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Angel's Egg (1985 Video)
Favourite movie of all time
17 July 2022
Utter masterpiece. The score is intricate, beautiful, frightening. The dialogue is sparse, rich, profound. One gets the sense of an obscure undercurrent of meaning, which rewards upon multiple viewings, though the film works entirely by itself - without any allegory or metaphor, because it is such an arresting sensory experience.

The world and backgrounds are some of my favourites in any film; this dreadful deserted European town in twilight. The sunken classical architecture is nice too - it helps to elevate the themes of religion throughout. The animation is absolutely mind blowing, from the girl's full head of shifting hair, to the subtle movements of water throughout - the details really pay off.

I felt so empty after watching this film because it somewhat dismantled my arguments for faith and belief, quietly, without being explicit - and yet I would love to be stuck in this nightmare realm. It is very vibey and the characters, miraculously, are very likeable. There is so much personality in each movement and word spoken, yet one of the main draws to the film is that you never really learn anything about either of them. Their idiosyncrasies draw me to them, but the film establishes a wall of mystery to surround them that it does not break - it is mesmerising to invest in legitimately unpredictable characters.

Each scene, back to back, is an absolute visual and auditory joy, so when the film starts to get philosophical and the story starts shaping out it becomes, in my opinion, the perfect filmic experience.
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Attack on Titan: Retrospective (2022)
Season 4, Episode 27
Best of the season
22 March 2022
Wow so much incredible animation this episode IN 2D FINALLY!! Incredible cinematography and fights that just sets the action of this episode to new heights - I think the best action the show has ever gotten though I know most will disagree.

Such a beautiful sombre scene to end on too, highlighting that enemies in war are only so down to circumstance. The complexity of the war shown in this season pays off a little with the image of two men from opposite sides banding together - there is no enemy, just people who believe what they are told to justify violence. It's subtle enough to not feel didactic so I really like it.

The fan base being torn over who they support (floch and the yeagerists or Mikasa and armin etc (or even eren)) shows how grey the show is, each character has believable motives.

This was one of my favourite manga chapters and I couldn't be happier with the result so all smiles from me.
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Breaking Bad: One Minute (2010)
Season 3, Episode 7
26 February 2022
Jesse's speech feels like an episode of Skins - the writing for his dialogue is so poor and childish that I can't take this episode seriously. It doesn't make sense for his character at all - he was always spiteful but his plan to ruin walter's life is overkill, and all feels more like something Gus would say. Jesse is erratic and acts stupidly, but he's not conniving or particularly malicious - we know this. I think it undoes a lot of the sensitive character building the show had for him in season 2 with Jane. The melodrama and immaturity in this episode really lets it down.

Upon this, the final scene, which is the episode's main draw - is very wacky and ridiculous. The one minute gimmick is cool and creates a lot of tension, but as soon as the brothers start speaking it becomes almost comedic. "Too easy"??? What??!!! I do like the car alarm going off though.
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Attack on Titan: Sunset (2022)
Season 4, Episode 23
Much better than last week
22 February 2022
Better cinematography, dialogue, music and direction than last week. The Annie stuff is fascinating and set against the devastating backdrop of the rumbling. Armin's words to Mikasa were chilling - and I think that's what makes this episode work. The dialogue is really excellent, and displays moral dilemmas and questions asked by the entire show. I also really enjoyed the Jean and Floch scene - it was very well directed yet didn't feel overblown like some of Floch's "evil" scenes have. I still have a few problems with how ugly some of the camera focus is, and nothing groundbreaking happened but overall a really enjoyable and mature episode.
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Euphoria: A Thousand Little Trees of Blood (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Oh dear
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Huge drop in quality from last week. I think euphoria is the most variable show in terms of quality I have ever watched. There was some stuff to love in this episode, Zendaya's performance is still top notch - the narration is still a fun gimmick, and I quite like Nate's conversation with his mother. Nate's scene with Maddie was dreadful - you could tell how clever they thought they were being with the mirror shot, but nobody can take Nate seriously and we know he wouldn't kill her so there is absolutely no suspense. Maddie's reaction was well acted, but it was the most melodramatic the show has become so far, forcing moments of drama that feel cheap compared to the legitimately tragic and realistic stuff this show does on drugs and being trans. I also hate Kat, she was so much more likeable last season and now she just treats her boyfriend terribly. I genuinely don't understand the point in this storyline now - hopefully the show proves me wrong. I also couldn't help cringing at the Fezco and Lexi scene, but I do really like their relationship / friendship.

Overall not great in my opinion, though I've seen lots of people praise it so I might have to rewatch a few times.
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Attack on Titan: From You, 2000 Years Ago (2022)
Season 4, Episode 21
7 February 2022
Some of the show's best animation ever in this episode. In my opinion, they couldn't have picked better sections from the manga to put into one episode - that whole ending sequence was excellent. This has always been one of my favourite chapters from the manga anyhow, so I was bound to like it. That being said, I do think lots of the Ymir backstory was lazily animated, and could have had a greater effect if given a little more budget - lots of it was just still frames. The beginning was also had some recycled material but still stellar, and where it led to was even better. I do genuinely think that the moment towards the end when everything "happens" or starts to happen is probably the best sequence in the anime so far.. the cuts, the animation, the music, the acting, it was all excellent. Again though, there was one questionable animation choice for the final shot that left me a bit confused but didn't detract from the episode much.

