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Sympathy for the Devilish
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Imdb is review site not an opinion about content site. As a documentary should document facts, this does well ( just go fact check it takes a while though) so anyway ,however, it is presented as the the inception of mass misinformation when another angle is how certain sites and practices can incite and we're proven to do so. How internet use blew up during the pandemic at a rate that could not have come with enough warning . Yet another angle would be the human psychology of how often we see false information factors into how we process credibility and so on. No doubt people are offended ( especially as beliefs are challenged) the real concern should be our own mental health and the effects on young minds going forward if there is anything to be done.

Its not a surprise. No one dismisses the Pam and Tommy tapes or JLo dress or the blue white dress and the developments of our internet but they aren't the whole story . So this felt rushed and packaged into a bow when it really could have been a series and with careful attention to the audience, it could have been presented in a way that was less divisive or more coddling.

The leap to the election and Q and Trumpers made sense and even earned the movement some sympathy yet anyone already there may just see propaganda and miss the point as there is in incredible amount of misinformation including medical and DYI , even hair color remover as the unregulated 'wild west' of the information highway ( not long ago) continues into the now.

Where is it headed? Have we been warned ?

Even this review , the minute I wrote Trumper I am sure people tapped out .

History teaches us so much but most of us need to make our own mistakes to learn no matter the costs. I liked the optics and the progression of this documentary and overall it delivers on thought provoking and hopefully pushes fact checking rather than adamant appall.

I started this review with how the emphasis here should be on the quality of the film and not content however the reviews got under my skin insofar as the emphasis on content ( which did give me more to look into, yet in the end, appear gravely misinformed....which i think reflects the point of the documentary )
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Can't have it all
23 February 2024
We could be gifted several movies about Bob Marley and come away unfulfilled . This is quite entertaining and done well . We get the gist of this unbelievable time in his life and the mark he has left on the world. Our crew headed to the movie ages 13-75 and everyone knew the songs from his final album. It wasn't until we were driving home that it became apparent that each wanted more. More grit , more color, more childhood more insight more Bob. It is a polished movie that speaks volumes about the time in which it portrays but it also leaves us wondering and wishing for more -which is aptly fitting as the world continues to grieve the loss of this Man. At the same time it did portray a decent amount of closure and show his life and career fulfillment to the degree it could .

The cast is fantastic and the material solid. It's a very solid 8 ime.
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True Detective: Night Country: Part 2 (2024)
Season 4, Episode 2
Its happening
10 February 2024
While the circumstances seem to have a supernatural element , they don't. True detective must figure it out. This season finds us with some truly unlikable characters and the setting is bleak af. I can't pretend to know how things work during night in a rural arctic town but i am guessing this is it. Not sure where the research funders are , but anyway, what actually happened seems obvious to me. I hope I am wrong and I also hope that we will find out why the detective is a miserable person although we have some hint but I don't know if we are supposed to ever be sympathetic to this person or of the plot will unfold in a humanizing way.. If i am right ( or not) it's off to a good start albeit uncomfortable to watch. They shouldn't have released this so close to Fargo. Both shows are established and worth the wait . To overlap the release after this long was a mistake ( for me to watch anyway) we rewatched most of episode 2 and it was better the second time. The tone and setting are jarring and so I have to believe that it's on purpose. It is a 9/10 as for now as I want to trust the process and its authenticity. It's leaving me unsettled and thats a nice change from being entertained to a stupor.
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Fargo: Blanket (2023)
Season 5, Episode 8
Fargo for the win
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There are few series that I wait around for weekly or seasonally. I loose interest. This series, this episode, did not disappoint. The set ups are great and are starting to being fulfilled.

Danish taking care of business and on a high from his win, decided to try to solve things on his own. Unfortunately he greatly underestimated his foe.

Our home girl continues to demonstrate just what a survivor she is. She is in the demons den and things are looking bleak af.

I may be underestimating her mother in law. I doubt that anyone could foresee dealing with ruthless murders. If she gets that sense , she could hire mercenaries but she is used to paying people off and not dealing with sociopaths. The music the lighting or maybe its the color, works so well.

Idk about cinematography but this feels like what's good about it. If that lawman who asked her if she wants to go with him got killed it would have felt too contrived - cant go offing just anyone and they are getting reckless .

