In a Heartbeat (2017) Poster

(II) (2017)

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In A Heartbeast: Undoubtedly quaint
Platypuschow3 August 2017
Sweet animated short about a young man and his heart pursuing the boy they have a crush on. Pixar quality animation but make no mistake it's not and I don't believe Disney are "there" yet.

As you can imagine right wingers and the religious would crap bricks if this short ever reached the masses and gained the acclaim it arguably deserves.

Very short and a bit cheesy this is a good effort and honestly if they made a feature length movie about this I'd happily watch it.

It's not political, it's not forced and there is no gay "agenda" this people is about one single
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An odd exclusion...
planktonrules12 February 2018
"In a Heartbeat" is a very unusual film. Two students from the Ringling College of Arts and Design, Esteban Bravo and Beth David, made this animated short as their final graduation project. That in and of itself is not unusual. However, when the short was released on YouTube, it received 20,000,000 hits in the first five days!! To this date, over 34,000,000 have watched the film. So, considering how popular the film was, as well as the quality of the project, it's odd that it was not nominated by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the Oscar for Best Animated Short. In fact, it wasn't even included as one of the commended films when the animated shorts were shown in the weeks preceding the Oscars. I have no idea why it wasn't chosen...especially in light of how incredibly mediocre the actual nominees were.

The story itself is very simple and is told without words. A gay young man (I am guessing about Middle School age) is smitten with a classmate. To illustrate this, Bravo and David used a heart...a literal show the boy's intense feelings. And, like most intense feelings from teens, he's unable to control the heart...and it literally bursts from the boy's chest and begins chasing after the other boy. What's next? See the film.

The bottom line is that this film has spoken to a lot of people and it's very well well made that I am anxious to see more from these bright young graduates.
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My Heart Couldn't Take All of This Cuteness
robinsonaustin-074909 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Darn it, internet, why are you always doing this to me? So, I had seen :iconPowerpuffpony1: talk about this short animation, so I decided to watch it myself. About 3 or 4 times to say the least. In a Heartbeat is about a middle school named Sherwin. Sherwin crushes after another middle school boy named Jonathan. I mean, the dude can twirl an apple on his finger for goodness sake. I can totally see why Sherwin developed a huge crush on him. However, he's afraid of revealing his feelings for Jonathon as he feared the possible shaming from the other students, or even worse, Jonathan may not reciprocate his feelings. To make matters worse, his heart leaps out of his chest; no really, it leaps out of his chest, and it goes after Jonathan.

So after seeing the short animation, what did I think about it? I completely loved it. Sherwin is simply adorable; he's nervous about his feelings for Jonathan, and he cutely hides whenever he's near him, though some of that can be easily interpreted as stalking. I just really, really found Sherwin a likable character so much so, that I wanted him to succeed. i swear when Sherwin got exposed and his heart was torn in part I was close to tears. I was like "no, this was going swimmingly so far, please don't let this happen!" Or whenever Sherwin and Jonathan were close to lip level, I was practically screaming "kiss him, darn it, kiss him!" Though of course I was screaming internally. Jonathan's heart was also pretty adorable as well, though with him panting like a dog when they were close to Jonathan....yeah, that was a little creepy. As for Jonathan himself, he's fine. I do like how he does reciprocate Sherwin's feelings especially when it seemed as though he was going to reject Sherwin's feelings. However, there isn't really much I can say about Jonathan as he doesn't really have as much character to him as Sherwin does.

The animation was beautiful. It boded well with the cutesy feel of the video. For one, the use of lightness and darkness. The light represents danger whereas the dark represents security. In the scene where Sherwin gets outed is in the middle school; immediately, his classmates start to whisper in a sinister tone. And in the shade of the tree, Jonathon and Sherwin began to bond as their hearts symbolically merge into one. I would even say that this animation can rival the likes of Pixar. In addition, there isn't any dialogue in the film. Despite this, you can tell what each character is thinking through their facial expressions. From the first time you see Sherwin smiling longingly at Jonathan from the tree, you can tell right away that he has a crush on him. Or when the two boys are finally in the school building; Sherwin looks at the others in dejection and fear at how they would perceive him, thus causing him to do the drastic and rip his heart in half to escape. Jonathan himself looks at him and the other students in confusion as to what had just transpired, but he also slowly begins to figure it out, and goes to console Sherwin.

As much as I loved this animation, one issue that I had with the film is pretty minor, but I consider it bothersome. It's the whole love at first sight trope. Realistically speaking, that kind of affection wouldn't happen, and it gives off the bad impression that anyone could become a couple regardless of whether or not you know enough about the person. But it's a minor nitpick; overall, I absolutely adored In a Heartbeat; it was adorable, the characters are so cute that it makes you want to see them together, the message isn't shoved down your throat, and it uses its animation and facial expressions to convey its story to the watcher. I highly recommend this short animation, not necessarily if you are gay or whatever, but if you're an animation lover.
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Tissues required
carly_hope1 August 2017
This is such a simple yet wonderful piece of art.

