
43 Reviews
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The Most Boring Dragged Out Saga With Zero Sense
3 June 2024
First of all may Reena RIP. My thoughts to her family. Second, WTH is Ryleigh Keough doing in this ? Her acting is atrocious. She's supposed to be a writer from New York and an adult but her sulking, cigarette smoking, drug doing, flirting with underage boys is sooooo weird. That girl cannot act. And if they included another scene of her floating in a tub I was going to throw up. Twice! This series depicting a real murder of a teenage girl is an insult to that girl and her family. The writing is sooooo boring, drawn out like torture and never really gets anywhere. Terrible series. Watch anything else.
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We Don't Even Care What Happens...
19 March 2024
So I had nothing to watch and I saw that Annette Bening and Sam Neil were in a new show. I was so excited. And then....ugh. It is so bad. I think I saw someone compare this to Succession saying it was not as good. That would be the biggest understatement! The character plot line of the family is all over the place. It was if they had to check all the boxes of any movie in existence. Drama, money, lesbian, black sheep, infidelity, mental illness, violence, sex, the list goes on. That is why I got to the point that I didn't care what happened. Just put me out of my misery. I fast forwarded thru the ridiculous added dramatic scenes just to see how it ends. Uggh. Watch something else.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Excellent Heartfelt Movie
12 January 2024
Now this is what I'm talking about. A movie with an outstanding script ( hats off to the screenplay writer), outstanding acting, beautiful scenery (real snow and a real New England winter) as well as a heartfelt message. This was such a beautiful movie to watch. It glides along without resting on one aspect too long. Not to get too gushy over it (I'm probably already there) but it played out like a symphony. It took you along on a beautiful trail and landed its mark. The music in this movie was perfect as well. If I'm not mistaken it was all music from around 1971 the time the movie took place. It's a brilliant movie. Last but not least...Paul Giamatti. Need I say more?
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Drops of God (2023)
17 September 2023
I just finished this amazing series. I am floored. It is brilliant. It is beautiful. It is acted perfectly. First of all the important thing to know. The three languages is not an obstacle at all. The minute I see that in a description I tend to think, "How much do I want to work at this?" This is not the case as other reviewers assured me before I began watching. The flow of the three languages actually adds to the flow and nuances of the story. The story is so layered. Yes it is about the wine industry but more importantly it is about love, family, tradition and kindness. It is so good. Second of all. Tomohisa, the actor who plays Issie ( one of the leads): He is brilliant. He played this so well! I have not seen him in anything but I sure will look for him. He is captivating. Watch this beautiful series. You will be back here giving it 10 stars.
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Hijack (2023)
Don't Insult Us
6 August 2023
This started out so good. I was so excited to watch an exciting drama. But alas, it started to crack very quickly. There were so many silly things that would never happen in reality. And please, who would think that a business negotiator (Idris' character's job) would be able to talk hijackers into doing things differently than they planned. Ridiculous. I really wanted to like this but the more it went on I sometimes had to roll my eyes. I watched all episodes just for the fact I didn't have another series to binge just yet. The last episode was silly. And let's not even talk about the last 10 minutes. Totally insulting.
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Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
Don't Insult Me
6 April 2023
Oh my. Where to start? So many things wrong. So a podcaster puts a kid in jail but then thinks, heck, 20 years later I'll try to get him out. Just like that. And the implausible scenarios. Out of thin air with no explanation, her manager finds a random witness (FROM 20 YEARS AGO!) in a scary van, in the dark rain, in a scene lasting 4 seconds. Hilarious and ridiculous! I hate to be insulted by bad writing but worse by bad acting. Aaron Paul was a mess! Can he lower his voice any more? He was embarrassing as a kid who group up in San Quentin. Puleeeze. I did not believe a thing about this long, drawn out show. Skip it.
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Brave Strong Mothers
23 February 2023
I'm not going to include any spoilers in my review. Maybe there was too much chatter from the police and FBI. Maybe this did drag on a bit and could have been 3 solid episodes. But watching Colleen Nick ( Morgan's Mom) and Patty Wetterling (Jacob Wetterling's Mom -look up that case if you are not familiar) try to articulate the pain of a missing child is heart stopping. Each woman expressed it in different terms but each woman knew they were in a sisterhood no one wants to be in. It was so touching to see them together. Only they could tell their story and that, I believe, is the beauty and tragedy of this documentary: Watching a Mom do whatever she could for their missing child and in the process, help other missing and exploited children. Warrior Moms stopping at nothing. My heart goes out to them. Their strength unmeasurable. Morgan and Jacob making a difference. I'm so glad I got to know them.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Say it Ain't So Liam
25 November 2022
Awww Liam. I am sure he has a contract and so many movies are promised to a studio but this? Say it ain't so! This movie was sooooo bad. I cannot believe this script was chosen for Liam the GOAT Neeson. The movie involved the story of minors being trafficked and all the double crossing, hit men, shoot them up scenes but it was so disjointed. It was all over the place and there were so many unbelievable scenarios. Yes, Liam is ageing and aren't we all, but that issue can be dealt with with the right script. Clint Eastwood is the best at ageing and still carrying the movie and tough persona perfectly. Liam deserves such a script. The supporting cast was kind of silly with the exception of Guy Pearce. That guy perfectly under acts and steals his scenes. He was wonderful in this. But still not enough to carry an almost 2 hour movie. If you have nothing to watch this will suffice in a pinch but don't hold Liam to this. He is so much better.
