
65 Reviews
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
If you're a gore hound, you'll like it.
17 April 2023
I really liked it. Most people are saying that it isn't scary, just gory, which is true for most. If you are actually terrified of clowns (which I'm not), then I could see that adding a whole new dimension to the horror of it. Me being obsessed with Pennywise and all kinds of clown villains, I was just there to see how intense it was. I think I've probably seen gorier movies, but this was pretty high up on the list. I enjoy gore in movies. Don't know why. It can bother me if the acting is so good that the screaming and crying and stuff that occurs with the gore is extremely on point, but this isn't. I just thought it was a fun and unsettling movie. I will say that I agree with people saying that the story is kinda flat, but it's not bad. The character they brought in as a sort of side-kick to Art is something that is really not explained a whole lot, to the point that she just doesn't made a whole lot of sense. I will say that the girl playing her did an absolutely fantastic job, and I found her arguably more creepy than Art himself, but there are some serious gaps and inconsistencies in a validity of her character. If you watch this, you'll get what I'm saying.
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The Dark (I) (2018)
That was sooooo good!
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just got done watching this, and I loved it! What a good concept for a movie! I really have no earthly idea why it would have as low of review score as it does, to be honest. I would kind of like to see a well-thought-out sequel to this, but I don't think it will ever happen. I don't wanna go very deep with spoilers, but I will put a warning just because I want to touch on the plot lightly to peak interests.

Basically, a zombie girl who is haunting the place where she was murdered ends up finding the victim of a kidnapping. It's a young teen boy who has had his sight taken from him, so he cannot see what she looks like. They ultimately end up forming a really strong bond.

I don't want to go any further than that with spoilers, so definitely give it a watch yourself to see what it all entails. I think a concept like this is really, really neat and heart warming. I'm definitely a horror movie buff, but I feel like you don't really have to be a big horror fan yourself to appreciate this film. I highly, highly recommend watching it!
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Julia (2022–2023)
Amazing show! I'm hooked!
26 December 2022
I was actually just exposed to this show yesterday upon watching the 2 minute teaser for what shows and seasons are to come to HBO Max in 2023. I saw Julia, and it said Season 2, and I thought "They've got a show about Julia Child?!" I started binge watching it since then and I've got about 3 episodes left.

I have always been charmed by Julia Child since I was a kid in the 90's. I used to watch her show with my mom, and I just loved the way the lady talked. She always seemed so wholesome, and her recipes always looked so delicious! After watching this series, I'm going to have to go back and watch her very first series in which this show focuses on, "The French Chef".

The show Julia tells the story of how Julia Child got her kickstart into fame. It explores her relationship with those she worked with and befriended along the way, as well as her husband. It can be funny, serious, and has the tendency to hold you in suspense from time to time. I just absolutely love the show. If you are a fan of Julia Child, this is one you can't miss.
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Vivarium (2019)
That was really weird.
20 May 2021
I definitely wouldn't say that its as bad as a lot of the reviews on here have said. I actually didn't think it was an awful movie to be honest. It's just really strange... I didn't really get it. In mind, its basically aliens doing a social experiment to learn more about how humans work. People think its probably some sort of statement about the suburban lifestyle or something in the bigger picture which it probably is too. Very weird and doesn't make a ton of sense... That being said, personally I think its worth a watch.
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The Boys (2019– )
Even if you aren't a huge superhero fan, you may like this.
16 May 2021
First off, I love superhero stuff, but the reason I think even people who aren't so much fans of the concept may enjoy it is because of the major twist. Without spoiling it too much, lets just say the superhero league isn't all just rainbows, unicorns, and justice for all... The first event that happens almost had me a bit teary. I haven't finished season 1 yet, but I can already tell you its definitely worth the watch!
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Very intense movie not for the feint of heart.
5 May 2021
I loved it. Being a fan of the Culkin brothers, I think Rory did an excellent job playing the lead role. Don't know how accurate it is because a lot of people are on here saying that it is very inaccurate, but I think it would be fair to say that it is loosely based on true events.

