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The Passenger (III) (2023)
The End is Generic but Great Film as a Whole
21 January 2024
I enjoyed this movie from the start. It grips you in and keeps you invested until the end. The performances are really what carry it and the unpredictable nature of the antagonist. The horrific nature of his crimes paired with his charismatic laid back personality is a brilliant clash. The only problem I have with the movie is its generic predictable ending. Anyone watching would think 1 of 2 scenarios would happen. Protagonist stands up to him and kills him or the antagonist gets caught. Unfortunately one of these is the case and I felt this movie could've gone in 100 different directions. It had endless possibilities but chose a basic boring ending. However it doesn't undo what the film presented prior. It's definitely entertaining and ultimately keeps you guessing until the end. I appreciated this film. Talented cast really made this film memorable for me.
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To Grift or not to Grift
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of The Conjuring universe from The Conjuring to Annabelle to The Nun so obviously a fan of Ed and Lorraine Warren as well. Add to that the fact that I'm Catholic and like the documentary states demons, angels, evil entities, and the devil of course is all apart of our faith. I do believe in possession however I believe in it when presented with compelling and strong evidence. This particular case did not provide nearly enough evidence to rule out mental illness or the power of suggestion. I'd read about this case after watching the film and the movie is quite accurate despite a few changes (he was arrested early morning in movie but at night in real life ect.) The biggest thing left out of the movie that is present in the documentary is the fact that the eldest brother never believed his brother or Arne were possessed. That and the treatment of the family by The Warrens who may very well have actually exorcised individuals and had visions that helped many people but also may have been grifters along with it. I enjoy both sides of the story presented in this documentary however I'm inclined to believe based on the evidence presented this little boy was never possessed nor was the boyfriend of the sister. There was nothing the boy said that a boy his age hadn't heard before as far as the obscenities he shouted, his voice never altered, the "demon" did not say things a demon would typically say in a possessed person and at no point called itself the devil though the boy, Arne and others referenced the entity as such. The Warrens suggested in front of the child how a possessed person acts and he did just that. The sister had a relationship with the murder victim Alan Bono prior to her relationship with Arne. I believe they had an altercation on her behalf that after drinking and brawling ended violently. I believe he panicked and used the demonic possession he believed to have witnessed as an excuse for his actions. This is all speculation based on what was presented. They may very well have had a supernatural demonic experience. I believe people do but not in this case. It is unfortunate no video footage of said possession exists because the audio is just not enough. I also as a Catholic have never heard of one being possessed and then suddenly just not being so anymore without spiritual intervention (exorcist of some sort) which Arne claims is the case. The movies based in the Warrens are always entertaining but one must wonder how much is true and how much they actually helped people or if they were more interested in helping themselves. I actually wish the documentary had been longer but good stuff. Fascinating case. I side with the majority of the reviews. It was fabricated but not from the beginning. The mother believed her attention seeking mentally unstable son was possessed and did what she thought would help him then the family was subsequently taken advantage of by the Warrens and enchanted by Hollywood and money. Who knows for certain but watch and decide.
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Sisu (2022)
Inglorious Basterds/John Wick but lacking
29 April 2023
I'll probably be one of the few people not blown away by this movie. Entertaining? Yes. Realistic? No. Action packed? Meh. To me it was Inglorious Basterds without the tedious dialog and John Wick without the fight scenes. This film tries to be both without actually achieving either. I desired more hand to hand combat and was left with a few slit throats and stuff blowing up. The nazis of course are unrealistic mostly because they're not even speaking German and they're not cruel enough to be daunting villains like Christoph Waltz in Basterds.

The lead is known as "immortal" a nod to Wick's "boogeyman" and is a legend without being nearly as impressive as Wick. He actually gets his ass kicked a lot, if not too much, though apparently is superhuman like Wick suffering multiple wounds that should kill him. I also think it was too short and could have had maybe a flash back of his family to build depth to his character and maybe a flashback of being the "one man army" they say he was when killing Russians.

Last thing I'll say is the end "fight scene" was dull and too one-sided. They built this man up with this intimidating reputation like they do Wick except he didn't even really live up to it. Could've been better.
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The Strays (2023)
If Jordan Peele did a Lifetime movie...