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So Help Me Todd (2022–2024)
This is So Good! Pure Entertainment!
7 November 2022
Oh how I love to watch dysfunctional but loving families in series with genius writers and actors! This is so well acted and written. Of course Marsha is smashing in her role as an uber stiff defense attorney but I have never seen the actor who plays her son before! He is so good! He plays the part perfectly as the brilliant but bumbling son. I was worried he would overplay it but he stops right at the line. Brilliant. This show is great. It's a feel good one with impeccable professional actors. I love the sister as well. She I have seen before. Watch this and laugh and smile. You deserve it!!!
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Last Light (2022)
So So Bad!
23 September 2022
This was terrible. There were so many silly plot holes. Ridiculous scenarios. Don't waste your time on this. It's meant to be a series about how big oil is ruining the world but it really is about how a series can ruin an afternoon. I read that after Lost, Matthew Fox said he was done with TV. Maybe he should have stuck with that plan. He is good in this but he was given (or chose) a terrible script. Also Joanne Froggat from Downton Abby was horrible. Shrill, dramatic and irritating. I thought she could act but I think she is a one trick pony. Her accent was awful! Anyway, move along nothing to see here. Next!
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The Half of It (I) (2020)
Beautiful Story!
17 June 2022
This was so well done. A beautiful tender story of different loves you can find in life. Yes they were in high school which I was a bit worried about as I was not interested in a YA (young adult) genre film. This was so well done that you forgot they were only youths. It could pertain to any age. Very well written ( nothing was overdone) and excellently acted. Spend a sweet 2 hours watching this beautiful film.
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Hustle (2022)
Excellent!! I love this Adam Sandler!
9 June 2022
Excellent, entertaining and heartfelt movie. This is the Adam Sandler we need more of. The guy just changes his expression one tiny bit and you can feel the sentiment. I wish he would do more movies showing his serious side. Also, the supporting star was phenomenal. I was not aware of who he was. Wow what a performance. See the movie. It's good. Stay for the end for the actor credits. It was a cute way to showcase them.
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Night Sky (2022)
Wonderful! We Deserve Acting & Writing Like This!
27 May 2022
This was exceptional. Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons are phenomenal. I would call this mainly a drama centered around a family with a sci-fi secret thrown in. It is so imaginative and the superb acting from all characters pulls it all together. You have no idea where it's going. Some people say it's slow but the beauty of it is that it tells a beautiful story of an elderly couple and you believe all of it. It needs to slow down so you can feel their life story. Watch it. It's good. Superb acting from every character.
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Slow as Molasses
22 May 2022
First, Andrew Garfield is an amazingly talented actor. Second, uggh this was the slowest, most painfully drawn out show! Good Lord was the book this slow going? I had invested 3 hours so I felt I had to stay the course and finish but I really was not entertained at all. I really don't understand the rave reviews for this. If you have a choice, watch something else. If you're stuck on a plane and only have this to choose from then go ahead. But beware: Wyatt Russell cannot act. Every time he was on the screen I cringed. Why are we always forced to watch him in something? I wish his family would find him another hobby.
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The Keepers (II) (2017)
Superlative, Fascinating, Riveting
19 May 2022
I could not take my eyes off my TV. I watch a lot of documentaries and this one stopped me cold in my chair. The subject matter, the direction, the editing, the actual people.... All were superb. What a story! We need to hear about these cases of abuse and the unfortunate power the Church has over government entities. We also have to bear witness to the innocent people harmed who are brave enough to tell their story. I commend them and have only empathy for them. Some of the details are very disturbing but the story needs to be told. This documentary is just extraordinary. Bravo to all involved. Brava!
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Renee Zelleger was Amazing!
14 May 2022
This mini series was captivating. At first you think it's going to be campy with the "Dateline" narration but it reels you in! Besides the story being captivating, the acting was excellent by all. Rene definitely needs some awards for this. I had never heard of this story before watching and I could not believe things like this happen. Crazy story. Very entertaining series.
