
7 Reviews
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The End
5 November 2023
This was, honestly, a perfectly fitting end to the greatest anime of the decade and one of the greatest anime series of all time, period.

I guess the only thing I wasn't a big fan of was Ymir's plot point towards the end, but it's not a big deal because it's just a minor plot point.

However, the fight scenes were absolutely incredible, the best in the entire series, and the ending itself was just beautiful. Also, the pacing was tight, exciting from the beginning to the end without slowing down.

Attack on Titan will go down in history as a timeless masterpiece, without a doubt, and must-watch even for people who haven't watched anime before.
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A Tale of Love and Despair
1 June 2021
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... is the Remastered version of NIER. As a massive fan of NieR: Automata and as someone who didn't play the original version of this game, I was very excited to play NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... I'm gonna start off from the most important part of the game; the story. While NieR: Automata's story emphasizes on it's themes, NieR Replicant's story emphasizes on it's characters. In NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139..., the story has been expanded with a new story arc and an additional Ending. Overall, NieR Replicant has a phenomenal story, one that brought me to tears many times; even more so than NieR: Automata's. The gameplay is neither as experimental nor as fluid as in NieR: Automata, but the combat system is quite similar and the Sealed Verses are more interesting than the Pod Programs. The main characters are wonderful! They're probably some of my favorite characters in a while. I gotta admit, this is the only game I've played that made me cry because of the music; it's absolutely incredible! Visually, the game isn't impressive, but it looks good enough. Just like in NieR: Automata, a single playthrough won't be enough to finish the entire story of the game. Unfortunately for NieR Replicant, you need to collect every weapon in the game in order to get the true ending of the story, and it gets a bit boring after a while. Also, the side-quests are very uninteresting and outdated.

Pros: + Superb narrative + Great gameplay + Excellent characters + Fantastic music + Nice visuals

  • Tedious requirements for the true ending
  • Weak side-quests

Narrative: 10/10 Gameplay: 8/10 Content: ?/10 Characters: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
  • Outstanding -
If it wasn't for the tedious requirements, I would probably give NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139... a perfect score. Still, this is truly an exceptional videogame experience, and at the end of the day, I really wish there were more games like NieR: Automata and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...

Do I recommend it?: Yes! Especially to the fans of the series.
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020 Video Game)
A Victory Fanfare
19 January 2021
I've never played a Final Fantasy game but I've heard by many that Final Fantasy VII was one of the most important videogames ever made. Final Fantasy VII Remake was my first game in the series and... oh boy, where do I begin! The story is good in my opinion and even though the ending is divisive, I liked it personally and I think that it's too early to criticize it. The main characters are some of my favorites in a videogame! Most of the side-characters are amazing as well, especially Jessie, Sephiroth and Reno. The combat system is excellent! It's like a combination of Hack 'n' Slash & Turn Based at the same time, there are 4 completely different party members to control, tons of different skills, items and builds to use, it's very deep and organic, it feels awesome and it looks phenomenal! The RPG elements and the Materia system are just wonderful! The bosses are some of the best I've ever encountered in a videogame. The music is fantastic for sure and it fits the visuals perfectly! Visually, this is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played! The lighting, the animations, the textures & the setting are breathtaking! Lastly, the set pieces and the visual representation are the best I've ever seen! Some cutscenes look like they are out of a CGI movie and there are so many jaw-dropping moments! I do have few minor complaints though; the textures look bad at times, some chapters feel significantly longer than they should've been (Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 14), and the side-quests are uninteresting.

Pros: + Interesting story + Awesome characters + Flawless gameplay + Outstanding set pieces + Incredible music & boss fights + Absolutely gorgeous visuals

  • Texture issues
  • Minor pacing issues
  • Weak side-quests

Narrative: 7/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Content: 8/10 Characters: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 10/10
  • Masterpiece -
Simply put, Final Fantasy VII Remake is one my favorite videogames of all time and I can't wait for the next installments.

Do I recommend it?: Yes, to both fans and newcomers.
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Persona 4 Golden (2012 Video Game)
Time to Make History
19 January 2021
After playing Persona 5, I really wanted to play more Persona games. Persona 4 Golden released on steam last year, so I finally got the chance to play it. The story in Persona 4 is really good and very engaging, even if the writing is quite weak at times. The additional story in Golden is not anything special but it's fine. The gameplay on the other hand, not really. While the combat system itself is enjoyable, I'm gonna explain later why the gameplay overall is not as good as the story. The main characters are the best part of the game and their interactions are probably the best I've seen in any videogame. The music took some time to grow on me but I ended up absolutely loving it! The art style is nice, although the visual quality is a bit outdated. Also, it's worth mentioning that the dialogue is hilarious at times... like, it had me laughing out loud! Persona 4 Golden is undoubtedly one of the funniest games I've ever played. Now, Persona 4 has one issue that affects the gameplay though; the dull dungeon design. The dungeons in that game are literally copy/paste, empty corridors, which is something Golden could improve on but it didn't. For those who've only played Persona 5, imagine something like Mementos. Another issue is the saving system in the dungeons, it's unnecessarily complicated and it made me lower the difficulty in some parts.

Pros: + Great story + Awesome characters + Decent combat system + Exceptional music + Cool art style

  • Inconsistent writing
  • Poor dungeon design & complicated dungeon saving system

Narrative: 8/10 Gameplay: 6/10 Content: 8/10 Characters: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Art Style: 8/10

Final Rating: 9.5/10
  • Outstanding -
I gotta say, playing Persona 4 Golden after Persona 5/Royal made me realize how much Persona 5 improved upon its predecessor.

Much like Persona 5/Royal though, Persona 4 Golden is one hell of an experience! One that I hopefully won't forget anytime soon, as it's truly one of my favorite games I've played in a while.

