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Fun, weird, sad- very impressive
21 January 2021
I was very pleasantly surprised by this little gem. It feels like Errol Morris directed a Todd Solondz script. The fact that this is a 20 something year old's first feature is really exciting, as this guy has a whole career's worth of work ahead of him. Absurdity has never been so humane.
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1 January 2021
Though hard to watch, it's very important that this story is known across Canada and the world. This is not just a tragic story of one young woman's victimization- it's an example of an entire community complicit in the torture of a beautiful young soul.

The four rapists, the rapist's families, the RCMP. the healthcare workers, the school system, etc are all guilty of monstrous behaviour both direct and negligent. Props to Anonymous for forcing the hand of a bunch of useless law enforcement that like to call themselves "heroes" while acting like scum.
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A huge achievment
31 December 2020
As cheesy as it sounds, after watching this film I felt stunned with emotions of heartache, beauty, and hope. you know a piece of art is great when you think "I wish I could have made that!"- You know it's a masterpiece when you're just perfectly thankful and content that it exists as is. Like seeing a couple where you think "aww she's too good for him, I bet we'd be happier if she were with me". But then sometimes you see a couple that seems so happy and connected and right for each other that you're just happy for them and wouldn't dare try to come between them. Watching this film felt like seeing that couple. It reminds you of your own lonliness and past failures, but it also reminds you of how much beauty and love is in the world.

I'm not an overly sentimental guy, but this movie just put me in that headspace. Cianfrance is one of my favorite working filmmakers, but the fact that this is a first feature for directer/co-writer Darius Marder is incredible- I'm so excited to see what he does in the future. And of course Riz Ahmed is astounding, he really just nails this one so hard it's incredible to watch. Olivia Cook was great as well, truly believable in her dual personalities. And it was a nice treat seeing Mathieu Amalric pop up unexpectedly.

As a musician who spent a lot of time playing in bands, as well as a recovering addict/alcoholic, maybe this film was just tailored for me personally, but I haven't been hit this hard by a film in a long time.
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The Third Day: Autumn (2020 TV Movie)
a major accomplishment
26 October 2020
It's impossible for me to imagine the series The Third Day without including this 12 hr livestream- though I was interested in the 6 episode mini-series without any awareness of this livestream performance, I now see the stream as the anchor that grounds the surrounding episodes.

As it stands on it's own, it is mind blowing in it's conception and execution. While it is slow, at times frustratingly so for a purist like myself who forgoes the skip forward or 2x playback options, like in the works of other filmmakers such as Bela Tarr or Lav Diaz, the pace contributes to the immersive and near-hypnotic effect, allowing for countless moments of contemplative beauty. Weather noticing a particular piece of clothing on one of the actors, or a crumbling bit of architecture, or the movement and temperament of weather, it somehow both sucks you into the story/setting while also making you aware of the awe inspiring feats of performance and filmmaking on display.

As far Jude Law, it's no surprise that he's a veteran actor with talent and charisma to spare, this is the kind of performance (and project) that will long outlive him. I'm so glad Law signed on for this series, as I can't imagine a lesser actor trying to take on the transformation this character was to endure.

I love seeing new and innovative ways to tell a story. The six episodes of the show are great, but this live performance, fittingly placed in the center of the story, is what elevates it to an enduring work of art. It's really a shame to see the luke-warm reception from critics and the public- I can only thank HBO for embracing the project and once again presenting ground breaking television. And an even bigger thank you to the creators, cast and crew, for this monumental work.
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Dominion (2018)
The Most disturbing film I've ever seen
15 October 2020
I wouldn't recommend a film like Cannibal Holocaust, which contains scenes of animal mutilation, to anyone. Yet I think everyone on the planet should see Dominion. Consumer culture and corporate greed has reached a disgustin level that has robbed us of our humanity and left us all dooped- consistently wondering why happiness and contentment evades our daily lives while at the same time using status symbols and gluttony as band aids for our hoplessness.

