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Inside Out 2 (2024)
This Movie fills me with Joy ( I had to make that joke ok)
16 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was just as good as the original. In this movie Joy builds a new contraption that shoots bad memmories to the very back of her head. ( I would like to buy 10 of those please). In this movie Riley's core beliefs create her sense of self. They go down an elevator, place the emotions in the water and they make giant strands and the sense of self is a knot at the very top. Anxiety, Onwe, embracement, and envy take over Riely's mind. They think Riely needs more sophisticated emotions to deal with going to high school and making the hockey team so she shoots Riley's sense of self to the back of her head. And locks Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Fear up in a jar and stores in the vault them where Riley's are stored. They have to get Riely's original sense of self and get it back to headquarters. The orignal sense of self was that (Riely was a good person). Anxiety made a new sense of self that was ruthelss and would do anything to get to the top. Anxiety was only doing what she thought was best despite doing underhanded actions. In the physical world, Riley gets the oprotunity to join the Hockey team at her new high school and she snubs her two best friends and tries her best to impress the new Joy remembered her character development from the original movie and tries to include the other emotions as much as possible espically saddness. They subtley explain where all the other emotions were in the first movie when we got to see the inside of peoples heads in the credits. There is a little door that they come in and out of when needed. They are there just off screen. Alot of the jokes had me laughing out loud and it had a few fun call backs to the first movie. This time the other emotions along with Joy and Sadness get sepearted from headquarters. I love how they get more to do in this movie.
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This show is cute
21 May 2024
I love the new art style it reminds me of the Peanuts Movie. The reboot did a pretty good job being true to the original while still doing its own thing. In this new version, Cosmo and Wanda have a new Godkid and it takes place in the future. I prefer the original but this is a worthy reboot. It's pretty funny so I would recommend checking it out. My man Poof had better appear he is one of my favorite characters. I also hope they show the whereabouts of what happened to other characters from the original. What happened to Chloe, What happened to Sparky, What happened to Chester, What happened to AJ, What happened to Vicky, What Happened to Tootie, What happened to Darth Lazer, etc.
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Unikitty! (2017–2020)
This show is fantastic and underrated
23 February 2024
It's a spin off of the Lego Movie. It is in an alternate Universe and its about Princes Unikitty running Unikingdom and the adventures she goes on with her best friends . These are the characters personalities. Unikitty is the cheerful princess who is sweet and makes it her mission to make sure everyone is happy. She is energtic and has limitless energy. Her little brother PuppyCorn is naive and likes to play in dirt. He is treated like the baby of the group. Dr. Fox is the cheerful scientist who sometimes borders on being a mad scientists. She is obcessed with learing as much as possible. Hawkadile is Unikitty's body guard. He is tough, manly and is always doing stuff that is extream. Richard is the caretaker of the castle. He is a floating lego brick. He is the straightman. He is the responisble one, he is always organized, he is shy and he loves doing "boring" things. Richard is one of my favorate characters in the whole show. Him being the most boring character ironicly makes him one of the funniest characters. This show is hillarious. This show never fails to make me laugh. It looks like Carebears or something but they throw in a bunch of Looney Tunes gags. I especially love the episodes about how the way Unikingdom is run makes no sense. The episode Kitty Court is a perfect example this. In that one Master Frown, her arch nemisis from frown town who loves spreading missery by doing childish pranks, sues Unikitty but the court room is very chaotic because its in Uniking dom is a ton of fun and one of my favroates.
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Rock, Paper, Scissors (II) (2023– )
Its ok.
18 February 2024
Its basically Regular Show if it was much more stupid and more cartoonish. Rock is the sensitive one and the sweetest of the bunch. Paper is a stuck up snob and a smarty pants. Scissors is the loose cannon. They are all roomates and they do what ever. The background characters look reminincent of Gumball. They sometimes have realistic props and backgrounds. The backgrounds are a little bit reminicent of the Amazing World of Gumball. This is a decent show to turn on if there is nothing else on and you are bored. The plots can get pretty crazy. There was one episode where the heater broke and the inside of the appartment basically turned into the North Pole.