I still don't know wtf with the mud covered guy but he is pissed and I don't blame him. It will be unfortunate for our heroine if her former stepson is killed " There is still good in him" I want to believe that. Things are revving up as Roy becomes even more unhinged. I don't know why I feel the need to run like this with the play by plays. If you're reading this spoiler I assume you've seen it. Then I imagine we will wait together , until next week and then years maybe, for another season of Fargo.
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Not really spoiler but also might be ...
24 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Do yourself a favor and just watch it for what is, a slice of time at the beginning of an event. What's happening ? Why? Who cam be trusted ? What would you do differently?

Why are people behaving the way they are?

This movie scared my neighbors . They knocked to ask if had heard anything . We said ' no that's strange ' they were watching something unsettling and it turns out they we're watching this movie! They said the movie must have scared them but they weren't convinced .

I found this fascinating as I was terrified by a pretty basic movie myself several years ago.

Those of us who are fans of the post apocalyptic type genre may not realize the accessibility and newness this movie holds for the more unfamiliar movie goers. It does a great job without being ridiculous and imo, gives some credibility to the genre to the masses .

I figured what it was probably was going to be early on and allowed myself to take the ride.

Had I never encountered this material maybe I would be tempted to knock on doors too.

Now who else down for a little extra prepper planning?
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29 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Jess becomes addicted to her emotions, is self centered and gaslights . She is incessant.

Chef Tom forgets that a guest doesn't eat beef and while he got caught up preparing an excellent meal and he feels terrible about it, it is an odd and annoying mistake to make at this point , with these same guests.

The guests are quite interested the crew and they ask personal questions and enjoy a disco party. Aesha appears more of a free spirit and says that is done with yachting after this . Malia is on the rise , she and Tom are adorable together. Bugsy's competence and good nature are increasingly evident. Rob wants to explore the next level of the yachting. I doubt he can go pee pee without Jess taking it personally.

It's a compelling gentle series that i don't come across often but when i do i find it relaxing.

I happened upon this episode today so idk a lot of context . I give it a 7 because it holds my interest but i wish the show gave us more shots of the setting and scenery.
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Matt Rife: Natural Selection (2023 TV Special)
Hang in there Matt
24 November 2023
Like many, I assume, I was excited that Matt has a Netflix show and so I set in to share this joy with a friend. Matt seemed out of his element and made a decent attempt to merge what he does with a stand up special. I personally didn't realize how dark he could go, but it makes sense. I also think this is a stage in his comedic development. He has some good material here and seems to be finding his voice for a larger audience. His more intimate work and spontaneity doesn't really vibe with a stand up special. Its intriguing to see his development and I am curious as to how he will move to make his work more accessible to the masses . He has the talent and the chops. It's just a bit of a rocky start here.

I imagine him to be discouraged by the reception or disappointed for sure.

Hopefully this generates a buzz that gets people check out his work online and that Netflix sees past this hiccup to whats possible.

I doubt this is the end for Matt , but a stepping or milestone in his career. He is a young talented guy yet !
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25 October 2023
Intriguing in that we get to spend some time ( albeit limited ; more of a snapshot ) with individuals who have been charged with crimes relating to their participation in the January 6th Capital breach.

Each has their own life and story , some are more easily empathized with than others . They are all US citizens who were either caught up in ,instigators of or antagonizers in the 'storming of the capital' . Motivations , regrets and personal insights are mixed , offering more insight into what brought each person there and their reflections on that day and the aftermath.

The plight of these individuals offers an often sympathetic yet brutal hard look at what our neighbors were involved in and how easily it can happen or be completely avoided .

The documentary style can get a bit daunting as it's interviews with person after person without filler or other info pertaining to that day.

Collectively it works well enough and isn't too long .

It would have been helpful if updates were paired with photos .
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Experimental First Season
29 August 2023
They have something here, the bones of it anyway. The season unfolds as different approaches and ideas are tried out and we find that .some things work and some don't.

The practical jokes are done well though and the show isn't afraid to make mistakes . The panel is actually great since I wasn't too sure about wanting to spend time with any of these three , however over a few episodes I have cone to appreciate what each brings to the panel. The commonality appears to be that each is a polarizing personality , each funny in their own right. They are not there to be so funny or to become a favorite but more about how they jive together and what their diversity ( comedic and otherwise ) brings to scene.

The season experiments with the details and development ( which don't always work but that's okay and it's interesting ) yet the premise remains consistent . They are there to orchestrate a prank for the right person if they so choose . Nothing is cruel no one is harmed and we have a chance to see the participants before and after their prank has played out.

Each of the pranks are personalized and a good deal of care goes into each. Not everyone who approaches the panel has a good prank idea or a deserving 'mark ' which is also part of the show.