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think the title of my review pretty much sums up this movie. It's very clear at times this writer/director desires to be mysterious in a Jordan Peele way without actually having the end results Jordan Peele can produce. Big spoilers ahead. Basically a woman abandoned her two children in the ghetto, moves to the suburbs, marries a white man, and starts a new family. The children she abandoned grow up, do the tiniest bit of stalking, make friends with their half siblings then eventually kill her new husband in a home invasion type scenario that is weak and watered down (literally). Then she leaves and abandons all four children. This movie looks like a low budget Lifetime movie and has a plot that actually could have been intriguing but flatlines halfway through. I remember when the trailer dropped on YouTube and everyone in the comments thought it was just going to be so amazing. I assure you the trailer is as good as it gets.
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They're too old for an "I don't wanna ruin our friendship movie"
12 February 2023
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To be honest the "I don't want to ruin our friendship" premise for romcoms is pretty common. However by the time you're in your 40s and you're still saying this it's kind of pathetic. Movies like this work better for characters in their 20s that have been friends since they were kids. The movie was generic, boring and predictable. Tig Notaro plays an interesting side character they both apparently have known for years but with no backstory as to how. Steve Zahn plays a silly gardener they attempt to utilize as comedy but really just comes off as a pointless character and quite frankly a waste of Steve's time. She briefly has an affair with a dude she has no chemistry with and like no other rom-com before (great sarcasm here) they kiss and make up at baggage claim in an airport after confessing their love for one another only a whopping 20 years later. Film seemed like a cash grab for both of them.
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What is this rated R for exactly?
11 February 2023
Safe to say this is the worst Magic Mike movie. It's boring more often than not and plays it way too safe. Women are more naked in a burlesque show than these men were. Why exactly is this rated R? Today's music videos are more R-rated than this. I would say the most entertaining scene was the lap dance Channing Tatum gives Salma Hayek but other than that most of the movie is just her whining about the show they're going to put on and when the show finally comes it's not nearly as exciting as it should be. I know plenty will say it but I'd rather this movie had been a Step Up movie and them just left Magic Mike at the sequel. Compared to the other two it was just an unfun ride. Also on a side note when she's going through the different types of men that "women want" a CEO that pays women more than men? I thought the goal was to be equal allegedly? And how about a man with a puppy! Men have dogs all the time how about a man that puts the seat down or does the dishes. Anyway unlike the other two I'll never see this one again.
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Started out with potential
25 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like once it got past the Christmas family photo it stopped being funny. Paul and Alice are unfortunately main characters and both of them are incredibly unlikable despite the actors playing them. Paul is your cliche stuck up snobby gay guy. A personality like his is usually cast as a side character but as a main it's annoying. Alice is pathetic enough to have an affair with a married man who just had a baby. The typical thinking he'll leave his wife for her even though he has her pretend to be his Uber driver when she drops him off at home. They both hate their sister Eloise for no other reason than the fact that she is rich. Ironically they both seem to think she is snobby and judgmental because of this when they are in fact the snobby and judgmental ones. The sister Alice is angry at Eloise for not coming to visit her after her miscarriage which is understandable and should have been the only reason she was mad at her and not the immature "I hate you because you're rich" shallow crap. I thought the brother and his boyfriend attempting to have a threesome were pointless unfunny scenes. I suppose unless you're gay and into threesomes you can't really relate and most comedy is funny because it's relatable. Some tweaking was needed for instance Alice having a relationship with a man then finding out he's married as opposed to willingly jumping into it probably would have made her more likeable. The brother having a boyfriend who wants a threesome and he doesn't probably would have made him more likeable. I think Eloise not being able to have children was a good reason for her to not visit after her sister's miscarriage but the writing was off in the confession scene. She should have said something like "I was so upset I just wasn't in a place to comfort anyone." It was actually quite understandable. Allison Janney as the pot eating mother was perfectly fine. To me it was really just Alice and Paul whose characters needed better writing especially for the likeable actors playing them. You know characters suck when good actors can't even save them. That said I thought it was a nice clean happy ending and probably what I liked most about the film. They tied their childhood family photo into the end new family photo so it wrapped up nicely.
