On Halloween (2020) Poster


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A very generous 3.
Johnfricotta29 October 2020
Everything about this movie just feels bottom of the barrel. The story is awful, the acting is even worse, and the dialogue feels dubbed in. No matter where the actors are, all the dialogue comes in at the same volume, feeling unnatural. The villain is laughable but at least he took an acting class or 2.

"The name's Boo, how do you do?"
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Not going to win an Oscar
aeongale20 October 2020
But not the worst film of 2020 either. Remember back in the old days when pornos had acting and storylines? That's quality of directing at the start. It's kind of amusing, with its short snappy lines I'm thinking this would work okay in episode of Archer. The badness of it all wears thin, broken up occasionally when Boo is delivery lines quite well and the directing during action scenes improves. At its core is a story with potential, but it needs more fleshing out and a bigger budget to be great.
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Some nice ideas but buried under bad stuff
destroyerwod9 October 2021
10th movie of Halloween season, i came into this one pretty blind. Just seemed like a low budget horror movie like i often watch set on Halloween and taught it could be fun. Obviously its hard to not use the comparison with Terrifier wich also star a clown serial killer on Halloween night and also made on a small budget.

Sadly this is no Terrifier. I think there is some great ideas in there, for instance the killer himself, i enjoyed his lines and i think he was the bright spot in the movie. The rest is mostly forgivable characters that you just simply do not care about because very fews are introduced properly. The kills are alright altough nothing to brag about either, the atmosphere/Halloween set up could had been better exploited.

When i said there was some nice ideas but badly exploited, i meant that the movie try to trick you in some ways to make you wonder whats really happening, sadly i feel the payoff is not satisfying enough and leave you still confused on what is going on.

Now the biggest flaw of this movie tough is the terrible dubbing. I didn't understand why this movie was dubbed, i taught maybe this movie was made in Russia or East Europe but the actors name sounded Americans or at the very least not Russian or Czech or such. I then learned it was made in Australia. I don't know if they feared the American public would had trouble with the accents or the dialogues were badly recorded during shooting, but the dubbing was simply just too distracting. I would had rather hear the Aussie accents and add subtitles, even as a french native speaker from Canada wich has a lot of issues with Aussie/Irish/Scotish english accents compare to Americans.

The dubbing sounded Americans, and voices didn't match much the characters in my opinion, so i think they had Americans dud the lines, but the truth is when like me you watch movies dubbed in French all your life, and you are used to a quality dubbing, a poorly made cheap english dubbing sound very distracting. I even prefer watching chinese movies in their original languages with subtitles despite not understanding anything vocally. When i watch movies in english i am use to the sound of lines recorded by boom mics and what it include as background noises etc. Anyway

Thanksfully as i said above, the killer is the bright star of the movie and even if he was dubbed he is the only one sounding fine. His voice is good, the lines are fun while he speak in riddles, ill give props to that.

But otherwise its a very mediocre movie made on a very small budget with a tons of issues including the audio, the story wich is a bit of a mess and the underdeveloped characters. This is the kind of movie to watch on a stream service like Tubi or such late at night drunk during Halloween season and not take seriously too much, and it may be servicable.

I know while i goes to my Halloween marathon of movies and include a bunch of low budget obscure movies some may not be great, but hey it was entertaining enough to not have me look at my phone or such so for that i will give it 4 stars.
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movieguy300016 October 2020
Sorry but there is NO story here. Bad script, casting, direction and acting. looks like it was shot with a backyard camera. Colour grade looks very cheap and the Amercian accents are horrible, I should know Im an American living in Oz. Was extremely hard to sit through.
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So bad, it's good.
markrobinault29 October 2020
Seriously, if you're a filmmaker watch this film! Not because it's well done, but because it's exactly what you should try to avoid. Bad acting, terrible dialogue, cliche and mediocre production value.
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Very Low Budget
ferdmalenfant7 October 2020
The acting is terrible. The script is awful and less than scary. It's pretty sad. A huge waste of time.
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Could Have Been OK
cantrelayne13 October 2020
Bad Acting, all over the map. There was nothing funny or witty about this "movie". The story could have been good, if John Carpenter had it. The story lost it's way though. Aweful waste of time. The only thing that was marginally ok was Telen Rodwell, all though the rhymes got to be f - ing annoying.
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Welcome to my freakin' circus
nogodnomasters14 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A cursed man becomes an ugly clown and every Halloween he searches for blood (victims) in Century Park. Some victims are fed an elixir which turns them into similar clown. The story is told as a flashback by a little girl in the park. She appear again at the end of tale, but no cut away during the tale. The story itself was a bit confusing as they ran congruent stories from different years, but it was all basically the same, clowns hunt and kill people with various weapons. The clowns were all poets with a "Freddie" style of dark humor.

