Wild Witch (2018) Poster


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Epic ambitions, limited talent - the only wild thing here is how the film lacks focus and feels all over the place
Horst_In_Translation27 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Vildheks" or "Wildwitch" is a new co-production between several European countries that resulted in this Danish-language movie directed by Kaspar Munk. It runs for a bit over 1.5 hours and is based on a novel by Lene Kaaberbøl. Munk himself is one of three writers here adapting the original material and I find it pretty disappointing how so many worked on the script and how disappointing it all turned out. The first problem is really that there is zero comedy in here, zero light moments at all and it takes itself completely seriously from start to finish. But it has no right to do so. There are many inclusions that you could expect from a 100-million dollar budget fantasy epic really story-wise, but the talent is absolutely not there to make these work. i would not really include most of the cast here. They do their best with what they are given, but they do not shine exactly either. Besides, there are even some plot developments that do not make any sense. They put so much emphasis on how everybody is safe inside the area, but the girl lived outside the area for over a decade and yet nobody tried to harm her despite the evil forces knowing who her mother is. Well, these evil forces are basically one person only, a wicked witch named Chimera and she is so bad and powerful that she threatens to destroy the whole wild world, yet she cannot kill a single boy/cat, a single dog or a little girl who knows nothing about her powers at all. It just doesn't make any sense. Speaking about the boy/cat, it was obvious from the very start that he is the cat, so yeah extremely predictable plot twist that eventually feels pointless even. A lot more feels pointless, such as the man running around near the shack in the second half. What was his purpose? The moment the film hits rock bottom is when the two girls open the gate that leads them to the main antagonist. Their singing and the cringeworthy "I need to go alone" moment that followed were difficult to stomach. She says she cannot explain why she needs to go alone. Oh well.. we in the audience don't know either. Looking at how many animals are included in this movie, it is another example of quantity over quality, even if some of them were nice to watch, but the glowing lizards etc. just needed better stories revolving around them. And what was with the weird chinchilla scene. Or the ending, i.e. the very final scene. I think it was supposed to show us how she is not sticking with false friends anymore? I don't know. It was all very bizarred and not in a good way. A disappointing film given Denmark's quality generally. Don't watch. If you want to see an actually good with-themed film mostly for kids, go for the most recent German take on Preussler's "Die kleine Hexe" starrking karoline Herfurth. That one is superior to this one here from every perspective really.
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flashnic6 April 2020
I've read the book this movie is based on when it came out in Germany and opposed to this movie, it's really good. The plot is different than in the book, like they cut out the exciting parts, what leaves us with the most boring kids movie I've ever seen. It vaguely tells the original story like someone read the book and wrote this movie one year later from pure memory, with the only intention to make this a very good looking movie. I was also absolutely not able to connect with the characters at all. The main actress doesn't look like the girl on the book cover as well. The summery of my review would be: Absolutely boring, but probably great if you want to play it on mute in the background.
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Semi - Tame Witch!
spookyrat113 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wild Witch is a beautifully photographed film set in gorgeous locations and is well acted. I haven't read the series from which the film is adapted, but it's pleasing to see this tries to be different from the Harry Potter stuff and I do like seeing the emphasis on a predominantly female cast. I can also appreciate this is not a special effects extravaganza, though there were instances, particularly in the third act, when an attempt may well have been made to ramp up the action a bit more with some CGI, other than copious amounts of smoke (black or white).

I do agree with other reviewers who have issues with the narrative. It just doesn't play out all that smoothly. Oscar barely has a word to say after the first act and just keeps gazing off into the distance every time he's spoken to. Their relationship just never seems to go anywhere. If he's Clara's protector and the same age, how did he develop his powers and why don't we ever actually see them really displayed? How come there is never any discussion about fathers? For instance, whose Clara's father and why doesn't he have any role to play in the scheme of things? BTW, who was that older guy, who stood around Isa's house quite a bit, but hardly said anything? Why did Clara's mum say at one stage, I'm going to take her home because this is too dangerous and yet in the next scene, they're both chilling out back at Isa's place, not heading home at all? I agree with others as well, in that the ending was pretty anti-climactic and ho-hum.