From what I looked up, it seemed like Dead's death was pretty accurate. They just failed to present his full suicide note and just made it say. "Excuse all the blood. Let the party begin!" and while he did start with "Please excuse all the blood" in real life, from what I read online he actually went on to explain how he actually wasn't human and that his life was all a dream he was about to wake from. Its clear the dude was very mentally disturbed, and from an empathetic perspective, its just really sad that he never got the help he needed. I'm not sure anyone in his life ever look at him as someone suffering from a mental illness versus someone who is just dark and morbid, from the movie's standpoint anyway.

At the end of the day, I really enjoyed it though.
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The Arbors (2020)
It was good up until the point I really lost the plot
5 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This guy Ethan finds a weird insect type creature feasting on a dead deer in the road and brings it home in a small pet kennel. The creature manages to chew through the cage door, so he then decides to construct a large, wooden box with breathing holes in it to contain it. The thing ends up biting him and he notices it is getting bigger, so he gets a chicken chick from somewhere and records the creature reaching it's spider-like legs out to pull it in.

He tries to get his brother to come and take a look at the thing, but he can't because he is working. His brother asks him if he can watch his niece the next day and then he will look at whatever it is he wanted him to see when he comes to pick her up. He never tells his brother what it was he even found and as you may have guessed,it gets out before he has a chance to see it.

When Ethan goes to check on the insect before his brother arrives, he discovers it escaped and finds his neighbor's teenaged son lying dead next to his garage. Note that the neighbor's son liked to pester Ethan. More bodies are found and there gets to be a point where you make the connection that this thing seems to be knocking off people that Ethan isn't particularly a fan of.

About halfway through the movie, he finds his boss dead outside his house. His boss had just fired him. This is where it totally lost me... You'd think all signs point to Ethan as the one murdering these people and the bug is just a psychological thing. So, he calls his coworker Brody over and tells him what happened. He shows Brody the video of the creature killing the chick, which kinda contradicts any theory of Ethan being the real killer. Brody asks him what it is and he says he doesn't know.

Somehow, Brody doesn't seem to be all that freaked out by this and just agrees to help him hide the body. While doing this, Brody is standing guard outside the car while Ethan takes the body into the woods to bury it. A cop shows up and asks Brody what he is doing, and Brody just starts booking it. He is taken into custody for the night while Ethan finishes up and goes back home.

Ethan finds out his brother and sister in law and their daughter are moving out of state, and he gets upset and leaves a message on his brother's phone saying that he feels resentment towards his niece and sister in law. After that, you guessed it, they go missing. Ethan's brother goes to these little town watch meetings to try and figure out who is murdering these people and a fellow attendant who is a police officer slips up and mentions that they had caught Brody the other night but had to let him go as they had no real reason to contain him other than the fact he tried to flee from an officer.

They all go to Brody's house with the intention of killing him because the officer spills it, and Ethan goes along. Ethan himself breaks in and shoots Brody. This made NO SENSE! It totally lost me really from the point that Ethan showed Brody the proof the creature existed and was growing in size. Ethan also ends up pulling a tooth out of his hand that dislodged from the creature's mouth when it bit him, so he had physical proof as well. Why murder his friend and coworker or even let the townspeople continue to stress over what is happening when he had proof all along of what was causing all the events?

After he kills Brody, it appears on the news that Brody had been killed and he was suspected of conducting the dozen murders. The cop covered for him and said he killed him in a standoff. Ethan goes to this house where the creature seemed to live and had tunnels that lead throughout the city and burned it down and left. The movie ends after that. It started off good but then it just hit a point of frustration and confusion. I can't even present this with the 5 star halfway decent rating.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Can't believe all the 1 star reviews! I actually enjoyed it!
8 March 2021
Now judging by other reviews on here, I think if you could comment on reviews on this site I would likely get shotgun blasted with crap for this, but I thought the movie was very entertaining! Now, was it realistic or probable? No... But it IS a movie. The concept of the main character and her role in what she does as a con artist itself is realistic, as that kind of stuff happens all the time, but there are a handful of elements that coincide with it that are pretty far fetched. All in all though, I thought it was a fun watch. I'm not going to pump my fists and shout that it's one of the best movies I've ever seen by any stretch of the imagination, but it was good. I'd watch it again at some point.
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Palmer (2021)
An amazing journey
23 February 2021
I can't give this movie any less than a 10. It is so heartfelt and deep. Jusin Timberlake really did an absolutely fantastic job! The little boy was great too, and I hope this movie gets his foot in the door for other major roles. Personally, I've always liked JT's acting better than his music, and I really think he is at the peak of his performance in this.
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Fatale (II) (2020)
I don't understand why so many people didn't like it
14 February 2021
I thought this movie was pretty solid. Hilary Swank delivered a fine performance, as did Michael Ealy. The plot was decent and I didn't find it to be as predictable as some reviewers claim. I think its definitely worth watching.
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Kept me entertained
11 January 2021
One thing I will say from the get go is this movie was nowhere near as graphic and disturbing as it was made out to be, in my opinion. I mean its definitely dark, but I've seen a lot worse. Its just a dude explaining accounts of murders he has preformed, and they aren't even all that grotesque and gory. I was expecting a little more shock and awe from it, but it was pretty average. Borderline boring, actually.