I wish they had more of the kid telling the story.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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robfoam18 October 2020
I am pretty easy to satisfy when it comes to movies but this movie is terrible. The worst acting i have ever seen. It was like a high school film project. I lasted about 20 minutes.
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Almost Made it 15 Minutes Then...
chaplaindad10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This hideous effort to exploit the killer clown story line is a real stinker. I made it about 15 minutes before the attrocious acting drove me away more terrified that I would lose an hour and a half of my life watching this disaster than of any killer clown that might appear. The beginning of the film, whwre very young children tell each other sophisticated scary stories, was not even close to believable for that age group. After that, it's a nose dive into horrific acting, crappy dialogue, and an annoyingly repetitious reference to the killer clown. Photography looks like it was shot using a cell phone. The editing is so jerky, if you suffer from motion sickness you'll likely become nauseated. The rest of us end up nauseated by a really, really poor effort at horror film making. Too bad there isn't a rating lower than 1.
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It's So Nice To Slice, Nice????
wandernn1-81-6832749 March 2021
That's just one of the many gems of lines in this one. There also seemed to be something wrong with the sound. Like was this dubbed?

I found myself craving milk and celery.

I also found the clown somewhat entertaining so I'll give this one 3/10 just adding a star for some of the humor. As others have said, a generous 3/10
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Creepy, stupid and fun :)
stumpyjoechilds15 October 2020
OK... killer clown, kids in the woods, dim witted cops, a few scares and a few chuckles. All standard Halloween clichés... but that's exactly why I tuned in!

Good lead actors, great music, good production
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Happy Horror
dzinahair18 October 2020
Mmmm how do I explain this movie, well we are finally able to see this now in our crazy year of 2020 and I have spent nearly 29 years watching scary movies from 1985 fright night to todays horror like one of my favourites The Conjuring, however we have to expect that sometimes those high cost productions are yes of course amazingly filmed with highly paid actors we have known in other films and series over the years. But I have to admit I actually had a great laugh in this movie yes it may be B graded as they say out there but it was fantastic to see the effort in all the cast not to mention the weapons used loved the crossbow and loved some of those actors they left me wanting to see more of their reactions to Boo the clown ,which boo also had some great one liners which kept me laughing .

For me this was a definite 7/10 7 times the laughter and suspense to see what Boo was really up to in the end And finally a. Happy horror that gave me a different feeling that I have to say no other scary movie has done before Let's give this cast and writer a clap they deserve well done 👏 I'd be proud to be part of a film like this !
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The worst movie I've seen in my entire life.
takaczkolwieknie27 June 2023
I watched this movie in my local cinema during a "Horror's Night" event, and because of this movie, I regret making my decision to participate there.

This movie is horribly written; it feels like its budget was a pack of beer and three quarters. Honestly, if it weren't for the movie description on websites, I wouldn't even know what the plot is about. The film contains random, meaningless flashbacks and horrible, absolutely horrible special effects that feel like they were made in 10 minutes using free software. If you were wondering, if the movie gets better at the end of it, it gets even worse. The final scenes are so bizarre that I feel like the author either drank too much or his crazy friend took his notebook and wrote the scenario for the climax of the story. Literally, it was so bad. Random things that made no sense, random plot twists that are just stupid...

Honestly, I feel like this movie is just a joke. I don't think someone who made this movie watched the final version and said "Okay, this movie is going to be an absolute hit!". I just can't get my mind around how bad the experience of watching this movie was.
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This movie is a below average addition to the horror genre that I wouldn't go too out of my way to see
kevin_robbins31 October 2022
On Halloween (2020) is an Australian horror movie that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a news reporter who believes in the legends of the local woods where bad things have happened in the area every Halloween season. When a string of murders start again as usual she looks to find whom or what is responsible. The police believe they've found the person responsible, but when the killing continues they're left with no choice but to listen to the reporter.

