
7 Reviews
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
21 June 2024
Who actually watches this garbage? The writing is the most absurd thing I've seen in a while. I know that it shouldn't surprise me because most people have horrible taste in music and film. However, this particular show just takes it to another level.

There was one episode where the doctor tries to convince a mother that her son developed a tumor because of racism. Wow.... Cool. I didn't know that was medically possible!

I thought the good doctor was a bit heavy-handed most of the time. My girlfriend watches that show and I will catch episodes here and there. This show makes the good doctor look like a masterpiece.
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Civil War (2024)
Good Film - not a popcorn action flick
12 April 2024
Alot of people didn't like the movie because they based all their expectations on the trailer. They should've looked at the directors previous films and realized I was not going to be in a mindless action film with lots of explosions/gunfire. With that being said, I thought there was plenty of action, and when it happened, it was intense.

It seems that some of the viewers wanted a film that's all wrapped up in a Hollywood box. Instead, we have a unique perspective on an experience of a photographer, and how she navigates what's going on.

The sound, production, acting, cinematography and direction were all top notch. It's not a perfect film, but my girlfriend and I were pretty happy with it. There wasn't one time during the movie where I wasn't completely into it.
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The Holdovers (2023)
I wish films like this happened more often in Hollywood
12 November 2023
Every aspiring filmmaker should take a page out of this book. This is a great story and you're constantly learning about the characters. You get to watch them grow and develop.

I was never bored or trying to figure out what was happening, I was just along for the ride and hooked from start to finish. It human, it's funny, it's dramatic and heartwarming.

It's too bad films like this don't sell with the majority of the population. They'd rather watch mindless BS (Marvel ect..) than something with substance. If that offends you, then I'm're probably simple or 14.

I would love to see this type of film become a part of filmmaking again.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Very Well Done
24 July 2023
This was a tough one because I would consider myself a film nerd. I have been for 20+ years. So, was this film a high level of filmmaking? Yes. Was the acting in this film top notch. Yes! Was the writing, costume, set design, editing all good? Yes. I don't mind movies that are dialogue heavy. This was definitely that type. I had trouble giving this an 8, but I figured it did mostly everything great...however, just didn't captivate me like I was expecting. If I'm being honest, it felt like a 7.6 or so. Which I consider really good.

The story kind of dragged on a little longer than I felt it needed. It wasn't particularly entertaining (Even though I like historical pieces and this subject matter) I just didn't get into it as much as I thought. It's like it's missing something and I haven't put my finger on it. Kind of reminds me of how I felt after the J. Edgar Hoover film.

Anyways, it's worth a watch.
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The Whale (2022)
It's ok, over hyped and poor writing but worth a watch
25 March 2023
The writing isn't great, the direction is good and the dialogue is horrible. It's basically like watching my 600 pound life in cinema form. I'll admit that Frazier does a good job with what he's given to work with. It's kind of basic, father looking to reconnect with daughter after not being around for her. I like how it explores the complexity of human relationships. Other than that, it's one step above a network movie on TV.

We should put more importance on being healthy and not giving a pass to obesity in our society. 78% of people who had a severe reaction to Covid were obese....and yet hardly any of our elected officials had anything to say about it. I guess there's not much money in that so go ahead and get your fifth booster shot instead of maybe limiting your diet and doing a little exercise.
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Most important documentary on TV
9 January 2023
I honestly can't believe they allowed Oliver Stone to show this. By "them", I mean the beneficiaries of the "military industrial complex".... Or the CIA, or the FBI and so on. There is so much about American history that people do not know, and also about current events. I'm talking about Our government working with our media to feed us lies. This is especially true today, talking about Ukraine, Covid, Russia, Wallstreet, Syria, and on and on. It's like they don't think that we can handle the truth or they don't want us to know the truth so that they can keep taking our money and funding special interest groups. I could keep going, But I think I've made my point. We need people/reporters/journalists ect... to tell the stories like this film is doing And not just go along with with the narrative that the powers that be" tell you to report. We need honest reporting, even if it is uncomfortable because of your personal beliefs. This is not red or blue, this is important for all citizens. I think most people regardless of what side they're on, agree that the first step is to take money out of politics, which unfortunately will never happen because that would require the people in power to make that decision.
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Faerie Tale Theatre (1982–1987)
Timeless and Fantastic
25 November 2022
For its time it was amazing. It's like watching a play with a lot of well-known actors when they were young. Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Jeff Bridges, Jeff Goldblum and many more. Watching it now it may look kind of dated but it's still really well done and the kids will love it. My personal favorites are the three little pigs, the frog prince, and the boy who left home to find the shivers. They are all worth watching. I can't imagine anyone who appreciates theater, acting, and fairy tales not liking this. Faerie Tale Theater might be the best thing Shelly Duval has ever done, or at least in my opinion.
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