
26 Reviews
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Amsterdam (2022)
So much going on...
17 November 2022
The movie itself was extremely chaotic with so many different things going on. It was a little hard to keep up at times.

Margot Robbie never disappoints nor does Christian Bale. I kept thinking the POC actor must have been a friend of a friend as the acting was absolutely horrendous. Only to find out he's the son of Denzel Washington, which made sense on how he was able to get this role. Disappointing as this would have been a great movie otherwise, but the lack of facial expression and constant rapid blinking was extremely distracting. I would have much preferred the father to the son.

I was surprised to see Taylor Swift in here. I'm not a fan of her, but I thought she did rather well for the short time we saw her. I'd be open to seeing her in something else.

All in all, the story line, albeit chaotic, was fun and interesting. I wouldn't watch it again, but I'm not upset with the time spent watching it, either.
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What in the Actual **** was this?
27 July 2022
I don't even know how to write this review. It was so bad.

I've watched the first three episodes released and between the absolutely horrible, fifth grade English project writing style and the acting...I just can't.

It's almost like witers, creators, and producers think that the black audience doesn't deserve great TV and they should just be satisfied with the crumbs offered to them.

The mere fact that Rotten Tomatoes gave this an 89% proves that no one cares about the quality of TV as long as there is black representation. Equality doesn't just mean representation (who was this show an actual representation of?) - it also means equal in value. Equal in quality.

I'd be so ashamed to put this show out there for my brothers and sisters. Do better for POC. They deserve better than crumbs.
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ZIWE (2021–2022)
Missed Opportunity
28 May 2022
Ziwe has a relatively large platform. She's talented, funny, and has a lot of charisma.

The problem with this show is that it's important, but ONLY reaches an audience that already agrees with her. Showing the pitfalls of racism in America only has value if it's reaching an audience beyond the audience you already have.

It's clear that Ziwe performs under the guise of making a difference, but how are you making a difference? How can you change a mindset if the only minds watching you are already like minded?

It leads me to believe that the only true goal of this show is self-indulgence with no goal to make a difference.
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Halo (2022– )
How in the world...
27 March 2022
Does this have high ratings?

The source material isn't there. Now, I could get over that. It isn't the WORST thing to deviate from the game philosophy. But...the choppy CGI and the horrible, horrible acting makes it almost unbearable.

There really isn't any excuse for the show to be this bad considering how popular the game series is.
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The Masked Singer (2019–2024)
Initially started of good..
10 March 2022
Between the first season and the seventh, it just seemed to get worse and worse.

A lot of people are saying they dumbed it down from the Korean version. That doesn't bother me so much. What IS super cringe is the overblown theatrics of the judges and the obvious scripted "malfunctions".

I mean...let's not act like we all didn't see the dog throw off his mask while they claimed the malfunction was going to go down in history. Lol. I seriously can't.

If the show is dependent on these desperate, outdated by 50 year old gimmicks - then the show is obviously doing very poorly.

How Nick Cannon has retained his position on the network after his extremely offensive comments to ALL RACES is beyond me.

It's a no from me, dawg.
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Mood (2022)
Reviewers aren't looking hard enough...
7 March 2022
I've seen the reviews mentioning women empowerment and the need to identify with Sasha's situation to appreciate the show.

Everyone can identify with this series. It's about being lost. Finding your identity. The battle between what you don't want to do and what you are willing to do to find a way to where you want to be. Losing who you are along the way and trying to find your way back to the person you used to be.

It's about a broken home and finding the love in other people due to the lack of love by people who were supposed to love you. The people who break your heart trying to find it and the people you thought you could trust, but can't.

It's about peer pressure and the dangers that come with giving in to it. It's about our obsession with social media and forgetting that people are people and not just numbers to add to your following base.

Mood is the kind of show that expresses toxicity in such a profound way that makes you feel so uncomfortable. In the best way. Because it's a warning for those who are on the cusp of going too far and cathartic for those of us who've been in terrible situations.

Everyone can find something in this show.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Good Cast - Uninspired plot and Cringe Writing
5 August 2021
I should have known that with The Rock playing in it, the writing would be extremely corny. I did think that Emily Blunt would have elevated it a bit more, though, and gave it a shot.

Is it terrible? No. Good? Also, no. Just, meh.

