19 Reviews
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One of my favourite shows but is ruined by the repetition and voice over
25 March 2024
One of my favourite shows but is ruined by the repetition and voice over.

The premise of the show and the key investors are worthy of watching. (Except Gary the metal detector, clear he is as lazy as they come, should replace with someone trustworthy, able to dig, keen and constantly at it.)

There is a show there.

It could be a 9 / 10 show!

Generating lots of revenue from its success.

Instead it ridicules and shows no regard for its viewers. Assumes all viewers have zero memory and never seen show before.

How many times must I see the cobble path they visited in Portugal How many times they shown this piece of VT??? - Must be triple digits - ridiculous.

Every new episode about 4 / 5ths of show is made up of repeat clips from prior shows, bit unfair for people who watch the show.

Only way to now watch is not see live, see on video so able to use Fast Forward for most show.

Such a shame.

Every time they use a machine like the dendograph we have the full explanation how the machine works - the same explanation we received last week, and the week prior and the week prior - This goes for all machines and they must use about 5 every show - 5 weekly repeats of how same machines work - Yaaaawn!!! No respect for the viewer!

Also another example. They find a piece of wood in swamp, on VT. They then talk about piece of wood on VT. They then do a recap about what has just happened and then mr.voice over comes on and does exactly this again, probably at least twice. Is such a shame just ruins what could be a great show.

Surely is enough VT to remove all this repetition, or just make it a 30 minute show. Keep as is and will lose all audience.
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Road House (2024)
Conor & Jake - Need more films with these as the two leads
25 March 2024
Conor & Jake - Need more films with these as the two leads.. This film is exactly what you expect - it is what it reads on the box.

I must say has been done well, is flow, story, characters - not just all chaos.

As for Jake and Conor.. I think you have something there!

Is something with those two - Just get that feel, good synergy, they bounce off each other well, literally.

Conor his character that suits him, what is expected and he does it well.

Jake and Conor - Good energy and plenty more follow on films I hope will be made with both these as the leads/ - Like the fast n furious empire but instead of bold ageing actors in fast cars, using quality characters people want to see, with decent storylines and action, fists and plenty fast scripts.
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The Curse of Oak Island: A Void At All Costs (2024)
Season 11, Episode 8
Voice over commentary too excessive
5 January 2024
Voice over commentary too excessive As example - First 10 minutes of programme, expect to watch less than a minute of new content, remainder is all catch up.

Great if have never seen the show but.... 99.9999% of viewers have / do watch and do not require constant repetition.

Makes a mockery of viewers intelligence. We recall zero, duuuh...So brainless..

IF must watch show, propose IN format so able to skip / fast forward, all recap voice over nonsense.

As example. Will do a 1minute intro / all recap voiceover , then another 2 mins on prior show content, VOICE over recap 30 secs, 1 MIN OF NEW CONTENT, AD BREAK / REPEAT... Expect 1 minute out of every 10minutes to be new content. SUCH A SHAME.
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Hammer House of Horror: The Silent Scream (1980)
Season 1, Episode 7
Watched in 1980, viewed million more tv programs, always remembered this episode, over the millions of other shows - now 2023.
25 April 2023
A classic As mentioned in review watched in 1980 as a child, now 40+ years later, very pleased to have seen this episode again.

Millions of tv shows, films etc have passed in front of me these past 4 decades but this episode... Unsure why but always remembered bits of this episode? = I saw it once and it stuck in my head, like a unique memory.

Since 1980, has been many moons and my memory declines as age is bestowed upon me.

Sadly, have lost many a treasured moment, my small pc brain memory deleting old files to make space for new / deterioration.

Yet this episode, am clearly going to remember to the grave, probably can count on hand amount of episodes in lifetime which had such impact.

Is not the sfx or graphics or A. I digital stuff, this offers good old storyline, quality classic acting and a cute puppy.

Funny to think this episode would not be possible in these modern electronic internet smart tech times, how the world evolves.
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Quality martial arts film, ignore any negative reviews
11 March 2023
This is Donnie Yen at his best.

My only complaint 'would like to see another, sequel of the sequel just as unique and encapsulating'

Only my opinion and I have to meet quite a hefty character limit on here to place this review so what could be said simply, in one sentence - I present in 2 paragraphs: -

Appreciate no-one should give a diddly about what I opine, who am I too comment, but quality film deserves comment.

  • Not one of this Ip Man series (1 - 4) has let me down, I have definitely not been left deflated, each of these films leave me breathless, heart racing and also in awe.

These films will prove timeless, what they have created - nice work!!

  • Ip Man = Quality action martial arts with fair enough storylines, excellent range of characters, mental scenes and about 90mins of emotion overload, all led by the right choice in a quality lead actor. (& director did good job too)
Would award a 10 but saving for any film I am in, most unlikely..
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Different class of entertainment - Magician to make a farming show into great TV
12 February 2023
Clarkson wow. Well done.

How to raise essential awareness on our strained U. K farming sector constantly under much (and mostly) unwarranted Government duress?

How to make it into excellent T. V ?

Clarkson's Farm. This is how.

Many different facets now to this show - make 3 series per season, will settle with 2.

Well that was my review but unable to post as is too short. Well, what happened to good communication is: - Always be clear, keep it short, sweet and to the point? Sadly, I must ramble to please the system, bit like Clarkson's battles, trying to do right, ending up doing what one must.
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Welcome to Wrexham (2022– )
Quality series. After first few episodes am emotionally addicted
6 February 2023
Did not expect that. Seen a few Footy series #allofthem, so kinda knew what to expect but was I wrong.

Very well made series, looking forward to more ( I hope there will be.)