While one reviewer on here says that they found the last 20 minutes to be kinda dumb, I actually thought it was the best part. Its certainly out of place for the movie, but its really cool. It jumps into more of a fantasy scenario where he is being guided through hell, and there is some really awesome imagery. If you like fantasy, I think you'll really appreciate the ending. Some of the scenery just reminded me of like Lord of the Rings or Skyrim. So yeah, for me tgat was the high point of the movie. Very neat stuff.
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Eddie is back! Hilarious!
5 January 2021
It had been a while since I had seen Eddie Murphy in anything recent, so when I got Netflix again I had to check this out. Its hysterical and also based on a true story! I wish the guy that the movie is about, Rudy Ray Moore, was alive to see this. I'd like to think he would have really enjoyed and appreciated it. This is Eddie Murphy at his finest! Definitely a must see!
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That was a total journey
5 January 2021
I haven't read the book that the man portrayed in this movie wrote, but I can only imagine it must be pretty spot on. It feels like you are riding along for many big milestones in his life from his teens to his twenties. The acting was great. They show you pictures of the real people are the end and its crazy how much they made Glenn Close look like the grandmother. I really enjoyed this, though. The movie is really no more than a glimpse into another person's life, but I think that is whats so special about it.
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4 January 2021
This movie was incredible and very moving. Edi Gathegi completely sells his role as a man who was severely brain damaged in combat. He acts almost like a zombie, and its sad because you know there really are people out there who are like that, which cannot function enough to sustain a normal life. He is always drifting in and out of reality.

The story is just so touching. His daughter wants to see him get better and be well enough to hold some type of job and provide himself with a better life. By the end, she realizes that its really out of her control and no amount of love from her or anyone is going to fix his brain. Its very bittersweet. Definitely watch it!
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Another glimpse of the corruption that lies within federal investigations
3 January 2021
It seems like in many cases, teams of investigators, be it local authorities or the FBI, just want to nail someone whether there is any evidence or not just so they can put the case to rest and be done with it. Its really sickening, and its something that happens all the time. This is how innocent people spend years in prison, or even get sentenced to death and by the time the truth comes to light, its too late and someone has already been executed or been imprisoned for years that they can't get back. Luckily, Richard Jewell did not suffer one of these fates, but he came awfully damn close.

A man who did the best he could to save lives ends up becoming a lead suspect in a bombing at a park event at which he was serving as a security gaurd. After noticing an abandoned backpack, he realizes that it could be hosting a bomb and as a result of him notifying the police and people at the event, he saved many lives that night.

Recognized as a hero the following few days after, the FBI then turns the tables on him and targets him as the main suspect in the bombing. It is scary for Richard, and he knows he shouldn't be crucified by the FBI for something he didn't do, but he only wants to cooperate. If his character is very accurately portayed in this movie, I'd say he was possibly even mildly autistic. I say this because in some ways, the way he acted and handled stuff sorta reminded me of myself. If theres any truth to that suspicion, it would be an especially scary experience.