It's a movie you'd put on with your kids and enjoy it because your kids are enjoying it. The writing is very typical with this new era of movies - Corny, layered with one liners designed to make your skin crawl with embarrassment at the attempt of being "funny".

Yes, the action scenes were also corny.

If you've watched any Marvel or DC movie that came out in the last 10 years, you've already heard this script.

I just hope the next generation of movies don't continue on with this theme of uninspired, cash grab content.
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I wish I could give 0 stars.
29 July 2021
Within the first 20 minutes of the film, we knew this was going to be horrible. My husband looked at me and asked, "Is this a LeBron James documentary? Or... what?"

The short answer is yes.

The original space jam worked because it was less of a focus on MJ and the gang and more of a focus on the basketball and animation.

This wasn't even "Space Jam", this was "Computer Jam". But really more of, Computer YouBetterDontChargePeopleForThis.

Take a note from the comments. Everyone is SICK and TIRED of remakes and series continuations of classics that don't stay true to said classic.

This movie was a disgusting cash grab. Even if you have absolutely nothing left to watch, this still wouldn't satisfy your TV needs.
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29 July 2021
I dont mind "stupidity" as it typically comes hand in hand with films like these. But dear GOD. The acting? It was so bad I was literally embarrassed for them the entire movie. Not even mobile gaming ads will want to cast them after this atrocity.

From the very first scene, I knew it was going to be bad. It honestly felt like a scene from an "adult film" where they asked someone from the next room to play someone's parents for 5 minutes. The dad was the worst part in this. He never knew what to do with his body or hands. He was so awkward throughout the whole film.

I was rooting for the animals.
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Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
24 July 2021
I mean, yay diversity. But it seems like the only qualifications for this reboot was...yep, you guessed it. Diversity.

Cancel this. Tell us you were just kidding. Think about your terrible mistakes. Then give us something 200% better.

Recast everyone. This is the type of show where looks, beauty, and perfection matter. It's really sad that the people producing this show had no idea how to handle this show.
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Spiral (2021)
Really? Chris Rock?
7 June 2021
This was just awful. Horrible, horrible acting. Rock should stick to...whatever he was doing before this pity cast.

The traps and the "horror" was so baseline, b-rated, and an embarrassment to the series.

This series is dead.
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Run the World (2021–2023)
1 June 2021
Girlfriends was so successful because it was intelligent, charming, and relatable.

The people here who are commenting saying that it's an "updated Girlfriends" need to go back and re-watch Girlfriends. None of these ladies were relatable. None of them were really all that funny.

Every other word in the series was "black black black black". Girlfriends touched based on women in the work place, gay rights, differences in religion, and racial inequality. It did it in a way that wasn't invasive or forced. These important topics NEED to be discussed, but it needs to be done the right way that reaches a larger audience. Not even black people wanna watch this ish.

These creators need to go back and take a lesson from the OG, come back, and THEN redo the show with a lot more finesse. Hell, just bring back Girlfriends since there hasn't been a comparable black female sitcom since then.
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25 May 2021
The other reviews are obviously fake.

I watched two episodes and I just couldn't bear it anymore. The people they picked to film are just unbearably awkward and completely...odd.

I love reality TV. But this. This franchise is garbage. I can't believe people watch this.
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Jolie saved this movie while Sheridan failed her.
21 May 2021
If it wasn't for Angelina Jolie, this film would have maybe appeared on a cable network or went straight to redbox.

I'm so disappointed in Sheridan. Because Jolie has reached a certain age, he thought she was incapable of performing as she typically would in her action movies. The most they let her do was swing an axe after taking a beating.

There are SO MANY male actors who are on the receiving end if de-aging technology that allows them to continue having long careers in the action genre. Will Smith, Gerard Butler, Liam Neeson... Does Angelina not deserve that same respect? She has been one of the top female actresses in the genre for decades despite her hiatus. It was extremely disappointing for Sheridan to attempt to cut her action career short.

Angelina has a long career ahead of her. She deserves the same respect as anyone else in the genre with longstanding careers.

As for the movie itself, the beginning and the end was unnecessary. I won't give any spoilers, but the beginning of the movie and the terrible ending was obviously a complete afterthought. Angelina deserved better.
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The Upshaws (2021– )
What An Embarrassment
13 May 2021
Wow. Wow wow wow.

