MAN here which is a far superior film, they borrow many of the silly eccentric playful scenes as well as similar musical elements.

Do not waste your time. Indie film or not this is not how to make a film. Sorry to all those who contributed all their hard work but just because the film looks shiny and has a world-renowned actor - doesn't mean it's a good film, by far this is a 1-star poor effort of a film.

A polished turd is still a turd.
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10 October 2023
Nothing good here, 2 guys just talk about life all the way thru, that's NOT a film or a story it's just life, it's like the director stuck a very cheap camera or old phone and filmed his mates and thought it was a film. Nothing happens, very very slow and boring. The conversations are bad, the dialogue is bad, the photography is shocking, it's extremely bright, the music is bad, no color grade, no story, no real character arc, or story arc, bad acting and just goes nowhere. There's no emotion and when someone gets emotional it doesn't matter and it's contrived because it's hard to care when there is nothing happening, or you're not invested in anything at all. There are sound and editing issues too.

I understand that it might be a micro budget film BUT that's no excuse especially when teens are making exceptional short films on their phones.

2 stars for effort.
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9 October 2023
I wanted to like this so much, it started off great but then after about 30 min it got annoying especially because 90 percent of the film takes place during the daytime which is NOT SCARY - somebody tell the director that.

I know they were trying to NOT be full Hollywood but this is a failure as they DID try and sell the film as a supernatural horror - just see the poster and the trailer.

The cinematography ois great, the color grade, the production design, music, vfx and loactions are all fantastic.

The ensemble supporting actors are good, but Dan Ewing is Not a strong actor and the guy playing the exorcist priest so young and inexperienced its not plausible to be a Vatican approved exorcist. The actor plays him arrogant and pompous, so you dislike him as a character.

At one point no one is watching the girl and she gets away and there are like 20 people in the house - c'mon suspension of disbelief?

I wanted to like this m but it didn't MORE, not so much Hollywood but even a true story needs amping.

This didn't evoke any emotions from me, not fear or anxiety, or keeping me on the edge of my seat, its forgettable and not executed. Correctly.

I really wanted to like this but the screenplay was obviously not written well.
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8 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad quinessential Aussie film depending on how you are if your like most worldwide auidence that would ve a negative, if our a lover of home grown Aussie films you may like this.

Its very Australiana which means very slow, boring , snail paced.

Th main actress does really well as does the teen who both sing in the film. All the actors ate good in this film.

The cinematography looks great, love the locations and the color grading and the music score is good and some songs but alot of the songs are a miss, no real melody , no catchyness and her voice can be annoying after hearing so much of it.

Other than that, there isn't much of a story here, nothing compelling, nothing interesting or engaging. I wanted to like this as I like the premise of a washed-up singer trying to finish her album whilst having an unlikely friendship with a runaway teen. This should have been an emotional journey, but the director focused on the music way too much and forgot about the storytelling which should always be number 1. I understand the songs are part of the stories, but they are NOT that great, you need moving emotional songs, like the one at the very end, it was beautiful but needed a bit more punch.

The overall film is NICE, it's proverbial heart is in the right place BUT it's missing an emotional journey, you need to evoke some emotions with such strong themes as the loss of a parent, cancer etc.

Well done to the cast and crew.
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