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Pretty darn decent.
16 June 2024
Only watched a few of the episodes so far. But so far so good. I wanted to review it because there's not many good reviews on here. And I think this series definitely deserves some more eyes.

I liked Joko's other stuff, so naturally, I wanted to give it a go. And I wasn't disappointed.

Some of the stories aren't exactly new and groundbreaking but they contain some new and original elements and some good twists that makes it feel fresher than your usual, run of the mill stuff you find on Netflix these days.

Looks beautiful and is quite thought-provoking. Overall, I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

If you liked satan's slaves, impetigore and anwar's other films. You'll like this.

Nothing has really frightened me yet. But then again, I'm a horror connoisseur. Not much does. But it certainly drew out other emotions. Give it a go.
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A Haunting: Nevermore (2022)
Season 11, Episode 7
Why the lowish rating?
2 January 2024
I really liked this episode. Without going too much into it... It had a very believable story that unfortunately happens very often in the real world of those who believe. Very dark and I love how modern technology allows real footage of the incidents. It just makes it more exciting and scary.

I've had personal experience with this sort of thing so I know how destructive it can be. Some of you won't believe in the paranormal but some of you will. And those of you who have unfortunately experienced these things. You'll know what I mean.

Great episode but upsetting. And not because this episode is not good enough.

You'll know why if/when you watch it.

Solid episode.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Sick of superhero flicks, but I actually enjoyed this!
23 August 2023
I didn't want to watch another superhero movie. But it's the summer holidays, and kids want to go to the cinema. So I grabbed some food and drink and expected to snore through yet another superhero movie. At least i'd enjoy some food huh..

But I was pleasantly surprised!

This movie is colourful, yet gritty.

Fun yet emotional.

Dream-like yet realistic.

The way our protagonist changes into the blue beetle is done in such a way, it's kind of difficult to watch.

Gaining a power like this and turning into a bug-powered superhero wouldn't be a comfortable transition and this film captures that brilliantly.

I'm not a Latino, but being from an Asian background, there's definitely some similarities. The love and support of the protagonist's family is refreshing to watch. His family stick by him through thick and thin and it was truly wonderful to see. This film has some heart and soul that is not present in many other similar movies.

It's a refreshing take on the tired superhero genre which is on its last legs. It was very fun to watch and also makes you sympathise with many of the characters.

If this was a marvel movie, it would've recieved a higher rating. I don't know why DC is judged so harshly.

This was the best superhero film I have seen in quite a while. Give it a go if you like this genre. It's better than the usual snoozefests that fill up a cinema screen.
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Not your typical exorcism flick.
18 May 2022
I watched this when it first came out and now I watched it again nearly a decade later.

As we mature as human beings, we see the world differently. I noticed that I see films differently too.

I liked this back when it came out, and I like it even more now.

The current 6.2 rating for this is a bit low for this film.

I'm not going to write a synopsis because I'm guessing people have already read them and came here to see if a film is worth the watch.

If you're a fan of horror, particularly paranormal horror, give this a watch!

It's a very strong, mature supernatural horror film with great acting, creepy atmosphere and brilliant cinematography.

I've been a horror fan since before I can remember, so horror doesn't really affect me much anymore. But this sure did entertain me and even made go "ewww" a couple of times. Most others will probably find it terrifying!

A quick word on Sean Harris.

What an underrated actor this man is. He's absolutely brilliant in this film!

He absolutely excels in these roles and it's worth the watch just to witness the scenes he's in.

Horror films are always scored lower than other films, so a 6.2 rating (the current imdb rating) is actually decent for a horror believe it or not.

But I disagree. I would actually rate deliver us from evil a 7.5, so round that up and you get 8 :).

Hopefully more people will join me in preventing the criminally low ratings for horrors.

Hope you enjoy this film if I've helped you watch it. Don't call me names if you don't like it lol. But I'm sure you'll like it.
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Not as bad as people make it out to be.
16 May 2022
I just don't understand some of the horrible reviews. Horror in general is always pummeled more than any other genre. It's unfairly maligned.

What are people expecting? A masterpiece of cinema?

This is a slasher horror, and it delivers in that regard.

Gore? Check.

Seemingly invincible villain? Check.

Dodgy townsfolk? Check.

Emotional backstory for its characters? Check.

Troubled teens? Check.

Cheesiness? Check.

A bit of humour? Check.

It's like every reviewer is Alfred hitchcock.

The movie isn't perfect. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its not something I'd watch when I'm in the mood for a gripping, intellectual viewing. But I was bored, tired and this movie hit the spot.

Yes, there's some dumb scenes.

The heroine and her actions are a bit silly. I'm not going to spoil anything but something she does baffles me. I was screaming WHY, WHY! But apart from that, I can't really complain.

They've took a classic and kept a lot of the old, grittiness and also added a slight modern twist.

I'm far away from being in the loop of today's pop culture and society. I struggle with even the most mundane of modern technology but I didn't mind the film showing a bit of today's world. A big juxtaposition of yesterday and today and it works.