Overall, I think it was excellent, with a few lazy moments that were admittedly outweighed by the obviously laboured over stuff, which was incredible to watch. These are some of the best chapters and I do think Mappa is doing a good job with them.
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Attack on Titan: Memories of the Future (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
Well done Mappa
31 January 2022
I was really worried about the animation quality and music for this crucial chapter as I was disappointed by these aspects of the last episode, but this one was executed perfectly. This episode starts off simple and just keeps building and building to a very chaotic and devastating final scene. Voice acting was on point and the animation held up much better than some of the strange animation choices in "two brothers". At this point, I've forgotten much of the plot of the manga, so it was nice to be shocked all over again by the twists in this (and they are really excellent) - it's a very well written episode, with a great story telling device functioning well at the centre of it, and some fantastic lines of dialogue - nothing too cringeworthy as this show sometimes falls into. Definitely my favourite episode of the second half, probably the best episode since "assault" imo.
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Rick and Morty: Amortycan Grickfitti (2021)
Season 5, Episode 5
I really enjoyed this
20 July 2021
I don't know if it was Good or particularly clever but it was pretty creative and interesting - especially liked Morty and summer's storyline.

I also think this episode feels like it's from season 2 but my brother disagrees. Obviously it's not groundbreaking or anything but it was very entertaining IMO.
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Postcode (2011– )
8 July 2021
I. Just remember one episode the new guy at school was trying to talk to his friend and walked into his house when the door was open and then got arrested and went to prison and that was the end and I was thoroughly confused.
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Serial Experiments Lain: Landscape (1998)
Season 1, Episode 12
Absolute masterpiece
8 July 2021
The budget in Lain was low, so usually the animation is quite still and you're meant to focus on the dialogue and themes, HOWEVER when there is the budget, we get some glorious scenes. The ending of "landscape" is the best example, some of the best animation I have ever seen in anime.

This episode is a weary and tragic moment of friendship - the themes that have been building throughout the show blossom in the dialogue here, and the mystery of the "god" man is more intense than ever.
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Samurai Champloo: Hikakôgai sono ni (2005)
Season 1, Episode 21
A water-themed episode
29 May 2021
One of my very favourite episodes of this series so far, maybe the best. The fight scenes are extraordinarily beautiful, those slices through the rain have some of the best use of animation I have ever seen in anime. They are also wonderfully long which is strange for Champloo, whose fights are usually brief.

This episode also has a very interesting Lore, with perhaps Champloo's most intriguing and well-written characters, a really great fishing moment, and quite a devastating realisation towards the end. I also like how it doesn't entirely abandon comedy to preserve its sombre tone. It achieves aesthetic cohesion by having water as some part of nearly every scene - in nearly every form (the rain, the river, the thirst for it, the fish swimming).
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Serial Experiments Lain: Distortion (1998)
Season 1, Episode 5
Could work as its own short film
24 May 2021
What the hell? How did it come to all this? And how did it do that so elegantly? Very still in terms of animation - but very busy in terms of themes and atmosphere, a truly arresting and unforgettable episode in that sense. Its designed as this eerie nightmare-loop in which lain and her sister repeatedly experience a sequence of events that changes slightly each time round. Their only true interaction with each other in this episode was perhaps my favourite moment, strung apart by the passing hands of their parents.

Not a Huge fan of the whole "fulfils the prophecy" stuff as I feel that was a LITTLE obvious, and as I mentioned, the animation wasn't mind-blowing, but still an incredibly thought-provoking and enveloping episode.
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Samurai Champloo: Anya kôro sono ni (2004)
Season 1, Episode 14
Slightly horrific
10 May 2021
I love so much about this episode, it felt an hour long due to just how many different moving parts it juggled, yet without a moment of confusion. Superb music, some gorgeous fight-ish scenes (fight scenes are VERY brief in most of champloo and here is no exception).
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Key the Metal Idol: Scroll II (1995)
Season 1, Episode 6
Stunning episode
10 May 2021
Complex, meditative, intense. You you think these words have nothing to do with each other but this episode brought them together in an artful marriage that dripped with 90s style. I love the animation, the music, the ideas - even if I'm not really following the story, its still a very entertaining spectacle.
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Key the Metal Idol: Access (1995)
Season 1, Episode 4
First truly great episode of this show
6 May 2021
I love the editing in the show - the climax of this episode was elevated to great heights because of it.
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Didn't like it on first watch
12 April 2021
I think that was because I didn't know how to process the emotions it made me feel - it was vastly complex and often confusing.

