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Requiem (2018)
Verging on outright libel with lack of respect for John Dee
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a long time student of the Elizabethan genius John Dee, I was at first interested in what the purpose of the Monas symbol in this series, and why it was being referred to in the first place but my interest rapidly turned to a feeling of incredulousness when I heard Dee referred to as an 'alchemist' and sheer disbelief at what I was hearing at the statement 'nobody knows what it means' followed by pure rage at the appalling ignorance of the writers when they went on to state Dee used his own son in scrying experiments because apparently 'only the innocents (ie children) could 'hear the Angels'.

Let me try to explain why this is so incorrect as to being potentially libellous should Dee's descendants wish to make a case of it.

Firstly, the Monas symbol was devised by Dee in around 1558 in his Propaedumata Aphoristica and expounded on in his 1564 book Monas Heiroglyphica, which more than a few of us have been studying for years and do actually understand, and it has nothing to do with Alchemy, which brings me to the point that John Dee was a lot of things but an Alchemist was not one of them. He was, however, a Polyglot, Mathematician, Geometer, Astronomer/Astrologer, Cartographer and Occultist amongst many more talents. He wrote the introduction to the first English language version of Euclid's Elements as well as adding to the books themselves and had a private library of over 3000 books and 1000 manuscripts as well.

His scrying experiments began around the late 1570's and continued to his death in 1607. Far from requiring an innocent to 'hear the voices of the Angels', his main scryer was in fact Edward Kelly, later Sir Edward (who was an Alchemist) and only after Dee & Kelly parted ways did Dee try using his Son (Arthur, not Theodore as claimed in this travesty of a production) which did not produce the required results and was abandoned.

Dee referred to these as 'Spiritual Creatures', not 'Angels', and his purpose was purely knowledge and nothing else. It is unclear to this day just exactly what he & Kelly were communicating with but Dee & Kelly both believed they were a mix of both good and evil, with Kelly later coming to the conclusion they were all 'deceivers', which is what caused the rift between them.

Shrugging off Dee as a wicked alchemist come sorcerer is beyond bad writing - it is disgraceful and the show runners ought to be ashamed of themselves.
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Firestarter (2022)
Dreadful film with no resemblance to the book
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Why oh why do these film companies insist on buying film or adaptation rights to great books and proceed to then utterly ignore the source material and rewrite the story for what inevitably becomes a third rate adaptation at best.

Take Rainbird. Portrayed here as a victim with a conscience instead of the sadistic killer of the book, right down to the point where he took was experimented on.

We also have the bad white man (the lead scientist) who needs to have his mess cleaned up by generic strong diverse female character because as we all know these days, white man bad, diverse people good.

The buildup of the book with it's crucial character development is gone here and what is left behind is not King's Firestarter Avoid at all costs.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
Dreadfully disappointing
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this had been done and for a brief moment got excited about this right up until I saw the dreaded letters 'BBC', and sadly my reservations were proved right - it's a typical modern BBC ' White Man Bad' show that has very little to do with the books I love Let's start with the good bits. Bit, I mean - they got the house bang on, but that is all.

Rowan is played by someone who has obviously never bothered to familiarise herself with the source material and she behaves nothing like the Rowan in the books. Michael Curry has been race swapped into a Talamasca member, and Lasher has been transformed into some powerful entity that he never was as in the books he is seriously limited, Oncle Julien is sidelined, Mona is missing, there are breathless references to the 'Designee of The Legacy' but at no point is this ever explained, and so it continues. Don't even get me started on the missing 'Mayfair Emeralds ' which are replaced by a key to a cage 'The lives of the Mayfair Witches?' No Stella, no Deborah, no Madeleine and no Uncle Julien, & Suzanne is just wrong too.

The continuity is all over the place, jumping around all over the place and the subplot of the evil white men who hate women made me feel ill.

Every white male is either weak, bad or a monster and have to be put in their place, presumably because 'White Man Bad'.

It's a total fiasco, whereas the books are superb.

If you have never read the books you may find this entertaining enough, but if like me you love the books then do yourself a favour and avoid this like the plague - I wish I had as it's 6 hours of my life I will never get back.

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Fringe (2008–2013)
Started out really well, but.....
26 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was superb when it first started - Anna Torv is very good as Olivia Dunham, and John Noble portrayed Dr Walter Bishop brilliantly - you could believe he had been locked away for decades with no difficulty at all yet his mannerisms made him human. The original premise seemd to change halfway through the opening season, where much was being made of what they called 'The Pattern' yet this concept seemed to be abandoned and it turned into a 'Monster Of The Week' show for a while before the wonderful Leonard Nimoy was introduced as Dr William Bell who was the perfect foil to Olivia, Peter Bishop & his father - and I must also mention Lance Riddick for his wondeful portrayal of their 'Boss', Philip Broyles & Jasika Nicole's wonderfully warm character Astrid as she deals with Walter's eccentricities.

