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Barbie: It Takes Two: Race To The Finish (2022)
Season 2, Episode 13
As Empty As The Show Itself
18 March 2023
I really wanted to like Barbie: It Takes Two. I really did. It had so many things going for it: a musical angle, a more story driven angle compared to Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures (which is better than this show), and a great attempt at diversity. However, the show falls flat because of how the girls are very flat and one dimensional who bend to the wills of the narrative. The show isn't without redeeming qualities, but it's more focused on humor over any sort of consistency. This episode, the final episode of the series, is the epitome of the show being so empty. There's no character development or any sort of character insight. The story is forced and goes through the motions and the humor tries way too hard to be funny. Literally every character that isn't Otto Phoenix or the Barbies is what saves this episode from being abysmal. Oh, and the song is good. Considering Barbie: Epic Road Trip skips what the ending of the show established, it was all for the better. Don't watch this show, and especially don't watch this episode.
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Skipper Gets The Limelight, Which She Deserves
18 March 2023
When it comes to the character of Skipper, she's either just the complainer or someone who focuses too much on being cool, not really standing out that much. With the world of Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures, she became a more nuanced and three dimensional character. Over the years, she becomes someone who's more mindful of others and more willing to do the right thing. This movie shows how well she's developed. The best way to describe this movie is with how we get to see more sides to her characters. She's fun and snarky, but also more willing to look out for others. She takes the initiative to make the most of herself and do what she can to help people find their voice. It's really fun to see her blossom and grow into someone who can make people feel safe and secure. She makes mistakes sure, but focuses more on doing the right thing. This helps to make the movie work.
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Barbie: Mermaid Power (2022 TV Movie)
Epic Doesn't Begin To Describe How Great It Is
3 September 2022
Barbie: Mermaid Power is a movie that just does everything a good movie should do. For starters, the music is top notch. The Math Club continues making top notch music and songs, just like in projects such as Barbie: Dolphin Magic, Barbie: Dreamhouse Adventures, and Barbie: Princess Adventure. Matthew Tishler & Andrew Underberg help contribute greatly to the songs, giving it a modern flare. The characters are all top notch. Malibu Barbie is shown to be pretty mature and down to earth, knowing that doing the right thing is the bigger priority, and she only feels down on herself when she thinks she can't contribute. Her embracing of imagination without it clouding her judgment is a plus in my book. Brooklyn Barbie is also a good fit to the group dynamic, being more of the realist, but still trying to give things a chance. Seeing her loosen her standards on what's real is well done. She learns things quicker, yet still focuses more on doing the right thing. Barbie's sisters do well playing supporting roles, notably Skipper being able to connect to Finn and Chelsea connecting to Aquaryah. The returning characters, Isla and Marlo, also play their roles well, with Isla being supportive of what humans can do without sacrificing her mermaid side, and Marlo being surprisingly sympathetic despite how cruel she acts. The new characters in the movie are also great, whether it's Aquaryah being plucky and open minded towards humans, but still a bit stubborn, or her brother Finn being overprotective and stubborn but still caring. Talleigha makes for quite the intimidating antagonist, being deeply rooted in her species's racism against humans. Her smug behavior makes her entertaining. The messages are also great, which is about being able to show support for others and trying to find your inner power. I call this amazing.
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Flawed But Still Solid
2 July 2022
While the movie has some issues, it's one I can watch over and over again. To get my negatives out of the way, while the Trey stuff is funny, it could've been cut down, especially his song. I also feel like the stuff with Ken trying to get closer to Barbie could've been better integrated into the plot. The villain is entertaining, though he would've benefited from more buildup. Besides that, I really enjoyed this movie. A "Prince And The Pauper" type plot has been done before, but they make it work. Barbie just wants to make things better for others without feeling like she has to conform to what others want. She's shown being brave, smart, and resourceful. Amelia is someone who could've been written poorly, but she genuinely wants to be a good ruler for her people. For all the issues she had sigh Alfonso, she does appreciate what he does. It has a pretty powerful message about not being trapped in the box of other people's expectations. All the characters are enjoyable in their own way. The music is very strong, with the cast bringing their A Game. The climax is also exciting. So, I enjoyed this. It's not perfect, but its heart is in the right place. I recommend it.