Wild Witch is quite engaging thematically with the aspects about animals and the environment. But if the producers were looking at starting some sort of Wild Witch franchise, they'd need to be fronting up with a stronger product than this.
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A beautiful nothingburger
victoriachahn2 September 2019
The production work on this movie is breathtaking, especially for a Danish-language film. You can tell that someone threw a lot of money at it. The film really looks like a proper fantasy epic. Emphasis on 'looks like' because unfortunately, the writing doesn't come close in terms of quality or attention to detail. The plot is cliché and the dialogue is cringeworthy. It is unbelievable that it took 3 people to write this. Sometimes it flat out doesn't even make any sense and the viewer is left with more questions than answers. They use the word "wild" so many times we joked about taking a shot every time. Anyway, the wild world of wild witches with wild friends has the potential to be interesting but falls dissapointingly flat. The characters are underdeveloped although I think the actors did their best. Perhaps something can be said about three men writing a film targeted to a tween girl audience about a tween witch based on a book by a female author for female audience... Why not bring on a woman to co-write the script? I feel like the film desperately needs it. The relationship between mother and daughter feels disingenuous. The relationship between the two girls Kahla and Clara lacks build-up. The supposed "girl drama" at school lacks logic. Yes, middle school girl drama isn't always rational - especially not to three grown dudes - but really!? I won't spoil specific details, but you will understand what I mean when you see it. I thought the ending was the lamest ending in the history of endings. The scenery was the only wild thing in this film. I only gave it three stars because of the stunning cinematography.
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malenekirkebak29 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to see this adaptation of one of my favorite book series and it just completely fell through. As the viewer we do not get a change to connect with any of the characters because of the quick walktrough of the story and at the end we do not feel any different for any of the characters. All the scenes are passing by with no break. You do not get to engage in the plot because of the runtime of 1 h 30 min. And as a big fan of the 6 books I was even confused about what was going on. They went trough the plot of the 6 books in 1,30min and they were missing a lot of the storyline that makes you fall in love with this fantastic univers. In the end it felt like you were watching a completely different film. As for some positive comments the visual was very surprising in a good way, and it was awesome the way the film crew executed it. The way they brought Kimæra to life, it was fantastic to watch, she looked like what I imagined when I read the books. Also all the locations in nature were beautifully used and it made the film more "authentic".

I really did not like that Oscar Clara's best friend was also the cat and her protector. It was not necessary at all. The only reason they wanted it to be that way was because they wanted the viewers to know that Clara had a friend. Oscar does play a more vital role in the books. So that was on of the more specific plot dispamointments in the film.
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sanderto5 November 2018
It just doesnt work. It doesnt follow the books and doesnt even make sense.
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Do NOT make this a drinking game
Shinikage22117 February 2024
The story is interesting enough, I like witchy stories about witches, and familiars and all that. But if you think of taking a shot of tequila every time someone says "wild" just know the script says it 68 times in 101 minutes, so you'll probably end up in the hospital if you do. Overall a nice little movie about a girl discovering her nature-connected magic and having to deal with the big bad dark witch.

The dubbing is fine, the children don't always sound like children, but that's kind of expected with an English dub. Cute movie if you're into witchcraft and have an hour and a half to sit down.
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Tries Hard - Does Nothing
vincewyldeshow12 February 2021
I tried, I really did. But this film leaves much to be desired. Such as a fluid plot, or maybe someone who has had acting lessons?

Alas, the title falls flat. I'm sure someone's vision was trampled on here, and it's a pity but the director just didn't know what he or she was doing. To make matters worse, the English dub is awful. There's also the question of whether or not animals were harmed in this picture as there is no disclaimer in the title.