This movie is written and directed by Timothy Boyle (The Plex) and stars Terry Serio (Running on Empty), Mike Flokis (Underbelly), Patch May (Shadow Wars), James Pratt (Malibu Crush), Ava Caryofyllis (Thor: Love & Thunder) and Robert Harrell (Reckoning).

The writing acting is fairly average and isn't too bad. The storyline is fairly straightforward and not overly clever. The face paint and masks were solid and created the appropriate menacing looks. The kills and violence were sudden and well executed but not gory. The twist(s) at the end wasn't as smart as Boyle hoped.

Overall, this movie is a below average addition to the horror genre that I wouldn't go too out of my way to see. I would score this a 3.5-4/10 and recommend skipping it.
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You Too Can Be a Boo
FilmFatale22 February 2021
It's not that hard to pull off a killer clown movie - take one clown, add weapons, add victims, shake, serve. On Halloween just tries way too hard to improve on that formula and doesn't succeed. S There's a plucky female journalist who shares a lot of research about killer clown sightings over the past 100 years, there are cops on a reality show for a little found footage presence, there's the requisite group of teens who get trapped in a spooky old house, and there's a (nonsensical) twist at the end. There are also terrible American accents, interchangeable characters, multiple timelines that I really couldn't keep straight, and most of the fun gore is either just off camera or too dark to see. The biggest problem I had (although I had many) was trying to be afraid of the killer clowns, as one was named Whaa and the other was named Boo. That they spoke in rhyme was goofy enough, but when trying to seduce someone into the immortal clown life, the viewer does not want to hear "drink and be a Boo" or "choose to be a Boo" over and over.
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Prime example of everything not to do, to make a great film
soulcrisis285 March 2021
This one... this one just... this was made in 2020? Low budget isn't a disabling factor anymore, I've seen some great movies done on a homeless person's budget. Look at the original blair witch. That said, this is not that. Bad acting, bad script, and for some reason the lines are dubbed in? This isn't a foreign film that needed English dubbed over the original lines. No, someone chose not to do proper micing while shooting the film then have everyone come in later and record their lines in a studio. There's a reason you don't make movies like this... because the end product is A HOT STEAMY PILE OF 💩. Unless you're an inspiring film maker and you wanna see all the don'ts on how to make a film, skip this one.
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Jez this is bad
vampture4 February 2021
So bad... to add insult to injury, there isn't even any nudity. Filmmakers used to at least give you some nudity as a little saving grace to make up for wasting your time on their bad movie.
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For babies
takato052414 February 2021
A rhyming clown? What is this crap?! I can't take a horror movie seriously when I hear a clown horn *squeaky squeaky* in the background. Who would be afraid of that? And I kept wondering why this sounded dubbed when everyone looked American (I translate regular looking black guys like myself to American lol). Then I saw it was an Australian film and it made sense. They would've been better just using the aussie native voices. This isn't even comical. Just cheesy and sad.
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Gets you in the Halloween mood
TinaB5615 October 2020
My teen boys wanted to watch this the other night as some of their friends were talking about it. I wasn't planning on watching it but caught a glimpse and ended up joining them. It was a perfect movie to get in the mood for Halloween. Totally fun movie, would recommend.
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For all you spooky clown lovers
brucebarrett7615 October 2020
I love a good clown movie. Boo, the clown in this film was great. What a character. I enjoyed all his snarky lines and rhymes. I found myself looking forward to what he was going to say next. The cops had some funny lines too. All round good film.
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Horror with a dash of comedy
MitressElvira525211 October 2020
Didn't expect it to be so funny for a horror film. Between the jump scares it was great to have a giggle.
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This is why I hate clowns!!!
cali_melc22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a really fun watch! I love the fact that they mix terrifying with humor to ease us weaklings into the movie. It wasn't too graphic and gory and the actors died just right not all OTT. The cops that were killed by nail gun were AMAZING!!! Well done 👍🏻
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Not sure why this is getting bad reviews
Uclaespa12 October 2020
We found this utterly engaging and enjoyed the shock value, plus the comedic aspect. Looks like it was filmed on UCLA campus?
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What a fun scary movie!
Scaryfan44448 October 2020
I jumped on this flick to get into the Halloween spirit early, not really knowing what to expect. And wow... what a fun film it was. I laughed, I cowered it totally ticked all the boxes. I was entertained from start to finish. I really hope they do a sequel!
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