I, like most of us, need to change how I eat and shop.
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I'll Be Gone in the Dark (2020–2021)
Far too much Michelle...
31 July 2020
If Michelle McNamara had not died suddenly before the book was finished, would the doc have ended up being one big tribute to her? I think not, and though McNamara comes off as a little narcissistic, I feel like she herself would have found it extremely indulgent. Just when you think the EAR/ONS case is starting to gain momentum, the show will go into 30 mins of Michelle talk w/ ridiculous amounts of vain photos of her trying to look sexy. I didn't mind that she inserted herself into the book- I thought personalizing the investigation wasn't a bad choice, but the show exploits this to the point that it is more of a doc about Michelle, and it's at the expense of keeping the EAR/ONS killer investigation exciting. Objectively speaking- a six part doc about an amateur detective who almost wrote one book is just silly.

If this had been 3 eps with maybe 30 mins of Michelle stuff total, I think it would have worked a lot better, but like most shows these days, stretching 3 hrs into 6 is the new norm. If you read the book but wanted more about Michelle, this is a perfect series for you. Evidently, not many people wanted that.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Spike's charm saves it
14 June 2020
I'm not a huge Spike Lee fan- I think his large output has been very hit or miss, with little in between. But now in his later years that might be changing. With BlackkKlansmen and now Da 5 Bloods, he seems to have hit a stride with these relaxed, fun, perfectly enjoyable films.

While I find Spike's activism admirable, I don't like preachy films. It's lazy to beat an audience over the head with your message. This movie is very guilty of that laziness and it is eye-rollingly hokey at times.

That said, Delroy Lindo was hilarious and it was a pleasure to see him and Spike collaborate again. The techniques used such as changing aspect ratios and fourth wall breaking monologues only work when the tone isn't restrictive. I'm not blown away by this movie, and I wasn't moved by it, but as a comedy I thought it worked well enough.
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Tye Sheridan is a massive talent
7 June 2020
This film was alright... the script was pretty weak. Ana De Armas character seemed shoe-horned into the story just to fill up time. Rarely is one actor's performance a big deal for me- actor's are tools that a director uses. Sometimes there are performances that outshine every other aspect of the film, and this is one of those performances. I've worked for over 6 years with special needs individuals, one in particular is diagnosed with Asperger's. Tye Sheridan's performance is so dead on that I know he a) researched real people with Asperger's extensively, and b) has the skills and confidence to incorporate that into his work here. Sheridan, along with Christopher Abott and Caleb Landry Jones, and a few others I'm probably forgetting, are among America's finest young actors
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Villains (I) (2019)
the "humor" ruins it from the very beginning
5 June 2020
Nothing is more cringe than someone thinking they're really funny/witty when in reality they're basic/corny. The two main actors (especially the female lead) are trying so hard it's embarrassing. They're hokey acting is so obviously begging for laughs it becomes frustrating. You can tell the writer thought "It's Don't Breath meets Fargo!" or something equally stupid- but the Coen brothers are smart, and their humor comes from the situations and characters in authentic ways. This movie had the chance to be interesting, even enjoyable, but the filmmaker's were so pleased with themselves, sitting around laughing at their own jokes that they didn't notice they were making a very dumb, obvious, unfunny movie.
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A not-so hidden gem
30 May 2020
This was a nice little film. It has it's faults, but the energy and excitement of the filmmakers translates onto the screen and makes you want to like it. Some interesting choices such as the camera work which ran the gamut from minutes of black screen to a sneaky cat's-eye-view of the neighbourhood to observational tracking shots, and the pacing of the story is well done. Some of the acting is a little hokey but again, it doesn't detract from the overall film, and as the story progresses either I stopped noticing or the actor's found their groove (I am not humble, I miss nothing- it was the latter). I'll give it a 7.
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On the Record (2020)
probably the hardest film for me to rate in a while...
29 May 2020
Parts of this film were very interesting and thought provoking and yes, brutal. Other parts were eye-rollingly cheesy, and trying way to hard to wring emotion out of very un-special moments... Not entertaining, not very informative (other than a few great points). I think maybe though this will hit women harder- not because men don't care but because as much as we may want to understand and be supportive, it's not something we will directly feel in quite the same way... So as much as I wanted to like the film, it was overall pretty boring and really, I feel like this could've been an amazing 15 min doc. At 1 hr 35 min it just becomes way too much of a fluff piece about strong women, which isn't in itself a bad thing, it just doesn't make for a captivating full length documentary.
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Arkansas (2020)
a self-satisfied, pretentious little hipster flick (and a terrible adaptation)
15 May 2020
John Brandon's book Arkansas is a little gem not widely known. When I saw that Clark Duke was making a film version, I hoped for the best but expecting nothing. I remember Clark Duke from "Clark and Michael" back when that was being released weekly online. I know he's done a few other things since then, but it seemed like a good move to direct, and his choice of source material seemed cool.

