
6 Reviews
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After Life (2019–2022)
Great series
6 October 2023
The series was touching and humorous. Some of the humor was a bit crass for my taste, but overall it didn't detract from the series. I expect it from Gervais. I thought the first and second series were outstanding, but except for certain moments, I wasn't a big fan of the third series.

The bench talks between Tony and Anne were the best part of the series. Tony's friendship with Nurse Emma was also good to watch play out. Some other over-the-top characters added humor and were fine when in small doses. The only one I couldn't stomach was the psychiatrist.

The third series had a different feel and didn't seem to be edited as well as the previous two. I assume, covid. The saving grace for the third series for me was seeing Anne and Paul together, because I am a long-time "Ever Decreasing Circles" fan.

Gervais gave us a realistic story of how the one left behind feels, and I know that because I recently lost my husband of over 25 years. My dog was also my rock, but sadly, she joined my husband last month.
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Sad to say, this is really bad
28 March 2020
Loved the series but found this film just bad. Husband and I want to nominate it for Mystery Science Theater 3000. Don't blink or you might miss "the gang." They were a huge part of the success of the series. We didn't even get to see them reunite at the end. Who in the heck thought it would be a good idea to take the show out of Australia? That's part of the charm. The storyline was disjointed and just not very interesting. I felt bad for the actors trying their best to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear of a script.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
Same characters, not the same show
19 October 2018
Rating Murphy Brown wasn't easy because I would give the original show an 8 and the reboot a 2. I settled for a 5, right in the middle.

The old Murphy Brown, while Left in nature, was smart and funny enough not to insult me, a moderate Republican. Sure, there was good-natured ribbing of the Right, but it wasn't hate filled. Who wouldn't have laughed at Murphy's fight with Dan Quayle no matter which side of the aisle you sat? New Murphy Brown changed that and now only throws out hate toward the Right. The way it is done is insulting and humorless.

Adding Tyne Daly was a good move. Avery is a likable guy and had potential, but they are only using him as a way to put down the news channel liberals hate the most. Too bad they didn't make him a real Republican for a little balance and to really tick off and spar with Murphy.

The new show is a shadow of the original, and after this week's episode, I think it is time for me to say "goodbye" to these characters I used to enjoy enormously. I only stuck around this long because I wanted to see Jim Dial again. One final thought, it was kinda strange how the Miles/Corky marriage never happened.
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Endeavour: Colours (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
Too preachy to be enjoyable
19 July 2018
I remember the days when good mystery programs would be much more subtle with social issues. With this latest "Endeavour", it seems they're using a sledgehammer to get their viewpoint across. It's too much and does not make the program enjoyable. I understand social unrest was a sign of the 1960's, but it appears unrealistic as they are bringing in attitudes from 2018.

What's even more shocking is how Morse has gotten lucky more than once this season. He's a regular stud, so unlike our beloved Morse as portrayed by John Thaw. Also unlike the original Morse, this one never really goes off on wild goose chases. He's always right with his theories.

Thursday has always been a favorite, but we are still trying to figure out how his kids went from adoring Fred to practically hating him this season. I did like seeing him and the missus dancing their little toes off.

Lastly, it seems as if the University of Oxford isn't as prevalent in "Endeavour" as it was with "Morse" and "Lewis". I miss the emphasis on the academic setting.
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Well done!
8 November 2017
We started watching Doctor Blake last year thanks to our local PBS station. To be honest, it took a few episodes to grow on me. My initial turn-off wasn't the content of the show but rather the dark filming. When they lightened up the filming a bit, I started enjoying it so much more. It also allowed us to see more vividly the beauty of Australia. I'm on my second viewing of the show through season four and am loving it this time around even more.

All of the characters are brought to life perfectly by the actors. They work so well together. We do chuckle at the rotating office chair of the Superintendent, but each officer occupying said chair has had a purpose. Charlie has been the surprise for me. There's a lot going on with this character, and I like how he honors Jean in a son/mother sort of way. There is a pattern of most characters clashing with Dr. Blake then growing to be his ally, but I like watching it play out anyway. Alice was a great addition.

I agree with some who wrote that the show has gone a more soap opera route as it progresses, but I don't mind that. The show is more about relationships than anything else, probably why I like it so much. There is still an interesting mystery every show.

I'm looking forward to seeing more!
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Love it!
22 April 2017
Hubby and I love this show! The cast is perfect and the mysteries are enjoyable. It's lighthearted which is something we appreciate. As Americans, we have to turn on the closed captioning to understand everything they say, but that's OK. We love visiting New Zealand by watching the show. Please send more and quickly -- hubby is going through Brokenwood withdrawal!
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