It is a very solid film though, and I think Clint Eastwood did a great job directing. Its sad that this happens to people.
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Foster Boy (2019)
Exposing the shadow that looms over the foster care system
3 January 2021
This movie was very enlightening. I wasn't at all surpised that this kind of stuff happens, but its good to let the world see how trashy a supposed care system for children can be. This is based on something that actually happened. Granted, I am sure not all foster care businesses are this shady, but you know there are definitely so many businesses of all shapes and sized that are comprised of soulless individuals who hold the almighty dollar way above human lives. Its especially bad to choose profit over the well being of a child. The movie was fantastic and I hope that maybe this movie will motivate the appropriate types of authorities to monitor foster care systems and make sure that no kid has to suffer and become scarred and traumatized all because someone wants to make another buck.
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I Am Lisa (2020)
Glad I decided to go ahead and watch it.
3 January 2021
I usually kinda scurry away from anything with an average rating of below 5/10, but the plot sounded good and it looked decent. I don't really know why people are so harsh with it. I thought the acting was actually pretty good, and it was shot very well for being on such a low budget. It kept me engaged the whole hour and a half. Its not scary or anything, just more of a revenge flick with the twist of having the protagonist starting to transform into a werewolf. Its not like a fur covered werewolf either, more just kinda demonic looking. Based on the principle of being such a low budget film though, I'd say its a bit above average in that regard. Because of that, I'll give it a 6.
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What a neat approach for a possession movie!
28 December 2020
An older lady in her 60's agrees to have a girl and her film crew come to create a documentary about the progression of alzheimer's and the toll it takes on a person. The thing is, all is not what it seems.

I found this to be a lot more innovative than someof the other possession films I've seen. God knows theres a lot of them. However, I felt like The Taking of Deborah Logan was a more fresh approach and presented a very clever story.
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It was okay, but I kinda expected more
28 December 2020
From looking at the poster, I was expecting to see some monster fighting action going on in this. There really wasn't... It felt kinda bland and only really gave me a chuckle or two. Since it is an action comedy, the corny, low budget effects are excusable. I guess I just thought it was going to be a little more heavy handed with the action element than it was. I kinda thought it would turn out to be something sorta similar to "Ready Player One", but it wasn't even remotely. Its not the end of the world if you decide to give this one a pass. Kevin Smith was kinda funny and he was part of the reason I gave it a watch, but he didn't have an incredibly big role in it.
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Meh... Entertaining, but nothing special
28 December 2020
This movie just kinda felt like it took concepts from "Joker", but the moral is a bit more diluted. Plus, Joker was actually a really good movie. There was more killing involved in this, and it seemed like it was more for the sake of chaos for a derranged psychopath than revenge. I'm not saying it was too dark for me because it wasn't (but it was very dark), but movies like this are why it really just urked me that so many people had their panties all in a knot about Joker. To them, this movie would be Joker on steroids.

I wasn't routing for the bad guy in this like I was with Joker. Only 1 or 2 of the victims really deserved death (and the one definitely did. You'll know which). Now you could say that about Joker too, but he killed a lot less people and for the sake of argument, The Joker is an actual supervillain character who is notorious for wreaking havoc. I feel that both movies were kinda trying paint the same picture, but Joker delivered the message much more tastefully. At the end of the day, I wasn't real impressed with this movie, but I didn't totally hate it.

Here is one of the reasons that I am having such a heavy emphasis on comparing this movie to Joker. The director walked himself into this one. The dude paints his face at the end in this movie, which made no sense. It was completely pointless and added nothing to the character or the story's conclusion. He's not The Joker, nor was he a clown, a comedian, a mime, or anything that would justify the act of applying the face paint. Maybe they threw that in there as a tribute to Joker (although this guy honestly looked more like someone who was very, very drunk on halloween and couldn't decide if he wanted to be Heath Ledger's Joker or The Crow). I personally thought that part was stupid. I don't know what they were going for there, but it was way out of place in the movie.
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The Swerve (2018)
Strong and powerful
27 December 2020
This movie, though depressing, is a very good watch. It sees a woman who is a teacher going through day to day life, only battling major depression. What makes it sad is nobody sees it, even though its painted all over her. Only one person really gets it and sees her struggle, and I won't spoil who that is. Not going to spoil anything but all I can say is that it was all I could do not to start bawling at the end. Watch at your own risk, because I could honestly see how this film could end up putting someone in a slump. If you're prepared though or movies like this just don't have much of a negative effect on you mentally, definitely watch it.
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Fingers (2019)
Its not the best
24 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First time in my movie review history here that I am going to present a full, balls to the wall spoiler breakdown for a film.

