
2 Reviews
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Thoroughly enjoyable
13 January 2000
Tim Burton has again proved his worth with a masterpiece of gothic horror. The whole way the film is made is excellent, from the way the special effects are used to enhance the story, rather than sell the movie, to the superb acting of the entire cast. I must confess I was a little reluctant at first to see Johnny Depp in the lead role, but from the outset my mind was changed as he threw himself enthusiastically into the part with exactly the right mix of assumed self confidence tempered by a realistic portrayal of a man hopelessly out of his depth in the situation in which he finds himself.

The story, the sets, the special effects and most of all the cast and director make this a film well worth seeing, definately the best thing out of Hollywood in a very long time. Other directors take's not how big the budget, it's what you do with it. A turkey stuffed with gold is still a turkey, but this film is pure gold, without a hint of poultry.

Why are you still here? Go and see this film immediately.
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End of Days (1999)
A return to the good old days...?
13 January 2000
It would seem Arnie has finally come back with a film that people will actually want to see at the cinema, rather than waiting for the video.

Although this is not that original a plot, "broken hero saves World and soul at the same time", it is an interesting view of this premise, and quite happily delves into the darker side of human nature, and how easy it is to be swayed by a seemingly attractive proposition with no regard for how it may affect others, as one character puts it, "It's amazing what you'll agree to when you're on fire", or words to that effect.

One thing that always annoys me slightly about this type of film, is that the Devil always puts in an appearance, and strides the world with impunity, and yet Him Upstairs never seems to be on hand to do battle in person (I don't know, maybe Charlton Heston was busy...).

However, if that was the case, there would be no film, and Arnie plays the part of saviour with a remarkable degree of dignity and intensity, with a very good supporting cast, especially Gabriel Byrne, who get's the mixture of charm and evil just right.

Even if you're not an Arnie fan, or even an action movie fan, this film is worth seeing as it makes a worthy attempt to portray the battle between good and evil without overt displays of morality. I especially liked the end, although I won't spoil it by telling you about it!

Nice one Arnie.
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