"The Simpsons" The Musk Who Fell to Earth (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Disappointing, an episode with no clear vision
Tkbn381231 January 2017
This episode of the long-time running series The Simpsons proves that the show is slowly losing the quality it once had. It is misguided and unclear in the way it is written, and even fails to present any memorable jokes.

The basic premise of the episode is inventor Elon Musk descending in a spaceship into Springfield, starting to hang out with Homer, being hired and then fired by Mr Burns, and finally leaving the town. It sounds like a decent outline, yet it is executed very poorly. The biggest problem in this episode is this; the episode lacks an engaging plot, and rather flows like several ideas pieced haphazardly together.

The episode begins, strangely enough, without a couch gag. It then goes into a rather strange story; a bald eagle eats some of the Simpsons' pet bird, and as revenge they capture it. After nursing it back to health (which makes no sense...wasn't this revenge?), the eagle is burnt up by the spacecraft that Musk descends into Springfield in. At this moment one has to check the episode isn't a Treehouse of Horror. The writers truly did not only add a nonsensical moment into the episode, but also literally burnt up the first few minutes of the episode spent on the bald eagle. This truly seems pointless; the family don't even care that the eagle they got so attached to is now dead.

The episode continues to limp for the remainder of its length, with weird and inexplicable moments throughout. One of the biggest problems of the episode is when Elon Musk, now hanging out with Homer Simpson, begins turning some of Homer's nonsensical thoughts into brilliant ideas. Musk has a ridiculous faith in Homer Simpson, reminiscent of Herbert all the way back in Season 2 (Oh Brother, where art thou), and yet this faith is never really tested. We never do see these paper meatballs, or a cream cup that dissolves as sugar into coffee, or anything else that Homer suggests, and yet Musk seems to love Homer. So used to seeing the negative consequences when Homer's ridiculous ideas failing miserably in episodes such as ''Beyond Blunderdome'', the aforementioned ''Oh Brother where art thou'', and ''Trash of the Titans'', it is strange and perhaps disappointing that these ideas were never conceived in this episode.

For the remainder of the episode many things happen that make little sense to the plot. Bart manages to hack into one of Musk's self driving cars and, with Lisa, goes on a joyride around Springfield. At first it seems similar to the ending of ''Mobile Homer'', albeit in a car and not a gigantic RV. Yet Lisa and Bart get to no mischief in the car; you read right, nothing happens. They get in the car, see the town, and that's it. It even ever so briefly appears that they are going to gatecrash Burns and Musk's gathering at his plant, but they don't even do that.

Smithers at no point trusts Musk, believing he's up to no good. He tries to tell Burns this, but Burns merely shrugs it off. It turns out that Musk WAS up to no good; he was spending at a pace that was putting Burns' plant into deficit. Yes, his plan all along was to create an environmentally friendly Springfield, not caring about the money. This is not even remotely evil; all of Smithers' worrying that Musk is up to no good is foreshadowing, and yet leads to nothing.

Homer decides he does not want to be friends with Musk anymore, and Marge shows Homer how to ''break up'' with Musk. This is executed rather strangely, especially the timing of when Homer chooses to break up with Musk, just after Musk saved his life from Mr Burns' assassins. Burns' attempt to assassinate Musk is ridiculous enough, but Homer breaking up with Musk at such a moment is even more ridiculous.

We are ever so briefly reminded of the beginning of the episode when Musk gives the family a birdhouse, before he leaves Springfield forever. And, with that, he leaves behind what truly is a disappointing episode.

Everything is very mismatched; Homer and Musk's relationship, Burns' wishing, trying, and failing, to assassinate Musk, Smithers' suspecting Musk of more evil intentions, and Bart and Lisa randomly going on a joyride. The newer episodes of The Simpsons are frowned upon for their ridiculous plots; this episode should be frowned upon for the very absence of a plot, at least one that is coherent or engaging. It plays like four or so different ideas that the writers decided to string together without any proper thought. The episode is of such poor quality it makes such an episode as ''Kill the Alligator and Run'' look like ''Who Shot Mr Burns'' (well, perhaps that's an exaggeration, but you get my point). It marks one of the poorest episodes in the on the whole underwhelming Season 26.
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Weakest Episode of the Twenty-Sixth Season, very Unnecessary,
lesleyharris3020 March 2015
The Musk Who fell to Earth is a decent Simpsons episode with a mediocre storyline and a few funny scenes, but certainly not enough. They make the same mistake here as they did with Lisa Goes Gaga (my least favourite Simpsons episode ever), in which the episode focuses way too much on the guest star, pushing the main characters in to secondary roles, I really don't like this as we watch the Simpsons to see characters like Homer and Bart, not an animated version of a celebrity. Another issue is that Elon Musk is not well known, he may be a billionaire, but he is not a household name and I am sure I'm not the only person that looked him up on Wikipedia to see who he was, also he isn't an actor so his voice work is very poor and he clearly dosen't know comedy. It's not the worst episode ever, but it honestly isn't far from it, there were some funny parts and I don't hate the Musk who Fell to Earth, but I couldn't say Simpsons fans need to watch it either.

