
370 Reviews
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Hit Man (2023)
Better than I thought.
9 June 2024
A mostly fictional take of a true story, Hit Man, was way better than I thought it would be. Glen Powell plays a professor who ends up side-gigging for the NOLA PD; ends up standing in as a fake hit-man and realizes he's GOOD at it. One thing leads to another and things go wrong and that makes the rest of this 'dark-thriller comedy' story.

This seems like a couple friends having an idea, coming up with the screenplay, one directs and produces it and the other acts in it. This is what you'd come up with your friend, nothing over the top but still entertaining enough.

While there's nothing GREAT about it, the writing and the chemistry between Glen and Adria sell the film well. This + the under 2hr runtime = a light watch on a Friday night / over the weekend. (An almost) Direct release to Netflix as well. If you're in the mood for a 'popcorn flick', look this one up.
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Under Paris (2024)
'Sharks' as a metaphor for 'Climate Change' made me see the film very differently.
8 June 2024
You know how there's a whole set of films that's based on stupid people making stupid decisions?

Person 1: DON'T DO IT!

Person 2: *proceeds to do it anyway and gets killed* Audience: SHE TOLD YOU NOT TO DO IT! How dumb are you!?

Those types movies. However, if they're done well, you don't mind the stupidity in it and play along.

I kept reading "If you liked Jaws, you'll enjoy Under Paris." "One of the best Shark films since Jaws" - High praise. So, I had to watch it, despite low scores.

The dumb people in this film don't listen, do dumb things, and get killed. But it's been filmed well; it's intense, the sound design and cinematography keep you engaged. Shark graphics - decent enough. It's got enough going on to keep you engaged, the plot is not boring at all. The ending may have you scratching your head though.

Here's a perspective that I don't think anybody is considering - I don't know the first thing about Shark Biology or marine evolution, but I looked at the 'Sharks' as a metaphor for 'Climate Change' and the plot AND the ending suddenly made so much more sense. That made me feel like the movie was actually better than people are making it out to be.

Either that, or I'm just trying to convince myself that I didn't waste 2 hours watching stupid people make stupid decisions.
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Best Godzilla movie in my books
4 June 2024
I learned that the reason behind calling it 'minus one' is that the plot is set in a post-WWII Japan, that has been devastated. Much of the humanity there has to build up from 'zero' because they have nothing left. Godzilla (G) shows up and wreaks havoc and sets Japan back from zero, and therefore, 'Minus one'. I thought that was deep of the makers to call the film that.

I FINALLY got around to watching this one. I haven't many of the G movies, 1998, this one and all the Hollywood ones in between (except GxK) and I thought this was by far the deepest and possibly the best G movie in my books. Also, made with a budget of $15M!?

Lately there's been trend to make G seem like the good guy sell merch and toys, way too much sappy family dynamics, way too many 'monsters' like we've had way too much Marvel content. Sometimes, you just like "My G, go ahead, do your thing man. You're a bad guy so get on with it." This film delivers on that, AND on the human part AND the visuals were good, almost felt like this Godzilla was more menacing than the chonky-boi Godzilla from the recent past. Some folks drew parallels between the portrayal of G vs what a war is (even though this was set in Japan post WWII) because a war, to a lot of people, is just like the monster. Shows up. Mass destruction. There's nothing they can do to change. I found this take to be interesting as well.

Long story short, great movie (despite some cinematic liberties) that you can finally watch now that it's on Netflix.
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Shaitaan (2024)
WEAK Remake. Massive opportunity WASTED.
4 June 2024
The horror genre in India is mostly horror comedy or an emotional sob-story that the ghost was somehow wronged in the past and is waiting to exact revenge. Almost all 'horror' movies have to have a 'hero' who saves the day, and it's OK if the plot takes a backseat. No issues with this, but it's been overdone and badly so. Only a handful of movies have had something original and, very rarely, do you get a film in which 'Evil is just evil. No reason needed.' Very rarely.

If you've not watched Gujarati film and watched this, you probably enjoyed this film. Good for you. Stop now and don't go beyond this point because, by comparison, I thought this was shambolic.

