
18 Reviews
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Bodkin (2024– )
13 May 2024
I can't believe a reviewer here said this series is "safe for kids". It most certainly is not. No child should be exposed to most of the scenes contained in this otherwise middle of the road series.

Some of the black comedy is truly hilarious and is one of the saving merits of the production.

Viewers are kept guessing at the end of each episode as something new is revealed. There are cameos from a few well known (and not so well known) Irish actors. I was half expecting to see Brendan O'Carroll turn up along the way.

The main female character (brilliantly played by Siobhán Cullen) must be one of the most hateful I've ever witnessed.

Bad language can often be very funny but here, while initially funny, it is completely overdone and eventually becomes tiresome.

I think overall "Bodkin" probably deserves a 6 out of 10.
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Thoroughly enjoyed it.
15 March 2024
I'm a (very) latecomer to period dramas. "Downton" had long since finished before I began to tackle the 50+ episodes and what a treat that turned out to be. It would be asking a lot for any series to be its equal or even come close but one that really impressed was "The Gilded Age".

I have not seen the original "Belgravia" for the simple reason that I had never heard of it but will find it to watch.

This latest "Next Chapter" seems to be taking a lot of flak from what appear to be seasoned period drama viewers so who am I to argue?........but I will. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the final two episodes were extremely moving.

I found all of the characters to be interesting in their own way and, of course, anything with a music score by John Lunn is always worth watching.
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Living (2022)
Superb cinema
11 June 2023
I watched this in HD on Prime Video.

I have not seen Kurosawa's original work but this is a truly memorable and moving film beautifully constructed.

I'd be reasonably sure I've never before seen a film released with an aspect ratio of 1.48:1 but it worked for the era involved and the manner in which the story was told was first class. You could not possibly foretell what was going to happen next.

The script was superb but the facial expressions often took the place of dialogue and the actors delivered in spades in this regard especially the young woman.

The sound editing was up there with the best. No need to turn on subtitles for the dialogue and the sound effects were hypnotic at times.

The score fitted like a glove. It's rare for me to like a song in a film drama but the way it was used was absolutely tops.

Highly recommended.
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Not a war movie but a story set during war and well worth viewing.
17 February 2023
With all the nonsensical and puerile movies coming out of Hollywood I rely on the Europeans to provide a steady supply of high standard and interesting productions and nobody does it better than the Norwegians.

I didn't know anything about wartime Narvik but, as a bonus for viewing it, this movie is an open invitation to the viewer to go look it up and discover what actually happened there during WW2 and it is a truly shocking but fascinating story.

The movie itself never lets up in its intensity. Never a dull moment I was thoroughly engaged right up to the last frame.

Now that I know the true story of Narvik I could nitpick but, in doing so, it would not detract one iota from the fact that this was a film that I would highly recommend.

Excellent acting, cinematography and music.

Dubbed dialogue, to me, is unreal so I always watch such features with subtitles..
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Unusual for a Christmas film....No boring bits.
13 December 2022
Well, whadyaknow, a Christmas film with no boring bits.

This is a crazy film with crazy characters and crazy situations so you can't equate it to real life. It's not intended to. The 100 minutes just flew by.

Forget about any deep analysis. All you have to do is sit down and enter into the spirit of it. It's clearly aimed at younger children but if you're still young at heart, like me, it will be fun. Add in the feel-good factor and Bob's your Uncle.

Christmas films are not really my thing but I thoroughly enjoyed this one.

Bonus. The music was excellent.

Shame the village is fictional otherwise I'd be moving there pronto!!
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Aisha (I) (2022)
No gimmicks please!!
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been an excellent film but, sadly, I gave up after about half an hour. Why? The appalling cinematography became unwatchable. Constantly going in and out of focus it was like viewing the results of a young child learning how to use a camera for the first time.

The last thing a story such as this needed was any sort of foolhardy gimmick to distract from it's important message.

From what I did see the acting performances were quite brilliant and if the attitudes of the Irish Garda and other authoritive figures shown here are true to life then something needs to be done about it and quick.