This is a family show, it's not over the top .

The opening montage ,I can't stand personally ,so I go to lengths to skip that every time. While I originally felt compelled to skip ahead to the pranks , the build up and choices are valuable and we can invest in the prank unfolding ,as viewers.

I really hope there is second season as there is something here and we have been appreciating it ! Every episode is different to some extent ,so if some aspect doesn't hit its because it's working itself out .

Give it a shot . There isn't anything else quite like it , as it's a sort of cross between a game show and prank show.

I went from an 8 to a 9 because of all the shows we are watching ( and trying to remember that we are watching ) this is the one we looked foreword too this one after a grueling journey .
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I'm a Virgo: Balance Beam (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Sweet Sad Silly Sexy
12 July 2023
Mesmerizing and visceral, whimsical and whacky Compulsively watchable. It all pops off in this episode ! Dreaded events and anticipated delights unfold. This series delivers and it doesn't feel so hung up on itself that it looses its essence. I wouldn't binge this as it will be over too soon. I find watching it in increments leaves a lot to consider and the content feels rich and layered enough to satisfy in smaller portions.

We are beginning to learn even more about the this community and it's people. Everything and nothing is as it appears and the sensible pacing entices the viewer towards its final episode. No clue yet is this is one season or of more can be expected or it it even should be.
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The Walking Dead: A New Deal (2022)
Season 11, Episode 18
Good one
5 July 2023
Well, it iS the final season and frankly there isn't anywhere else left to go ( as far as these communities , human nature, what people are striving for or where it all goes ) I found this to be the best episode of the season so far . It's never going to be what it was and has to end somewhere. I bet most of us have ideas about the many directions this could be going but I hoped for more along the lines of Rick and Michonne at this point, for an explanation and more of a true final season. After 12 years of watching this , we are back at a community so sure it's time to end but really felt like they could have rallied for this last season and not just use it to jump off to a new endeavor. Anyway I'm going on this season alone and the second half is quite engaging so for the seasons standard 8/10.
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The Walking Dead: Acts of God (2022)
Season 11, Episode 16
Gratuitous gore
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I waited to watch the final season . I know it's Twd and that it's become mainstream yet I still cringe at the handholding , like when Rick was on the bridge - we were warned. That was the end of an era . Apparently no one recovered from Glens death (until maybe now) but that's as bad as it was, was what made this so precious, the unknown the visceral and the fragility.

The glam is more evident now too , the freshly washed hair , clean faces when herding and some time inconsistencies . Its jumping for the story and it's really the characters plights that have made this ...It's annoying but tolerable . Anyway it's become your mamas walking dead , well my mamma's actually( if I was 14 I would hate that she watches it now haha.) The gore and zombies have come quite a way but also tamed down if that makes sense, how is this ? CGI is what if seems like , but idk . Yet again out people find a community that turns out to be evil . This one is more about old world evils but it's moving right along so there's that . Also frankly if I had been out on the road for 10 years the idea of little apartment a simple job and ice cream is incredibly tempting . Princess got the idea alright ... and a cat ?!! And with kids how could one not decide to try it out ? But I get it , okay, but then this community just lets them in ? Our people are trouble makers!! Haha I mean it's not okay what's happening but when has attention to disparity ever changed things ? We'll see. It is becoming far fetched but also it is the last season and it's been a hell of a run .Beth dying still haunts me and Andreas sister had me all in. We lost good people and now it's like no one is going anywhere and where is Rick ? What is an A or a 1 or whatever that was . Where is Michonne? How will this be wrapped up ? Will it ever end and after 10 years how many dead can there be that haven't rotted to bones ? Sure people are still dying but hmmm. With - community of 50,000 has no one has resurrected a tank or a plane ? I think I need therapy for this ending lol .

Anyway enjoy! I imagine your reading this because you've already seen it because it's a spoiler. This episode was decent nothing is ever like it was , since it's been a year it's a bit more apparent to me .

I give this a 7 because compared to 8/10, 9/10 , 10/10 episodes of former seasons that's what it is feels like .I do appreciate it though .
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Succession (2018–2023)
I couldn't watch the end
16 June 2023
So I went back to watch some of the episodes that were weighing on my mind . Rewatching episodes changed this to a 10 for me .

What I rewatched allowed me to take in the intricacies and complexities of the acting , storytelling and score . Really , everything about this series in its ( almost) entirely ( I will watch the end of the last episode ) the gradual and subtle changes in the characters as well as the glaring , the overall tones , the exchanges , the acting the dialog , the emotion , and nuances. The writing directing and acting is jam packed into each exchange.