The only thing even remotely funny about this was Wanda. And she couldn't even be funny because the rest of the cast being dry and boring overshadowed her funny.

I finished the first episode, made it half way through the second, and was like nope. I'm surprised at how bad Kim Fields was in this. She seemed like she had a friend of a friend who called in a favor to get her this role.

After I wanted to gouge out my eyes over Dad Stop Embarrassing Me, I would have thought netflix would have stepped up it's Black Entertainment game, but clearly that didn't happen. It's clear that producers don't care about the quality of black entertainment as long as they can say that they have a predominately black cast. The black community should honestly just feel insulted and these "actors" should be ashamed of themselves for not demanding better. But, after watching this, seems like they need to stop casting friends of friends.

I truly feel bad for Wanda for having her name associated with this.
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Abigail (I) (2019)
21 March 2021
I'll start with the good, though there isn't much.

Really, only the visuals were decent for what it was. The story, while rather predictable, was enough to keep me relatively intrigued. The saving grace was honestly the soundtrack. The instrumentals were beautiful.

Now, for the bad. The worst part about this was the horrible dubbing/voice overs. I would rather have read subtitles instead of hearing this awful voice over. It sounded like people who didn't know any English were just reading off of a script and had no idea what it translated to. They were literally barking out the script in moments that didn't even call for any distress. It was unbelievably odd and uncomfortable.

The character backstory was essentially non-existent. Abigail and Baal (sp) were literally in two scenes together - mostly with him telling her to leave when five seconds prior he told her to stay - and they were suddenly in love? God, the writing was such an afterthought and nothing made sense. Aside from the erroneous voice intonations, the vocals were so wooden and robotic.

I cant imagine how anyone could find this movie desirable. Skip it and just listen to the soundtrack instead.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
Absolutely Horrible
15 March 2021
To those saying "it isn't for YOU, it's for KIDS" is deflection. Tom and Jerry is for the audience who popularized it in the first place. It's nostalgia. Memorabilia.

There have been very, very few movies that incorporated the dichotomy of live action and animation seamlessly. This was NOT one of them. They used Tom and Jerry as a marketing ploy, but the story had nothing to do with them. They were an afterthought in the background.

"But it's for kids". Sure. Have them watch this movie, then have them watch the classics. I guarantee you they'll find so much more enjoyment out of the classics. We're in the middle of a pandemic and new TV is hard to come by these days. By all means, watch this movie. When you're so desperate that even you are watching reruns on the History Channel.
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Carmen Sandiego (2019–2021)
Potential to be great, but sexist much?
15 February 2021
Carmen Sandiego, the lady in red, has the morality of Robin Hood and the thief skills to match. There'a no doubt she'll be the femme Fatale that inspires young girls to be the best they can be. This is the kind of show that everyone can enjoy...if you are female.

This series is more than just an action series, but also educational. It teaches children about cultures around the world and gives a 2-3 minute educational breakdown of what someone can expect if they were to travel to various locations throughout the world. But, it also teaches children to feed into stereotypes and think boys are stupid.

The two main male characters, the agent tracking Carmen down and Zack (the brother of the sibling duo that assists Carmen), are as dumb as a box of rocks. And it's not even subtle. The producers believe that the best way to shine the spotlight on women and empower them is through the degradation of their male counterparts. The "boy genius", a carbon copy of the tech genius from Kim Possible, is only heard and rarely seen. If uplifting a demographic happens at the expense of another - it isn't perpetuating equality. It's just a shift of dynamics via revenge mentality.

If you can get past the sexist mentality that girls are inherently smarter and more "mature" than their male counterparts, this is an otherwise great show. Even if it is simply a reboot of Kim Possible in every way possible.
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Spirit Riding Free (2017–2020)
12 February 2021
I'm not going to deny that this is a great series for children. It teaches young girls that they can solve their own problems without being too dependent on other people; aside from friends. That's something to be admired.

The low rating comes from the title. This animated series has nothing to do with Spirit, the horse. The title of the series is meant for leeching off the success that was of Spirit, the movie. Honestly, if they changed the name of the series to something else - you couldn't even tell that this had anything to do with Spirit. The low rating is due to the disgust of clickbait.

If you're an adult looking for nostalgia - skip this. If you're an adult with children - watch it with them and silently scoff and roll your eyes.
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Sweet Magnolias (2020– )
21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show has a lot of things going for it. It has a lifetime feel, but is a bit more progressive for this type of show. Which is good.