Had I seen the whole a high mark likely would have ensued but I'll break even and give it a 5.
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The feel-good film of the year so far.
30 January 2022
Nowadays, I like my films to be as far away from Hollywood as possible and this fits the bill perfectly.

The Welsh are endearing as is their accent and being around them for 109 minutes was just the tonic needed in these times. I was completely absorbed by the story and with the characters and there wasn't a dull moment. One of those rare films where you'd love to be part of a community of such people.

Despite the welcome and enjoyable presence of a couple of high profile and much-loved faces it was the wonderful Samantha Morton who took the honours with the lovable ensemble cast close behind - every single one of them.

Even the on-screen notes at the end were heartwarming (and revealing) so I'm voting this film as the feel-good film of the year so far. It will take a really good one to take that crown away.
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Little Joe (2019)
I must improve my home decor!!!
27 January 2022
A bit weird, maybe, but a really entertaining and unusual film that I watched on TV.

Thoroughly enjoyable hour and three quarters and visually superb. It's no "Day of the Triffids" and you probably need to have a sense of humour to get full value.

The camerawork (especially the slow, smooth travelling shots) is top class and the Set Design is positively brilliant. I really must improve my own home decor!!!

I notice a lot of complaints about the Sound Design (there is no film music score as such) but my ears lapped it all up no problem and in Dolby Digital, too. There was quite an element of fun to it.

Overall a good 8.
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Not a Western in any shape or form!!
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing that must be said is that I don't understand why this film is being called a Western. It's not even remotely a Western. Even the mountains tell you this is not a Western.

I usually enjoy slow drama but, although I stuck it out til the end, it was mainly due to the magnificent scenery filmed in proper Panavision that kept me going rather than the story or characters. It was a feast for the eyes and deserves an Oscar on its own.

I couldn't buy the character of Phil at all and that was compounded even further by his sudden Road to Damascus conversion.

The only character I liked in the entire movie was Genevieve Lemon's Mrs. Lewis.

5 is the maximum I can stretch to and even that's being generous.
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Outlier (2020– )
I bingewatched most of it!
15 January 2022
I didn't read any reviews before watching this series and am somewhat surprised at the level of dissatisfaction on display. Having watched the first two episodes I bingewatched the remainder in one sitting.

You're not going to get perfection in every production so my attitude is try to just enjoy them as they are.

Slow must be a generational thing. Younger audiences seem to be so used to Hollywood blockbusters and franchises rattling along at breakneck speed that anything less must be bad.

As a series I enjoyed it despite the main character being a pain much of the time - I do agree with that.

One criticism I completely disagree with is that of the music. As a (very) longtime film music fan I thought the soundtrack was excellent. It wasn't Ennio Morricone but it enhanced the production throughout and I didn't find it intrusive at all.
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Lost at Christmas (I) (2020)
Thoroughly enjoyed it
25 December 2021
If the dreadful Christmas Movie dross on the Great! Christmas Channels (used to be Sony) is your thing then this is not for you.

This is a beautifully crafted story enhanced by a sublime and emotional music score. It makes you wish you could be there and be with all of the various characters played excellently by the small team of actors.

The Scottish landscape is wonderfully captured.

When I read nonsense in reviews about there being no visible breaths or coats not buttoned etc. It makes me wonder do some people watch movies just to prove they are good "spotters".

I just sat back, watched the story unfold and thoroughly enjoyed it.
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I didn't last long
10 November 2021
Was really looking forward to seeing this movie. I'm a great fan of Westerns and was especially looking forward to the cinematography when I saw what equipment was used in shooting it.

I've watched the whole of movies with bad or inappropriate scores before but, sadly, the "music" (I use the word in its widest sense) in this film was so appalling that I didn't last very long. My ears just couldn't take any more of it. Without a doubt the worst Western soundtrack since movies began.
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1917 (2019)
6 February 2020
I saw my first movie in 1948 - Bambi :)

Over all the years since then I've seen great, good, bad and indifferent movies and then there comes along the occasional magnificent achievement in filmmaking. I rate 1917 in the latter category.