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Justine (II) (2019)
The Script Needs Work
8 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I do think with a few minor tweaks the film could have been much better. Starting with the leading actress who I found unlikable and playing an unlikable character. That's a pretty big problem aside from the fact that she's not very talented. When you're going to have a character like this you need an actress that is likable. An actress people want to watch Julianne Moore, Jennifer Aniston ect.(this character would have been reminiscent of the one she played in the Good Girl). The rest of the cast is decent. Things just don't fit. Making the father racist is fine but later when she is having her blowout with the parents I found the father's responses not particularly believable. I don't think that she developed such a close relationship with Justine that the mother, after being cussed out, would call her to tell her that Justine's surgery didn't go well. This film reminded me of the Fundamentals of Caring starring Paul Rudd only not nearly as good. There was a bit of resolve in the end with her relationship with her father-in-law and her children but not enough. Another thing missing was maybe a flashback or two to show how she used to be so we know exactly how she's changed. All in all it was okay but it could've been great.
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Sweet Magnolias (2020– )
Great show but after Miscarriage episode I will not watch anymore
12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this show. I love small towns and have always wanted to live in one and the setting and scenery brings me comfort. I also don't have any friends so watching the three of them also brought me comfort even if it at times it made me feel lonely. But I will not watch anymore after the miscarriage episode. I had a miscarriage and that was not a miscarriage. Miscarriage is weeks of bleeding and pain, going through pad after pad because you can't wear tampons since you have to pass any remnants of the fetus so you don't have to do a D&C to remove them. I could barely drag my ass out of bed the next day but there she is munching on pancakes giggling and laughing with Erick. I am disgusted that they even wrote this episode. I fell into depression, had to go on medication because I was suicidal since I blamed myself but she gets over it in the day. How nice for her. The writers absolutely lost me with that. Did they even look into what a miscarriage even actually looks like? It sure as s*** doesn't look they did. The months of pain I went through felt belittled by this ridiculous writing and I'm back to feeling dumb for mourning again thanks to this crap. I don't speak for all women who have had a miscarriage but it was not nearly dramatic enough and it did not represent what it is really like. So for that I'm done.
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Barbarian (2022)
Mildly Entertaining but Overall Unimpressive
18 September 2022
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I am a huge horror fan but I really don't get the hype for this film. I don't understand why everyone is acting like this is something never before seen. Seen such "creatures" in films like Quarantine and obviously The Hills Have Eyes. The film makes it seem as if Skarsgard may be some sort of kidnapping psycho though that would be much too predictable so its obvious its not going that route. I don't see anything clever about following typical horror movie tropes unless you're flat out making satire/parody so don't get why people were impressed by this or thought it was funny. I didn't find anything funny or particularly scary. The reveal of the deep dark tunnel was meh and left us with a weak backstory at best basically told to us by a homeless dude. A mass grave of his rape and incest victims could have fixed that. There was also no explanation of how they survived down there all those years. Safe to say after this and Tusk I will no longer watch horror flicks with Justin Long in them. He hasn't done a good one since Jeepers Creepers. This was a very mediocre horror film that I won't be seeing again and was overall disappointed by.
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Beast (I) (2022)
I love how every reviewer is such a lion expert
30 August 2022
Wow every low score reviewer is somehow a lion expert! This movie was intense, enjoyable and had likable characters with good background stories and you wanted to see them make it. The lion looked great even if it was CGI. According to low score reviewers "lions dont act like this." Yes! Almost like Sharlto's character who actually is a lion expert mentioned that and was confused by its behavior! Yet if they had made the lion infected with something that drove it mad these same reviewers would call it stupid. Oh no and it resembled other movies! Almost as if all movies do. Dumb complaints. The only reasonable complaint is obviously Idris' character should not have gone toe to toe with a 500 lb animal but at least his poor planning resolved itself with the help of another lion pride. Yet let's praise Fall a movie with idiotic decisions from start to finish. This movie is an intense thrill and I will definitely be seeing it again.
