
42 Reviews
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Meoto zenzai (2013– )
Good, but...
15 June 2024
Full disclosure, I wound up with a dodgy second hand bootleg DVD which didn't contain the final episode, so I don't know how this ended, but I can guess.

The three episodes I saw, this is a decent period tv series set in 20/30's Japan. The actual story nearly had me banging my head, though. It was basically Shoko following her man and getting shortchanged (both emotionally and financially) over and over. Yes, she's spirited and plucky and capable, but I still felt overwhelmingly that she would have been better off without him. Even taking into consideration the era and culture!

Actual look of the series is nice with convincing sets and costumes. Worth a look for fans of Japanese tv.
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All time favourite
28 March 2024
I first saw this when it came out on VHS and it's been a favourite of mine ever since. I have watched it many times over the years and I never get tired of it, even as my taste changes and I find myself less inclined to watch rom coms.

The casting of Amanda Petersen as Cindy is perfect. She had that right mix of pretty yet relatable and she played her so well. I also enjoyed her relationship with her mother and the quiet dignity she had even while trying to maintain her popularity. It's so sad that she passed on young. I've seen her in a few movies and I always enjoyed her acting.

After a mishap with an expensive (horrible!) dress Cindy has borrowed from her mother after being told not to and gotten ruined at a party, lawnmower boy and outcast Ronald, who lives next door and has long had a crush on Cindy, sees his chance and gives her the money to replace the dress in return for a month of Cindy pretending to date him. His plan is to become popular.

I absolutely love his speech at the end and how the arrangement with Cindy turns to genuine friendship. The ending always moves me too.
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Wicked City (2015)
Wish there was another season
26 August 2023
Stumbled on this a few weeks ago to stream, having never heard of it. Looked interesting so decided to give it a chance.

I was hooked right from episode one. I loved the 80's setting and the gritty storyline. Erika Christensen is fantastic, actually the whole cast are great. Ditto the serial killer guy (not sure who the actor is and too lazy to look it up!), those dead eyes...

There are only 8 episodes and it's obvious the intention was to make more, but I guess it got axed after one season, which is a real shame because this show had great potential. I would have loved to see the story finalized and the characters flashed out further, but the 8 episodes there are are pretty good. So disappointed it did not continue.
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Couldn't get through this
14 August 2023
I know this story pretty well already, having read a few books on it. Tokyo Hostess, in particular, was well written and gave a lot of detail.

This documentary starts when Lucie has already disappeared, so there is no background to her life in Tokyo and her job working in the hostess club. It suffers greatly for this, as this is what would make the casual viewer care about her story.

Instead, it's her father, who I find seriously arrogant, who is star of this show. Not playing down that he lost his daughter, and obviously what happened to Lucie was evil, but I just couldn't deal with him throwing his weight around in another country. I know this won't be a popular opinion. Reading that he accepted a cash payment in hopes of a reduced sentence from a friend of the killer makes him look even worse, honestly.

Lucie took a silly risk to make easy money (again, in no way makes what happened to her okay). Father has the air of wealth, so not sure why he didn't just fund her holiday instead of letting her do that. Even a safe country has its issues.
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Cheesy, Creepy Christmas
29 December 2022
I agree with the reviewers who felt the male lead was better suited to his male friend! I could not believe him and the female at all as a couple and then read on and find they are married in real life. What?!

I will say this was reasonably entertaining for a Xmas movie. Maybe because he was kind of creepy going on about Santa, his expressions and some of the clothing choices that made him seem like a big baby! It was like watching a car crash. I do think they were channeling Buddy the Elf here. I'm sorry, I would laugh my head off if I was dating a guy who behaved like that (and then run). This guy seems like he's got some mental issues.

Acting is very wooden, but I've certainly seen worse Xmas movies.
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Cute and charming
12 October 2022
I bought this on DVD as a new release and only watched it the once. I'm going through a phase of purging some of the movies I bought years ago which no longer interest me, and I suspected this would be one of them, but I was wrong. I think I even enjoyed it more than the first time I watched it!

Female misdials and accidentally does a phone sex routine for a stranger. It was intended for her long term boyfriend who has been stringing her along for years.