First of all, how greedy were the Hindi filmmakers? Bought the rights to the original and removed it from EVERYWHERE so that the audience outside of G'rat only watches this film. Capitalism > everything I suppose. I'll admit that it was smart of them to do so from strictly a money-making standpoint. As an audience member, trash move still, especially if the movie didn't turn out well.

Lately, Ajay Devgn can't seem to do anything but remakes. 4 remakes, 1 Shiva movie, 1 Singham movie, and repeat. That seems to be his MO. Jothika roles - silent crying good, loud crying - bad. Her strength IMO has been a 'serious role' that doesn't need a lot of facial expressions. This looks like a 'Diversity Quota' casting, someone must have told him "Put Jothika (we'll get to Madhavan) in and they'll buy tickets in the South." Given what was demanded, I'd have cast someone else here.

Madhavan - bro was good in parts and his off-camera self most of the film. There was too much "Madhavan" and very less evil in the role. Paiyyan comedy panran. If you've watched his interviews, you know what I'm talking about. IMO, this role (if you've seen both) suffered the same fate as Hrithik's Vedha. Too much of the actor's personality shone through the role itself. You've already cast a token South Indian lead. Why was Madhavan necessary?

The kid - There is something about filmmakers making kids play the 'Smartass kid who talks too much' role for comedic effect. If you had this kid around you, you're likely going to be annoyed. Like "Would you keep quiet? You talk too much!" This vs the kid in the original, understated but yet you cared for him. This one talked too much that almost made NOT want to care for hi.

And finally, Janki. HOW do you have the SAME person play the SAME role in pretty much the SAME film and still manage to mess it up? Aarya > Janvi in my books.

Jarring music. Over reliance on sound design to make you feel the horror instead of letter the plot do the job, but the plot was 'kept same' overall, changed enough to make Ajay Devgn look good. They spent WAY more and made the film LOOK good and still managed to do a poor job!?

WEAK Remake. Consider yourself fortunate if you have watched the original. If you haven't seen Shaitaan, don't. Wait for Vash to get online.
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Vash (I) (2023)
A very rare original in this genre, also very well done.
4 June 2024
The horror genre in India is mostly horror comedy or an emotional sob-story that the ghost was somehow wronged in the past and is waiting to exact revenge. Almost all 'horror' movies have to have a 'hero' who saves the day, and it's OK if the plot takes a backseat. No issues with this, but it's been overdone and badly so. Only a handful of movies have had something original and, very rarely, do you get a film in which 'Evil is just evil. No reason needed.' Very rarely.

A story that you may not have seen in other movies before, with the plot taking center stage. I didn't know anything about the actors, so to me, it felt like they were regular-day people, and I wonder if that helped the plot hit better because a regular-day guy in the plot is the 'evil' and you really feel what the family feels - "Him!? Why us? Why's he randomly doing this? He was just a regular guy."

Awesome unique plot, followed by some phenomenal acting by Janki Bodiwala as the girl possessed and by the Evil (not as menacing but did what was required) and the supporting cast. The family characters are written well enough that you care for them and flinch every time they're hurt in the film. Acting overall by everybody - great job!

The production value nothing mind-blowing, but good. Sound design, nothing mind-blowing, but good. In fact, you'd expect horror films to dial up the sound to build the intensity and I don't remember that in Vash. The silence added to the creeps The screenplay wins in this film - the story, the characters, the ending, everything written just enough to drive the plot. No nonsense.
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GOOD but not what I expected it to be.
2 June 2024
If you're a Haikyuu!! Fan, I'm sure this one has been on your watchlist. Had a chance to watch it yesterday, my 2nd Japanese movie in a theater.

There's this troubling trend of anime makers releasing a movie before the beginning of the next season, then breaking the movie down into episodes as a part of the season when it releases. Happened with Db Super, Attack on Titan, Mugen Train, and now, sadly this. Capitalism over content, I guess. If you can sell tickets and not release the episodes online, might as well make some money if it's there to be made.

Haikyuu IMO is one of the best written shows - ever- and I was afraid that they'd skimp out on the details in the movie. Folks familiar with the manga said they've covered everything they're supposed to but the film did feel rushed.