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Me Time (2022)
More like Waste of Time
28 August 2022
When I first saw this trailer I wished that it was not a Netflix movie and was in theaters because with a comedic duo like Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg it deserved an audience. So I thought. Truthfully nothing about the cast was the problem. The story was all over the place and it was painfully unfunny. It was just cheesy and I fail to see why every comedy feels like some random wild animal attack is supposed to be funny. The party scenes were weak like a watered down version of Bad moms and of all musicians they get seal who just added another boring scene to an already boring movie. I mean it's Mark Wahlberg and Kevin Hart so it's not a total disaster but the script was just crap. A silver lining for me was a newcomer that played the Uber driver Thelma. She's really got something. Bet money you're gonna see her more and hopefully in leading roles. That said the only other highlight was seeing Mark Wahlberg's ass. I really thought it was gonna be good it just wasn't but definitely not the actors' fault. They worked with what they had.
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Bullet Train (2022)
This movie is sex without orgasm
16 August 2022
This movie is frustrating because it's trying so hard to be good and yet it's execution ended up being mediocre. I'll start with the main problem I have with this film is casting Brad Pitt. I mean who doesn't love Brad Pitt but not for this role. This character was begging for Ryan Reynolds. It's a very Ryan Reynolds role that we're used to seeing. A kind of nerdy, kind of awkward (yet attractive) guy with kind of nerdy kind of awkward one liners that turn out to be funny and yet when Brad Pitt delivered them it just often fell flat. Ironically enough Ryan Reynolds does have a cameo. They really should have switched their parts. That aside another thing that annoyed me was Tangerine and Lemon were probably the most interesting characters and the only ones that didn't get an actual backstory. We know they grew up together that's it. Even a freaking water bottle got a backstory but not them. The pacing was off. Some scenes were mildly exciting followed by boring ones. It finally reveals why they're all on the same train and yet the reveal is... unsatisfying like having sex without orgasm. Sure the film was good but I didn't quite finish so to speak and I left feeling it wasn't as pleasurable as it could have been.
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Nope (2022)
Peele is M. Night Shyamalan...but not as Good
24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if this is a spoiler I'm pretty sure everyone knew going in that it was about aliens or at least hinted at being about aliens. That being said I loved the concept. Brilliant. People think they see flying saucers all the time. What if it wasn't a flying saucer but instead the alien itself. Again brilliant. My problems with the film were the holes in the story. Steven Yeun's character was a child actor on a sitcom about a family living with a monkey. Well the monkey loses it and ends up killing most of the cast and audience. The monkey however has a special relationship with him. Literally the only reason for these scenes is because his character runs a rodeo type show where he feeds the alien creature a horse. My best guess is those scenes were supposed to show why he thinks that he can have a special relationship with a violent creature. Also if you do a show in the desert where you show people an alien people are going to talk about it! Still it plays out as if he and Daniel's characters are the only ones that know about it. It would've made more sense if this was the first time he had ever shown anyone the alien. Another thing I didn't like about the film besides the title was Daniel Kaluuya's acting. I get that being stone-faced and stoic is kind of his thing but show at least a little emotion when a freaking alien is hovering over you! He wore the exact same expression the entire film. Keke Palmer was a highlight as well as the actor who played Angel. They were responsible for a lot of the comedic relief. Another thing that I was disappointed by until I realized the concept Jordan Peele was going for was there was this alien scene in the barn that was the coolest alien reveal scene I watched since the alien appeared in the TV screen at the end of Signs. I won't give it away. It was cool but not what Jordan was going for in the end. I enjoyed this film the most of Jordan peele's films but story-wise Get Out is the most well written and executed story he has done. But man, much like Hitchcock I appreciate Peele's originality and the suspense of his storytelling and his direction. He's so similar to Shyamalan that if they ever collaborated I would definitely be there for it.
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Daily Wire needs to step it up
5 July 2022
First let me say it was pretty hard seeing Gina Carano be a damsel in distress. The first movie I ever saw with her was Haywire which I believe is her first film and has since basically kicked a$$. She's kind of turned herself into the female Jean-Claude Van Damme so this was a different role for her that I thought she did well it's just kind of dull when she's not kicking someone's a$$. Her acting is basically as good as it's going to get. I love her and I am a big fan but she's a mediocre actress which is why action is her forte. No one really cares how Scott Adkins, Jean-Claude Van Damme, or Jet Li act they just want to see them fight! Which is also pretty much what you expect from an MMA fighter turned actress. I could easily recognize the conservative values of the film. Family, a woman embracing her role and a man embracing his and I like that. However the film itself was just not very good. I didn't care for the storyline. They should have had actual beef with her husband not just been passing through otherwise why stick around so long? The villain spewing Bible verses was just bland. There was really nothing daunting about him. Forget about the rest of the crew cause I certainly did. I'm not the biggest Western fan but when I compare it to westerns I do like such as 3:10 to Yuma or The Magnificent Seven just very dull and forgettable. Thing is if Hollywood had done the films daily wire has done so far I would still think they suck. As much as I love daily wire I refuse to say one of their films is good if I don't think it is. Their documentaries are on point. Loved What is a Woman and Choosing Death. I'll end with this Wes Craven is one of my favorite directors and I think his earliest films sucked so I'm not giving up on DW.