Do I recommend it?: Yes! Go treat yourself with some Persona, either 5 or 4, it doesn't matter.
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Persona 5 (2016 Video Game)
Life Will Change
12 January 2020
Persona 5 was the first JRPG I've played in my life and it pretty much changed my thoughts torwards the JRPG genre. First of all, the story is absolutely fantastic! It's extremely long, it takes at least 80 hours to finish but it's so well written and fun to go through! Gameplay-wise, it's quite challenging but very addictive! In fact, the whole game is one of the most addictive single-player videogames I've played in a while! I could play for 5+ hours straight and feel that it wasn't enough. The combat is turn based and you can control every character from your party. You can use various type of attacks, items, mechanics, powers and Persona attacks while spending HP or SP (stamina) with each one of the characters. Every ability is different though and applies different status effects (Physical/Fire/Ice damage, heal, burn, confuse, damage increase, evasion and many more). By the way, when you knock down all the targets, you can use an All-Out Attack, but you can also have conversation with the targets instead, in order to collect them as Personas (kinda like Pokémon) or steal their money. Those mechanics are wonderful! The cast is probably my absolute favorite in a videogame! Also, the soundtrack and the art style are absolutely incredible! Lastly, during free roam, you can basically do whatever you can do in real life in order to improve your social stats that affect your relationships you make with the other characters. However, the story has some pacing issues and the freedom you're given outside of the metaverse feels quite limited.

Pros: + Amazing story + Very addictive gameplay + Phenomenal characters + Awesome mechanics + Gorgeous art style

  • Pacing issues
  • Lack of enough freedom

Narrative: 9/10 Gameplay: 9/10 Content: 10/10 Characters: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Art Style: 10/10

Final Rating: 10/10
  • Masterpiece -
Persona 5 is a game full of style and confidence. The Phantom Thieves stole my heart and Persona 5 is one of the best videogames I've ever played!

Do I recommend it?: Hell yes! I recommend everyone to give this masterpiece a try.
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NieR: Automata (2017 Video Game)
Glory to Mankind.
12 January 2020
After playing Persona 5, I was looking for another JRPG that would deliver such an amazing experience, so I decided to play NieR: Automata. First of all, the story of this game is divided to 3 Routes. Route A is only the first half of the story, Route B is the same plot from different prespective but it's a bit deeper and it has additional gameplay mechanics, and Route CD is the second half of the story. The first 2 Routes are great, but story-wise they're incomplete, however, Route CD is were NieR: Automata's magnificent narrative potential truly shines! Thanks to NieR: Automata's absolute masterclass of a game design, the story is unparalleled! It blew my mind and it exceeded my expectations countless times! Overall, NieR: Automata's narrative is quite possibly the best I've witnessed in any videogame. The gameplay is awesome too! It plays mainly like a 3D Hack 'n' Slash but there are Shoot em Up, 2D and Bullet Hell sequences as well. That's straight up impressive. The hacking mechanics make the gameplay a bit boring at times though. The characters - especially the main characters - are very engaging and well-developed. The music is absolutely phenomenal! It's one of the best parts of the game! Lastly, the bosses are decent, the audio design is great and the animations are gorgeous. NieR: Automata isn't flawless though; the visuals are slightly outdated and the side-quests are mostly dull.

Pros: + Best narrative ever + Amazing gameplay + Engaging characters + Incredible music + Masterclass game design

  • The visuals are a little bit outdated
  • Weak side-quests

Narrative: 10/10 Gameplay: 9/10 Content: 7/10 Characters: 8/10 Music: 10/10 Graphics/Audio: 8/10

Final Rating: 10/10
  • Masterpiece -
NieR: Automata - while not flawless - is a videogame that is able to showcase the power of the medium, it's the perfect example of a masterpiece, it's one of the most important videogames I've ever played and it's undoubtedly one of my favorite videogames of all time.

Do I recommend it?: Everyone should play this game! NieR: Automata is a must-play, period.
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Persona 5 Royal (2019 Video Game)
Refining a Masterpiece.
12 January 2020
Persona 5 Royal was my most anticipated videogame for some time, so I decided to preorder the Ultimate Edition... was it worth? The story remains mostly the same, but it's been expanded with 2 additional characters, a new Palace and a third semester, which is undoubtedly the best story arc in the entire game by far! The gameplay is improved in almost every way! There are new mechanics like the grappling hook and the showtimes but there are also minor improvements over the baton pass and the guns, which made the combat system even more fun. Same with the characters; In Persona 5 Royal, not only there are 2 additional major characters, but there's also a proper confidant and more screentime for a vital character as well. The Palaces have received some changes; there are new areas to explore, new items to collect and some frustrating parts have been removed. The music is absolutely phenomenal; Shoji Meguro strikes again with a unique "Royal" touch this time! Lastly, there's new music and additions for Mementos, interesting changes to the boss battles, more free time & content, a ton of other QoL improvements and faster loading times. Unfortunately though, all these changes made the game much easier; even on harder difficulties, the game is still quite easy. Other than that... what more could I ask for?

Pros: + Expanded story + Refined gameplay + Additional characters + Major improvements + Minor tweaks + More content

  • Pacing issues
  • Balancing issues

Narrative: 10/10 Gameplay: 9/10 Content: 10/10 Characters: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Art Style: 10/10

Final Rating: 10/10
  • Masterpiece -
Persona 5 Royal is Persona 5 at it's finest; by improving upon the original game in almost every way while adding stuff that I consider essential to be in the game, it's exactly how I wanted Persona 5 to be in the first place.

Persona 5 Royal is a dream come true for fans and newcomers alike; it's the perfect videogame experience.

Do I recommend it?: If you've played Persona 5 before, yes!

If you haven't played Persona 5 before, then it's a must-play!
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