Haven't read the manga - I enjoyed the film but I felt something was missing. The focus is on Nekoma - i didn't necessarily mind that, leave it to Haikyuu to tell the story from the opponent's POV and still do it well, right!? I guess the emotions and the excitement (with the game) that one's used to in the anime had to be cut out for the sake of runtime, this entire match could have been a whole season. But of course, you can do that with a film.

The game itself wasn't as thrilling as the ones I'm used to in the anime, but I guess that was also expected...? The animation was nothing mindblowing, but first person POV in the game was WELL DONE! The sound design was still GOOD but I've been blown away from what the anime has had vs what was in the film.

Subs were BAD, at least for me. There's a lot of going back and forth in time, players 'thinking' in the present and talking to each other. This happens in quick succession and the flashback subs stayed on the screen for longer, there wasn't any difference between the subs for the Internal monologue and the actual interaction. The scenes cut back to back, and so does the audio but the subs just kept stacking on top of each other and it became hard to heard but knowing the context you didn't need to read and could follow along.

All that said, it still amazes me how they're drop a movie not in the Heroes' POV and still make good content out of it. That's been one of Haikyuu's strengths and they played it well. Kenma's character development was impressively shown and if he were the star of the show, this would have been a great film. Still felt something was missing - for me. Not sure if it was the POV. But it still ended up being a good film in my books. Just not what I expected it to be. Enjoyable movie still, can't wait to see what the anime's got. Quarterfinals with Kamomedai beckons; just hope it's not another movie because I want 20 episodes and not an 85min movie.
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99 (2024)
Football, bloody 'ell!
31 May 2024
Keeping team loyalties aside, if you're a fan of the sport, you've heard of the '99 Treble several times over the past several years, watched various doc, heard the players talk about it.

Manchester United dropping a doc on them making history 25 years ago, when Man. City is busy doing it (good/bad) in the present.... I found the timing of this release interesting. As much as I was excited to watch this doc, a part of me was 'Bruh, what's new? This is United holding on to something that happened ages go. Tell me there's gonna be something new.'

And there was. A lot of stuff you've heard but also a lot of people /stuff you've not from/of. If you asked a United fan, they'd point this doc to you and say here's the context behind the '99 Treble, and that's why it is > the City Tremble. Makes you appreciate the times when the sport was simple, 12M was a MASSIVE fee that came with the pressures that even a 80M price tag doesn't seem to have on players these days.

Technically, I loved the color correction and the sound design in the doc, really well done. I'd love to film interviews in manner, stitch them together and make a doc like this.

Must watch if you appreciate football, and a must watch if you're United fan.
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South Park: The End of Obesity (2024 TV Special)
South Park ft. Vennu Mallesh is NOT something I'd ever expected.
25 May 2024
I HOLLERED at the use of "It's my life!" in this special. No, not Bon Jovi. Remember Vennu Mallesh? Yep. THAT 'It's my life'. South Park ft. Vennu Mallesh is NOT what I had signed up for but boooooy, it was a surprise :D They have labs based out of Vishakapatnam, with signs saying 'Prayogshala' etc. (surprisingly written correctly 90% :O) in Hindi and.... Sanskrit..? XD Who comes up with the ridiculous stuff like this? LMAO.

"Rich people get get Ozempic, poor people get body positivity." The commentary on the American Medical system was hilarious and sadly still prevalent. I don't know anything about Lizzo's music and don't know if the criticism of the music was justified, but someone got a prescription to listen to Lizzo five times a day because they couldn't afford medicine and their insurance wouldn't allow claims. The Cereal Mascot acting like mob-bosses, LOL. Wut!? XD Leave it to South Park to come up with some of the most random things.

Classic South Park? No. But if you're a fan, it's enjoyable. If you know have heard of Vennu Mallesh, this is a must watch.
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Crew (2024)
Meh. Watch it for the leads. That's about it.
25 May 2024
A predictable plot, lighthearted screenplay, and an illogical second half overshadowed by the charm that three ladies bring to the screen; keep your brain aside to watch it for them and nothing else. There are some references to Tabu and Kareena's previous works, blink and you'll miss these. Diljit Dosanjh was wasted in the film, anybody could have played that role.

