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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Roman summed it all up perfectly....
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. What can you even say about an ending like that? How do you put it into words? This show was simply magnificent. I feel a lot of people will be feeling disappointed that Kendall did not end up wearing the crown but those people are fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of Succession. This show is a greek tragedy in a modern day setting, it was not a happy story about happy characters in a happy world. It was about deeply disturbed and traumatised children living each day of their lives yearning for the approval of their cold blooded father. Did we really think it'd have a happy ending?

Personally I think Logan summed up the siblings brilliantly in season 3 episode 9 - "You're playing toy f ing soldiers!". Kendall, Roman and Shiv had the power of a name and their narcissism made them believe that was enough to win outright. They speak constantly about killing the opposition but they don't understand that while they're too busy squabbling among themselves the enemy is strengthening their position and tightening the noose. They are not formidable enough to win alone, they are too divided and subsequently can be conquered in a heartbeat because of how changeable and power hungry each of them are. This entire episode had a change of hands regarding momentum and power from one act to the next. First Shiv, then Ken, then Tom. So let's talk about each of these characters and what they represent.

Shiv in her first few scenes gave off the impression of an underpaid assistant to Matsson, so eager to please him. Clearly used to the dynamic of getting down on her knees for someone in a stronger position than her in the hopes that he will throw her a bone, but nothing is promised, she has been played like a fiddle before and this is no different. Shiv is like a parasite, attempting to become symbiotic with her host and gain power by leeching off of someone with more control than her. It didn't work with Matsson, so she moves on to the next best option - Kendall. But Shiv is unbelievably cutthroat, when she sees Kendall in Logan's chair you can see on her face she feels threatened and concerned by his potential control of her wealth and position. Her doubts are evolving. At this point she's clutching at straws and we know whoever ends up on top - Shiv will not be a big player. So she makes a decision - betray her brother for the simple fact that she will have more sway over Waystar through Tom, who she has manipulated before and probably thinks she can again. I remember in the trailers for this season a 'knife fight in the mud' was a line that stuck with me, well - appropriately Shiv is the knife and subjects herself to getting used as a weapon for that slim chance at having more agency, but ultimately condemning herself to being number two to Tom. The shift in power dynamic between these two has been completely upended and I LOVE it.

Kendall. Ugh. Man oh man what a heartbreaking character. Kendall has been my favourite character from the start and I wanted so badly to see him on top. However, he sees too much of his father in himself and his arrogance is his undoing. When he's in a weaker position that's when he shines and makes the killer moves but as soon as he gains even a slight upper hand everything comes crashing down around him. This time it was no different. He trusted his siblings too much, he got cocky, he believed himself untouchable - until he's stabbed in the back. Kendall's ultimate downfall is his burning desire to become his father. So much so that in this episode he emulated his fathers abuse as a way to force Roman to submit, believing his masochism will result in loyalty, but Kendall is not Logan Roy and this scene just demonstrated how sick in the head he has become, willing to be another disgusting and toxic patriarch that caused him and his family endless suffering and misery - just to satisfy his hunger for the throne. This is not Kendall this is the ghost of Logan living within his son, a scar that will never truly heal and an abuse cycle that has been ingrained in his very DNA. The sins of the father.... Kendall then does something even worse, he lies (or maybe even has convinced himself that his lie is the truth) claiming he did not kill the waiter back in season one, he voids his most human moment with his siblings in an attempt to win Shiv's vote. It's pathetic and desperate and wrong. Of course it doesn't work, they can see straight through him, and his assault on Roman for what he said about his children only solidifies that Kendall has truly lost himself, buried deep by his own greedy ambition. The look on his face as he exits Waystar, a dead man walking, a ghost of his father, a hollow shell.

Tom. Tom. Tom! This man played the long game, he demonstrated loyalty, cunning and strategy so perfectly, we laughed along the way but ultimately we were wrong to doubt him. An outsider took the crown from the Roy family without breaking a sweat, he completely shifted the power dynamics of his marriage and ascended the ranks with a smile on his face and Greg by his side. There are so many instances we can point to which foreshadowed this victory - gifting Logan the watch for his birthday (biding his time), Logan calling him son, being there with him when he died, even when he ate Logan's chicken! Tom was the son Logan never knew he had. I could say so much more but that final shot of Tom and Shiv, the way he holds out his hand, demanding her loyalty without even looking at her, sums everything up. Tom was a dark horse to win, and I'm honestly kind of glad he did.