What they speak about is so monumental that it can often leave you with this indescribable sense of dread - I also think this wonderful sense of dread has the location design to thank; there are these big, futuristic, open spaces in this episode (the showers, where Lilith is etc) that are so vast and isolating yet beautiful at the same time.

The music asserts its cosmic power over the episode, and helps elevate the wonderfully written dialogue and action sequence to divine heights. You really get the sense that something important is happening, you may not be sure WHAT exactly is happening, but that almost doesn't matter.

I am really struggling to express what I like about this episode, but I think that is what makes it so great; it's intangible and cosmic, yet extremely human. IDK.
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I was wrong
10 April 2021
EXTREMELY MOVING - possibly the best episode of the whole thing (but then again any of them in this half of the series could be). I did NOT think that the first time I watched this, but rewatching it revealed to me its mastery of exploring the human mind, and how we deal with the loss of loved ones.

Artful and tense cutting between reality and Shinji's mind, too, led to one of the most impactful and meditative scenes I have ever seen on TV. Sadness and happiness, which is which once you've watched this (or in my case, watched it twice)?
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Neon Genesis Evangelion: Ambivalence (1996)
Season 1, Episode 18
10 April 2021
LOVED the climax of this episode, it's animation suspense, brutality, music and sense of helplessness culminated in a near perfect second half of the episode. It feels like this could have been the inspiration for many attack on titan scenes (especially the ending to the episode: "Assault").

I also really enjoyed the quiet and sombre first half. Something feels wonderfully off throughout it // plus we get some gorgeous (if not somewhat misogynistic) lines from Kaji, that lets you appreciate how well written the show is / can be.
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Cowboy Bebop: Brain Scratch (1999)
Season 1, Episode 23
1 April 2021
What a tasty episode. Maybe the only episode in which all the characters are equally important? Love the mystery, the tone is excellent, ambitious ideas and as always with bebop phenomenal execution.

I cannot get over little anyone cares about Edward its so funny. That being said, ed is probably my fav and she is particularly funny and jovial in this one - her and the dog are just so endearing lmao.
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Cowboy Bebop: Mushroom Samba (1999)
Season 1, Episode 17
I am obsessed
29 March 2021
This is hilariously brilliant - a strange experiment of an episode. It's also surprisingly complex and well directed for one of the comedic episodes; the action sequence is IMMACULATE with all its layers and characters. It's an episode you can really indulge in because each aspect and scene is just so enjoyable.

This is what filler should be - arguably even better than the good stuff.
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Cowboy Bebop: Ganymede Elegy (1998)
Season 1, Episode 10
Stunningly beautiful
25 March 2021
One of my favourite episodes as it had some of the most beautiful dialogue and music, a really unique and sombre world, excellent direction and a very thematically cohesive feel. The new characters in this episode are fascinating and very well realised. One thing I will say is jet is kind of a prick and I think I was supposed to feel that he did the right thing, but he definitely did not so I'm unsure. Regardless, this is a phenomenally good episode, really something you can indulge in.
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Attack on Titan: Savagery (2021)
Season 4, Episode 14
The best of the best
21 March 2021
Intensely shocking and vile and every minute was incredible. Truly horrific and deserved of its title. every different plot line shared the theme of violence and cruelty and I really liked how thematically cohesive this made the episode. The next episode was also fantastic
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Attack on Titan: Children of the Forest (2021)
Season 4, Episode 13
Exceptional episode
7 March 2021
This was intense and beautifully directed. Shocking moment after shocking moment - I loved every minute. Dialogue was on point, visuals were excellent etc. Very intricate - loads of layers to each scene that were arranged in a very artful way - there is some strange beauty to how well crafted it is.

Don't want to say anything that spoils it but this was extremely good. (Stop obsessing over the "next episode"!)
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Martyrs (2008)
Not too disgusting, but brilliant nonetheless
24 February 2021
They could have made this a lot more gruesome, but thankfully they didn't (Did people really throw up at this?). Instead, the concept, acting, sense of dread, cinematography etc. are allowed a space to shine.

It's seriously one of the most interesting concepts ever committed to film in my opinion and the way they handle it, reveal it and writhe in the suffering of it is nothing short of masterful.
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Attack on Titan: Brave Volunteers (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
I loved this episode
24 February 2021
One of my favourites so far. Here, AOT proves that it can be a quiet, psychological drama - without the aid of indulgent action sequences. Instead of the earlier, more linear episode arcs, this one darts around in time in very a compelling way to which it almost feels like it unfolds backwards. The Nichollo and Sasha scenes were excellent, Armin's remorseful speech + Eren's harrowing responses made for a poignant arc that, again, unfolds backwards.

On top of this I loved the boat scenes - great pacing, felt like a Coen brothers film. I know people obsess a little over the 1-10 rating, so I'm sorry if I've offended anyone by giving It a perfect ten - Its not perfect - but I really can't see anything wrong with it or a moment at which I wasn't compelled.
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