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Life & Beth (2022– )
Watch All Ten Episodes
21 March 2022
You have to give this a chance. It starts off very quirky (too quirky in my opinion but it's Amy afterall) but when it sinks its teeth into the meat of the story, it is brilliant. I always think Amy does better when she is playing a dramatic role as opposed to her comedic ones. Yes she is bravely funny but she makes you believe the painful scenes. It does tell a story and done so well. You have to pay attention because it makes sense in the end. Also, you have to watch it for Michael Cera. He was amazing in it. Talk about stealing the show.
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Marry Me (2022)
Every Movie Doesn't Have to Be Serious
13 February 2022
This is just a really good and entertaining rom com. I don't understand all the negative Nancys. Don't you remember what a rom com was? Fun, cute, heart warming and a great way to escape for a few hours. This had all that and more. Jennifer Lopez is a machine. She can sing, dance and act. She can make you believe. I also need to tip my hat to Owen Wilson. I was nervous for him in the beginning thinking he was in over his head in this part but he rallied. It worked. I was pleasantly surprised by him. The supporting cast supported well. The music is beautiful. The story cute. The premise important in today's selfie world. And last but not least we got to hear Robert Goulet. If you want to just see a rom com go see this.
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Every Business, City, Partnership and Bank Must Watch & Learn
15 September 2021
We studied this story in a Corruption class of how Rita Crundwell stole over 50 million dollars from her tiny hometown over 20 years. This documentary laid it all out so well though. With the actual people who worked beside her (hat off to coworker Kathe Swanson who discovered the massive theft!) telling the story plain and simple. That is the importance of this documentary. It was so easy for Rita to do this. We all need to learn from this. I really appreciated how this story was told start to finish seamlessly. The selling of the quarter horses was heartbreaking. The actual footage really made this film.
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LuLaRich (2021)
Would give 11 Stars!
12 September 2021
This was just amazing. So well done. Not only did we get the story laid out easily to follow, this team actually got the two horrible owners to sit down and be interviewed! They acted like they were God's (or the Morman's Joseph Smith wink wink) gift to the universe. Then just watch what happens. This was a brilliant, entertaining and extremely well done documentary on a deceitful, predatory business family. Watch it and learn to stay away from pyramid schemes. My heart goes out to the bottom tier of people that lost their savings.
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On the Verge (2021)
Watch Anything Else
9 September 2021
I cannot believe women wrote this drivel. It was so pathetic. I could not relate to any character and actually hated them all. They were all over the place. The meltdown of Yasmine in the middle of the first episode was very weird. Where did that come from? It was not a believable scene at all. And don't get me started on the blow job. Skip this. You're welcome.
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The Chair (2021)
This is Brilliant
2 September 2021
Finally. A real show. The writing is amazingly real, witty, genuine and fresh. Husband and wife Amanda Peet and David Benioff (Game of Thrones writer) teamed up and created a brilliant series along with a slew of other talent. Holland Taylor is hilarious in this. It sets on the college campus 'Pembroke' and weaves the lives of college professors and family together in a heart touching way. Just watch it. We deserve a show like this after all we've been through. Run don't walk.
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The Undoing (2020)
This was bad....really bad
31 August 2021
Omg. This story was so horrible I am sure we will see memes from it but not in a good way. First and foremost- What the heck happened to Nicole Kidman? She was stiff as a board (I kept thinking giraffe in every scene that had her moving.) Her face had 2 expressions. If this was her first movie, she would have no career. I don't care how pretty you think you are, if you just look at the camera with the same expression, we will notice and become bored. Anyway, this plays like a Real Housewives show and everyone involved should go back to the drawing board. Skip it and watch Mare of Easttown. Or Hacks. Hacks is the wittiest series to come down the pike. It deserves all zillion nominations.
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Really really good! Acting, story, everything.
12 July 2021
This was such a good movie. Just sit back and watch as the amazing John Hawkes takes you on his ride. His acting is just pure talent. I can't tell if this guy is actually like this or is his acting just on another level. Anyway, the story is very entertaining and engrossing and does not disappoint. Bravo to Octavia Spenser for producing this. She certainly can pick good ones. Why am I just hearing about this movie in 2021?
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Lazy Susan (2020)
Little Piece of Talent Heaven
11 February 2021
I loved this movie. Sean Hayes was outstanding. Genius quirky story that was pitch perfect. All star cast as well slipped into scenes. This movie was a collaborative effort that exceeded my expectations. Just sit back and watch the story unfold. Not too sicky sweet, not too overdone, not too outlandish. It was just right. Bravo!
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