If you're going in expecting a proper heist film, this isn't for you. You can't take the heist seriously without logic, and you can't watch this film with logic. Watch it for Tabu, Kareena and Kriti; perhaps run it in the background.
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Challengers (2024)
Enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
24 May 2024
I remember all the news the trailer made and thought "One less movie to watch." but I kept hearing how good the movie has been since it released, finally got around do it. It is NOTHING close to what you expect just based on the trailer.

This is easily one of the most technically well made films and one of the most complex films you're gonna watch this year. The part that I enjoyed the most in this film - The editing, followed by the camera work in the tennis matches, closely followed by the OST. The screenplay for this film is non-linear and has been very well done also. The leads, all three, do an amazing job; I am not even going to attempt to talk about the plot's....complex.

All that said, this is underrated IMO, but perhaps that's just me. I'd watch the film again just for the cinematic experience that the camera work, sound design and the editing provided to me. Everything else was just a bonus.
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Fantastic film!
13 May 2024
I'll be the first to admit, I had no idea that somebody called Chamkila ("The Elvis Presley of Punjab") used to exist, had no clue what the story was about until the trailer dropped. I'd have had no interest in watching the film if it weren't for Diljit Dosanjh, cast as the lead.

This film, a biopic or commentary on morality...or both? Interesting to see that 40 yrs ago, the industry used to deal with similar censorship issues that we see in the society even now. The film talks at great lengths about Chamkila's lyrics and 'what the society wants to listen to'; the choice of words and the hypocrisy of the general society not being OK with it in the public but do/enjoy the same privately. Who decides what one must listen to or not? Why do some artists sing about the things they sing about? I was all 😮 at some of the lyrics, but Chamkila's explanation did make me wonder. Puts Siddhu Moosewala's story in perspective.

Fascinating story, told in a very fascinating way. The screenplay and the writing deserve credit. The film starts off in a manner that you won't expect it to start and makes you go "Oh OK, that's how you wanna start? OK cool. Here we go." The narration is non linear and doesn't feel disjointed at all. Usually biopics/films based on true stories have photos at the end, but you cut in and out of old photos and videos as the lead poses a certain way, i found that fascinating. I found the use of Hindi lyrics on screen in English font for a Punjabi song, while having English translated subtitles, very fascinating. I can understand Punjabi in bits and pieces but this definitely helped. Dialogues - very well written, commentary on casteism - very subtle but relevant. Commentary on a (flawed) sense of fame and life. This film is deep on various levels, even though it's primarily about the 'cancel culture' in the 80s in Punjab.

Every now and then, you come across casting choices that seem just perfect and his is one such. I wouldn't be surprised if we see him on big screen more often. Epic work. I forgot Parineeti Chopra used to act, but she did a great job as well. Turns out, she also sung all the songs in the role.

Music - I've not been a fan on AR Rahman's music in the past few years but this film makes me feel different. Almost feels like some directors bring out something else out of him, great choice of singers and who would have thought, AR Rahman's music and Diljit Dosanjh....! Ishq Mitaye takes me back to the Delhi 6 days; in the song, there's a riff when Mohit Chauhan goes "Main hoon Panjab!" - ooof.

This is certainly a different film from what you've seen before, I'd highly recommend this one, whether you know the language or not.
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Aavesham (2024)
One of the most entertaining in a long time!
13 May 2024
From the makers of Romancham (a horror movie unlike the others) comes a gangster movie unlike others.

I'm probably late with this film so I'll spare the details. This is a different but ordinary story told in a very different way - elevated to great heights by an out-and-out Fahad Faasil show, but I wouldn't be surprised if his Ranga isn't your favorite character in the film. 'Amban' steals the show in almost every scene he's in, and that something if you can do that opposite to Fafa.

Hilarious dialogue writing. The sound design and action need a special mention - that Holi fight sequence - one of the most entertaining in a long time. This film has it all; no random backstories, no unnecessary heroine roles, no bullets and Tata Sumos flying...just what the film needs.