If the original came out today, if others like Halloween, Friday the 13th etc were released today, they would also be met with the same treatment.

I think people just expect too much from horror.

Grab some nachos or popcorn and a large glass of cold cola, switch your brains off and enjoy a stupid, gory blood fest.

If you like classic, silly, gory horrors, give it a watch. I'm sure you won't hate it.
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There's a decent story hidden somewhere here.
14 May 2022
The whole premise has some promising parts. I'm not going to go into detail because I don't want to spoil anything.

The movie starts off very slow. But I don't mind that. I love slow burn horrors.

The action, horror and gore does pick up but when you make the protagonist very unlikeable.... It just makes it hard to care.

And with CM punk being a novice actor, the film spent too much time with him being basically alone on the screen for bit too long.

With a little better writing and direction, this movie could've been really good. But it lacked that. I lacked solid direction and lacked a cohesive story. But I didn't think it was terrible. I've seen many worse horror films than this. Hence why my mediocre score.

If you are after a top tier, massive-budget horror, then give it a miss.

If you are a fan of CM punk, give it a watch.

If you have nothing else to do, then give it a go.

It isn't as bad as some people make it out to be.
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The X-Files: Signs & Wonders (2000)
Season 7, Episode 9
Why such low ratings?? I loved it.
24 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think I know why it has low ratings.

It's a holy and righteous looking Christian man that ends up being the devil, and the becrazed, extremist weirdo "Christian" is the one who is trying to save everyone.

Yes, father O'connor is weird and not really a Christian with the stuff he does, but that's the whole point. The twist is magnificent and there's some truly disgusting parts like giving birth to snakes. Eww!

A thoroughly enjoyed episode during my covid re-watch of x files. As a man of belief in God, I loved the twist.
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The X-Files: The Rain King (1999)
Season 6, Episode 8
Somehere over the rainbow.
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I do not agree with the negative opinions on here. I don't know about you, but I love a change of pace, and that's what X files always had the courage to do. Not have 20+ episodes per season with nothing but seriousness, action, horror and angst.

A season is always laced with one or two, lighthearted and cheerful episodes and this episode was certainly one of them. Great humour, great lines and great innocent, immature and silly fun.

The bonus bits for me were the subtle increase in emotions in Mulder and scully's relationship that is still only friendship but is growing into something a little more.

Oh and the wonderful Judy Garland singing that most famous song.

Cheer up folk.
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The X-Files: Mind's Eye (1998)
Season 5, Episode 16
An excellent episode.
10 June 2021
I won't say much, apart from the fact that I absolutely loved this episode.

It was heartwarming, heartbreaking, and a great episode that kept my eyes glued to the screen.

Lili Taylor was absolutely phenomenal in mind's eye, she has always been an underrated actress, but she makes you really believe she is a blind lady with lots of pride and gusto.

Just a great episode in a great season.
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The X-Files: The Post-Modern Prometheus (1997)
Season 5, Episode 5
Fun, satirical and charming.
7 June 2021
The title says it all. This is a tongue in cheek episode that leaves you feeling great at the end of it.
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What do people want?
7 June 2021
I watched this movie after reading a few reviews as I always do. Saw a lot of negativity regarding this third installment.

Conjuring 3 explores a different type of haunting. It's not a typical haunted house or Possessed individual story.

It's a storyline that delves deep into the relationship between our beloved protagonists Ed and Lorraine Warren.

I've followed their works for many years through books, TV shows, interviews and articles and I liked how they portrayed their bond in this movie.

But I digress. This movie isn't a romance, it's a horror. And many people say it's not scary. As a seasoned horror fanatic, not much scares me. As a person who knows a lot about the paranormal and has experienced evil black magic, I can tell those who are reading this that witchcraft, black magic and voodoo are very, VERY real.

The fact that the demon showcased in this movie is so damn powerful, should be enough to intimidate most viewers. The scenes shown are scary because it shows how evil a human can be, to cause pain onto others. The possession scenes and demon scenes are scary also, as I've said previously, it shows how powerful that specific demon is.

I went to the cinema with my brothers and my best friend, 4 of us in total, 4 huge horror fans who watch every horror movie together, and we all enjoyed it.

I loved it. It was slightly different to the first two installments, but that's what people wanted. I saw many people who complained that they were sick of haunted house movies and wanted the third to be different... Well it is different and excellently executed.

Is it the best it of the three?

Hell no. But it's a strong film and a welcome addition to the conjuring universe.

Watch it with an open mind and understand that witchcraft is a very real thing.
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The Unholy (2021)
What more could you ask for from a horror film?
21 May 2021
Seriously, why the low ratings?

Everytime I watch a solid horror flick and I see low ratings, I always say this at the start of a review. I am a huge horror fan.

From a young age, I snuck around my house, finding my parent's stash of horror video tapes and have been hooked ever since. I am no novice.

Today was the first time in months, I went to the cinema. And boy, what a great movie to welcome me back.

I won't go into an analysis and provide a commentary on the film, after all, that's what a trailer and a synopsis is about. I won't include any spoilers, I will just tell people who enjoy horrors, to watch this brilliant movie.