I saw in another review that someone was skeptical about the movie through like the first half, then was very satisfied with how it turned out by the end of it. I had the sheer opposite experience. It starts off good. You are introduced to this very pretty girl who has a phobia and basically an utter hatred for people with any type of imperfection with their body, be it a birthmark, a missing limb, or what have you. Ironically, she and her husband are the heads of a company that works to develope mental health apps.

One of their workers comes in one day and he seems to be lacking a pinky. Before she even gets a chance to look at him, a girl that was I believe an intern or secretary or something at the company comes in and notifies her that the man's pinky is missing. She about flips her lid and asks the girl to make him leave. She doesn't do this, and the gentleman just continues on his merry way with the work he was doing in his office on his computer. That night, her husband sits her down and has a talk with her about how they can't fire the man because he is a key asset to the company for the development of their apps.

The man claims that he managed to sever his own pinky whilst trying to engage in a carpentry project. The next day, he comes in missing another finger. He stands by his alibi and explains that he didn't learn the first time, so he ended up losing another finger during a second attempt (who the hell, right?). Anyway, at this point, the lady who is all in a fuss about physical imperfections ends up going to see a therapist or counselor or whatever he's supposed to be.

So cut to a little later. You find out this old dude is having these two goons track this man down and they cut off a finger whenever they find him. Toward the end of the movie you find out that it is becuase the old dude thought that this guy was a lawyer that messed his day up recently, but he had wrote the address down wrong so they had the wrong guy all along. Anyway, the lady's therapist dude just thinks its all in the guy's head and that he is cutting his own fingers off and suffering from a delusional fantasy that two men are cutting them off. Ultimately, the woman finds out he really is having his fingers cut off by these two guys, and she wants to stop them.

She kidnaps the one guy's dog and proceeds to call him and tell him that if he cuts off one more of the guy's fingers, she will cut the dog into pieces. You think she's bluffing, but she's not. He cuts more of the man's fingers off in spite and the next thing you know he's waking up in a daze tied to a chair with either the dog's severed arm or tail or something laying before him, leaving the rest of what she did to it to the imagation. Thats where I started to have a problem with it. Yeah, its a movie in this case, but still. If someone does something negative to you or someone you know, you don't take it out on their pet who played no role in it what so ever. You especially don't take it's life. Its not their fault...

From that point it just got more and more nonsensical and stupid. The protagonist lady and her therapist go to where the one guy who was cutting the dude's fingers off is at so she can show him he's real and was actually doing it. The guy shoots and kills the therapist, and then the woman's husband comes out and shoots the bad guy. They just shrug off the therapist being killed like its no bigs and kinda chuckle about it. Idk, it went from being a light hearted movie with a moderately serious tone to being like way out there and stupid. So, that about sums it up. I wasn't too impressed. It gets a 5 because the first like 3 quarters of it was good until it just kinda sank.
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Nimic (2019)
Easily the stupidest shortfilm I have ever seen
21 December 2020
In no way what so ever did this make even the most rudimentary amount of sense to me. I found nothing about it to be entertaining... Just stupid and nonsensical to an annoying degree. There is not any semblance of explanation as to what the heck is going on or why. I was left questioning what I had just watched... I have no idea if it was supposed to be aliens or what. Also in complete shock at how high of a rating it has. Meh... To each their own I guess, but I personally wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
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The Lie (2018)
I really liked this!
21 December 2020
This was definitely a little far fetched by the end, but I really enjoyed it. How far would you to protect your child's secret if you knew they did something really awful which could end up resulting in a long prison sentence? What would you do if people started catching on? This movie will have you wondering what will happen next from beginning to end. Definitely worth a watch!
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Marionette (I) (2020)
Wow. What a trip!
21 December 2020
This movie was something. There are a lot of twists in it that make it very unpredictable. I really don't wanna give too much away about it and spoil anything, but it really makes you think. The acting was excellent. You might find yourself getting lost in some spots but everything will eventually make sense. You're in for a ride with this one! Definitely a good suspenseful thriller!
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