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A review basically written for Practice
27 June 2022
I enjoy reviewing movies but could not get in to see this movie until just yesterday because it was constantly sold out. I call it a review for practice cause there's already thousands of reviews and doubt mine will get read. Many people have said it but I will say it again this is an action movie with Dinosaurs in it much like how they turned the Fast and Furious franchise into action movies with some cars in it. They basically did what Ghostbusters afterlife did which was attract the audience by bringing in the original cast that was mostly what drew me in though it looked like a pretty decent trailer too. This is Hollywood's new thing either bring back the original cast or make a sequel to a movie that was made 20 years ago. I. E Coming 2 America/Maverick. Granted I did like Top Gun but it was nothing new. What happened in this film was new to Jurassic Park films in a horribly disastrous way. I still don't understand the clone plot or whatever the child was. I was so bored with the locust plot I stopped trying to even follow it. Now here's the ironic part I actually was the most annoyed by the returning cast. I found Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern very annoying and Sam Neil must be getting a bit Joe Bidenish in his old age because they hardly gave him any lines (maybe so he wouldn't forget them) or screen time(never show him running or doing any action). Laura Dern was trying so hard to be sexy it was very off-putting and honestly just made her look older. Ian was always supposed to be an annoying character but it's like they turned up the volume on this film. The biggest problem though is I constantly kept feeling as if I was watching two different movies. The story was all over the place, it didn't feel like a Jurassic Park movie, it was too long and too boring at times. Gotta give it to Chris though he is a phenomenal action star. I loved the hot black chick towards the end of the film. She was very watchable, very likable and action is her forte. The only Jurassic world movie that was vaguely good was the first one and it was all downhill from there. I think most would agree Jurassic Park didn't even need a Trilogy. The first two were enough. They disappointed us, they knew they would but they also knew they'd get our money and they did.
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The Lost City (2022)
One or the Other needs to be Recast
11 April 2022
There's no denying it was an entertaining enjoyable movie. The problem is something about Sandra Bullock's performance seemed off even awkward at times and I don't think that it was just her character. It feels like she was phoning it in and didn't particularly want to do this role or at least not with Channing Tatum. Once I found out there is a 16 year age difference between the two of them I have to figure that's what it is. I don't think she feels comfortable with him or maybe she didn't want to work with him. Everyone said she had good chemistry with Brad Pitt which she did and I think it might be because they're similar in age. There's still a pretty big age difference between her and Ryan Reynolds but I wish I hadn't heard that he was supposed to be cast because now I can't stop picturing him instead of Tatum since their chemistry in The Proposal was much better than what happened here. I do think Channing Tatum gave it his all. I also think he was much more excited to work with Sandra Bullock than the other way around. He wasn't bad either and though I love Sandra Bullock if I was going to recast her I'd probably do someone like Rachel McAdams. Again closer in age and they had good chemistry in The Vow. Plus perhaps her goofy nerdiness would have felt more genuine than Sandra Bullock's performance. Other than the off chemistry the movie is typical rom com material meets Unchartered (or yes Indiana Jones).
