
45 Reviews
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Why the hate for the English
27 January 2024
This really riled me as a Brit...why make it out like we're uptight aristocrats that talk down on Americans, are you actually kidding me, that alone is poor story writing and completely unjust and disrespectful to all the Brits that fought and died in WW2, to add in the Scottish jibe, are you actually serious, we were the only ones that didn't bow to hitler and had the balls to start this but your displaying us like we're all from a poxy episode of bridgerton & at least with BoB pure accuracy was on its side, based on real stories true characters proper research, not just egotistical we are America blah blah blah. Bore off.
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Strays (2023)
Absolutely loved this film
16 September 2023
As a dog lover I struggle with dog films, they make me waaaay to emotional, always the fear that something bad is gonna happen just in general makes me avoid dog films and if you are fellow dog lover you know what I mean, it's just too much emotion, but this film was just absolute dog loving perfection in all kinds of ways, it had the right amount of everything, exceptional comedy, a nice dose of sadness but also happiness. The casting was was nailed. If you want a fun loving feel good make you laugh film then defo give this a watch.

And I'm added the following because of the silly 600word rule.
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Euphoria (2019– )
Watch if you wanna feel like a bit of perve
6 June 2023
I mean first impressions it definitely captures your attention but I don't know if it does it in a good way, I'm a 34yr F and it makes me feel like a weird pervert watching it cuz even tho they aren't teens in real life that is sort of what they are portraying, it's clearly supposed to be for adults but like seriously we know kids are watching and as someone who doesn't have kids it makes me grateful of that cuz if that was even half of how kids act, thank god I don't have one! But also knowing that teens are watching this unsettles me with how it tries to glamorise being a druggy kid or sex obsessed, they really need to think hard about what they put out there cuz for me even thinking that my kid was watching this and thinking that behaviour is "cool" would drive me to drink and drugs worrying, making this stuff come across as cool and edgy, it's not.

Kids drugs are baaaaad & sex in real life is not like that at all it's awkward and uncomfortable when your that age!
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Ignore the media...this has major LOTR vibes
2 September 2022
I honestly can't fathom what I have being reading over social media, I don't get the criticism or so called lukewarm reviews, people saying it's boring, I genuinely feel like social media always picks the smallest minority of judgement and runs with that as the general consensus of everyone. When it comes to LOTR there are 2 types of people, people that love that kind of thing, or people that don't, my guess is people that do not like this probably did not like LOTR and just moaned about it being too long!

I am a die hard LOTR fan, this just had the feels of the lord of the rings, the first ep doesn't bore you at all, gets quickly into the story, no fluff or filler, just gets into the nitty gritty of the story from start to finish, setting everything up.

Everything about it is just exquisitely done, yes it came with a price tag so it is to be expected, but in my opinion they have done exceptionally well, I could change my mind depending on how the story develops, but so far so good.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Why the hate ppl!!
16 July 2022
Granted I'm only one ep in, but why the hate from everyone I don't get it, I enjoyed the first ep, Albert wesker, love him in anything he does, find him cool as's kept me really wanting watch the next ep.
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Senior Year (2022)
Don't understand some of the hate
13 May 2022
If your classed as a so called millennial like me then you will get this, it's funny, light hearted, bit of emotion, bit obvious but what films like this aren't, it's not meant to a spy thriller with loads of things you just oooo didn't expect to happen, it's a Friday feel good film & that's all it needs to be.
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9 April 2022
Within the first 15 minutes I knew what was going happen, with as many true crimes and documentaries out there it's really easy to predict the entire story in these now.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Season 3 is just not as fun as it was
29 December 2021
Loved 1&2 but 3 was just a downer and bummer & dark and not funny and felt so awkward.

The desperation in all of them is just painful to watch at times.
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Why, why, whyyyyyyyyyyy
25 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nostalgia is the only reason I am giving it a 3.