It's a masterpiece as one oft greatest series delivered in this time of tv extraordinaire. There is no doubt this has made a mark that will long be admired, copied and culturally referenced . I can not do it justice in my review. Early on my mate just didn't like the characters or tone and so bowed out , which was a mistake . He regrets it . It was a mistake not to take this journey and so , if your on the fence and wondering what the hype is all about it you're your thinking of giving it a second chance, your time will be we'll spent ! I can't speak to binging it , it's been a long road. Still ,I can't recommend it highly enough ! It delivers on a grand scale episodically, seasonally and overall ! This review will be buried in a thousand 10's I am certain . That's okay. I feel therapeutically compelled to add mine.

Spoilers Update : I did it, I finished the last episode so now come the spoilers .I can't say I didn't want the kids to win or that everything I hoped, expected and stayed for has come to pass. Now I am left with facing the reality that the kids didn't rise to the occasion. Logan wasn't wrong in wanting to tie it up and for not finding them worthy but he is to blame for it . Anyone with a dad like this knows the divide that's created by pushing his kids to compete with each other and vie for approval and affection is setting himself up . The last moment of the opening credits shows their perpetual place exactly .

Shiv , the scorpion, was true to her nature and I should have seen it coming with all the scorpion drops but I didn't . As a person who could never live up to my dad , it's disappointing that Kendall didn't win. I imagine a lot of us are hurt by this -it's all too real and disappointing .A frustrating and painful end to this series could not have been more fitting whether I like it or not . I still give it a 10 ! I was tempted to go back to 9 because I didn't get my way but really no one did .

Btw lol I was standing up in front of the tv pacing for the last 1/2 hour of it.
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The Idol: Pop Tarts & Rat Tales (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Almost went over my head
15 June 2023
Captivating, mostly because of the gorgeous visuals and the main actress plays a star like a star.

No clue what to expect but I think we all know by now that being a pop star isn't all it's cracked up to be. I'm not sure about the mental illness part because it seems like emotions themselves have become such an inconvenience that having them is starting to be seen as a problem.. Anyway so far, that angle didn't seem necessary since one can be fit af and not make it through the grueling heat of an LA summer.

I don't know what to make of this yet but there is plenty here to enjoy and more to unpack. I am going to stay open and check out the series . It may be geared toward a certain demographic but it's too soon to know .
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
Dark Excellence ( I wish I had a better header )
31 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series became so dark that ,at times , that I couldn't tell of it was intentionally departing from its comedic intent or if something was going terribly wrong . Nonetheless, we were hooked; and while we came for Barry , we stayed for the glorious cast and the compelling storyline that unfolded beautifully, episode after episode, season after season . When a show announces its final season there is concern. How will it end ? Should I even watch it ? How are they going to do justice to the individual characters we have all come to know and care for . My own initial confusion with the time jump and the framing ( or downright misfortune of Gene ) only served to keep me intrigued long after the credits , making way into my consciousness when I was far away from the televisions ( and snacks ) I found this far more brilliant that annoying . Barry was , or in fact Is, an epic win for Bill Hader. It feels like it was always meant to be. I am appreciative of the lengths he went to and the twists and turns in his own career to land this . Oh and what a landing he stuck!

Funny heartbreaking , scary , weird , surprising and even cringe , we're all packed into 30 minute increments spanning over 4 years . My own attention span has expanded in ways I never before thought possible lol. There are few shows that near perfection beginning to end. Check out Mr Inbetween if your withdrawing ( but watch a buffer show because it's too good and certainly not meant to be compared! ) I mention it because personally I can get a little depressed when a show so great ends and Ray's story is a blessed shoo-in !

The show could have ended with Barry's demise yet , true to form, it delivered something in addition , something exceptional to contemplate going forward.

Ps it's a 9 because I am super picky about 10's . I just need to process a bit - the series itself feels like a 10 overall for sure.
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LuLaRich: Start Up (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
'Fun' pants !
12 May 2023
Whatever happened to the company that pushed ugly leggings as 'fun'? Yes ,the material was indeed delish! At the time it seemed like everyone was buying and selling LulaRoe . One memorable day we were at a fair and their stall was absolute madness ( and festive ) !