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An Underrated Movie
2 July 2022
This is a different kind of Barbie movie, but in a good way. With the focus on Chelsea, you get to see a whole range of emotions from her, whether funny, sad, or sweet. The movie is written more for those close to her age group, yet never talks down to them. There's a fun sense of adventure and fantasy, all topped off with great messages about the value of family and how it's great to be a kid.
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I Love This Show
2 July 2022
This is a show that sets the blueprint for what future Barbie material should follow. We have a Barbie who's smart but doesn't know everything, is willing to give people a chance, yet has her limits, and can do lots of things yet isn't perfect. She's very much someone you can look up to. All the supporting characters are fun in their own way and play off of each other well. The humor is sharp and the morals are solid. Give it a watch.
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Skip It
2 July 2022
If I can give one positive for the show, it's that at least they're short. It won't take you too long to get through the episodes to see how terrible they are. Yeah I don't like this show. I don't care if it's a self parody. All the characters are awful in one way or the other. They either act like jerks, idiots, or shallow people, with any niceness being superficial. Barbie is hit the worst, being someone who's so obnoxious and superficial and really stupid. I wouldn't mind this if it was funny, but it's not. Thank goodness no future Barbie media took inspiration from this show. Skip it.
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Barbie Vlogger (2015– )
Fun Lighthearted Videos Full Of Inspiration
30 June 2022
The best way to describe the Barbie vlogs is that they're very nice to watch. They're not the funniest, but the engaging characters and positive vibes help carry them. Whether it's 1 or a few minutes, these vlogs help give you the energy to take on the day.
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Flawed, But Not Bad
26 January 2022
If it wasn't for Crunchyroll giving very tight deadlines to the people working on the show, it could have turned out better. It's instead a fine, but flawed show that has a decent soundtrack and fairly charming characters, but with animation and writing that leave a lot to be desired. Still, it's a harmless watch.
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Alma's Way (2021– )
This Show Deserves The Love
12 January 2022
We have a show starring a confident and empathetic Latina girl that emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and being a good person. Said show is created by Sonia Manzano of Sesame Street, which adds to how great the show is.
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Nina's World (2015– )
Sweet And Charming
12 January 2022
Nina's World is a good show that features fun, charming characters, good cultural diversity, and is great at showing what it means to be a good person. I recommend it.
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The Chicken Squad (2021–2022)
Adorable And Fun
16 May 2021
The Chicken Squad is a show that has a great sense of fun and cuteness that makes it very interesting to watch. It takes material that's been done before, and arranges it in a way that makes it feel fresh.
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Elena of Avalor: Coronation Day (2020)
Season 3, Episode 28
A Finale Fit For A Queen
23 August 2020
Wow! I mean wow! I don't know what to say except "Bravo!". This finale is everything a fan can ask for and more. Thank you to everyone for making Elena Of Avalor as great as it is.
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Hoops (2020)
It's A Flanderized Peter Griffin As A Basketball Coach
21 August 2020
The best thing I can say about the show is that the animation is halfway decent. That's all I can say positively though. The main problem is with how much of a jerk the show's main character, Ben, really is. He's rude, vulgar, and condescending, but with nothing to make him likable, interesting, or at least entertaining. He treats his students as subhuman, thinking they're pathetic. Almost everyone else is bland and/or unlikable. Modern day Peter Griffin is a saint compared to Ben. Don't watch the show.
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28 April 2020
Here's a question. Why did we not get an animated Shazam movie sooner? This is definitely a movie that honors the character.
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Flawed But Still Good
8 April 2020
I haven't seen much of the previous Thundercats shows, so I didn't much expectations for this series. With that said, I find it solid. Yeah, the humor can get too overbearing at times, but the characters are charming and the animation is very fluid. I recommend going in with an open mind.
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Creepy Yet Amazing
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For this DC Showcase short film, here's one that can be best described as alluring. Why? Strap in and find out. This short film focuses on five teenagers: Marcy, Harry, Ted, Dee Dee, and Violet. They're going to a party hosted by a guy named Seth. Marcy gets a visit from The Phantom Stranger telling her to not fall for Seth's behavior. As it turns out, Seth is actually an immortal being who sucks out the souls of his victims.

