A Deadly Dance (2019) Poster

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Kinda Bad
First to the person criticizing Antonio Sabato Jr. for being political and criticizing people for their views, you're doing the exact same thing to him!! Hypocritical much?

Antonio looks great for his age. When I heard he was playing Sabrina Bryant's love interest I thought it would be weird because of the 12 year age difference, but it was fine. The acting however was pretty bad. I can't blame just the actors though; the writers suck.
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Let's address Antonio...
rachelstuartwhite7 March 2020
Look, Antonio is old. I don't know him from anything and I'm 37 years old. I should know him from the 90s but fact is, he turned stripper in 2016 and washed up far before that. His political crap I'm aware of, but had no idea who he was until he cried how his career was in the tubes for supporting Trump (what a backtracking spineless guy Antonio is for using Trump for relevance). Fact is, his career was in the tubes far before that. Now he's working construction. It's not because of political views. It's because of crap like this. I'm sad he's blaming his politics and his beliefs rather than taking a good hard look at his career. Maybe going from Chippendale dancer to a guy who is in this lifetime movie with someone 12 years younger, but Antonio looks 25 years older, plus she is less experienced (and she's looking like his plump kid sister) evens the playing field. It makes sense a male stripper who supports Trump is tanking this movie. It's not him...it's everyone else....as Trump would agree. This movie is crap. But I love lifetime movies and guilty pleasures are what brings us all near and dear in the living room, else we wouldn't have Kardashians or watch the nightly news. So grab the popcorn. This movie is horrible but in a good way. Like you're looking for a movie to hate and say, "omg really?! You've got to be kidding. Ok this is it. I'm quitting lifetime movies." Only...you never do. You don't because you try to find one just as bad or top as bad as this one here.
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What Ever Happened to "The Show Must Go On!"????
lavatch30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
At the climactic moment of "A Deadly Dance" (a.k.a., "Dance Night Obsession"), the popular television dance show Dance Night in America is ready to go on the air. The lead dancer and protagonist of the film, Kate Higgins, leaves her dressing room, but does not proceed to the stage. Rather, she goes to the producer's office to examine a confidential file prepared on her. This may be one of the rare instances in the history of entertainment where "the show must not go on"!!!

The film sought to portray the competitive world of dance with a small ensemble of performers. But almost every character in the film from the backstabbing dancers to the security man Tony to the producer Quinn to the lover and co-choreographer of Kate, Miguel Avila, are shady figures. Each character commits some devious act that could be construed as a crime, from stealing Kate's dog to placing a spider in her wardrobe to creating a phony online dating profile for her to taking out a multi-million-dollar life insurance policy on her.

It appeared that the cast included some good dancers. But rarely were their skills on display except for an occasional rehearsal scene or a short clip of dancers performing the salsa. There wasn't much suspense in the film because so many of the characters were suspicious and unlikable. The one breath of fresh air in the film was Kate's beloved dog Steinbeck, who should have been afforded a curtain call and an award for Best Supporting Actor.
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Unbelievably BAD
deedrala3 September 2019
I'm ashamed to admit I watched this atrocity. Everything was sub-par: acting, dialogue, predictable storyline, sets, tacky/cheesy dance show title/stage/dancing, etc. The obvious age difference between the main couple and noticeable difference in their size/height and build made them seem so out of whack and incompatible. None of the characters seemed like real ppl - more like soulless mannequins who weren't capable of evoking the slightest empathy or sympathy from the audience. The only living creature worth caring about in the entire flick was the dog Steinbeck.
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Horrible acting
nikki-0718026 August 2019
This movie has to be one of the worst lifetime films i've watched. The acting was horrible, the plot was cheesy, and it was just horrible all around. I love lifetime movies, but this one. is a def skip. sorry.,
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Don't watch, RUN!!
arubaspicegirls16 November 2019
OMG, I'm only 15 minutes into this movie and I hope all of them die! LOL I came to IMDB to find out what this movie's about cuz it just has the title in the description on Lifetime and then I had to read the reviews to see if I was the only one who wanted to pull their eyeballs out and put them in my ears! Ha! I'm not the only one!!! LOL
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Horrible acting
magsvt27 August 2019
This was one of my least favorite lifetime movies, and I have been a loyal fan for over 25 years. This movie was painful to watch because the acting was HORRIBLE. I kept hoping it would get better. It did not!
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Dreadful- The reviews say it all here.
ru_thaker20 September 2021
It's SO bad on every level. I can't believe I watched this rubbish. The main actress has a baby voice which was excruciating. Plus a child like overall demeanour about her. Also was an unconvincing dancer or choreographer, sorry.

Acting is atrocious. Lots of cringe and cheese including the old hat of reading things and talking/thinking out loud.

So so bad.