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Wish (II) (2023)
27 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw trailers for the movie I thought the art style looked cheap. When It was in theaters I heard some bad reviews. I decided to have no opinion on the movie until I got the chance to see it. I watched it and it was super good. Alot of the jokes made me laugh uncontrolably. The plot of the story is there is this king that grants wishes for people. When a person turns 18 you are elagable to get your wish taken and the king may or may not grant it for them. He decided some dreams weren't worth it or too dangerous. The wishes are peoples greatest dreams in life and when they are removed and not greanted the person who the wish was take from would loose their memmory of the wish and have no ambiton to follow their dream. There is this girl who lives in the village named Asha who wants to be his assistant and help grant wishes. She finds out that King Magnifico doesn't grant all the wishes and is a tyrant who is hoarding them. She disapoves of what the king is doing too his face and he doesn't hire her and refuses to grant wishes for her Grandfather and Grandmother. Her parents are dead. She wishes apon a star for peoples dreams to come true and an anthrophmorpic star apears and helps her steal the wishes back and give them to the people. The star sprinles star dust on a comic relief goat and he gets a british accent. The comic relif goat is hilarious. King Magnifico is a fun antagonist. He starts out moraly grey then he turns full blown evil and is drunk with power, well more than before. There are a few refrences to classic Disney films sprinkled in as quick gags. This is the most fun I have had watching a modern disney film in a while.
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Apple & Onion (2016–2021)
This is one of the funniest cartoon network shows ever made
4 January 2024
The main characters are Apple and Onion. They are two roomate who are best friends and all the characters are different types of food. They are both crazy but Onion tends to be the more sensible of the two. The episdoes always make me laugh really hard. I like how the art style is different from most cartoons you see on the network. It reminds me a bit of Regular Show because its about two best friends who are some what inept. My favorate epsidoes have to be Free Pizza and Open House Cookies. The plots tend to start simple then get wild then you never know how they are going to end. Its like if Sienfeld was over exaggerated and a cartoon.
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This movie was ok but it falls apart in the third act
28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the last movie Epp, wanted to leave the cave but her over protective father wouldn't let her. She falls in love with a more evolved caveman named Guy. The dad doesn't like the boyfriend. Its that classic sitcom trope. Their old home was destroyed and they live in the wilderness. In this movie the Crood family stumbles upon another evolved cave man family that guy used to know called the Bettermans. They want to set guy up with their daughter. The daugher is cool with Epp and they become fast friends. The rest of the Betterman family is snobby and looks down on the croods because they are less evolved. It was cute and I got a few giggles out of it. Lets get to that contrived 3rd act. Phil Betterman the father won't let Grug eat any of the bananas. Later Grug and Uga eat all the bannnas out of revenge. When Grug and Phil were in a sauna Grug admits he hates it there and he agrees that Epp and Guy don't belong together. He at first agrees then back tracks. The Ugga found out earlier they were attempting to break up Guy and Epp. It turns out they had to feed Punch Monkeys, Monkeys with giant fist that like to punch poeple, the bannana's to keep them away. The punch monkeys needed the bannanas to keep a giant gorilla away so it wouldn't terroize them. They tried to sacrifice Guy, Phil and Grug to the giant gorilla. Ironic isn't it. Why didn't Phil tell them about the punch monkeys in the first place. He had no reason not to. That makes the plot a bit frustrating.
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I was only a little bit familar with the franchise and I enjoyed it
26 November 2023
The series is about Scott Pillgrim. He is a lazy good for nothing jerk. He lives with his best friend Walice Wells. He was a medioucre garage band called SexBaBomb. He falls in love with a girl named Ramona Flowers even though he was already dating a girl named Knives. He was too thoughtless to end the relationship with Knives so Knives ran into Ramona at the concert Scott's band was performing at. In order to date Ramona Flowers Scott must fight Ramnoa's 7 evil exs. They formed an orginazation and they are out to get anyone who wants to date Ramona. All the characters are inexplicably good at fighting dispite the fact none of them. The game uses lots of retro video game sound effects, and Super Nintendo style graphics. It wears its video game and shounen anime influnce on its sleave. It even has a japanese intro. The plot is silly and it doesn't take its self too seriously. Its mostly about the romance and the fight scnese the fights are very well animated.
