
2 Reviews
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A Grain of Sand in the Sahara desert...
11 October 2001
...that's how I feel about this review. 2533 posted reviews at this point. Sheesh! I feel at this time that any point by point review is needless with so many previous attempts to break down this film, frame by frame.

Anyway, forget all the critical nit-picking and complaining about the small details, I'll keep it simple. I loved "Star Wars", I liked "Empire" and grew to choose it as my favorite over the years for it's maturity and "Return" was at first a satisfying conclusion which had flaws that became harder to ignore over the years but the film itself remains a great adventure. When the films were reissued I was ecstatic, my childhood was given a second life and I reveled in it. Which brings us to "Phantom Menace", I went in expecting greatness but was prepared to forgive little flaws that might arise similar to "Return".

And in the end I was disappointed.

Not because of Jar-Jar or Midie clorien 'whatevers' or even the pointless overabundance of first grade humor and bizarre plot developments. All of these I could have overlooked. In the end I just didn't get caught up in the adventure. The pod race, the space battle or the jedi fight at the end just didn't capture my sense of fun, my childlike thrill of adventure.

It just didn't work for me, I had no fun watching this 'Star Wars' film and no argument will change that. And believe me when I say I wanted to like it, and for all it's faults in direction and writing, I do give it full marks as a well produced film.

But production isn't enough and no matter what anyone says, I feel this isn't up to the standards of the first 3 "Star Wars" films.

This is just my opinion, I mean no offence to those who did enjoy it, and I'm not putting down anyone who did. I don't expect to like the next film but I hope Lucas proves me wrong. I would love to be able to renew my love of this series.

To Lucas I say "Please prove me wrong", I want to look forward to these films again. I may no longer be a kid but the 'kid at heart' in me is still here to be pleased.

My Ego Tripped
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The Unscarred (2000)
Cool little film that deserves more attention.
22 July 2001
Just saw this film a week ago in a premier showing at the 3rd Cinemuerte film festival that takes place in Vancouver, B.C. And in the spirit of films like 'Shallow Grave' and 'Reservoir Dogs' comes this fun and surprising unpredictable thriller from director Buddy Giovinazzo ('Combat Shock' and 'No Way Home')

I don't want to ruin the plot, suffice to say James Russo give a great performance as the forty something Micky, who in serious debt with only a few days to pay off or else, gets an unexpected call and plane fare to meet in Germany for a reunion with three other exchange students he knew 20 years earlier when, in a drunken night of excess, his baseball career was cut short due to an accident caused by one of these three. Once in Germany an accident (maybe) involving the death of a young woman causes an escalation of events where secrets are revealed, plot twists are plenty, and by the end no one is left unscarred. ( Clever use of film title in review )

The best thing I can say about this film is that besides the technical excellence displayed, there were many moments where this film could have become excessive and over the top and at these times the director knew to pull back and keep the film on a subtle plot-course. It does come close to being silly a few times, I'll admit, but never once does it step over that line, and these days that is a remarkable achievement.

Over all, I highly recommend this film for it's direction, acting, photography, and in particular the writing, where the pacing of the film was so well done I never had the chance to get ahead of the plot. Well, maybe near the end, but so what?

This a good, tight, suspense filled drama that deserves some serious attention. Check it out.
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