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Scream (I) (2022)
Fans come for the cast not the storyline
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I was concerned it being the first Scream film not by Mr. Craven and I do think directing should have gone to Kevin Williamson just for obvious reasons but this film actually did well for me. I like connecting some of the young cast to the old cast for instance Randy's niece and nephew as the new movie Buffs. I love that the kills were more brutal and more intense. The killings were so brutal in fact that I was going to be greatly disappointed if the killer was not a man just judging by the aggressive nature of them. No spoilers but I will say I was not disappointed on that front. Loved the Skeet Ulrich cameo and David Arquette had probably the best fight scene with the Killer. I will say that something was missing as being a Scream film. There was a lack of moments of levity that Scream films typically have. This one was pretty serious straight through and more dramatic than the other films. I do wish Neve Campbell would've had a bigger part and a decent fight scene with the Killer. All this to say that my biggest problem with the film was the same as with the fourth film. That is that the motive of the killers (yes 2) was underwhelming and pretty much the same motive as the Scream 4 killers. I just thought with the little twist that they threw in for the main character would lead up to a better motive on behalf of the Killers. Which is another thing I really don't think there needed to be two. At no point in the film did it look like there were two killers until the end so I kind of thought having two was pointless. Like I said if the killer could've been connected more to original characters to produce a better motive that would've been nice especially since the finale was in Stu's old house the original final act. Really if you think about it the killer hasn't had a decent motive since Scream 3. Anyway that was my biggest problem with the film but I think in general they did Wes proud and it's a decent enough entry into the franchise.
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That Christmas movie I saw that one time
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I only saw this for Tim Allen. Definitely his worst Christmas movie not his worst movie. It's full of cliches and kind of boring. So the lead whose name I can't remember rolls in to this fictional El Camino town that sounds like where Jesse Pinkman would've ended up. I digress. Grimes goes looking for his long lost daddy who so obviously is Tim Allen though he claims he "knew his father" and will tell him about him if he buys him for a drink. Also obvious he's a drunk because of PTSD from the service. Bring in the cliche drunk cop out to prove he's more than just a drunk He kidnaps our lead since he possessed drugs but deputy Dax Sheppard frees him only for deputy drunk to chase him to a store where he accidentally ends up holding people hostage. Amongst them a cliche single mother with trust issues that has an autistic son our lead bought cake for in a diner earlier. He bonds with the kid opening single mom's heart, finds out war hero drunk is his daddy, people get shot, and daddy sacrifices himself for reasons I didn't care to pay attention to. Lead with daddy issues ends up with love interest with mommy issues. Yay. Not funny enough to be a comedy, not dramatic enough to be a drama so left with an attempted dark comedy that was cliche, boring and quickly became that one Christmas movie I saw that one time and forgot about. Also don't like Grimes as a lead for anything. Hoped he'd prove me wrong. Nope. I'll stick with classic Tim Allen Christmas movies.
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No Slimer?
22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off I do like the film. It just wasn't as good as it could've been. The nostalgia and Ramis tribute were spot on and great to see the guys suit up again but it just wasn't a very good movie honestly. McKenna Grace was absolutely wonderful in the role of Egon's grandaughter. She looked like him, was awkward like him and of course a genius like him and it was funny to see his personality on his grandaughter as opposed to grandson. I don't know why these reboots are scared to throw in more connections to the original. Every Ghostbuster's kid could've been a Ghostbuster. Paul Rudd could've been baby Oscar grown up. Maybe Ray's daughter is a paranormal vlogger, Annie and Lewis's kid could've been a reporter and Winston's son could've been the sherriff and his grandaughter the Lucky girl Egon's grandson liked. The vlogger and reporter would've been drawn to the town by the return of the ghosts which by the way there wasn't enough of and no slimer? Really? That was another thing the Ghostbusters just randomly show up at the end. Why were there no YouTube videos or national news reports to show what brought them there? I just wasn't a fan of kids that had absolutely no connection to the Ghostbusters suiting up. Grandkids sure but I would've had Paul Rudd suit up, Ray's kid, and Winston's son the sheriff (c'mon Hollywood adults can save the world too not just kids-I know mind blown) )Annie and Louis's reporter son would be a hellhound(like father like son) and Egon's daughter still be Zuul. For a movie that was allegedly in production for so long it had weak writing and a rushed ending. It also would have been nice to see more of what the Ghostbusters were doing now as opposed to Ray giving a five minute update when she got her phone call. All and all I guess they spent so much time on CGI Harold they didn't do much story cause it did not FEEL like a Ghostbusters movie. No epic giant marshmallow. No walking Statue of liberty. Just blast blast over. Dull. It's like they counted on people's hate for the female GB tobcarry them through. Disappointing to say the least but I really as GB fan wanted to like it.
