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Fire Island (I) (2022)
Love a good romp.... This ain't it!
6 February 2023
Yikes! What happened? Such high hopes based on the cast, but something went terribly awry. Here we go, same old stereotypes, same old tropes with Margaret Cho as the house hag, I mean ...... Can't tell if it's a bad script or the wooden, odd (VERY odd) acting. No one connected, I was uncomfortable because they all seemed uncomfortable. It was like watching a group of strangers trying to connect with awkward conversations, the strangest affectations, the whole thing is just off. It's a boring movie and not at all what I expected and I mean even a drag queen could not save this slow moving train of unfunny.
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Took me 3 days to get through
28 January 2023
Literally took three days to get through, just wanted to get my $4 worth, but in hindsight, give me my time back. This movie is just ....off. I lived in New York City in the 80's and I don't recognize this New York at all. Very hard to digest the complaining and whoa is me narrative from an upper middle class family who have everything they could need and never go without. The kid tries his best, but is the most annoying, entitled crybaby. Then his parents send him to a wealthy private school owned by the Trumps. Still no one is happy and continue to spin a narrative of "poor us" " whoa is me" it makes zero sense. The movie moves at a pace of a turtle with a broken foot. It's bad.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
First episode great - perfect storyline. Then we meet the girl, who sucks the life out of it
23 January 2023
Actors are phenomenal. Story stays true to its roots. Grabs you and doesn't let you go. Sadly, we meet the girl end of episode 1 and full on episode 2. That's all I've watched and don't think I can gather the muster to watch the rest. The girl ( trying not to spoil with names) is so miscast and just really bad. I mean... takes you out of the story so bad. Annoying, histrionic acting, horrible in every possible way. Who cast this person and why??? Perfect story, perfect level of dread, perfect acting. And then? Ruined. By one miscast, whiny, annoying bad actor. Why? Soooo much potential. On the edge of my seat, until ..... can't watch anymore of it.
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Let's not pretend, an entitled, privileged guy living off his parents money
25 December 2022
We figured out early on in this documentary that the words, quirky, odd, free spirit, visionary is simply hiding the actual facts that he skated through college, hopped around the country after college from one city to the next for years. Payed entirely by his parents. At one point someone literally said "oh he worked for 2 days at a restaurant in San Francisco and decided he wouldn't learn anything and drove to Key West " what a character!!! Ugh.then went to France, mind you not ever really working. This documentary rolls over the actual facts that he became famous because his parents made him famous - they bankrolled every inch of of his life. They buy him a restaurant, they pay for the suppliers, food source, staff, all of it. We then see this entitled POS berating and humiliating his "hourly staff". Berating customers because he's a spoiled rotten, entitled human. The doc tries to hide and deflect from the actual facts. He only became a famous chef because his parents made it easy for him to do what he wanted. Sorry to say, we did not go into this Documentary with this knowledge at all and the moments we were supposed to feel compassion or empathy for this awful human, sadly didn't care. Felt only compassion for his beaten up and abused staff. Not him.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Season 2, great writing but a few bad actors are ruing it
30 November 2022
Season 1 was brilliant and was much watch TV on Sunday nights. This season is not so "must watch" but of course we do for Jennifer Coolidge. Sadly casting Aubrey Plaza is a massive miss and her skill set lacks everything compared to the other actors. She's awful as Aubrey Plaza as that's the only character she plays. Same annoying, bored, put upon, passive aggressive shtick. It's old and wish Mike White would have cast someone else. We fast forward through her scenes so end up missing much of the story line, she's unwatchable. Sadly, we aren't geared up for Sunday White Lotus viewing as must see tv.
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Animal Kingdom (2016–2022)
Flashbacks ruined this show
22 August 2022
Between the flashbacks, the horrible acting from the "young Smurf" can't watch anymore. 3 episodes left and just can't get through it.

Too bad + the side characters are all so poorly acted, I just scratch my head. Shame, should have gone out at the top but ruined.
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Christina P.: Mom Genes (2022 TV Special)
Awkward, unfunny, weird woman. Famous cuz her husband.
31 May 2022
This odd woman is as awkward and cringy as they come. She's been riding her husband's coat tails for years. You cannot sit through this and the endless mind numbing sophomoric crap she's spewing. She's like your really weird aunt who over dresses on every occasion.
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The First Lady (2022– )
5 stars for Pheiffer, she's fantastic. What is Viola Davis doing???
28 April 2022
Michelle Pheiffer is fantastic! This should have been just a series about Betty Ford. Pheiffer plays this with grace, dignity and empathy.

Anderson is fine as Eleanor Roosevelt, I think the dentures were just unnecessary... just too much. We know Eleanor had an overbite but it was distracting.

Now let's talk about Viola Davis who is skit performing Michelle Obama as an SNL joke. Absolutely ridiculous with the crazy mouth acting and for those of us who like Ms. Obama, why did Viola Davis portray her this way? It's completely hysterically awful and side splittingly funny. Just horrible😂
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The Batman (2022)
Meh ....overdone not in a good way
18 April 2022
Pattinson did pretty well, brooding, depressed, sad Batman. Colin Farrell wasted as Penguin with over the top prosthetics that make him look just like Robert Duvall. Why not just get Duvall? That would have killed. Kravitz does nothing as usual, same old lifeless, banal acting and just not Cat Woman in any way. Kudos to her stunt double though. Kravitz is a perfect example of Celebrity nepotism with little skill behind it. Paul Dano is the Riddler and he's just doing a Heath Ledger impersonation, literally frame by frame. Why?