The later seasons did not live up to the early promise, however - whilst I liked the introduction of 'The Observers' as originally written they all too soon turned into something very different but the biggest issue for me was the utter train wreck that was season 5. What on earth were the writers thinking of? What happened to 'The Pattern'? It all got too silly for me and on rewatching it, I gave up on season 5 very quickly.
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Suspects (2014–2016)
Perfectly splendid - this is how you SHOULD write characters
16 September 2023
This show's writers got everything right, and this series ought to be a masterclass in how to actually develop characters in a meaningful way without preferred agendas & ideologies getting in the way of the storylines. To summarize the main cast, Clare-Hope Ashitey as 'Charlie' is beautifully written - what matters to her is the Truth and doing her job properly (and nothing much else) and the interaction between her & her Sergeant (Damien Molony, DS Jack Weston) starts out badly but gets better & better as he gets to understand her values are different to his - he tends to leap to conclusions whilst she prefers to see where the evidence leads first. Fay Ripley (DI Martha Bellamy) holds the team together superbly as well - never overstepping the mark, but not taking too much of Jack's BS at the same time.

I can't say too much without giving things away, but suffice it to say that until the final season, each episode is usually a complete storyline - there are exceptions, but not too many - which is also a good thing as these days far too many shows have a story arc that does not resolve at the end of Season 1, and when it gets cancelled before Season 2 leaves the viewer with the feeling that he has just wasted 10 hours of his life on it (I am talking to YOU, Amazon Prime).

The final season is a shocker from the first episode, and closes the series in a superb way.

Highly recommended.
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Massively underrated show. Superbly done
5 February 2023
Why this awesome reboot was cancelled after only 2 seasons will forever be one of life's great mysteries for me.

Not only are the 3 main lead parts done exceptionally well - Lena Headey is on top form as Sarah Connor, Summer Glau in the role of the protective Terminator works beautifully and it is plainly apparent she did a lot of prep for the role too (for example she never blinks or shows any emotions on camera) and the two of them do a great job of extending James Cameron's original universe (Summer's character is even called 'Cameron' in a lovely nod to the original.

There is a saying currently in vogue for reboots that says 'Without respect we reject' that applies far too often these days but fans of the original 2 films have nothing to worry about here whatsoever.

Thomas Dekkers portrayal of a 15 year old John Connor is flawless for me and Richard Jones' FBI agent is also right out of the top drawer with a superb episode towards the end of Season 1 (What He Beheld) that changes everything for him.

Season 2 is even better. We meet some new characters (Derek Reese is another fine performance and Shirley Manson's role is award worthy to my mind. I cannot say too much as I do not want to spoil it for you.

Buy the Blu-ray set, grab a bottle of single malt and blitz the whole thing.
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American Gods (2017–2021)
Very good but why change the story so much?
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We start off with one of my gripes in the Viking scene where it is apparent the writer was clueless in his/her depiction as becalmed vikings would simply row if no wind but hey ho.

Dead Wife also plays next to no part in the book either and never becomes an undead thing or meets the Leprechaun either. I could carry on in a similar vein but what would be the point as it is what it is but it is still a crying shame that so much has been changed. Oh well.

Ian McShane is outstanding in his role as the one-eyed 'Mr. Wednesday' (who he really is should be apparent at this point) so much so that I can see him on re reading the book, and even though Shadow Moon has been race swapped it doesn't matter in this case and Ricky Whittle carries the part well as Wednesday's stooge too.

Yet still we must mention THE MESSAGE with Mr World inexplicably getting not only race but also gender swapped in season 3. For the love of all the Gods WHY?

It's a brutal story told well and despite the many changes I can highly recommend it to you.
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Treadstone (2019)
Could have been so much better if the Story arc was resolved
7 February 2022
This started out very well for me, and I got totally involved in it but was frankly appalled by the season long story arc just stopping instead of being resolved.

This is extremely bad writing as the writers could not possibly have been under the impression a second season was guaranteed, yet they went for the monstrously over-used 'cliffhanger ending' which can only EVER work if the writers know full well there will be a second season.

As we know it got cancelled as part fo the channel's move away from 'scripted material' in favour of more 'unscripted material' - IE Reality shows, which I am frankly sick to death of. They usually feature talentless idiots who would pay the company to be on the show, and nobody gives a damn about them. I would much rather have a well produced drama series than endless bloody 'reality' shows.

All too often this is happening now. Viewer numbers are now forever low, mainly because the world & his wife now all want their own premium subscription service and with Amazon Prime there are far far too many 'add-on' channels, all at between £8 and £10 per month on top of the Prime fee.

Netflix have less & less each month with more & more in foreign language, even though I live in bloody ENGLAND, not Russia, Korea, Indonesia, India or Scandinavia - or the plethora of languages that you hear being babbled on these channels. Is it too much to ask for that a TV station in my country broadcasts in my language?