Without words and in adorable style it speaks of love and fear and pain and confusion and hiding and being exposed. It is so easy to empathize with the boy and his traitorous heart. We have all been there at one time or the other. Exposed. Vulnerable. Wishing to turn back time. To unsay words already said.

The story itself is simple and straightforward and it grips your heart and won't let it go as you smile through the tears streaming down your face. Because this little piece of color and music and movement is pure emotion.
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Adorable and incredibly symbolic
vwaddison4 August 2017
Within 4 minutes, I felt a whim of emotions that most hour long movies can't open my mind and heart to. The animation is eye candy and the symbolism is very poetic.

Another truly wonderful thing this film accomplished is that given the political topic of LGBT support, this film innocently opens not only our minds, but also our hearts to those who do face unnecessary judgment for something as innocent as a grade school crush. And to establish such a strong defense with 0 dialog is beyond incredible.

I recommend everyone to not only watch this but to spread it to as many friends as you can. Share the beauty and love that this film offers
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Just Beautiful
hannahrannahh1 September 2017
You have to watch it for yourself. This little, cute film shows that being gay, straight, and anything in between isn't just about sexual attraction. It's about romantic, love-attraction. I grew up in a small town where I often heard that "gay people only care about sex." This piece of art illustrates beautifully, humorously, and seriously that that just isn't true.
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You would think its from Pixar but better, two college graduates created this
Irishchatter13 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw this up on Youtube, I honestly thought it was from Pixar because of how it looked and how it behaved towards me as a viewer! I thought the animation was well done and yes I was teary when both boys were holding onto the heart while it was cracking. It just reminds of a broken heart you experienced when you were once in a relationship. Literally, you are lucky if you haven't experienced it yet lol!

Anyways this little movie was such a great idea to make. There really isn't enough animated movies that haven't touched on gay relationships. Normally its always the story about the girl and the guy wanting to be together. However I would like to see Beth and Esteban be employed with Pixar so that they make a difference in showing off gay romance in all kids cartoon movies. The film industry needs a serious upgrading like!

Well done Beth and Esteban for making this come true and congrats on graduating recently! :)
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A powerful short movie
eddiebarnes-755462 August 2017
This short captured so well what it is like to be in the closet and have a crush on someone. You can't tell anyone not even your closest friends and you are desperate to keep your feelings hidden for fear they would reveal you were gay. This film takes the common cliché of exploring a high- school crush and put a new spin on it. For me this film struck a chord and the way that it has gone viral fills me with hope that we are moving in a positive direction as a society. And for the review criticizing the suggestion about a lot of kids can be homophobic at times, I'm sorry to say but from my experience as a young teenager, I was teased before I even came out and people would always had a negative view of homosexuality at least where I lived. It was only in the late teens and people matured that people become more accepting. I think it definitely has something to do with teenage insecurity. Here's to hoping this short gets the recognition it deserves.
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Love Can Unify Souls
An unique connection is established between two souls who decide to spend their human lives together. Such a feeling of love, knowing that someone cares and looks for you, is hard to equal. So, there is this search in life when we try to find our "soulmate", an experience worth remembering and cherishing. Everyone can love.
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high praise
gardenpidot8 August 2017
This is unarguably a finely-tuned, short animation that tells a touching, universal story without words. The creators of this short have done noble work, as artists, as story tellers, as social commentators and as humanists. The awards should be forthcoming, and are well deserved.
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First love Warning: Spoilers
A cute, charming Pixar-esque short.

It's honestly baffling how some people took wild offense at this, a rather innocent tale of a first crush.

To this very day, gay stories are often shown under a somewhat sordid aura, with characters being constantly doomed to all sorts of tragic fates.

Being gay is constanly shown by media as synonym with misery and bitterness, and sometimes even gay acclaimed stories fall into this type of cliche...

Maybe for that reason, a little hopeful short like this feel like a breath of fresh air, even if the plot itself isn't a particularly life-changing experience.