(I gave 1 star but you have to click the star part, there should be a zero star option).
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lmnclips25 October 2020
Pretty much everything about this film is bad! Unlikable characters, slow plotline, annoying background music, and overall low budget movie! I can't believe 95% of the movie was trying to find out who the killer was. The other 5% was the reveal, which wasn't all that special. It's safe to say that this is Lifetime movies at it's absolute worst, and I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone.

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Deadly dirty dancers!
paulgibson-2980610 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If films such as Dirty Dancing, Top Hat and Saturday Night Fever float your boat, then this cinematic classic will leave you more than satisfied and begging for more of the same.

I won't bore you by regurgitating the plot lest I ruin your viewing pleasure, but needless to say much murderous mayhem ensues throughout.

What elevates this magnificent movie above it's inferiors is the quality acting on display.

Sabrina Bryan is a thespian of undoubted talent and shines throughout... I am astounded that I haven't seen her in many other cinematic blockbusters. Antonio Sabato Jr is, besides a hunky piece of eye candy for the ladies and certain gentlemen, an actor of great stature who has obviously trodden the boards since a young stripling of a lad. The dance scenes are particularly impressive and Sabato Jr obviously possesses twinkle toes on a par with the late, great Patrick Swayze.

All the supporting cast are terrific too... The casting director Ricki Maslar must have had a tough job on her hands to recruit so many thespians at the top of their game.

Special mention should go to Drew Gallagher as the dance hunk... It is to be hoped that his undoubted acting talent does not go unnoticed and he secures suitably challenging roles in future similar blockbusters.

Overall, a film that delivers in spadefuls and leaves the viewing public wanting more of the same. Hopefully a sequel is in the offing and an apt title for said cinematic feast would be 'Dance Night Obsession The Sequel'

Thoroughly recommended!
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Awful, just awful.
myjunkconner25 October 2019
I can't believe I watched this move. The acting is so terrible it hurt to keep watching. I'm an Antonio Sabato Jr fan, so I stayed the course. He couldn't save the other actors from their terrible acting. The lead, Sabrina Bryan, was the worst one. Not believable at all. The storyline is dumb and boring, so not even that could save the bad acting. I started laughing, that's the only thing that could make it worth watching. Get your friends together, drink and laugh. But, better yet, skip it all together.
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I'm embarrassed for the actors & myself for watching
alicetoler24 October 2019
I, as well as many others, binge watch lifetime movies, even when they have silly plot lines, stupid titles and often times, poor acting. But this one really took the cake. Having been a professional dancer when I was younger, there was absolutely nothing believable or authentic about this movie. Terrible plot, poor casting, lousy script and I don't know that I've ever seen any actors in any film, much less a lifetime movie, as awful as these were. I'm sure they're wonderful people in real life, but this seemed like a junior high play or a silly soap opera. And that's even giving the movie a compliment. :(
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Terrible Acting!
shielonda8 September 2019
I don't know which is worse! This movie or all the biopics that have been aired on Lifetime. The acting was HORRIBLE, to the point it seemed they were reading off cue cards. Way too show-tune like
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A deadly cringe
halkatla-626699 October 2019
I want to chime in as another lifetime fan who enjoys their silly thrillers, even though they´re sometimes badly acted and stupid. However, in this case, nothing works out. Literally nothing. The star of the movie is such a bad actress but even worse, she doesn´t look like a dancer, she´s overweight and not attractive. She´s just not believable as a dancer at all. Then when she´s acting it gets even worse. Some people here were commenting on the age difference between the couple, her and some Antonio jr, and I seriously thought she was the older one. He´s way out of her league (not that it makes him that great either). The only reason to finish this movie is to test your limits for awfulness.
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Amateur hour
phd_travel12 October 2019
What a amateurishly made movie even by Lifetime standards. Sabrina Ryan sounds silly and acts badly. Antonio Sabato is too old for the role. Plus the dialog is stilted. Worst of all the obtrusive soundtrack.
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Rocks could act better Warning: Spoilers
Seriously? Does LMN stand for Laughable Morons Network? The acting in this was terrible. She couldn't even act right after being bit by a spider. She was flat. Unmoved. Sabato still can't act, either. Don't waste your time.
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Worth the wait?
picklater27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When one is entered into the realm of sub 4 LMN thrillers (evident in this case within 10 minutes) & decides to keep watching, it is crucial one connects with a character. Enter Steinbeck. As we cascaded from awkwardness to absurdity, with each scene offering multiple plot lines that had no hope or intent of being tied together, there was the hope that Steinbeck the presumably faithful loving pooch would return, even as its owner & top billed BF seemed to forget about it. Alas our patience was rewarded in a triumphant finale, rivaling & in most cases easily besting the tender final moments with the institutionalized villains savored by those who favor this genre . Thank you LMN.
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