I tired on a pair and couldn't see my wearing them ( besides the black ones) they were hideous hahaha I looked like a wrestler ! And while my adult kids were definitely intrigued by a leggings startup , they ultimately, and fortunately passed in the 'opportunity' , frankly , the clothes must have reached their ugliest, well , let's say their strangest , at that point , so it was a pass.

Anyway that's my limited experience with the leggings so I wasn't too interested in this documentary however after watching this first episode I found it quite interesting and entertaining. I am going to watch the rest. It's a solid 7 because I think it's quite universally watchable yet some people will enjoy it more than others . That's my 7 stars criteria .

It's also fascinating how people with seemingly good intentions can make a bad business. These aren't younger people who were led to believe that their dreams could all come true with hard work and persistence . This a a couple that appear to be my age who had a great idea .

I shouldn't give more away or it will be a spoiler.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Solid, yeeesh
2 May 2023
We expect great things from movies these days and why shouldn't we ?

The thing is , something's been lost in all the novelty and surprise . For one , a good old fashioned 'turn on a movie and be entertained ' has become more elusive. Certainly there are times when a pair of comfy old jeans can be flattering as they are functional. And hey, no one is saying this is groundbreaking. This feels meant to be a fun easy entertainment where the characters mesh, the action jives, and the pace keeps itself. For this it delivers.

Frankly , when a film is rated a one, yet checks all of the Cinematic boxes , it' gives the impression of lazy trolling rather than that of a meaningful review. Sure there is no rubric here on IMDB and that's been unfortunate. This gets a 9 for entertainment. A 7 for its overall and maybe a six for its novelty. The action scenes were well done for this type of film. It's out of character for me to give a 9 to a 7-8 but I can't help but be disappointed in some fellow reviewers and I can't shake the need attempt to make it right with this small gesture.

Obviously I can't speak to the totality of todays parenting standards , but for us , this would be great family entertainment since a diverse group of roommates had fun watching it last night as it has a little of something for everyone.
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The Power (2023)
Shocking I say
23 April 2023
We were avoiding this because I figured it was something super hero, and while it's not a genre I would avoid , it's feeling a bit saturated lately .Anyway ,it's not what I thought it was and while the premise could almost feel cringe , it's not , especially in the execution . At some point it felt like we were immersed in a novel ,due to the character development and world building, and turns out , it is a novel ! And apparently a well done adaptation!

The way it's shot/ directed creates such rich texture and layered scenes that we binged the first 4 episodes ! We haven't binged a series in years ! It doesn't feel like girl power or super hero or really like anything the premise suggests , maybe it is , but it is so well fleshed out it's hard to find any fault in it ( besides some of the actual power play that felt a bit hokey but it was only a couple of scenes and even then it felt purposeful ,like it didn't want to deter from the story -it's part of the story but far from where it feels like it's going or has been .) We figured we would need to 'go there ' to make this watchable but it unfolded in a way that felt like we were already there . I also appreciate that it's happening all over the world ( I am reminded of sense8, another show I avoided or restarted a couple of times but can never forget due to the epic scope of production and gorgeous imagery) Anyway, my review to back up the 9 stars I am giving it , based on the first 4 episodes .
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Carnival Row: Carnival Row (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
Thank the Martyr
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We could have been Firefly'd !

Season one was unexpectedly good.

Season two took so long to come around that I started putting off watching it when it did .

Ot wasn't meant to be the last season . They knew it wouldn't be renewed and they managed to gave those precious couple of episodes to wrap things up !

So many people were involved in this series , too many to leave under contract during the pandemic , they needed other work .

My review : I was not going for a fae type series but this was done so well despite my prior judgements.

The world building was excellent and the cast were so finely chosen! I wish we got to see Imogene have a baby ! Or the evolution of the Row or a grand return to Tír na nÓg , or the look on everyone's faces when Philo claimed his birthright, oh and the prophecy I could go on .

But . I must appreciate the final season and the way it ended because it felt like the writers did all they could for the fans in the face of the series having to end abruptly. We got the possibilities of seasons unfolding and the final outcome that must have been intended. We got a hit if the new order as well .

When I saw how this episode was rated and so I wasn't expecting there to be an ending at all.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Very shiny
15 April 2023
I can't be mad at the evolution and expansion of the Star Wars universe. I imagine that many of us who are ( I think it's called gen x) who watched the first film in the movie theater in 77 are appreciative and far more forgiving of what's available now. For example I still can't get over the fact that I can rewatch something immediately and for Mando I do . From the announcement of episodes 1-3 in the 90's , it's been quite a long and precious journey. The Book of Boba Fett came with nods to sort of new ageish type of vision that felt too close to home to feel as authentic as Mando but did I not long for anything Fett since that Christmas special? Mando felt so true to the essence of right out the gate and it ended with season 2 being incredible, I think I had tears in my eyes haha .