I think Clark could be a good director. Someday. Putting himself in the movie (in a role where his love interest is waaaaay out of his league and is so unbelievable) was a huge mistake. Watching the film, I realized that was part of the bigger problem- Everything, from the opening scene to the casting to the music to the pacing to the credits scene, this is the most pretentious hipster cringe p.o.s. I've seen in a while. This is the work of a young, immature, very self-satisfied person.

Imagine: you're a 5 foot 2 fat balding hipster (do hipsters even exist anymore!? this character wears ugly clothes ironically...) annoying voice and you've just booked your first directing job. "Who should I cast in the main roles?" you ask yourself... "Well, obviously ME for one of them!!! Which one? The one that gets the hot chick, of course!!!" You're not Clooney. You're not Warren Beatty. This is your first film as a director. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?

and of course the music is obsure old country tunes that only the coolest vinyl collector would know about, and Duke uses them like a crutch. he didn't know how to transition between scenes so he just put songs and shots of driving all over the place. Which is exactly my point. This movie isn't saying anything. The decisions that Duke makes as a director seem to serve only his own ego. Even Vince Vaughn is flat and awkward. There's just enough of a story here to keep things moving, but it's like that's all Duke cared about- he wanted to have made a movie, rather than make a movie.

I think Clark Duke could make a good film, maybe many. For that to happen however, he'd have to lose a lot of ego and take it back to basics. Learn to be a director before attempting writer/director/actor all on your first film. Avoid the (lame) stylistic choices and just tell an interesting story clearly. I'm not a filmmaker myself, so I'm speaking as a film lover. I went into the movie thinking "oh wow Clark Duke is starting to direct, good for him". Strangely, I still kind of feel that way, and though I felt Arkansas was a waste of my time, I'll be rooting for his next film.
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Netflix should be very embarrassed...
15 May 2020
I hope someone at Netflix got fired for this. Every time they put out one of these amateur, stupid, irritating, ugly, thoughtless, talent-less movies, someone needs to be held accountable. This isn't like the box office, where it's a case of "don't like it? don't watch it!" we pay for this service. the quality of the service (both it's functioning and it's content) are what decides whether it's value is fair or not.

I actually watched this all the way through last night when I couldn't sleep. It is horrible. The actors are not just bad at acting, they're totally unlikeable, dumb losers. who should be banned from filmmaking. In most careers, if you perform horribly, you get fired, and that firing tarnishes your employment history from then on. So why do "filmmakers" like the moronic children who put together this p.o.s. get to fail over and over and over, handed money again and again just to flush it.

Think of the money wasted on making bad films... Imagine if the budget of the new Cats movie was donated- they could erase the debt of whole countries with the cash they throw at our celebrities and movie studios. And this is what they do with it!?!?