But it's definitely a wholesome, heart-warming experience.
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An Emotionally Animated Short Film
seungkim12 September 2017
Allegorically, like Sherman in this film, my heart was torn from my chest. It floated about as a spirit in search of how the plot would develop. At the film's conclusion, the heart returned to my body along with a warm euphoric feeling. My review of the animated film is simple... So beautiful, that in under four minutes it was able to create such a heartwarming feeling to a worldwide audience. Gay, straight, young and old alike. This is indeed an incredible accomplishment.
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If there's one thing I support more than LGBTQ+ it's good art
kecksohn4 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
And this is not art. This is just another short film in the current trend of "let's make animated films that are basically kids movies but sell them to teenagers and young adults because they feel nostalgic for Pixar and haven't yet found out what good cinema is" except that this has a gay twist which means if you hate it, clearly you must be a conservative asshole. But really what does this 'short film' bring to the table? There have been countless short films about young (gay) lovers and there have been probably even more good animated short films that actually try a new style.

This just is as clichéd as it gets, just imitate Pixar, make it gay and voila you just tricked the masses who have no appreciation for cinema or short films into thinking "RIGHT WINGERS WILL HATE THIS, THIS HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE". The gag with the heart popping out was kinda cute but the whole love story went way too fast and was predictable the whole way through. Spend your 4 minutes on any other short movie you find.
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heartwarming cartoon
lee_eisenberg23 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Esteban Bravo's and Beth David's "In a Heartbeat" shows the awkwardness that can arise when a person wants to express feelings for a person of the same gender but doesn't know how. It has some neat sound effects, but most importantly, it has soul. This short reminds us that a cartoon doesn't need fancy animation or even dialogue to be good; it just needs a good story. This one sure does. I recommend it.
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Kirpianuscus27 December 2017
...or moving, or touching, or adorable. it is one of films remembering basic experiences and our reactions. two boys. and a heart. sweet humor and delicate way for translate a feeling so familiar and the answers so well known. provocative for theme, seductive for its subject, it is a joy to discover this adorable animation gem. for the right support. for memories and regrets and answers. so, a film about yourself. and not an ordinary one.
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How was this never tried before.
AnonymousbutDilpreet00225 August 2020
Cinema is hundred years old, but there are not many gay-themed animated films in all these years. Probably because the genre is believed to be for kids. In a heartbeat is about school-going kids, though.

The film captures the fear in people's minds. It sounds so obvious but is depicted very well here.

Worth watching, for it tries something new.
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A Kind and Gentle Film
Hitchcoc26 April 2019
For whatever reason, two boys are attracted to each other. Since they don't know each other initially, it has to be purely physical attraction. But as time goes by, we are given a lesson in how we can care about anyone, their sex not withstanding. This is a polished film and has a gentle message. But nothing is as pure and non-threatening as this portends life to be for these kids.
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Animation is decent, the rest is not
Horst_In_Translation1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"In a Heartbeat" is a very new (2017) animated short film and the first filmmaking credit for writers and directors Bravo and David. If I see it correctly, this managed almost 3 million views on a single day after its upload on Youtube. It shows though that you don't need to excel on a high level in order to get famous. It probably also helps that no dialogue is in here, so no matter which languages you (don't) speak, you can watch and understand it. The story may seem sweet with a school boy falling in love with his school mate and being scared of how everybody may find out about the crush. Now, I am not even sure if the filmmakers wanted to emphasize homosexuality in here because the situation may have been equally embarrassing for him had his love interest been a girl, but yeah lets just say depicting the other kids subtly as homophobes is not hurting the film's popularity. Sadly it is messages like these about teenagers allegedly growing up as homophobes that really fuel the last remaining bits of homophobia in our utterly tolerant society. I would not even say the filmmakers are necessarily to blame for it as I am not sure to which extent they foresaw the way people would perceive certain moments here. The happy end feels forced to me and not entirely realistic, more on the gooey, for-the-sake-of-it side, but that's just subjective thinking. I found it a fairly kitschy film overall, also with the graphic depiction of the heart and how it broke. Not convinced by anything except the visual side. I am sure this will not stay the only filmmaking credit by the duo who made this and here's hoping they can step things up a bit in the story-telling department. They made a smart decision here because homosexuality in animation is almost non-existent until now and it got many curious about this really short film, but it is nothing more than an extremely fragile foundation for a long career in the industry. Not recommended.
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Technically nice but a very flawed message.
TxMike1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a short film, just over 4 minutes. I came across it sort of randomly on Youtube. If it was shot on digital media can I really call it a "film"?

The big flaw in this short is the message that a young person can observe someone and fall in love with that person from a distance. Sadly many young people grow up with this idea and this short only reinforces the lie. In truth any attraction is just a fleeting thing, once you get to know another person really then you might eventually fall in love with them.

In this short a shy boy observes a classmate, doesn't speak to him, but his heart leaps out and pursues a "getting to know you." That the subject focuses on an attraction between two boys is moot, it could be two girls or a boy and a girl. Still it gives the wrong message about how attraction and love really work.

Watch it and decide for yourself, it is barely 4 minutes.
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