Aavesham is one of the most entertaining films in a long time. If you haven't watched it yet, I'd highly recommend. Better yet, (re)watch Romancham and Aavesham back to back. You're in for a cinematic treat like never before.
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Premalu (2024)
12 May 2024
Massive hype about for this film over the past several weeks, I think it was this film that originally released only in Malayalam and given the positive reception, they decided to delay the release on streaming, dubbed it and released it in other languages. All that hype, I finally got around to watching it and found it to be.....very mid.

There was proper chemistry between the lead - didn't feel like they were acting at all. All of the cast looked like your friends from daily life. The heroine, for a change, didn't have over-the-top makeup that you've come to expect from the films these days. A Malayalam film, based mainly in Hyd. And partly in TN, not sure if that was smart for ticket sales in all regions or perhaps genuine approach to show diversity (or both) - can't tell.

All that said, the humor was good in parts, mostly chuckle-worthy; and even had some 'siripu eh varala' moments that were sold like they were rib-tickling scenes on screen. The plot, not only, has been done a bajillion times, but it was also not convincing. You get why Sachin 'falls for' Reenu, it almost feels as if Reenu is guilted into the relationship.

I would have given it the 'Love is Blind' pass but.... I wish this part had been done better. Since this was central to the film and it felt weak, the whole film fell apart for me. Looks like a LOT of people loved the film, found it relatable (which is a scary prospect if you find guilting someone like that relatable) so you might enjoy it. That said, in my books, Premalu - overrated.
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What a movie!!
8 May 2024
Late to the party with this one, but before we get to the film, how is Mollywood able to showcase nature in movies like most other industries don't? Over the last few years there's this unspoken rule that if you have a forest scene, it HAS to have a drone shot, there HAS to be a curved road with a vehicle on it-possibly in the dark with lights ON. While awe-inspiring, some scenes are too saturated, some too dark. But no, leave it Mollywood to portray the elements just right; not too dramatic, not too bland. You know how you watch some scenes and feel like "We have places like that here?" (Check out Ela Veezha Poonchira) This film is no different.

With that out of the way, I've been hearing SO MUCH about this film over the past few months. I knew what it was about, so I guess that took away a little bit of fun, but been eager to watch it nevertheless. Didn't know it was based on a true story though, imagine going through that ordeal!

The film opens with a very fascinating "Kuthanthram" (I really need to explore Sushin's work) There's some set-up for the next 30 mins; the film takes off from there and doesn't look back.

A film with these many characters could have gone easily wrong, easily over dramatized and sappy, but the writing takes care of that. Interesting move to carry the movie on after know what. One would have expected the film to end there. Set design, sound design and cinematography - awesome! Limited screen space for each individual, but everybody does well in the time allotted to them. The only thing in the film that I didn't like - how the immediate aftermath of the...'accident' lets call it, was shown. I mean, what/how it happened was made very clear. But I'm like, "He shouldn't be able to do all that after that....'accident'. But I chalked it off being a miracle, just like the miraculously high no. Of banger movies Mollywood has been putting out. What do you all have in your water?

If you've not had a chance to watch this film yet, please do!
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Loved it!
6 May 2024
Non-Hindi speaking audience - You'd love this film too. Basic plot - Two newlyweds find themselves inadvertently separated from their husbands after their respective weddings because of a confusion and then starts what you'd call a mix of an 'investigative thriller' and a comedy-drama with social commentary that's subtle and not in your face. Great acting, sound design and it's been shot well, but the writing in this film takes the cake.

Set in 2001 (but still relevant in several ways) the film talks about the society's belief in how the Ghoongat/Veil protects the honor of women but ends up throwing the lives of the women in this film in disarray, how dowry is discussed like you'd brag about your child outscoring the neighbor's kid in school, how girls are taught to play a certain role in the society from very early on. The lead actors are barely in the film together but you still want things to work out for them and the payoff hits.

If you enjoyed watching films of the Ayushmann Khurrana formula, this is a movie that you must not miss, especially now that it's online. This is a fun movie, but also deep in several ways! If you're in the minority like me and haven't watched this yet, please do.
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Should be on everybody's must watch list!
3 May 2024
Had a chance to revisit this classic!