There's this underlying theme on how you should take control of your own choices, or you'll otherwise face the consequences. I have a few things to talk about:

The vibe: Yeah, this is an interesting way to start things off. The vibe of this short is very retro, akin to the 1960s. The clothing and minibus van would not feel out of place in Scooby Doo. There's a psychedelic vibe from Seth's party, right down to the hard rock music and heavy rainbow colors. There's more to the vibe then the aesthetics. There's talk about trying to escape the status quo and trying to overcome society to find your own destiny. It all works because it takes time to let you get sucked in.

Marcy and her friends: The thing that really pulls this together is the dynamic that Marcy has with her friends. They're all going to Seth's party in California, specifically as a means of escaping their parents. However, Marcy is quite hesitant. She questions the idea of going to a party from a complete stranger who doesn't even know her. They do seem friendly, but they are lightly pressuring her to go to the party even when she's somewhat uncomfortable with this. They drink and smoke like most teenagers of the time, but she is more mindful of her behavior even if she is somewhat emotionally vulnerable. She's certainly not dumb though since she at least has enough awareness of her environment to be able to fend for herself . To add to this, she doesn't know about her purpose in life, while her friends just want their purpose to be nonstop partying.

Phantom Stranger: Despite the title, the Phantom Stranger is more of a supporting character. Nonetheless, he's certainly a character full of intrigue. Seth claims he's not entirely innocent, and there is some evidence to that. He does genuinely look out for Marcy, but knows her friends aren't pure of heart, and lets them die. However, he still gives off the vibe of a mysterious, wise sage with the gentle yet authoritative tone of his voice.

Seth: Seth is definitely an interesting character. He initially comes across as a genuinely nice guy who just wants others to have fun. He's instead along the lines of a sociopath. He marks his victims with red wine, and kisses them so he can kill them with little resistance. It's all do he can maintain his immortality, which he can do with the Arabus Pendant. He also gives off the vibe of a sexual predator, giving him a whole new level of scary.

So, how does everything come together in the end? Well, when Marcy sees her friends' dead bodies, it initially seems like she wants to be with Seth to avoid the trauma. She even knocks out Phantom Stranger. However, it's so she can rip off Seth's pendant, and he dies. The Phantom Stranger then congratulates her, and she decides to go back home to discover herself.

This short film is just great.
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Sesame Street: Meet Julia (2017)
Season 47, Episode 15
Such A Powerful Episode
24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sesame Stret is a series that's not afraid to show real world issues in a way kids can understand. Since World Autism Awareness Day is next Thursday April 2. let's talk about the debut of Julia, who's autistic. This episode starts with Big Bird meeting Elmo, Abby, Alan, and their new friend Julia. She doesn't seem responsive to Big Bird saying hello until Alan says she has autism. He then tries befriending her, but has difficulty doing so. This episode is just great. Sesame Street is a show that knows how to be inclusive, and that is very apparent here. The message of the episode is about how being friends with others is not easy, and it's just about taking the time to know each other. Big Bird is essentially a representation of the audience. He's genuinely trying to get along with Julia. However, since he's not familiar with autism, he often asks questions on how to hang with her. I like this given how Big Bird, while pretty level headed, is also innocently naive, and thus would be likely to ask questions so that he can hang with her without problem. It's also a good thing that the characters go out of their way to explain autism to Big Bird, and say it's not his fault. I also like how autism isn't overly generalized. They specifically mention how Julia is like this, and she's still a good friend. Speaking of Julia, she's a very likable character. She displays certain behavioral patterns typically associated with autism, such as being really into her passions, flapping her hands around, and being very sensitive to loud noises. However, what's given more emphasis is her love of art and play . She likes to paint, play boing tag, and has an adorable doll named Fluffster. She does genuinely like Big Bird even if she can't express it properly. So, how does this episode end? Well, when Julia gets scared by the loud noises and calms down because of Alan, she gives Big Bird a flower to make him happy. Before that, he talks to Elmo and Abby and they say he's a good friend and it's not his fault. Later on, they all play together. This episode is just really good.
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Mira, Royal Detective (2020–2022)
Indian Inspired Show Is Great
22 March 2020
Straight from the mind of Elena Of Avalor writer Becca Topol and Miles From Tomorrowland creator Sascha Paladino, we have a show that's really good no matter your cultural background. We have a colorful, vibrant world with fun characters and great music, all set to the beat of India (or rather the Indian inspired kingdom Jalpur). I look forward to more.
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American Dad!: No Weddings and a Funeral (2019)
Season 14, Episode 18
Seahorse Seashell Party 2.0
20 March 2020
What we have is essentially the show's version of "Seahorse Seashell Party". It's a bunch of unlikable characters being incredibly big jerks towards each other, and the "moral" is that you have purpose by being a lightning rod for the negative behavior. It's just terrible .
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Fancy Nancy (2018–2022)
Fun And Fancy
19 March 2020
The best way to describe this show is how it brings out your inner fancy. Nancy is a well rounded character . She can be selfish and vain at times, but she's also loyal and compassionate, always doing what she can to help others. The music is top notch and the writing is solid. Season 2 really ramps it up.
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Paradise PD: Paradise PD Meets Brickleberry (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
7 March 2020
You have Brickleberry 2.0 crossing over with the actual Brickleberry. It's nothing but gore and crap jokes with any substantial material being virtually non-existent. It's a definite skip
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