
5 Reviews
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Quite solid!
30 May 2024
Didn't expect it to be that much fun. A+ action scenes, dialogues you can listen to without banging your head against a wall (Fast&FuriousV+) and a cool plot to snack some popcorn to whilst watching. It's just perfect for what it wants to be: entertaining. I really liked it and laughed a lot. End the end tops it all. Well done!

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop

Whoop Whoop !!!
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Land of Bad (2024)
Overwhelming Product Placement
21 May 2024
Way too obvious advertising for Kellogg's, Nespresso, Starbucks, and more. The product placements are everywhere, making the movie feel more like a commercial than entertainment. It distracts from the plot and characters, turning potential emotional moments into blatant brand promotions. This over-saturation of ads diminishes the film's artistic value, leaving viewers feeling like they've just watched an extended infomercial rather than a cinematic experience. Subtlety would have gone a long way. Sadly, it seems profit trumped storytelling.

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Punk (2012 TV Movie)
18 December 2023
A current rating of less than six stars on IMDB is incomprehensible to me.

I love this film for portraying punk as the subculture that it is; tough, youthful, rebellious and fighting back.

Punk shows that being punk doesn't mean being a victim or worth less than others.

I like the raw tone of the film and the coldness of the street blocks. I like the film's portrayal of a youth caught between family adversity, violence, drugs, punk rock and sexual discovery, love.

I like that real and well-known bands are involved. And I admire the actors' performances, especially Paul Bartel, of course.

Punk, one of my absolute favourites.
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Logan Lucky (2017)
This. Is. Pure. Gold.
12 September 2020
Craig, Driver, Tatum (...) - The cast is fantastic! The plot is quite enjoyable: humorous and clever. I loved watching this movie so much!
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Tenet (2020)
Watched two times.
6 September 2020
Nolan again plays his strengths. In terms of cinematography it's definitely a masterpiece and there are a lot of parallels to his former movies like Inception, Interstellar etc. BUT overall it doesn't really function this time. The plot is not understandable to me and my colleagues. There remains so much unanswered in the end and Nolan doesn't manage to make his sort of Bond-Style-Movie. This is my opinion after I saw it twice. Watch it on your own and decide what you think about it.
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