I didn't imagine 20+years later with today's technology that a film could actually look worser than the originals but this one does, awful lighting, everything is dark, scenes are to chaotic, sets look fake, and I could genuinely forgive it All if Neo still felt like Neo but he really didn't, it was like he'd just walked onto set after filming John wick, they really should've trimmed the hair. Why wasn't he cool either, Neo had grown into the bad ass ninja of the matrix and I was waiting, o so badly waiting for the long black crisp coat and shades & for him to feel like "the one". Instead they turned him in to trinity's side kick, I mean come on. I love the originals every single one of them, have watched them over and over again and always enjoy them, 20 mins in half way in, always engaging, but this, this was a travesty to the unique nature of the franchise & unless they had genuine passion to improve and further the story they really really really should have not bothered!
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King Richard (2021)
Actually loved it
11 December 2021
Considering it was 2.5 hours, it didn't feel like, it kept me engrossed, will smith was amazing, decent amount of humour, definitely a good film that is worth a watch.
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Spencer (2021)
Dull dull dull
28 November 2021
What even was this, I just have no clue what the point of the film was, what was the story...there wasn't one, swear to god it's more interesting just Googling Diana in Wikipedia!
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Look it's hard to hate on venom...but I can on woody harrelson
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The venom character is everything you love, funny quirky, bit soft, bad ass when needs be and doesn't take himself to seriously, he's like the dead pool but cooler in my opinion, I could literally just watch a show of hardy/venom...nowt else! BUT woody woody woody, the badies of the film felt so much like suicide squad joker & Harley Quinn & that was a hot mess which nobody liked...those 2 had that vibe which again nobody really will vibe with, you want to be conflicted with you baddy, take bane or joker or kind of hate, but kind of don't too...whereas these pair just waitin for them to die, didn't like them, no real depth just annoying. Please just work on the bad guy if you do another, you got venom down to a T & if you could nail the baddie it'd be epic!
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The Harvest (I) (2013)
Very good dark film
23 November 2021
Watched this on prime and have to say thoroughly enjoyed it. A very dark uncomfortable but un expectingly kept you so engrossed. Samantha Morton was incredible & scary as **
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Not really anything different here
29 October 2021
I felt like this film just didn't really need to be made, it had a weird but less extra fast and furious vibe & something about heist films are just sooooo dull & this is no different, at 2 hours it was very predictable, very stale & other than the lead guy, no truly amazing characters who you liked, you can accept all that if there is sufficient action scenes to keep you entertained but that was limited too so nothing really kept me engaged.
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Would've worked better as a TV show
8 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I LOVE the of the greatest tv shows ever made!! Now watching this film...I felt like it genuinely had more potential to work better as a mini tv series than a film, the film kind of felt like it had to squeeze to many things & too many characters in it which ultimately left it feeling rushed with no real beginning, middle or kind of just ended & other than Dickie you didn't really get to really love or really hate anyone, it didn't really leave you feeling like you knew tony a bit better cuz let's be honest if you've watched the show you know alllll about his childhood. But the producers defo missed a trick in not making it a mini 4 or 6 ep series cuz I was proper getting in to it 15minutes before it ended :-(
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Squid Game (2021– )
EPIC tv show
3 October 2021
Thoroughly enjoyed this show, waaaay out there, but so out there it was truly captivating!
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Kate (I) (2021)
Loved it
12 September 2021
Great action flick, loved the story albeit slightly predictable but extremely enjoyable...Kate was amazing bad ass !!!
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5 September 2021
Just so so bad, I mean there is low budget and the there's just downright awful acting& this is the latter!! Seriously do NOT waste your time.
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The Vault (2021)
Decent film, worth a watch
28 August 2021
Was it thought provoking, life changing, awe who wants to watch films like that all the time...if your like me and just like to watch a lot of films whether they be good, bad or ugly, it's a solid film, kept me awake, kept me engaged, just don't go in to it expecting too much and you can just relax and enjoy.
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Just enjoy it people
4 July 2021
Very good film, very good action, good original story. Stop over analysing!
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Loved it, fascinating watch
13 June 2021
Great show, easy to get so addicted to & was just a general pleasure to watch.
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Spiral (2021)
It wasn't bad but it needed something different
4 June 2021
Definitely not the worst film I've watched but these films are becoming too predictable, with the saw films the main guy and his voice just had you hooked...but this was lacking that something extra to make it less obvious boring and predictable.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
Netflix STOP!!!
29 April 2021
Stop raising the price of people's subscription to keep churning out this utter garbage all the time! The cast literally means NOTHING without a decent well written story & this was just a predictable snooze fest!
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Cuddly Russel Crowe is scary as ****
28 April 2021
It's not a bad film, certainly different, not the greatest but dang something about Russel was sooooo intensely scary/uncomfortable how mental he was!
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Real life is it what is...please just let us enjoy our entertainment
25 April 2021
It had potential & yes you can have one...max 2 cheesy speeches but they were alllll the time, no one cares that he is black captain America and making SUCH a big deal about makes it like we do have an issue when we don't, just let these shows be action and fun, it's not hard to leave the news in the news & keep these shows for our enjoyment!
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