Great concept for long running series, following all the ups downs and pitfalls of the lower league club (& its important community) to the premiership.

Fun to watch Rob & Ryan catch the footy bug - seen it many times in reality but never seen it caught on camera, until this show. Well done!

AM not a Wrexham fan - I support 2 teams /3 inc National, is one more than enough /would never contemplate taking on strains supporting another. But... now am going to observe their progress.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Boring film, unsure why received a high rating!
14 January 2023
My advice - choose another film, not this waste of time.. In film - expect very good acting, young girl main character was extremely good, a successful career awaits her.

But the film - ooh my days - yawn.

It is just a memory of someone's holiday.

Imagine when someone offers you the chance to watch their video of them on holiday, that kinda offer, response is is usually a big cuddly fat No from me but that is, what is, this film.

Advise to wait for film where actors are in, but that film made with substance / contains storyline - plot something to enjoy.

This was not it. For me.

Storyline /plot - 1 /10 Desire to watch again - 0 /10 Acting / actors etc - 7 - 10.
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Y.A.W.N - Lasted about 20mins before switching off
5 May 2022
This was just some chap, constantly monotoning into screen about his life. Film is you being told about C. S. Lewis autobiography, not film based upon his autobiography.

Only gave show about 20mins as value life, altho was scrolling internet whilst movie on in background as attention just not held in any way.

Sorry not my thing, probably great acting so unfair but 1 star as watched cheese mould which consider more interesting than this.
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Time Team: Dig Two: Day One (Oxfordshire) (2022)
Season 21, Episode 4
Same old show format (which is great) using advanced modern day archaeological techniques & tools
10 April 2022
Searching fields for what maybe Roman period history hidden under the earth.

Is there a Roman Villa, a bath house, mosaics, water features and ponds, is it industrial... Only 3 days to find out.

Great to bring this show back - some shows should remain on the shelf - Time Team absolutely deserves new life, Timeless Team.

Given 5 rating as not impressed with male presenter, hard to fill shoes of Tony, but to reinvent a series, need to take show up a level, this presenter does not. (Suggest Matt, Stuart or someone with energy, Ant & Dec even...)
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Time Team: Dig One: Day One (Cornwall) (2022)
Season 21, Episode 1
We want Baldrick..
10 April 2022
We want Baldrick.. Good to see back, with some old faces from old show + new show format similar to prior.

Positives - ability to utilise advanced techniques + modern advancements in archaeology etc.

Negatives - IMO reducing quality of presenter will not aid to increasing show traction / popularity. Why show only given a 6 as rating, better presenter should be hitting 8 easy.

Consider - When film makers release a sequel... You know the type, never hitting mark as original was able too. Need a draw to achieve this, current male presenter is not.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Quality film
8 February 2022
Bit of a long film - over 2 hours but heyhoo time flew, good acting storyline etc.

Enjoyed film and engrossed by end of film. Start a bit slow but enjoyable.
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Quality film, don't need to be into sports to enjoy this one.
6 February 2022
Good true story film, based around a sport I have no time for.

Enjoyed the film, story, acting etc - high rating as deserved + Nice to see film not relying on SFX etc.

Also how to hit PC / woke targets with realism so not frustrating / boring / in ya face as currently seems the norm.

Kinda film - If into sports, could watch with partner not into sports - Both would enjoy film - winnawinna.
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Thought wokeness couldn't get worse, it did.
17 November 2021
Sorry but never wondered what an all female Doctor Who episode would be like (+ D-list semi-comedian).

Now have seen, IMO big fail, huge no thanks and please not again.

I do wonder if is motivational for young ladies or equally lame viewing.

Acting nothing special, average to excessive, storyline - well you decide - sent me to sleep, wee brain couldn't bother attempting to follow such nonsensical drivel, I opted for entertainment, given zeds.

Clear lose sight on quality, not selecting best people for roles, instead focus on hitting PC / woke guidelines = Huge respect and audiences to be lost, in time, forever. Ironic.
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Ragnarok: All You Need Is Love (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
Season finale isn't half a day long, more to come in season 03,
23 June 2021
Good series strong characters - Would suit 20 episode show per series as over too soon leaving many plots and questions open, oh if only this was written somewhere, a history book of type.. Now has International traction - worthy venture to invest in - Achieving / bettering the successes of Vikings tv show.
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The Last Boy (2019)
Dare you to stay awake until the end.
5 December 2020
Acting average at best, also suggest playing at speed x1.5. Film like Goss' music career - What could be seen in 10 minutes was overly drawn out to achieve movie length
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Statuesque acting - imagine watching a low budget foreign b movie
22 November 2020
Except main character, acting lame, no connections! - Imagine being in a group of people, all who are really uninteresting which makes you stop listening to them within the minute - this film is that so if you fancy putting yourself through 75 mins of such a scenario watch away.... Script, acting, music, filming all leaves a lot to desire - Just not interesting. + Who ever rated this anything higher than 6 is absolutely connected to the production or was locked up for 45years, unaware what modern TV standards are and spent 45 yrs deliriously dreaming to watch a program, of any kind
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Break (II) (2020)
Watchable snooker film
1 September 2020
To be fair it's not bad, story flows - kinda mini 'Top Boy' does snooker. Only neg - Think main character took same acting lessons as Danny Dyer but still is worth a see. Ideal if you like a bit of snooker but tonight it's 'movie-night' - even if partner doesn't partake in a bit of velvet ball action both will still be film satisfied. 'A snooker film with knifes, weed, no Steve Davis characters and not much snooker'.
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Like a book you can't put down...
20 August 2020
Very enjoyable film, gripping characters - enjoyed the acting and the story flows with the ending coming as if time didn't move. Need subs for English.
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