This movie is literally that bad. It makes me angry that people spent money and time to make it. It is the most pathetic of humans that waste their (and our) resources and time on such garbage.

Netflix should be ashamed.
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The REAL Forest of Love
15 May 2020
I've been a Sono fan since stumbling across Cold Fish in a video store when it was first released. He isn't the kind of filmmaker that I'd put on any favorites lists, and he's one of those artists who seems too prolific for his own good, but his unique and fun style keeps me coming back. When Netflix released Forest of Love as a 2 1/2 hour film, I was disappointed. It was a jumbled mess- jumping between young teenage girls talking about their virginity, to a abusive, scheming man who is conning every woman (and their female relatives), to an amateur film crew who are always just... around. It seemed like a student film, all improvised scenes in random order and- I didn't get it.

Now, with the Deep Cut coming out of nowhere, I can say that almost everything I didn't like (or didn't understand) about the story is gone. With room to breath, the story is really very charming and funny when it's not displaying the absolute worst of human qualities. It's dark, strange, freewheeling, absurd, and most of all, fun. Forest of Love -Deep Cut- reminds me of the more psychedelic rock albums of the 70's... skilled, technically competent, but decidedly different.

Why Netflix released the film version at all, let alone first, is insane. You would think the "streaming giant" would be learning from past mistakes, consistently putting our better content, but no. They still spend millions a year on terrible stand-up comedy specials. They pay top dollar to "filmmakers" that make Tyler Perry look like Bresson... I bet "The I-Land" just got renewed for 5 seasons...

Forest of Love -Deep Cut- isn't perfect, but I have to assume perfection isn't something Sono strives for. If F.O.L. is like a 70's garage rock album, Sono himself is the ultimate punk rocker, which is maybe why "the man" (netflix) panics and tries to reign him in- I'm not sure what the relationship between Sono and Netflix is, but I will give the streaming app credit for releasing this show, I just wish they stopped giving money to studio execs who want only to keep releasing universally hated "steamy thrillers" or mindless teen dramadies. Everyone enjoys good art, while only the dumbest people enjoy the majority of Netflix's catalogue.
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The Degenerates (2018–2019)
Was a big LOS fan, liked Coco, Y.M.H. was fine, but now...
31 December 2019
This comedy podcast thing is over. The bubble has popped. Too much of any of these people and you start to see how repetitive and derivative all their jokes are. I used to like listening to podcasts like LOS cause I thought they're sense of humor matched mine for the most part, but once you start to see their desperate, narcissistic, cringe personalities come through, it ruins the illusion that these are people you'd want to hang out with. They all try to educate their audience and talk insider comedy crap like they're the "pros" who know funny, and everyone who isn't lame enough to spend their lives reaching and clawing for d-level fame has no understanding of what funny is.

I was a big fan, and I still listen to a couple comedy podcasts (one or two out there that actually make you laugh- don't just talk about making you laugh) but I feel like stand-up is something that only a few people can actually pull off. For some reason we have this boom right now where everyone who thinks they're funny moved to New York or L.A. and is a "working comedian", and they all stink (and they all love to tell us laymen why we don't get how genius their comedy mind is; how brilliant they're latest "black dick" joke is- how taboo!)