And of course I must mention Roman. Give Kieran Culkin an Emmy, now. Finally free of the life he was only living for his fathers approval, a smile on his face, drinking a cocktail. Such a satisfying arc, he's the only character with a truly happy ending in my eyes and it's well deserved. He seemed to have the most difficult childhood and relationship with his father, always second place to Ken. Very glad he got out of that toxic environment and hope he has many content years outside of the power hungry vipers nest. I think Roman had the right of it when he told Kendall "We're bull**** and that's okay". He recognises that none of them are fit to lead, he recognises they're deeply traumatised and broken people, that their father prevented them from being complete because of his inability to care for them. Logan instilled in his children a desire to please him but never let them get close to doing so. They are not "serious people". Roman has the truth and Kendall will have a hard time accepting it.

Every actor in this season turned it up to eleven. They deserve all the praise and awards I'm sure they'll get. This show was magnificent, the ending was superb, we won't see something like this for many years to come. Jesse Armstrong, well done sir.
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the greatest spider-man film ever.
2 June 2023
I am absolutely lost for words. How the hell did they top the first one??? This is easily, without a shadow of a doubt, the film of the year. It perfectly balances humour and emotional beats on a razor thin blade. It's richly layered, complex and the attention to detail is absolutely incredible. The story is phenomenal, the characters are believable and have excellent levels of depth, the soundtrack is fantastic. My expectations were completely exceeded, I spent the entire 2h 30m runtime in awe. But one thing above all deserves very special praise :


This films aesthetic is jaw-dropping, I found myself plunged (for the second time now) straight into the pages of a comic book from my youth. The use of colour is remarkable, the animation is smoother than silk, the textures, the backgrounds, the lighting, the style itself - everything blends together perfectly to create one of the most visually stunning things ever committed to the screen. Almost any shot could be a painting, with inextricable layers upon layers of marvellous detail, hand-crafted by some extremely talented individuals. This is cinema.

If this doesn't win the Oscar for best animated feature I'm rioting, and you'd better join me. GO AND SEE THIS FILM RIGHT NOW.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 21: The Pirate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
the pirate - we are running out of time!
29 March 2023
Where do i begin? Every episode of this season has left me feeling a little disappointed and underwhelmed. There have been excellent scenes but they are buried in a sea of mediocrity, i keep waiting for jon and dave to show me something special, to bring my love for this show back, but i'm consistently just feeling - meh.

Make no mistake, i LOVE The Mandalorian, the season two finale was the most special experience i've had watching a tv show, and i've counted down the days to season three since it was announced. Which is why it pains me so much to tell all of you fine folks that this episode (and vast majority of this season) feels like nothing more than somewhat enjoyable filler, i'm naively optimistic that the finale will check more boxes, but for now i hate to say that i'm just not feeling the same way about the direction the narrative is taking.

Mando has taken a back seat this season, bo katan is a great character but this is not her show, this is not what i tune in every wednesday at 8am for. I understand the desire to flesh out the mandalorian culture and creed by exploring more characters, but do we have to have to pick between din djarin and that? Why do i feel like the main character is sidelined consistently? Why is the plot not revolving around him? And the story? Each episode would make a great one off - this episode most of all, but i do not feel there is as much thought put into the deeper interconnectivity of the show compared to previous arcs and storylines. Where are we going? Will it be worth it?

I was worried that they wouldn't be able to top the season 2 finale but now i'm finding that so far they can't even top any of the episodes in season 2. The Book of Boba Fett's "Return of the Mandalorian" was better than any of these almost above average attempts. We're at episode 5 now, 3 more episodes and it's back to waiting another 2 years, none of this season has felt worth the wait. I hope i'm proven wrong in the next few episodes but guys I am WORRIED. Come on Jon and Dave, these next three HAVE to rectify the wobbly start.

P. S. - first review, thanks for reading (or not)
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