Now season 3 and this first episode ,with the lighting in first flight scene, I suspected it was going to go with some modern flair. There is so much that can be done now it has to be a fine line between puppeteering and all out space spectacles . It must too ,be difficult to find focus in this sprawling universe , yet everything feels to be meeting the challenge .

I once took part in a great debate about old songs being covered and released as new . It felt ridiculous , lazy and rude to try and better a classic song . However, my opponent pointed out that some things need to be repackaged for a new generation to appreciate.

How could someone who grew up with an iPhone in their reach be just as taken with this universe as someone who had to stop -play -eject or use the Dewey decimal system?

-This is the Way .
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Tetris (2023)
Went in cold; Wow!
6 April 2023
I happened to see the title and figured it was just named Tetris with lofty ambition. Right from the beginning my jaw dropped and probably stayed that way for the duration.

Excellent. Granted, I am an 80's kid so I had a connection with the variations of the game , releases and the Russia connection. I don't really care if it is hyper-factual or not because there were enough obvious facts and nostalgia to 'make it ' I am surprised by the low reviews but I suspect that's because it's new and enough people haven't seen it yet .

The movie never lost its way or it's momentum . It was an absolute pleasure !
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Swarm: Only God Makes Happy Endings (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Haunting straight to the end
5 April 2023
Or is it the end ? This is wrapped up so nicely it's not clear if season 2 is in order . Can we talk about the creep factor! Or the visceral nature of this show unfolding? Then there are the excellent characters and the main character !

We don't get a ton of horror shows and this delivered ! Engaging , unexpected and for what it is, it's none-the-less surprising!

The darker comedic aspects fit nicely but it mostly felt like horror to me. I can't binge good shows because they loose something so I took my time with this one ( a week haha) Having no idea what to expect didn't matter for this but is always a nice touch imo. The episodes are in order and they build fyi. The ending felt perfectly executed !!
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Die Hart (2020– )
Your breaking my Hart!
17 March 2023
I have to say , I have never done this , be 'shocked ' by low ratings . It makes me sad to see because I assume it's a deterrent to a comedians creative endeavors when they get poor reviews like this . I watched Die Hart several months ago and gave it a 9. And now there are substantially more reviews . I happen to appreciate Kevin Harts humor, so there's that, but it's not like I was expecting much . The litmus test was my roommate who is tough to entertain. We enjoyed this so much ! Clever ,funny ,different , intelligent and not a ton of filler so the episodes are short and to the point ! A fun ride !!
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Titanic (1997)
25th anniversary in theatre
14 February 2023
I was loathe to go to see this in the theater in 2023 however my friend wanted to experience it on the big screen so I obliged . I don't recall loving it when it came out, I was younger and everything was cringe back then. It is still cringe haha but in the best possibly way ! The acting and the pacing ... the unfolding of this story was so well done . It felt like a very short movie Also, having learned some of the facts about how the movie was made overhears and the attention to detail was moving. There was almost a coldness or a sterility to the experience which felt very much the setting on a brand new ship. The characters felt authentic and while of course Jack and Rose were a bit rudimentary ( for lack of a better term ) they were children of the time and their love felt wholesome and innocent against the backdrop of impending doom. The ship , the beautiful detail and it's stunning demise was truly epic ! I saw it in 3D and it didn't feel forced , it was beautiful to watch . Finally ,what I wasn't expecting was to wake up today with such vivid recollections and appreciate for how well this movie was done over time .
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Slight spoiler
5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's everything I hoped for considering I only recently got to see it ! .This third installment , while incredibly entertaining in its embodied Wick action , was a bit confusing to me . The fallout over markers being honored and the consistency with fealty and honor has me a thinking . So he must take out a high table but then he is targeted by the high table for it ? How could he win ? Or of course it could be a play on the idea that he can't win really ( although he Is winning !!) It sets a grand table for a fourth chapter ! Thankfully the wait won't be too long . I have no clue when the final chapter will be or of it ever can be. One things for sure , the action and sequences are so satisfying and for a pure action movie it certainly manages to keep a nice plot line and plenty of surprises ! The settings were perfect ( as usual )It doesn't get the 9's of the first two but only because I had to think about the the logistics a little too hard .
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