For the uninitiated, here's the plot of the film - (TRUE STORY, btw!) In an accident two days before his wedding, a young man forgets the last year of his life. His friends are determined to ensure that he gets married despite his condition.

This is one of those rare films that delivers overall entertainment (A race against the time thrillers + a Comedy; a rare mix) like some of major films with your Ajiths, Vijays, Rajinis, SRKs, Hrithiks haven't done in recent times (yeah I said it!) You can tell this was made on a shoestring budget and went on to be a major success, so if putting hardly any money in and making a lot of it isn't BO success, I don't know what is. Props to the writers and the sound design folks. The actors really sell it too.

And, owing to this success, the film was remade in six languages as Pusthakamlo Konni Pageelu Missing (Telugu), Kwatle Satisha (Kannada), Medulla Oblangata (Malayalam), Suna Pila Tike Screw Dhila (Odia), Shu Thayu? (Gujarati) and Dokyala Shot (Marathi). So if you haven't heard of this story, you have several options and almost no excuses if you're looking to watch something very different.

Should be on everybody's must watch list!
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
I haven't watched something as shocking as this is a long time!
3 May 2024
I haven't watched something as shocking as this on mainstream Netflix in a long time; shocking in terms of the actual story, how it's been adapted for this show, the visceral acting, and Netflix's choice to seemingly hand over the reigns to create this.

I'm probably late with this but in my defense, I haven't been able to make time to watch content as much lately :'( This is one of the shows that I wish I'd binged, it would have hit on a whole different level.

I don't know where to start, and I don't want to give anything away so I'll spare the plot/the story. If you haven't heard of this show or have been waiting to watch it - you have NOT watched anything as complex as this before. This also isn't for everybody, hella triggers; so please look it up before you start.

The acting is top notch, early frontrunner for all sorts of awards. This is apparently Richard Gadd's lived experience, he wrote the whole thing as a play and now, for Netflix; and has acted in the main role as well, along with a very terrific Jessica Gunning in the lead and Nava Mau as the main support cast.

The way the show's written and filmed, along with the sound design add to the dreaded feeling of what you're watching unfold on the show. People will be making a lot of videos about what the show is at the face of it along with the several layers that it has. Online, people who've been through such ordeals already seem to be able to relate with the show on a whole new level.

If you do decide to watch, especially to binge it, buckle up because you're in for one crazy ride.
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Abraham Ozler (2024)
Massive let down.
6 April 2024
A crime thriller starring a very talented Jayaram as a cop..!? Sign me up, I thought! Unfortunately, the film was a bit of a let down.

The surprisingly good background music wasn't enough to save the kinda sorta predictable, age-old plot. This film would have been epic.....15-20 years ago.

Mammootty couldn't save the film either. But what a past two years has he had with the very diverse films and roles he's played. You've probably guessed what he's going to do in the film and unfortunately, that very casting makes the plot predictable.

Bad? Not at all. But you've seen similar plots unfold several times. Watch it if you don't have anything else, perhaps watch it for Jayaram.
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Alex in Wonderland (2019 TV Special)
Anything but stand-up comedy. Yeah, I said it. 😂🤣 Come at me, brah!
5 April 2024
Alex was smart with this one. He's clearly hella talented, I don't know if he's trained to play all those instruments or he taught himself, respect to him regardless (and he can sing) but that was more of a 'cover band' concert and far from being a standup comedy. Take out everything musical, 10% of the show had stuff that NOT about music.

I liked the Sivaji wanting to act and Rajini walking around fast thing, but there was nothing else in the show FOR ME. Standup comedy nu paatha paatu padran! SMART on his part. He knew what would people may enjoy, what would sell tickets, and he did exactly that. Props to him for that. This was all a big audition for Alex to show the world he's musically talented and can hella sing. Won't be surprised if he ends up singing in Kollywood in a couple years. But this was anything but a standup comedy show.

Making people clap by saying "Oooh, I have massive respect for *insert the name of someone who already has massive respect from a massive following* == people clapping for THAT person and not the person on stage. Him name dropping was EXACTLY the same as Shahrukh khan/Kareena going "Thalaiva thalaiva" in Ra. One and name dropping Rajini in Lungi dance so that South Indian people like the song. What they did was stupid af and Alex did the same. Losing it on SRK (which i did too) and praising Alex for the very same thing is double standards.