It grabbed me right from the start and it never let go. I walked and ran every step of the way with the characters. I was so involved I never even noticed any the big names that appeared in the end credits. I was very glad I never watch trailers or clips or read reviews in advance of seeing a movie. They always give something away.

Others have rightly praised the one-shot style, editing, the widescreen cinematography, set design, the score etc. They are absolutely stunning.

Dean-Charles Chapman and George MacKay are very convincing in portraying two ordinary soldiers plunged by circumstances into a situation they could never have envisaged. It's not really a "war movie" in the true sense. It's a story of courage and determination in the face of massive odds.

I am beyond understanding how anyone could rate 1917 as boring. It will long live in the memory.
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Ideal Home (2018)
Very enjoyable movie
29 January 2020
I have to admit that 20-30 years ago I would not have watched a movie like this but times (and people) change.

I just happened to come across it while browsing Netflix for something different so, other than the blurb, I knew nothing about it. It takes a lot to get me laughing out loud during a movie but this one certainly had me going right from early on. Even the bit parters were funny.

A very pleasant and enjoyable 90 minutes.

The widescreen cinematography was superb and did I hear a (slight) homage to Ennio Morricone in some of the outdoor scenes?
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A Magnificently Haunting film
6 November 2016

I started watching this on Sky Cinema and almost switched it off after five minutes but, for reasons I can't explain, I let it run on. Lucky me.

This is quite likely the most rewarding and beautiful piece of cinematic storytelling I have seen in years. The combination of acting, cinematography and Leone-esque direction all accompanied by a superb and haunting music score left me breathless with admiration and I was left wanting more.

The popcorn brigade should stay away but, if you love film, this is a must-see that will remain in the memory as a masterpiece.
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Most interesting film I've seen in a long time
1 November 2011
This film was recommended to me by a friend. I have not read the book so I had no clues as to what it was about. The first 10-15 minutes was completely unintelligible to me. I began to wonder why my friend had recommended it.

Then, slowly at first, things began to happen and the manner in which all was subsequently revealed was brilliant film-making and it certainly shook me to the core. I like movies that keep me guessing throughout and this one certainly did.

Tilda Swinton deserves both an Oscar and a BAFTA for this riveting performance. So does Lynne Ramsay for Direction and Joe Bini for Editing.

My only complaint is the use of songs in the soundtrack which was completely unnecessary and distracting. I'm not sure why directors nowadays seem to think that a proper film score on its own will not do the business for them.
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Enjoyed it
21 November 2006
I have read some of the different opinions here and I concede that some of the points made could be relevant to this film. Most modern films do very little for me (I've been filmgoing since the 1950's) but I really enjoyed this film immensely with the possible exception of the way the "situation" was resolved in the end. However, most people could probably think of a hundred ways to end this one so I accept the one chosen. The acting was first class, Seamus Deasy's photography was spot on and Stephen McKeon's wonderful score raised it all a notch or two. What a refreshing break from the ear-bashing, grossly offensive noise that passes for film music these days. I give it 7 because, quite simply, I enjoyed it and that's what counts in the end, not who didn't speak very well, who was or wasn't liked in it and how bad Irish society is today.
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Dreadful Rubbish
24 July 2006
Possibly the worst film I've ever seen. The direction was lousy with the film just lurching haphazardly from one scene to another. The script must have been the most banal I've heard and can't have been written by a fully grown adult. The music was appalling and totally inappropriate and intrusive. The absolutely rubbish "songs" were even more inappropriate and intrusive. There wasn't one moment when I felt that the actors were remotely interested. The female part, thrown in as usual for politically correct reasons, was as excruciating as it gets. The manner in which the old plane was turned into the new plane was the equivalent of the "loaves and the fishes" topped only by the sudden transformation from the finished product being buried in the sand to being in pristine condition and lined up to fly very shortly afterwards. I've always believed in the magic of the movies but for sheer awfulness this travesty of a film takes the biscuit. It doesn't deserve even 1 but 0 is not allowed by the system.
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