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Snoopy Presents: Lucy's School (2022 TV Special)
It was ok
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This special was cute. It wasn't as funny as the strip but there were a few chuckles here and there. Lucy is one of my favorate characters so its nice to see her get the spot light. The special is about there bing this stupid test that allows you to automatically graducate. Cartoons am I right. Lucy who is like 8 years old decideds to teach all the other Peanuts characters and gives them terrible information. She wants to graducate quickly becuase she is afraid of the new school. The school background changes in every special but what ever. I guess there is a Peanuts Multiverse when it comes to the specials. It was very cute but they could have threw in a few more jokes.
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Krapopolis (2023– )
2 October 2023
I only watched the first episode of this show and it was very bland. I didn't laugh once while watching this. Its about a levelheaded demigod who is incahrge of a kingdom in anicent Greace and his mother is an egotistical and wants to be the center of attention. The saving grace of this show is the goddess. Her actress is happing up her performance. I wish the show was about the Greek gods than these citizens. They seem far more interesting. The writting is fine but there is a serios lack of jokes. I don't know if I'm willing to watch anymore epsidoes of this show. The art style is very boring. It looks too derivative of other shows on Fox.
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This movie is cute
24 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In this movie there is this thing called the Armogedon code that allows the user to take over all the technology in the world. There is a spy father and a spy mother and their 2 children. The boy is named Tony and the daughter is named Patty. The kids are only allowed to use their devices for a few hours a day and they are locked away the rest of the time. There is a brand new game out called HIGSKOR. The son plays a card game version of the game at school and wins by cheating. He hid a good card up his sleave. They win an early version of the next game. It comes out at midnight and they aren't supposed to say up that late. They sneak and play the game when they aren't supposed to. The Game developer has a vr set that allows him to control his game. He hacked into the game and stole the Armagedon code. It turns out he only stole part of it. The other half of the code is at the safe house. The house gets attacked by characters from the game so they put the kids in a self driving go cart and the go cart sends them to the safe house. The parents get captured. The game characters catch up with them and steal the other half of the code which was on a chip from the safe house. Later in the movie the parents and the kids have to use his own VR head sets to go insied the game to fight him. They basically combined the plot of the first Spy Kids Movie with the third movie. The elements it took from the first movie are jewlery with hidden tracking devices, The kids finding out the parents are spies, the house getting attacked ,the kids being sent to the safe house, and spys ambushing the space house to try to get them only this time they were actually good. It is similar to the third movie because in the 3rd movie they go inside a video game. This movie came out in 2023 instead of 2003 so the graphics of the game are better. Its also much more modern because the dad is an anti technology karen and some parents are like that. It was relatable. Patty said she didn't want to be a spy similar to Juni in the 2nd and 3rd movie. He was tired of the lies and decption. Patty prefred to solve problems peacefully and didn't like lying or cheating. This movie is ok. It has the campiness and fun of all the other Spy Kids Movies. The first and second movie were a bit more fun becuase we got to see more gadgets.
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Elemental (2023)
This movie is terrible.
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Its about a society of people who are made of elements. There are fire people, water people, cloud people and tree people. Insert Avatar joke here. The main characters are Ember a fire woman and Wade a waterman. Ember's family imigrated from a fire country to start a fire store. Ember desprately wants to run the store but she has a short temper and is bad with the customers. One day she gets so angry she explodes and causes a pipe to burst. Wade comes out one of the pipes and is the city inspector. He says the store has a bunch of code violations and he is going to take them down to the office to get the place shut down. They talk to his boss and she says they have one week to find the leak and ceal it until they can send professionals to ceal it. Ember falls in love with Wade but Fire people and water people aren't allowed to date. Ember has a knack for glass blowing and the buildings in the water town are made of glass. Ember realises that she doesn't actaully want to run the family buisness but she feels like she has to becasue her parents sarcificed so much for her and worked hard to build the store. They originally ceal the crack with sand bags but that didn't work. Ember later seals the crack in the dam with tempered glass. Its sturdy at first but the water over flows and starts washing away water town. It ends with Ember getting a new job, Wade and Ember being a couple, the parents retiring, and their parent's friends running the store. This movie really sucked. You know how the Flintstones has rock puns. Imagine that times 9 thousand. They really over did it with the puns. They are every other line in this movie. A fire woman dating a waterman and it being a forbiden love is too obvious of a storyline. A race allogory doens't work when characters are made of fire and can destroy things or when characters can accidently kill each other. I am aware its a cartoon but its distracting. I am aware that this is a childrens film and children can be seeing these cliches for the first time and being cliche doesn't automatically make something bad. I still think its bad. This movie just wasn't for me.