Standup, to me, and clearly 90% of the viewers of this special disagree with me, is to have the ability to say something controversial but make it sound funny so that it doesn't SEEM controversial because you know there's no malice intended; to be able to say stuff that can offend people otherwise, but because said people are in that setting, won't take offense to the material. They know it was funny so they let it slide.

You can play off of people's nostalgia, i get that, but this was not standup comedy. Entertaining perhaps, but not funny.
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Enough to keep you engaged.
5 April 2024
Fans of the true crime genre, Netflix has a new set of cases out of New York for you. This is a 5 part show about various cases handled by a set of detectives in New York in the past 20 yrs or so. Each ep is about a new case, each of them a reminder of how senseless people have been and can be.

This documentary is not like your regular true crime docs, it's a lot of police procedural story telling - think you and your friend discussing your favorite crime movie, just that this happens to have some (well shot visuals) and pictures to go off of.

While there is nothing mind-blowing about the show, there's enough to keep you engaged. You can also let it run in the background and perhaps listen to it like an audiobook.
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Fighter (2024)
Let down.
1 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've given up on most of commercial cinema. 10 years ago, I'd have ran to the theater to watch a Hrithik film, but even his presence hasn't been enough to carry the film through. I watched the trailer for this film and the dialogues were...cringeworthy for some, over-the-top patriotic for the others. I thought "Yeah, surely not gonna spend $ on this." So glad I stuck to that thought.

That said, Fighter had me more invested than I thought I'd be, at least in the first half. The romantic angle was pointless throughout the film, but other than that, the first half was...waaay better than I thought it would be, but I had really low expectations to begin with. The graphics were... surprisingly decent; off in parts, but that's OK.

The visuals could have been horrible, but no, far from it. Credit where its due. I just wish Top Gun: Maverick hadn't come out before this, I couldn't help but see scenes/frames not only of the jets, but of the pilots that were very similar to the trailers of Top Gun, let alone the movie. It's very tough to turn off the fact that you've seen it, but I did my best to not compare it to Top Gun and like I said, despite copies, credit where its due. Visuals - good! Music - good! Elevated the visuals; be it the intro scenes or the patriotic ones.

There's a funeral scene in the film and the way it was picturized, oof, I was like "Damn, if that isn't the unity in diversity that I was taught in school, I don't know what is." Couldn't help but feel patriotic.

But throughout the first half, there were indications. Indications of the plot being weak, the non-battlefield scenes looked....fake. You know how it feels when an actor does a ' finger on the chin' to show that they're thinking? That's how I felt about almost every loud laughter at a 'joke' and every high-five. I thought the 2nd half has to be went downhill. The whole love angle - so FORCED. *Spoiler* bruh isn't even over his fiance and he's caught feelings for Deepika, and Deepika knows about and still 'falls' him.... I mean....? And nobody knew Enjay was Anil's sister...?

That climax, what were they thinking? The enemy is kicking the daylights out of your teammate, and bruh catches the enemy's leg, utters a supposedly badass dialogue waits for the patriotic cheer and then sloooowly starts fighting? I checked out from over there. Horribly written climax.

Given how this film was technically waaay better than I thought it would be, the plot was sub-par, relying on patriotism and Hrithik to sell tickets. Neither could save the day. Watch it for him if you're a fanboi, but you'll still feel letdown.
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Would recommend.
1 April 2024
With horror films, you're usually used to an old haunted mansion, a group of people make a night, because why not... and they do a bunch of stuff they're not supposed to. This, widely acclaimed, 2023 Argentine supernatural film is your standard *dumb decisions* but in a different setting and with some reasoning behind these dumb decisions. At least that's what it seems to be after the first watch.

Plot - Residents of a remote village/town learn that something evil among them and if it's not handled right, the whole town will get destroyed.

I don't think this film is scary (subjective) but this will make you feel very uneasy. Don't watch this while eating, you'll thank yourself. In this genre, you can tell how certain scenes are going to play out? You feel the same in this one but also go "No, they won't be doing it. That's too jarring. No way." and boom! They do it anyway and make you go "I can't believe they went there!" and this 'shock' adds to the experiences of watching this film. There's more gore than I'd expect in a horror movie. No jump scares - so that's a plus in my books.