Yamaneeka Saunders?! Really?! Not to pick on her cause they all suck but who would ever listen to Yamaneeka Saunders stand-up and think "wow she's so brilliant and but-gustingly funny she should be paid a handsome living for doing what everyone does while hanging out with friends!" Seriously, I have friends that are funny, and I get 10X more laughs hanging out with them for a couple hours than I do listening to any of this stand-up garbage, and odds are, your friends are just as, if not funnier than most of these comics too.
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Bathroom Break Podcast (2018 Podcast Series)
18 December 2019
Josh Denny is an unfunny loser. If he's on your show, your show is lame. You suck
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Ginormous Food (2016– )
Josh Denny is lame
18 December 2019
Denny is a loser. He's not funny. The whole idea for the show is ridiculous and contrived. Massive portions of disgusting slop... real genius. I don't care that this guy got fired for being an idiot, I just think he stinks. He's one of these "i'm too edgy for mass consumption" types, not realizing that he's just not good at what he does. He isn't funny, he isn't likeable, he isn't intelligent, he doesn't have "hot takes". He's just an ordinary shlub with delusions of grandeur. No one cares Denny. Writing this review is the most I've ever thought about the man, and I'm doing it on the toilet to pass time.
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Josh Denny is a star!
18 December 2019
I was so impressed by this big, red goof-ball with highly questionable stories! The production value, editing, and of course food are all top notch, but I just can't get over the expert hosting by my man Josh! He adds a lot of ZEST to the show! Whether we're talking food or past tragedies- Denny is full of it! This is one meal you'll want to chow down!
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Porsalin: Smarter than the Average Bear (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Wow, Owen sucks
4 December 2019
It's all just so sad. didn't owen whine about the powers that be every time he was de-platformed? but then he goes and threatens someone who actually makes funny and interesting content into stopping their creative output!? owen is not just dumb, he's a blatant hypocrite. funny how owen and his ilk make fun of femi-nazi types and their blaming of the patriarchy when he and his bears do the exact same thing. replace patriarchy with George Soros or whatever and they are the whiney losers trying to blame anything but themselves for their bad decisions/lack of talent/idiocy
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a high school level production
4 December 2019
I give this movie a 1. Of course there are other movies out there that are worse technically, or structurally, whatever... but this is one of those movies that could have been passable (though the script is cheesy as hell) had the director and actors not made wrong decisions at every turn. This is why it's a 1- this film wasn't doomed from the beginning, like most other terrible productions, these filmmakers seemingly went out of their way to make this film worse and worse with each passing scene. First off- Patrick Schwarzenegger is so cringe it's hard to watch. You can tell he had this idea (probably from the writer/director) to imitate Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. It fails horrible. not only is he a terrible actor, but his whole character is laughably geeky, which is not what you want when he's supposed to be a menacing embodiment of evil. The main guy was pretty bad as well, especially during his "red suit" moments... Obviously the writer/director (this was based on a novel... must have been an unreleased "goosebumps" book or something) had "Fight Club" meets "American Psycho" in his head, which is already trite enough, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was his big pitch, but where those movies have a mood/tone/immersive narrative, this movie is comical in how hard it tries and consistently fails. This movie was so cheesy and cringe it feels like it was made by a group of high school friends.
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Complete Failure
18 November 2019
First of all, I've read the novel and liked it a lot- not one of my favorites (not even my favorite King novel) but I really enjoyed it. So when the first It (chapter 1, i guess) came out I was fairly pleased at how it was structured and executed. While I thought it could have been much better, and it relied a little heavily on the jump scares and had some cheesy effects, I liked this version of Pennywise and felt that, above all, the TONE was right. Well after seeing part 2 my low expectations have been confirmed and surpassed.