Do yourself a favor: Get a copy of "Plan 9 from Outer Space" instead. At least that work has comedic value.
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How many times did they say "Wild"?
steph-eyespy1 September 2020
I have no idea, but if it was a drinking game, we would all go out with alcohol poisoning in the first 30 minutes. LOL! I am half tempted to watch it again just to get an actual tally. Otherwise? For an English dub over, what we believed to be Norwegian film, it wasn't half bad at all. A little slow, but, not bad. They did okay without having to go over the top with special effects to capture your imagination. So, I'd say, give it a watch if you want something unique.
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gianmarcoronconi22 May 2023
Children's film that at first glance but also at a more careful and reasoned look is real rubbish. Let's start with the plot because it's not too bad, it's a classic children's movie plot with the usual moral of personal growth, too bad that this plot is developed very badly and this stuff is a waste because as a plot it would have been a sufficient film. Now let's move on to acting, ok they are children but they act very badly but being children we excuse them a bit because they are small and inexperienced. Last sore point is the magic which is rendered very badly and most of the time it's just people waving their hands in the air without the slightest sense and all the magical effects are rendered very badly.
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Beautiful film
nightroses10 October 2021
It's about nature witches and wild magic. There are many cute animals in this one and loads of pretty sets, scenery and a magical story. This is the kind of magical film for a family and also adults who love nature, animals and a bit of magic. There is so much wonder about this.
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Clara you're a wizard! erm i mean witch
thgoatman7 January 2021
A good family movie, a slow burn to watch on a sleepy night. i wish i could travel by fogways, seemed cool to be able to cross vast distances while stumbling through a bit of fog (just dont get lost).
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Animal abuse
the_doofy4 July 2020
I am pretty certain I saw some animal abuse, there is no animal rights disclaimer in the credits, I checked

Considering the message of the movie, this is sick hypocrisy
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It's so bad it's funny!
kvsxstn7 March 2024
As many of the other reviewers have pointed out, the overuse of the word "wild" is annoying at first and then it is just funny. I kept laughing each time I heard the word. If it weren't for the really bad script and awful dubbing, the story would be decent. It would have probably been more effective to simply provide subtitles. The acting is bad, but could have been overlooked if the script were better. Keep an open and patient mind and have fun counting how many times the word "wild" or phrases with "wild" in it appears in the movie. See if you can get through it without cracking up and having an absolutely Wild time. Just know that the ending is just as bad as the beginning.
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Run-of-the-mill foreign kiddy story.
Bernie444423 May 2024
Based on a book series by Lene Kaaberbøl, it is not as flexible as the movie could be if designed for a movie.

Clara (Gerda Lie Kaas) comes of age to find her mother seemed to forget to tell her of her destiny. She gets scratched by a black cat and everything in her life goes wonky. Yep, she is the one, and has to do the things "The One" has to do to save everything that is "Wild."

I must say the real cutie is May Simón Lifschitz; she plays the evil Kimæra.

I watch the one with the English dubbing. Somewhere out there is the original language version. The trailer is in Danish and they only used basic words so I can see that the dubbing is convenience but not necessary.

This could become a series. However, it was wrapped up well.
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A Beautiful Movie That Connects You To Nature
steveatwal23 May 2021
Very well done foreign family movie dubbed in English. Great scenery, and special effects. A slow burn movie that connects you to nature...something many people may not appreciate (and hence their low rating of the movie) :-)
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bernardan29 September 2019
Like the cinematography.... the cast... wow the forrests! I should visit Denmark one day!
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Don't be put off by the English dubbed version!
malvernmystic16 April 2024
I really enjoyed this film, I'm way older than its intended audience but the aunt Isa in the film is living my witchy cabin in the forest dream so it drew me in!

The clunky dubbed English version on Amazon does this film no favours and it isn't fair that reviews here are clearly not taking that into consideration. The English dubbing is pretty bad thanks to over zealous voice acting so I quickly switched to subtitles and it was so much better. Even though the only option for subtitles I had was also audio description which was mildly annoying when you don't need to be told there are 'birds cawing' or 'ominous music'.

It's a family film so it does have a simple plot which I'm all for, why over complicate things and make things convoluted? So many big hoohah mainstream Hollywood films would benefit from simplifying and shortening these days. But the direction here was really good. There's a scene that uses CGI that is shown as a reflection in the main character's eye. This is genius! I wish more filmmakers would use CGI cleverly in this way, so it doesn't just look like average clunky CGI effects that will age badly, it was considered and made the most of the special effects, as did some of the other scenes.

I appreciated the sinister but not violent aspect too which is creeping in more for younger viewers, and I loved the message of the wild witches, protecting the wild, the earth etc. Overall I think this is an enjoyable, quirky, wholesome watch with a positive message about embracing your weird and protecting the natural world.
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