The rave reviews here are studio based and driven as it it simply a mediocre movie. Don't get me started on the score....just no.
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The Lodge (2019)
Are there no lights in this house? Hereditary much?
27 February 2022
Is it always night? . We couldn't see anything the film is sooo dark ( not dark scary- dark bad cinematography). Yes we no they lost power but was that dark when they had power. Can you see anything???? That's all we kept saying. Terrible movie. And clearly stole a lot of ideas and concepts from Hereditary.
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So everyone in this small town are severely mentally ill?
5 February 2022
Except the sheriff. Did someone actually direct these actors to appear mentally ill?

No one in editing told Michela Watkins to stop doing that? It's cringeworthy and uncomfortable too watch.
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Honeydew (2020)
Was this a comedy?
30 January 2022
So bad I laughed through most of it. A comedy of bad acting, bad editing, really bad music. Hilarious!!!!!

Now can I please have my $4 effing dollars back?
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Hits and Misses due to Casting
25 January 2022
McBride, Goggins and Goodman are all the reasons to watch. They are as always, scene stealers in the greatest possible way.

The sister, whoever that awful actress is and the incredibly lame, unfunny Adam Devine are completely unwatchable. Sadly, they are in most scenes. It's baffling.
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Nancy (2018)
The Wig... the Wig...the Wig
1 January 2022
Is no one going to ask about the effing wig? I mean it's the main character, the riddle, the subplot. No one addresses it? The Wig wasn't even in the credits. Dang, they did wig wrong.
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The Salvation (2014)
Would have been 10 until Jeffrey Dean Morgan showed up
21 November 2021
What a terrible, one note actor. Honestly they couldn't find a better actor to play the bad guy?

JDM mumbles, squints, smirks and talks low and slow you know like all of his other movies/ television shows. Ruins the whole damn thing.

Can't say anything bad about silly Eva Green, thank god the Pawnee cut her tongue out enhancing her acting skills by 1,000 %. Watch for Mads.
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One of the worst, idiotic, dumbfounding pieces of CRAP
1 June 2021
Try to get through to the end.. I dare you.

First... the acting. OMG just OMG. Is Gadot reading off cue cards?? Plus she can't seem to move her face.

Wiig is so miscast and annoying. She's supposed to be an APEX predator. She's 80 pounds soaking wet and long shots of her running, fighting, her stand is probably 170 pounds of solid muscle. Did no one catch this???

Chris Pine.. poor guy. He tried.

The Pedro Pascal character is so over the top and clownish, it's just sooo bad.

Waste of time. Its awful. No more please. Send these actors to acting class.
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Couples Therapy (2019–2024)
The Crybabies, Victims and Attention Seekers
17 April 2021
I've never seen such entitled whining in all my life. America is doomed.
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9-1-1: Lone Star (2020– )
A Comedy for the Ages
3 March 2021
The WOKE ages. I don't think it's meant to be a comedy, it's hilariously awful.

Now they just added the cringeworthy Lisa (I need a sandwich) Edelstein. So more bad acting to come. Yay!
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
What Happened???
28 January 2021
Ted Danson - 10 stars, goes without saying. Holly Hunter, good actress..NO idea what she's doing here. Strange inflections, overacting, trying in an awful, awkward, desperate interpretation of funny. Cringeworthy. The daughter... just...no. Who is she related to? Is it Tina Feys daughter? The 2 PR people - are they reading off cue cards? Is this their first job, outside of their High School Production of Grease? Terrible writing, Casting team must have been drunk during auditions. Sadly, once Ted Danson signed on, seemed like they thought it was a slam dunk and he has to carry the show in entirety. Still unwatchable due to all of the other actors and writing.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Almost 10 - one awful performance
10 January 2021
So good. Everyone is great especially Colin Ferrel who steals every scene. Everyone except one awful performance - Jeremy Strong. He is so humiliatingly bad and just plain overacted like a high school drama kid. Wonder if Guy Ritchie regretted that casting decision.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Cranston and side actors great... the son??? Horrible actor
20 December 2020
Another great performance by BC. I would be "all in" on this one..... but the kid playing his son is quite possibly the worst actor I've seen. Completely ruins this series which after 3 episodes can't continue on. He's that awful. Walks around with surprise eyes and limited grasp of the dialogue he's given. Fire the casting director for hiring this dimwit mouth breather who single handedly makes this unwatchable.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Is this a High School Production?
3 December 2020
Yikes!!! 3rd episode in and things are worse. The writing is inherently awful and sophomoric- it's just SO bad it's startling.

The acting - oof.... probably worst I've seen in a long time.

Is no one watching the dailies on this? It could not have gone unnoticed.

Moving on...
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Moonbase 8 (2020)
Got through 2 episodes -nope
22 November 2020
Was so excited for this one. I understand the subtlety but it's just really bad. Really bad. Wish I could give it even 2 stars, just can't.
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OOF... hard to watch
10 October 2020
Skip, you will never get this time back. Nick Kroll fans, don't bother, this is not the one for you. As for the Director? We really did not need those close ups of the female lead...... sooooo hard to watch. Visibly had to look away each time. It is definitely a head scratcher. Too bad, we were looking forward to seeing a Nick Kroll movie.
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Over the top...cringeworthy theatre kid energy
12 September 2020
My son has Tourette's- what's in this film is just some bad choice of over acting.

None of Norton's costars pulled him aside to say.. "Dude, just Dude.. enough"

Terrible movie- sooooo overacted. It has middle high school drama student energy.

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