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The Script Should have been Rejected
10 September 2023
Its about a school for cartoons aspiring to be like the Looney Tunes. The main characters are Buster and Babs Bunny. In this verison they are sibblings instead of best friends who are in love with each other. That is a very creepy change. Just like the original, it tries too hard to be funny. Normally I like physical humor but this ain't it. The biggest issue with this show is it likes to bombard the audience with cliches. Their idea of a joke is droping an anvil on someone when we have seen that type of joke a billion times. When Looney Tunes did those types of jokes back in the day they were more fresh. If you want a funny newer CN show with lots of physical gags turn on Gumball.
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Praise Petey (2023)
22 July 2023
The show is about a shy woman named Petey. Her estranged father dies and she inherits a cult. She lost her job and now she has to run it. The show would be fine if it wasn't for the horrible dialogue. Every 5 seconds there has to be a self aware quip. Self aware quips work best when done in moderation. I am being literal when I say this show has them every 5 seconds. In addition to being unfunny, it gives all the characters the same tone of voice. In a well written show, all the characters would talk differently similar to how real people talk differently. If this show didn't have the awful self aware dialoge I would give this show a 7. The art style looks pretty good. The character proportions are more realistic and it doesn't look Family Guy inspired.
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Inside Job (2021–2022)
This show is actually pretty good.
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Show is about a secret society of people that actually runs the world and is responsible for all the conspiracy theroies in the world. The main character is Regan. She is anti social, always working, and can be sacrastic at times. She wanted to be promoted to an exective position and always works her butt off. She gets promoted but, this new guy Brett gets hired and is given the same job and he didn't need to work for it. They are forced to be co leads. Brett is super lucky, has natural carisma. At first she doesn't like Brett very much and she gets fired. The place falls apart with out her and she comes back and saves the day. Regan grows to apprecate Brett's natural carisma and they start working together again. She relises being competent is important but having good people skills is important too. Dispite the art style looking similar to Rick and Morty this show is actually funny. In my opinion the Rick and Morty writters think being self aware is a subsittute for jokes and the tone is too meanspirited even for an adult cartoon. This show is alot less meanspirted than Rick and Morty and the tone is much more upbeat. The dialoug is very witty and there are constant jokes.
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Hailey's on It! (2023–2024)
This show is a ton of fun
9 June 2023
There is a 14 year old girl named Hayley and her best buddy Scott. A scientist comes from the future and tells them they have to do everything on Younger Hayley's wishlist in order to save the world from an apocolyptic future. From participating in taco contest, or riding every ride at the county fair. They are givin a cute little robot named Beta. He is the sassy mascot charater. They try to make the most of every day similar to a certian pair of stepbrothers who have a pet playtapus who is a secret agent. Hayley is the incredibly smart, ambitious, yet shy one. Scott is the easygoing best friend, who can be ditzy at times. This show is very cute and the gags are funny. You should check it out. The art style is very cute. The characters have 5 fingers and almond shapped eyes.
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Another Good Genndy Cartoon
5 May 2023
Its about these magical warriors that lived long ago and they fight evil. This show takes place years later in 1890's England. This robot is going to certian people and balsting them with the spirit of those warrtoirs so the warriors can be reincarnated. Its a fun show. The art style is gerogous. The backgrougs look phenomical. The character designs are reminicent of Popeye. Which makes since because the creator loves Popeye and worked on a canceled Popeye movie for Sony. The characters so far are Malinda who was a princess but was turned into a witch. She can fly and can make magical blasts when she gets emotional. Capernicous the robot,Sung a cosmic monic who can fly. His head is litterally in the clouds, and Eldreid a warrior elf. Even though this show comes on adult swim now its a family friendly show.