In the first episode, there's mention of God and religious references every few minutes it seems like. Not necessarily bad, but felt like the demographic was being limited to a select group of people. However, a few episodes in and we could see that it was more progressive than the initial presentation. I love a show that can represent everyone tastefully.

Typically with supporting cast members who are gay, they are represented as accessories to women BUT this show got it right and did it differently. Huge points for that.

Now, my biggest complaint. Noreen. I'm not sure if Jamie Lynn is just a horrible, unlikable actress or if the writing just wasn't in her favor. But good lord. It feels like her character is trying to be portrayed as someone who made a mistake and is actually a good person, but that is negated by her absurd, selfish behavior. When you are a soon to be STEP parent of someone ELSE'S kids (especially as a result of an affair), those kids don't owe you anything. Least of all your respect.

I think whoever wrote this show did not understand Noreen's character or didn't know how to relate to her situation. While most of us can agree that Noreen isn't necessarily a bad guy, she comes in too hot and too heavy to even be liked whatsoever. And the comments that Bill is expected to put HER first before his kids? Really? It's brought up so often that it's really all of her storyline and, frankly, it's disgusting. I dont like her. Not because of what her and Bill did, but because she is so completely self-absorbed. I blame writing because it doesn't seem intentional. It feels like the writers are implying that she has the right to feel the way she does and Bill is the bad guy for putting HIS kids first. Jamie Lynn's stank face the entire show is quite irritating, too.

Overall, the show isn't that bad. I probably would have given it a 9 if I wasn't irritated every time a new scene came on that involved Noreen.
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Glam Masters (2018)
9 March 2020
I watched two episodes and wondered why I was torturing myself.

Can we just talk about how Laverne Cox single handedly ruined the entire show? First of all, it was like she was reading it off of a cue card and after every word was a period. Girl, did you not learn how to read?

And she tried so hard to channel RuPaul then she ended up a RuMess. You're trans, not a drag queen. Even if you were a drag queen, you'd need to have some semblance of a personality. There was no life behind those eyes at all.

The concept of the show was fine, but still there was something missing about how the competition was formed. Other than the obvious misstep with the host...
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9 February 2020
I mean, I knew it was going to be bad. But THAT bad? You could literally see the stitching on the mermaid tails. The acting took bad acting to a whole new art form. Those cheesy horror films were even better than this. The story line? Dated. It was lifetime style, but just worse.
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Could have been great.
24 January 2020
The show gets better after the first episode like many have stated. The premise was great. The acting was less than okay. Frankly, it was terrible.

Usually with sci fi shows on the actual station, the writing is awful, but the acting is okay. The writing in this one wasn't bad, but the acting. Dear god. They pulled these people off the street and handed out jobs like Oprah hands out cars.

The storyline carries the show, but it swallowed the actors. If they can even be called that.
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True to its name.
18 January 2020
Tyler Perry has fallen from grace.

Diary of a mad black woman, the madea movies (aside from the last couple), family reunion, witness protection - those were the greats. The TP classics.

But this? Garbage. It seems like TP is just putting stuff out now to get some quick cash with very little thought into it. This is something that should come on late at night on BET or OWN when there is literally nothing else to watch and you're bored as all get out.

It's the same redundant cast members who seem like friends of friends with limited acting experience. He's like Oprah telling the crowd to check under their seats. "You got a job! You got a job! You got a job!" Just stop.

Get better actors and hire someone else to write the scripts from now on, please. You used to be good. This is Bollywood.
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The I-Land (2019)
It was not THAT bad
18 January 2020
The people that are reviewing this show are a joke. The show wasn't THAT bad, I've seen way worse on netflix. The actors were decent, specifically the two main female leads. It's a show that I watched after the rest of everything else I wanted to see was out of the way. It couldn't have been that bad considering I binged the entire season back to back. Whether you think it was good or bad, it was something that made me want to figure out what was going to happen next. I think there were some odd choices here and there as far as the story line. Honestly, the worst bit was the janky writing that was obvious in a couple of the episodes.

Don't listen to these trolls. I'm sure they glorify the modern marvel movies and fresh take on star wars where the writing appeals to small brains who need cheesy one liners.
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