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Michael Che: Shame the Devil (2021 TV Special)
Making fun of wholeness while being woke
21 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I fail to understand why it's so hard for comedians to not talk politics. Maybe this dude needs to get a woman or have some kids cause his political "jokes" were awkward and "r word" against pale skin people. Is that worded better IMBD since you didn't post my first review? God forbid we say anything is "r word" against pale skin people even though a lot of his show was. While on the subject its interesting that he can get away with saying the other "r word". I guess when you have certain politics (which for SNL cast its pretty obvious what those politics are since they cant keep them out of their crap skits to save their lives) you can get away with a lot. All and all Michael Che matters was a decent special this was awkward, dull and not very funny.
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Venom talks way too much
10 October 2021
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Actually when I left the theater I didn't know what to think. What can I say it was very fast-paced and entertaining for the most part. I just didn't really care for Venom being the comic relief simply because I couldn't understand half of what he was saying and it took too much concentration to pay attention to his mediocre jokes. I know the movie spent a lot of time showing Venom and Eddie's complicated relationship to make a point in the ending that they were symbiotic but after a while it got annoying as opposed to funny. Still find Michelle Williams character annoying. Not useless but annoying. Everyone is saying that Woody Harrelson wasn't right for the part but I never really liked Tom Hardy for Eddy that much either. He looks terrible in these movies. He looks kind of overweight and old when he's normally a good-looking guy. I don't know what wardrobe was thinking for Woody Harrelson's character. They dressed him like a Cuban drug dealer and give him the worst hairstyle. My God is that the best toupee they could find in Hollywood? Really? And another Black Canary character? Snooze. The movie was just okay just like the first one was but better action I suppose.
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Well It's no What We Do in the Shadows
1 September 2021
I love horror parodies. What we do in the Shadows, Shuan of the Dead, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil for starters but this film was lacking. Brilliant casting. Sam as lead even though he will always be inevitably type cast as the funny black guy who "acts whitr". The characters were interesting enough but something about the film was just watered down. Too dull to be hilarious. Too dark to be ultra parody. It was entertaining enough sure but lacking and not laugh out loud funny if that was what they were going for.
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Scoob! (2020)
Not even Frank could save it
22 June 2021
To start horrible writing and badly cast voices. Seriously was Casey Kasem and Matthew Lillard too busy? I start there because aside from Scooby obviously Shaggy is one of the most important voices to cast since he sounds the most unique. The voice of Velma was far too sexy nothing like her character. Mindy Cohn nails her. Daphne had no substance. Amanda Seyfried? Really? Her voice never even stands out when she's in a live action film so that choice was confusing. Grey Griffin nails Daphne's sassy attitude. Why cast Zac Efron if Frank Welker is already in it and usually does both voices anyway? And Velma would not dress as RBG for Halloween. She would dress as a either a famous detective or maybe scientist but I guess that's what happens when liberals are writing all the movies in Hollywood. The most watered-down pointless version of Scooby-Doo I've ever seen and not even Frank Welker was a saving grace.
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Cooties (2014)
Just have to say....
1 May 2021
This movie is total crap. I'm annoyed at all the reviews giving it such high ratings that convinced me to actually watch this crap on Amazon. The beginning is like watching a meet your meat DVD. It's disgusting and unnecessary. We get it they get infected from chicken nuggets. We don't need to see the entire process of chicken nuggets being made. Did Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead feel the need to go into detailed scenes of how the zombies became zombies? No. That's almost never required when you're doing a zombie comedy. Serious horror films about zombies do that. I. E 28 Days Later, I am Legend, World war Z. I mention Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead cause let's face it, every zombie comedy is aspiring to be those and usually falls flat on their ass like this film did. Leigh whannell should stick to writing straight up horror because he's not funny. He can throw in comedic moments but actually being funny is not his forte. Rainn Wilson was annoying. All the characters were shallow and unlikable. I laughed out loud once when Rainn Wilson called Elijah Wood a hobbit and that's about it. Some of it was just disgusting even for a Zombie movie (not into "gross you out to be funny comedy") and tried way too hard to be funny without actually being funny. Disappointing stupid movie I wish I could unseen.
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