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Digman! (2023– )
Ducktales but Raunchier
7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is pretty funny. Its about An archologist who was betrayed by one of his asstants. He had the option to go after his assistant that stole the idol or help his wife that got bitten by a carniverous plant and got poisioned. His wife said that they should go after him and they failed to get it back. The assistant that betrayed him got popular and became famous. The main characters are Rip Digman and Saltine. Rip is the egotistical impulisive acheologist who is coming out of retirement. Saltine is his entusatic student who is an overachiver. She becomes his assistant on his missions. The art style is unique and the animation is good. Some adult cartoons try to mimic the style of Family Guy or Rick and Morty. This one doesn't. The humor is gory, gross, and has black comedy thats typical for an adult cartoon. The humor is dark but the characters never act mean spirited. Its a pretty funny.
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Ranma ½ (1989–1992)
This show is absolutely hilarious
14 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's about a 16 year old boy named Ramma Sataome. He and his father Gemma are Martial artists. They do to China and visit a strange training ground. Ranma accidentally falls into a cursed pond. Now when ever he is hit by cold water he becomes a girl and when he gets hit by hot water he becomes a boy again. He keeps this a secret. His father fell into another cursed pond. When ever he is hit by cold water he becomes a giant panda. Whenever he gets hit by hot water he becomes human again. Ranma is forced to be a in an arranged marriage with Akane. He is supposed to inherit the Tendo Dojo when he marries her one day. Sometimes they bicker but they do love each other. The Sataomes are currently living with the Tendo Family. I will list all the characters personalities. Ranma is basically the straight man. Even though he is a woman sometimes. LOL He is a manly macho guy who is a talented martial artist. He hates being a girl and he wants to be a guy permanently. Akane is also a martial artist. She is a tomboy with a short temper. Typically she is nice when you don't bother her. She is the youngest of the Tendo girls and is 16 Nabiki is one of the best characters. She is the deadpan one who is very cheap. She is amused by the chaos going on around her. She is eating popcorn and enjoying the show. She is the middle child. Kasumi is the Oldest child. She is in her 20's she is the sweet proper one. She always has a calm deminor. There is Gemma. He is Ranma's father. He makes Homer Simpson look like a good parent. He trained his son in martial arts. He is often hard on his son and he is often forcing him to do stuff he doesn't want to do. He is also really stupid and borderline abusive. Tendo is the girls Father. He owns the Dojo. He is alot Nicer than Gemma and his best friend. There is Royoga the other best character. He is Ranma's arch rival. He is frequently challenging Ranma to fights. His running gag is that he is always lost and can cover incredible distance by foot. He could go to the store and end up on Mt. Fugi. When ever he gets hit by cold water he turns into a pig. Akane keeps him as a pet and calls him p-chan. He follows Ranma and his dad to China and accidentally falls in a cursed pond. There are tons more characters but I don't want to spoil anymore. The action is very well choreographed and hilarious. The one lines have me rolling on the floor. The visual gags and physical comedy are top notch too.
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Kiff (2023– )
This show is cute
11 March 2023
This show is about a squirrel who is an energetic overachiever that goes to elementary school. Her name is Kiff. Her best friend is Berry. He is the nerotic one who is a bit shy. All the characters in the show are anthropomorphic animals. The only character that isn't an animal is the witch. Her being the token human in a world full of animals is kinda funny. The art style is reminiscent of another show on Disney Channel called Big City Greens. The jokes are great. There is lots of slapstick and wacky dialogue. If you enjoy SpongeBob SquarePants you will probably enjoy this show. So far Disney Channel has only relased the first couple of episodes. The waterslide one is the best in my opinion.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
This show isn't very good
1 February 2023
The Show is about a mad scientist grandfather and his grandson and the adventures they go on in space or other dimensions. Rick is the scienctist grandpa who is bored by everything and is incredibly sarcastic. Morty is the grandson. He is girl crazy and he is often the voice of reason. Summer is the moody teenager and is Morty's older sister. Beth is Morty's Mom. She is a horse surgon and she is mean. She seems to hate Jerry the Most. Jerry is the father. He is always the butt of the joke. He is a little bit dopey. Creative Sci-fi concepts, great action sequences, and great art direction is brought down by lackluster humor. I will compare Rick and Morty to a similar show Futurama. Futurama has constant quips and slapstick gags at a break neck speed. Rick and Morty doesn't really do that. The characters rarely say anything funny. They mostly comment on the ridiculous situation they are in and throw in an occasional penis joke. The tone is too mean spirited even by the standards of adult cartoon shows. Even in American Dad the characters aren't this nasty to each other. They at least enjoy each other's company sometimes. These characters can't go an episode without be putting each other down especially Rick.