The guy on the end of the phone, an aspiring musician, has recently been dumped and can't get over his ex.

The two form an over the phone friendship and more.

I mean yeah, cheating (on her side), it's ick, but it transpires her boyfriend is not a winner himself, so...I didn't mind it so much here.

Despite running for nearly two hours, this movie doesn't outstay its welcome because it is just so charming (even in spite of the sex talk). The two leads are perfect, the sister, the frenemy ex co worker. Alternates between funny and serious well. The song at the end (amended version) actually is beautiful, but funny in its original (tacky) form.

Korea really do seem to make good movies.
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I don't get the hate
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Binge watched this over a week. I had read such terrible reviews and have to admit the last movie wasn't the best, and was a bit concerned about a SATC without Samantha. However, I actually think this was pretty decent.

Carrie, who I find myself liking less and less the older I get and the more times I rewatch the old episodes, deals with the death of Big. This wasn't a highlight for me and felt like a bit of a rehash of the movie where she goes into a depression over him. It is a fitting storyline, though, that would be relatable at this stage of their lives.

Charlotte, (slightly distracting due to the plastic surgery), is still married and her girls are now teenagers. And one of them doesn't feel like a girl anymore. I didn't mind her story and I thought the teenagers were amusing, though terrible at times.

Miranda, as always, was the highlight for me. She is deeply unhappy. She has quit her job as a lawyer and reassess her life. She meets a they/them comedian and gets involved with them. I feel like it's probably going to end badly in the next series, but Miranda craved excitement and a life shake up and she got one. I did find her questioning her life and what she wants now that she's in her 50's very believable.

I do think this series stayed reasonably true to the characters and the stories we have followed for years. I appreciated the glimmer of hope for a reunion with Sam (even if it doesn't translate into screen). I do think some of the hate is because these are now "older" women and it reminds those of us that followed these women since their 30's that we are getting older too. The other bile is aimed at the "woke" stuff. I think the show was well intentioned with what it included and times are different to when this show first started and it has moved with it.
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Mother (2020)
30 October 2021
I can't remember the last time I was so angry at a fictional character. Talk about a toxic mother.

This movie is over two hours long, but it held my attention the whole way. The actors playing Shuhei were outstanding, and the mother too considering how much I loathed her.

Extremely well done and sad.
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20 October 2021
This is a great movie. Just rewatched it after many years and it still stands up.

I don't think it would be for everyone as it is quite arty in how it's filmed, but I love all the little multiple screens running at once and it's slightly chaotic way of telling the story. I don't think I've seen anything like it. Similar in mood to other movies I loved in the past like Buffalo 66 and Welcome to the Dollhouse.

This role was ideal for Ellen Page, I can't imagine anyone else playing Tracey as perfectly (I acknowledge Ellen is now Elliott, but as Ellen he had that outsider teen girl thing down perfectly. Also in Hard Candy). I really felt for Tracey all through this.
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He's All That (2021)
2 October 2021
I mean, look, I knew it would be bad, but after I saw Rachael Leigh Cook was in it, decided to go against my better judgement.

The two leads look so old I looked them up to see if they were actually close to 30. They are both in their early 20's. Not convincing teenagers at all. The young teenage sister was the only one who actually looked like a teen and was convincing in the role. I did not believe the lead pair for one second.

Every cliche going including costume try on montage, caricature bad guy ex boyfriend, and back stabbing best friend. Just ugh. Painful.
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What I Like About You (2002–2006)
Nostalgic fun
30 September 2021
I just binge watched the whole series on DVD as I don't remember (or didn't see) this series ever shown on tv in Australia. I stumbled on a region 1 box set of season one in a second hand shop, and I loved it so much I ordered the others from the US.

I always liked Amanda Bynes in her teen roles and grew up watching 90210 where Jennie Garth as Kelly was a favourite, so sign me up for this!

Okay, it's not brilliant, but I just loved the relationship between the sisters, Amanda is funny as always, the fashions and sets (particularly the bakery) scream early 2000's and all the pretty clothing etc I loved from that era. Ditto to the appearances by Luke Perry and Jason Priestly.
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Hart of Dixie (2011–2015)
Had potential
13 July 2021
I got almost to the end of season 2 before giving up on this.