For the content we got I give it a 9/10, but the actual rating is a 2/10 because we got left hanging at the 'end' of the season. A shame as the show deserved so much better than the way it was treated.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Dreadfully disappointing lazy rewrite of the books.
29 December 2021
I often wonder why production companies bother to buy the rights to well loved & successful books, only to completely change things around and in effect re-write a story that did not need to be rewritten.

Season 1 started out okay. Yes, there were the usual modern so-called 'colour blind castings' which in the main can be ignored, although not all of the time and I cannot comprehend or condone this type of modern insanity.

But where I really have issues is the changing of a perfectly good story, and this becomes extremely apparent in Series 2 with Yennefer of Vengerberg somehow 'losing her powers' - something that simply does not happen in the books at all.

I could spend the next 30 minutes describing the ever-widening gap between the original story & this version, but that would spoil things for those who have not read the books and I do not want to give spoilers - there is also mention in other reviews about the multiple timelines, but that does happen in the books - you just have to get used to it & it all makes sense but there are literally far too many people behaving in ways that they just do not do in the books and this is cheapening things for me so much so that I for one, after being so hyped up for this series, will not bother any more as it is dumbed down to an extraordinary level by what can only be described as lazy writing, treating the audience as stupid. Events are out of place, with the wrong people and so much that happens in the books that gives the story it's meaning is ignored, and then you have the absurdity of Ciri being regarded as a weapon? Oh FFS!

I guess for those who have never read the books this may be okay, but not for me. Season 2 also has characters acting in ways that make no sense at all from how they were in series 1 as well.

Dreadfully disappointing.
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Dark Star (1974)
Great Film, but Watching the right cut is a must!
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This gets confusing as there are at least 3 cuts of this film that I am aware of & own - the theatrical release, the Director's Cut & the Uncut version. Neither the Theatrical release nor the Director's Cut (the versions on the Blu-ray edition anyway) make sense because they both miss out a scene that is only present on the old DVD Uncut version - where the ship goes into the Ion Storm and Bomb 21 makes it's first appearance, coming out of the Bomb Bay because the storm created a short circuit, and was eventually convinced that the drop signal was in error so returned to the Bomb Bay in a bad temper.

Without this scene, the Bomb's behaviour in the Final Act makes no sense at all - so why was it cut?

It's a crying shame really because is ruins the film.


Ignore the Blu-ray version (I wish I had) as it is a muddled mess. Beautiful scan, but futile as it is incomplete.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Superbly tongue in (rotting) cheek
5 November 2021
This is probably the best of all the 'Zompocalypse' offerings out there by a long, long way - not only has it got a great storyline that runs throughout all 5 seasons but it also does not take itself too seriously and that for me is where it scores seriously high - far too many lengthy series on this subject carry on long after they have started to get tedious (I am talking about YOU, 'The Walking Dead' and it's spinoffs).

I cannot go into too much detail because any details will spoil the fun.

Grab Season 1, and binge it - you will be happy you did.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Atrocious - terrible script, nobody seems to have even looked at the physics
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this one started out with me full of expectations as Brad Pitt generally makes good films, but it got disappointing right from the start when he somehow manages to re-enter Earth's atmosphere after falling off the ISS in just his spacesuit with the 'assistance' of a broken parachute. I guess the writers have never heard what would happen to someone free-falling from 200 miles up. His terminal velocity would have smashed him into little itty bitty pieces - all over the landscape, yet he walks away? We won't go into how he flew to Mars in just 7 days, using liquid propellant rockets that somehow managed to come to a dead stop - without a burn (which would have used up all remaining fuel) - to answer a distress call, then somehow get started again & still keep on schedule, or how he managed to climb onboard a rocket - during launch - with nobody noticing that he has sneaked on to the ultra-secret launch in the first place - sheesh, even the Apollo launches were festooned with cameras at every angle. Then there is getting to Neptune in 71 days???? Really, guys? Not with liquid propellant, he won't. 71 months maybe - just - as Neptune is 2,700,000,000 miles away at the closest point so they would be travelling at 1,500,000 mph to do that (which comes in at about 417 miles per second)

Plus the ending is a real waste of time too - there are all these dark hints about ET discovery throughout the film, but that all gets thrown out and it turns out to be all one loony creating these surges (which are never explained except for statements about 'anti-matter' which is yet more nonsensical garbage. Anti-matter would not create an electrical surge, it would annihilate all regular matter around it in a huge great big explosion

Find something - anything - else to do, and don;t make the mistake I did and waste 2 hours of your life on this garbage
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The Collector (2004–2006)
A genuine "Lost Gem" of TV
12 April 2020
The only bad thing I can find to say about this show is the way it was cut after only 3 seasons and now seems to be totally unavailable on either DVD or Blu-ray unless you are prepared to buy a set in poor quality DVD-R format, which is a real shame as I for one would immediately buy a Blu-ray series of this if it were done properly.

The premise is well covered in these reviews already, so I will not add to the clutter except to point out the absurdity of it not being legally available to buy and forcing people to buy from, shall we say, "unofficial" sources?

Highly recommended if you can find it.
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