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This is a very fun movie
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's about an Chinese imergrant family that runs a laundromat. The Members of the Family are Eveyln the mother, Joy the daughter and Waymon the father. They are throwing a party at the laundromat and the daughter Joy wants to invite her girlfriend and she keeps asking her mom if she could come. The mother Evelyn is a bit of a closeted homophobe. When she introduces Joy's girl friend Becky to the Grandfather she says they are good friends. And the daughter Joy is heartbroken. Evelyn's husband Wayman from the Alpha verse. Warns her that Jobu Jokai is after her. In an alternate universe. Eveyln is a scientist that discovered how to "Verse Jump" into other universes. Verse Jumping is when you are able to gain the abliites of another version of yourself from another universe. You have to do something improbable in order to hack into the other universe. If she does something odd and presses the button on the fancy headset she can get abilities from another version of herself from another universe. She was training people to verse Jump and she over experimented on her daughter Joy. Joy decides to go rouge and destroy all the other universes. The twist is the daughter Joy is the villian of the movie Jovu Japaki. It's an insane, goofy, emotional movie.
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The Snoopy Show (2021– )
Its ok
20 January 2023
They significantly toned down the deadpan humor from the comic strip. The writers are either being heavily censored or they're trying to aim for younger target demographic. It's not nearly as funny as the comic strip but it has it's moments. The characters are still in character. Charlie Brown is still the looser who is down on himself but never gives up. Linus is still sometimes very childish but other times philosophical, Lucy is still, crabby, incredibly bossy, a smarty pants, and occasionally shows her softer side, Sally is still the little sister that hates homework and has a crush on Linus, etc. The backgrounds are gorgeous. The animation is the best Peanuts has ever looked. It's rigged in Toon Boom Harmony and the movement looks very fluid.
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Urusei yatsura (2022– )
A Worthy Successor to the original.
16 January 2023
It's the same story as the original Anime and Manga. Ataru constantly hits on girls even though Shinobu is his girlfriend. They frequently beat him up. Ataru is randomly selected by a computer to save the world. He must play a game of tag with Princess Lum and grab her by the horns. If he fails the alien Onis will take over the world. Shinobu says she will marry Ataru if he wins. He catches her and says "I'm gonna marry her." Lum thinks Ataru is talking about her and thinks she is married to him. When he tries to hit on other girls Lum uses her powers to electrocute him. They always go on crazy adventures together. The Art in the reboot is gorgeous. It's a mix of the original 80's style and a more modern art style. They try to introduce all the characters from the manga as fast as possible. The original 80's anime took longer to introduce the characters. Unfortunately the violence is slightly toned down. They sometimes use freeze frames but it's still funny.
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The Simpsons: Faith Off (2000)
Season 11, Episode 11
This is a pretty good Treehouse of Horror episode.
16 December 2022
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The episode is about Homer accidentally getting a glue bucket on his head. He attempted to pull a prank on the deen by making a glue bucket fall on his head. The glue bucket falls on Homer's head. Bart meets a preacher that claims he can perform miracles. He helps the preacher pull the bucket off Homer's head and is convinced he can do miracles. He goes around town preforming "miracles." Later in the episode Homer is driving a parade float at a college football game and hits a football player. Why did the football players leg come off? It feels too far for a normal Simpsons episode. Save the gore for Treehouse of Horror. The ending would have been perfectly fine if he kicked the football but was still in pain.
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