I wanted to like it. I was lured in by the Gilmore Girls comparisons.

I have seen this actress in another series I liked, so I had high hopes. Unfortunately I did not really like her in this one. My favorite was Lemon, but even she couldn't save the whole series.

I just found the stories lame and boring and I couldn't buy Zoe as a doctor, much as I wanted to. I quit before the pregnancy story line and i am glad I did. I think series 1 was reasonably enjoyable and loved all the outfits. I think the clothes more than the story. From series two the boredom set in and I read others thoughts and doesn't sound like it's going to get better, so done.
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90210 (2008–2013)
Decent effort, but fizzles out by the end.
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As usual, I am years behind with this one. Just finished the entire series, which I missed when it was released. I've rated it a solid 8. I would say going down to 6 by the final series, but overall 8. I did mostly enjoy watching it. It has good and not so good characters. Silver remained an interesting character up until the final series. I hated what they did with the whole baby plot, it just didn't ring true to her character no matter what the circumstances. Kind of hated the cliffhanger for her character too. I feel like they could have just skipped the baby stuff and shown her finding out about the other (I won't do a spoiler) and how she gets through that. Annie was borderline irritating and no Brenda. Adriana drove me nuts. Liam was forgettable. For me the final scene wasn't as moving because I didn't care about either Annie or Liam. Naomi was probably the most entertaining character. I enjoyed her story the growth of the character over the 4 years. I do feel like they were getting desperate with all the sorority and party stuff following her characters graduation. I would say if you only want to watch one, the original show is far superior. But if you enjoy this type of show, it's worth the watch.
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I like it, but...
23 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It certainly is problematic and a little creepier than I remembered too. Like the scene where he barges into her apartment while she's ill and then puts his hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. At that point felt like it could have gone a very different way. There is unconvincing parts all through it. Like she would accept the friendship of a man who put her out of business. The horrible woman he was seeing, I mean really, she had no redeeming features, would he really go with her? Knowing that this is a remake of an old film helped to excuse some of this, but it still had me suspending belief more than once. At face value it is a cute 90's rom com. It's not the best ever made, but it does the job. Cast are good.
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Screaming kid
29 October 2020
I was watching this with headphones and I had to turn it off the third time the kid screamed in my ear. Good reminder of why I don't have kids.
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Love You (2011)
Cute and Funny
5 October 2020
This is the first Chinese drama I have watched. I wouldn't say it is wonderful acting, quite hammy at times to be honest, but the likeable cast, particularly Rainie Yang make it worth the watch. It's listed as having 18 episodes, but there are more like 30 on Netflix. Story is that two people on the rebound get drunk together and end up getting married. When they wake up, realize it was a big mistake, but then decide to stay married for a set amount of time in a sham marriage for various reasons benefitting themselves. Lots of funny little events and characters and misunderstandings. Light, fun viewing.
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Rostered On (2016– )
Anyone who's ever worked retail will relate
14 June 2020
I love the customer interactions. If you work retail, you will recognize some of these people! If you haven't, you'll probably find it exaggerated, but sadly it's not. People can, and regularly do, behave like this.
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Too long, but good
15 March 2020
Definitely does not need to be two hours long, and the set up at the beginning was a little confusing. However, once the supermarket parts kick in, I found this quite an enjoyable and sweet movie.
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Mystery Date (1991)
Hasn't stood up with time
7 March 2020
I actually didn't mind this movie when it first came out. I had it on VHS and watched it a few times over the years. Fast Forward to 2020. Decided to rewatch it. I was surprised by how much I didn't appreciate this moneyed young man spying and creeping on the attractive teenage house sitter next door. I appreciated his sleazy brother even less. The sheer unlikeablity of this pair ruined the whole movie for me. I'm surprised by this, I certainly still appreciate some of the non PC movies churned out in the 80's and I'm not generally uptight, but these two left me cold and made me not want to watch on. Also, it's not the greatest movie of this era. It's not like I ever thought it was, even back in the day. I can't remember what I ever liked about this. Teri Polo is likeable and the flower delivery boy has a few moments. That's the best I can say about this.