My guess is that Cary Joji Fukanaga's involvement was crucial to the success of the first film. Much like with True Detective's decline between seasons 1+2, Fukanaga proved to be the one who really gave the show it's brilliance. Here, with It Chapter 2, Fukanaga is gone and this loser Gary Dauberman (eye roll) has taken on the writing duties alone- as in no supervision! He sucks, just look at his credits. Muchietti is terrible too obviously, because how could he misfire this bad with such a big project! All he had to do was stick to the blueprint laid out by the first film. Instead, Dauberman and Muchietti make this a bad comedy based on some idiot adults we don't know or care about. Nothing against Hader and Ransome, but they were used horribly in this. There are so many failed attempts at humor, the pacing is ALL WRONG.
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American Son (2019)
pure garbage
8 November 2019
As a political statement, this is silly, obvious, pandering nonsense. As a piece of filmmaking, it's pure garbage. Kerry Washington is laughably cringe, but the credit goes to the writer and director of this mess. If high school kids had made this I'd say they have a lot to learn, but this is adults who call themselves professional filmmakers... netflix, please stop using your subscriber's money to pay for this nonsense.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
a downfall worse than the simpsons, without ever having reached the same heightss
7 October 2019
Firing shane gillis is just the nail in the coffin for this bloated corpse of a boomer program. It was never as good as people give it credit for, but at this point it's everything good comedy isn't. watching a bunch of nerds dress up in costumes and try not to laugh at their own jokes isn't something I'm into, so maybe it's just me. the hypocrisy however, is undeniable. a show that tried to stand for counter-culture, boundary pushing, new-talent, and the new york comedy scene devolving into this corporate, celebrity worship, ad-revenue-is-god kinda cable television nonsense is sad, if not despicable. Can anyone honestly say that this represents the new york comedy scene today? take out new york and the answer is still no.

I don't expect this show to be anything other than it is, and if they had never hired gillis in the first place, i'd never have been on their imdb page, let alone writing a review. They wanted to appeal to young people like myself, who don't apologize for having a dark, subversive, sometimes juvenile sense of humor. a sense of humor that's in line with most of the comedians who gave saturday night live it's fame. to then rip the opportunity of a lifetime from shane's hands AND throw him on the sword is cowardly, pathetic, and disgusting. people who heard a 10 second clip out of context and started irresponsibly throwing around the term racist, were not interested in truth, integrity, or comedy, they are concerned in virtue signaling by jumping on the bandwagon. if that's who snl is trying to appeal to, then great. when the pendulum starts to swing back to rationality, all those people will pretend they weren't part of the mob-mentality that tried to dictate what others think, see, and hear.

But I can't wait to see ed helms do a skit with alec baldwin and machine gun kelly!!! (psych)
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Us (II) (2019)
Jordan Peele overrated?- Exhibit A
24 September 2019
With the good but way over-hyped Get Out, Jordan Peele rocketed to Hollywood elite and horror royalty after being a successful comic actor/writer, quickly using his "monkey paw productions" (stupid name) to get involved in seemingly everything he came across. The new twilight zone sucks, and he stupidly put his name and face all over it, making him the easiest target for ridicule aimed at the show. Then the trailer for "Us" comes out, and it looks amazing. The premise was the perfect mix of mystery/danger/absurdity as well as creepy costumes/masks/makeup/music. One year later we FINALLY get to see the movie and... the first half to two-thirds was pretty good, but the whole movie feels like it's just going downhill fast, instead of mounting the tension with building plotline. The more information you get, the dumber the story is. By the end I was rolling my eyes at the terrible attempt at a final twist that was so obvious I was thinking it must be a bait and switch that was playing with my expectations, but no. just a lame, fizzling out of an ending that lasted the last 40 min of the movie. Oh, and the classroom fight? Cringe. 6.5 that would round up to a 7, but the disappointment of teasing a trailer so good so early and then delivering this?! 6.
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Unbelievable (2019)
A good, albeit heavy-handed drama ruined by Collette
16 September 2019
The first couple episodes of this show were done pretty well, and while the story was focused on the character of Marie, played wonderfully by Dever, the show was quite gripping. As the show goes on the man-bashing gets pretty in your face, which would have been fine if it was even a little subtle. Wever does a good job, though by the end I was wondering if she had done all her filming on xanax. Toni Collette ruins the show with her over-acting of the cliche "cool but cold" female character. I wouldn't be surprised if she pushed for her character to have a pack of cigs rolled up in her sleeve while she walked with her thumbs in the belt loops of her leather pants. Toni Collette is nothing but exaggerated expressions and I think she came of her acclaim in Hereditary with way too much confidence. Here she does nothing but a bad impression of what she imagines to be a "cool chick". Cringe. She alone takes this show from an 7.5 to a 6
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