Despite the idiotic decision making, the film is surely different from your regular horror movies. It did leave me with several questions but I'd have recommended it anyway. The research led me to an interview by the director and his thought process behind the film it made me look at the film in a totally different light; helped answer some questions; some still left unanswered.

If you're a horror movie fan, I'd still recommend it for you. Keeping aside some dumb decisions, this offers something different that most other mainstream horror films don't.
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Lover (2024)
Heavy film, but worth watching.
28 March 2024
Heard good things about the film, despite its serious take, and had been looking forward to it and I had to check it out.

Arun (Manikandan) and Divya's (Sri Gouri Priya) have been in a six-year (on-and-off) relationship but have been slowly drifting apart. The entire film is about this divergence.

Usually, you'd expect a soup-boy (if you know, you know) story or an Irugapatru-type film that addresses something different but has a predictable ending. This was....different. Predictable, but I found the topics that this film chose to address to be...not for everyone. And therefore, the film itself, not being for everyone.

Movies about break-ups aren't new but the way they're told have been generic. This one addresses 'drifting away', not being to let go, almost redefines toxicity (stuff that the Boomer generation would scoff at and say "You're leaving your partner over this!? Suck it up!") for this day and age.

Both Manikandan and SGP were really good in this film and so was the supporting cast. Camerawork + Music (Y) but, in my books, not wowing. Writing - best part of the film.

You would have either seen this film unfold in real life around you or perhaps been through the events that transpire. If not, depending on your age demographic and experiences, you're going to either dismiss it or say 'I see where these issues are coming from...doesn't mean they're right...but there seems to be a larger problem. I can sympathize with them both.' Some may even find this therapeutic and gain new understanding, but regardless, this is a heavy film, could be hard to watch in parts, and isn't for everybody. Worth watching still.
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Road House (2024)
Pointless remake of a supposed classic.
25 March 2024
Knowing what Jake Gyllenhaal (JG) has been capable of from movies like Southpaw, I was STOKED for this film. Didn't know the first thing about it. And then I found out Connor McGregor was gonna be in it. Hyped x2 for fight scenes. Two days before watching it, I learned that it was a remake of a 'classic'.

JG really committed to the role, but sadly his commitment seems to be the only good thing about the film. I learned that the original was right between being a 'bad film' and 'it's so bad that it's so good' film. Well, the new one stays true to the original in that aspect for sure.

What could have been a really fun film ended up being a cheesy, partly over the top action comedy that neither has enough action, nor enough comedy; the humor is far cry from comedy. Connor McGregor plays a "CRAZY" bad guy, almost makes you wonder if they just made a camera follow him and asked him to be himself; over-the-top walks and loud dialogues.

For JG playing a UFC fighter and an actual UFC fighter, this film had too few fights. Too less action first of all; ONE decent fight that also has a bunch of high-speed action, with bad attempts at 'funny dialogues' while they're fighting. I mean, they're UFC fighters, man! We just want proper fist-fights, but no!

Watch it for JG if you're a fan, but even he couldn't save the film. Pointless remake of a supposed classic, but just like the old one, maybe this will also see a change in popularity......
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Target (2023)
17 March 2024
Soo-hyun buys a washing machine online and gets scammed. She posts a review stating what happened, and everything hits the fan when she's targeted by the seller for posting the bad reviews. Too real life? Well, (not) surprisingly, this is kinda-sorta based on a true story. With the Korean films I've seen, the crazier the plot, the more likely it's going to be based on a true story... 😮

Acting - really good. The film's been well shot. Plot - well written, I wish the climax had been written in differently, slightly dramatic for my liking, but no major complaints. The film isn't rated well, but I see that as a pattern with Korean movies that aren't mainstream. 6.5-7.5 films are actually pretty decent but not rated well for whatever reason.

You might have watched several 'survival' films such as this, but this 'intense thriller' is still worth a watch, especially since it's based (mostly?) on a real life situation.
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