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Slow, but worthwhile
2 March 2020
I wasn't sure I was going to like this. It's a little dull to look at and the pace is painfully slow. Also kind of wanted to smack her over putting up with that guy! I did wind up glad I persevered, though. That little twist at the end was unexpected and made this run a little deeper.
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Joey (2004–2006)
Harmless Fluff
2 March 2020
Yeah, it's not a masterpiece. I don't really know who would expect it to be. Joey has turned into a bit of a caricature compared to Friends, where he had shown some growth ,but it's still mildly amusing. The supporting cast are decent, particularly the women. Joey's sister is pretty funny and Jennifer Coolidge. I like Alex too. I enjoyed it for some light viewing and a few laughs. Some of it is a bit cringy since times have changed in the last 15 years, but I personally couldn't take it too seriously. It's Joey. Friends was obviously far superior and funnier, but this is okay and doesn't outstay it's welcome being only 2 seasons long. I'm glad I had a chance to see it.
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One Tree Hill (2003–2012)
Suffers after Peyton and Lucas Leave
19 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I missed this the first time around and just finished a big marathon run of all the seasons on DVD. This series is patchy, sometimes it is so cheesy and almost embarrassing to be watching, and I'm not a sports fan, so that weighs it down a bit too. Other times really enthralling and edge of your seat, such as the Peyton Stalker storyline. Like others, I really liked Peyton and I was sad to see her go. It did feel like the show lost a bit when her and Lucas leave at the end of series 6. What held the whole show together was the acting, mostly by the young female cast. It's funny how I really didn't like Brooke for many series, but her character grew so much and was so well acted that I did come around to her. I had kind of a love/hate with Hayley. Again, well acted, but the character grated on me a little. My big gripe is that it became so family orientated by the end. I really wasn't interested in all the the Jamie storylines and it was just ridiculous how many pregnancy and babies in the final few seasons. I wish just one of these women could have found a different path in life, instead of it being drummed through repeatedly that everyone was living the dream by being married and reproducing (even though it was portrayed as not always the case with some difficult situations cropping up and being handled quite realistically). It would have been nice to have just a little diversity there. Although having said that, these were successful women with careers, maybe if anything running the women can have it all message, but not taking into account not every woman actually wants it all! I was never a huge fan of Nathan or Dan. I didn't actually mind the later additions of Clay and Quinn as others have. I couldn't stand Alix more. Watching her was like nails down a chalkboard. Gripes aside, I did feel sad when this finally came to an end and I kind of wanted to get out season one and start over again, so cloying messages aside, you got me OTH!
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Trainwreck (2015)
Better than expected
19 February 2020
Heaven help me, between this and I Feel Pretty, I think I kind of like Amy as a chick flick actress. To be clear, I am not a fan of her in general. Yes, there is some gross humour in here, which is another thing I'm not keen on, but as with I Feel Pretty, this runs a little deeper and there is time spent giving her character background and family interactions. It made her behaviour understandable, if not great. Plus Judd Apatow does have a real talent for these type of movies (I don't love all of his either, but he certainly has some classics). Classic could be a step too far, but I found this a nice movie, despite some icky behaviour. Some funny and touching parts. I will definitely watch this again sometime.
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Main character is a jerk
8 February 2020
The movie itself is good, but the more it went on, the more I hoped the kid got neither girl! Mind you, he looked about 12 while the girls seemed at least 15 or 16. I couldn't see why either would be interested in this child to start with. As it went on to the end I really disliked him. The mother seemed like an interesting character and I wish a little more time had been spent on whatever was happening in his parents relationship. I think this is my first Mexican movie (albeit dubbed in English. Quite badly at times, particularly the young sister's voice. I might have preferred the subtitles to be honesty). Mostly i enjoyed it.
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A Very Merry Toy Store (2017 TV Movie)
Melissa and Beth
2 February 2020
I gave this an extra point for reuniting Melissa and Beth. Likeable cast in slightly above average TV Xmas movie. Cute and sugary. The usual.
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