Yes there's some clichés, yes there's a couple of jump scares (not that many tbh) and no it's not perfect. But the unholy is a masterful example of a solid horror film.

It has a great backstory (yes a little predicable) but the lore is brilliant. The start of the movie is unnerving if you pay attention and that carries on throughout the film.

The setting is brilliantly foreboding and the atmosphere is creepy as hell.

The "big bad" of the film is creepy because it is so relavant to everything we see and encounter in this life. You just wonder, who are we really trusting. The CGI is unnecessary but that's the only bad thing about it. The evil being's voice is actually quite scary in one if the particular scenes, especially with the malice heard in its tone.

Some creepy stuff happens during the course of the movie, with some unnerving imagery and ideas that are very thought provoking. All in all, I enjoyed this movie. It kept me invested from the beginning and to the end.

If you appreciate a good story, a horror that relies on that story and the imagery and not on jump scares, you'll love this. It's a great movie for those who like horror, it's a good movie for those who are scared of horrors too :). Even if you don't like horror. Give it a go. The 5.2 rating is currently has is absolutely ridiculous.

I find critics annoying, because they always rate mainstream movies we're "supposed to like" very highly and crap on most horror movies and smaller offerings. Ignore them.

Right, enough waffling on. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. What are you waiting for? The virgin mary? 😉
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The X-Files: 2Shy (1995)
Season 3, Episode 6
Scary in the 90s, scary now.
19 May 2021
I remember watching this as a kid (I know, I secretly watched it without my parents knowledge) and I don't really remember it properly but I remember being thoroughly entertained as well scared lol.

20+ years later and I like this episode even more. I don't scare easy and this isn't the type of scare that is in most horror movies, rather it is a psychological scare that keeps you on the edge of the seat throughout the episode.

A brilliant monster of the week episode that shows that humans can be even scarier than paranormal monsters. It fits in well in today's society, nevermind the 90s there Internet chatting and dating was basically described as very dangerous. Way ahead of its time.
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The X-Files: The Calusari (1995)
Season 2, Episode 21
Calm down folks, and enjoy the episode!!
16 May 2021
So, what I have learnt from this episode is...

Romanian people appear to be very sensitive, serious and patriotic lol.

I was wondering why this episode has a lower rating than what it deserved. It is a brilliant episode about demons and exorcisms with disturbing themes thoughout.

It has so many 1* ratings because of proud Romanian people hating the episode due to "bad Romanian accents" and negative portrayal of Romanian cultures.

I respect all cultures and countries and its nice that you are so passionate but chill out guys. Its a fiction TV show, not a documentary about Romania.

I'm British Asian, and I have seen so many horrible portrayals of British or Asian accents and cultures but I never take it so seriously. Why? Because so many of the actors that play the characters or producers, writers and directors who create the show aren't actually British or Asian. So I just laugh it off and focus on the content of the show instead and this episode is fantastic. Scared me as a kid and throughly entertains me now.

Enjoy it.
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Teletubbies (1997–2001)
This is a children's show!
8 December 2020
Why are there adults on here reviewing teletubbies as though it was meant to be the rebirth of citizen Kane?


You don't need to sit here and pick apart each little thing about teletubbies, talk about plot holes and character development.

Jeez, I wonder what you want your children to watch. Take a chill pill and let kids enjoy shows made for them. I was a bit old to enjoy this in the 90s but my little brother absolutely loved it. I didn't mind it and I understood exactly why he loved it.

Nowadays kids check IMDB and are put off because of snobs putting down a kids show expecting it to be some complicated psychological drama or something.

Just shows how the Internet is just not for some people.
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The Witches (2020)
14 November 2020
I decided to give this a go because I'm a HUGE fan of the original, I knew this would be bad but I saw the names of Robert Zemeckis, Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuaròn attached to it and thought it may actually be decent.... How wrong I was.

As I watched the first 10 minutes, I knew this would be bad. I'm not going to bore everyone with attempting to act like a professional movie critic and talk about a load of technical things.

The entire movie is made out of CGI. Poor character models, ridiculous looking animals, fake EVERYTHING. Literally, everything was fake. And it looked it too. I've seen better CGI in 80s and 90s movies and YouTube fan films. I mean, what's wrong with dressing people up and playing the part and actually looking real? Why computerise everything and make it look cartoony as hell.

Anne Hathaway did a decent job, her accent was weird but her acting was pretty darn good and scared the hell out of my young siblings but her characters' design was ridiculously fake, silly and ultimately, flawed. Hathaway and the brilliant Octavia Spencer did a good job acting wise but it wasn't enough to save this film.

The original had heart, soul and genuine magic that drew people in. The remake has none of that. I'm surprised that Zemeckis, Del Toro and Cuaròn are even involved in this. Why make this film? Why spend money to butcher and destroy the name of a wonderful Film and book? Roald Dahl's name should be nowhere near this remake. It's an insult.

PLEASE Hollywood, stop disrespecting and destroying classic movies.
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