When billionaire entrepreneur and inventor Ellon Musk swings by Springfield, he has big plans for the Nuclear Power Plant
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Literally the worst thing i have ever seen
oddjohan-808789 September 2020
This episode is pure garbage. There is literally nothing good about this episode. It is painfully unfunny, the plot is boring and uninteresting, and it has nothing to say except, "look, it's Elon Musk! You know, the genius inventor guy! He's in the episode!".
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Who, what, why?
nathanjhunt13 April 2020
I'm genuinely shocked this is currently rated at 5.6 on here. Did the producers learn nothing from "Lisa Goes Gaga"? Dedicating a whole episode to one (and I use the term loosely) - celebrity - does not work in modern Simpsons.

Firstly, what's the point in Musk? I honestly think of him as so irrelevant. So why on earth did they feel the need to give him so much air time? Secondly, he CANNOT voice act. He sounds so dull and bored in the episode. Did they only capture one take?

The plot line is stupid (especially the first bit - putting an eagle in a sack and almost beating it is just offensive to me); the jokes are not funny; and Musk is definitely one of the worst guest voices they've had on the show.

This show needs a bullet to the back of the head PLEASE.
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Arguably the worst Simpsons episode ever
ipoweri27 January 2015
I have been a fan of the Simpsons for a long time and I have watched every single episode at least once.

There is no interesting plot, the entire episode is one long suck-up to some "inventor" guy that is so full of himself that it makes the episode so annoying that it is very hard to watch without turning it off in disgust and boredom.

Why the Simpsons can fall so low at doing entire episodes based basically on nothing, except some guest doing his/her own voice, is beyond me. Many of the characters act completely out of character just to give as much space as possible to the guest star? what for? What's the point? I watch the Simpsons to have a laugh and relax for half an hour. There already is far to many programs about glorified interviews/talk-shows about specific persons on TV and if I wanted to watch one, I would have turned on one of those shows. It is not Simpsons role to do them! Based on this, I have to say that this episode stand out as the worst Simpsons episode I have ever seen.
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The Simpsons used to be about satirising people like Musk...
graemehackney9 November 2022
... Not deifying them. His treatment in this episode is so bizarre and out of place for a show with this legacy.

It gets 2 stars because there are a handful of okay jokes and any inclusion of Arnie Pye is worth a star.

But the worst aspect of this isn't Musks inclusion in the episode, it's that of all people Lisa is the most sycophantic. What an appalling betrayal of her character, Lisa would despise someone like Elon.

Matt Groening had his name removed from the sixth season episode A Star is Burns, due to the forced inclusion of Jay Sherman, a character from another Fox show. I can't imagine why he'd want his name on this.
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Elon Musk's Springfield saga: Innovating a greener future on The Simpsons
user-477-55697931 May 2024
The Musk Who Fell to Earth is a The Simpsons episode that brilliantly encapsulates the innovative spirit of Elon Musk. In this episode, Musk is portrayed as a visionary figure whose inventions and ideas are aimed at bettering the planet, mirroring his real-life endeavors. The episode cleverly intertwines Musk's fictional presence in Springfield with his actual contributions to technology and sustainability.

The portrayal of Musk in the episode is a testament to his real-life efforts to push the boundaries of innovation. From electric cars to space exploration, Musk's companies like Tesla and SpaceX have been pivotal in driving the world towards a more sustainable. His cameo in Springfield brings a touch of reality to the show, highlighting how one person's drive and creativity can inspire change and progress.

Overall, the episode is a delightful and humorous tribute to a man who continues to strive for a better Earth through his groundbreaking inventions, much like the real Elon Musk does with his ambitious projects that aim to revolutionize transportation, energy, and even interplanetary colonization. It's a brief yet impactful glimpse into how popular culture perceives and celebrates influential figures like Musk who are shaping our world.
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Since this episode sired musks halo has most certainly slipped
gb9013 December 2018
An entire episode kissing the arse of this self obsessed, deluded and quite objectionable individual? No way, and sadly, it's a pile of steaming manure!
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A new low
jaka605216 January 2021
As many of you, I thought that "Lisa goes Gaga" was the worst Simpsons episode ever. I have to give credit to writers, it needs some unique talent to be able to produce an episode worse than that. But they did it.

The episode starts with the classic nonsensical plot that we are already used to from the episodes season 20 and onward. Since a long time epsiodes in the Simpsons don't have a story anymore it is just an assortment of random things happing one after eachother. I heard people referring to it as the era of Family Guy Simpsons.

What makes "Lisa goes Gaga" and "The Musk who fell to earth" stand out, is their unprecedented betrayal to the characters. Since long time I gave the hope, that the writers would develop Homer back into the character he once was - a loving father. I got used to the fact that such a character is, as their consultants probably told them, without any appeal to the target audience anymore. But there was still Lisa. You see, Lisa was the Simpsons gateway to social commentary. Her character was the bridge between comedy and social critism. It gave the simpsons meaning.

Since Lisa goes Gaga we learned, that the shows integrity towards the character Lisa had a price tag, and the writers were more than willing to sell. I like to compare the character Lisa as she was once intended as the common sense, the inner guidline everyone has of whats right and wrong. The audience still has this guideline, even though we listen to pop songs and drive cars we are still aware of the destructive and amoral sutructures that are attached to those industries. We are - but the writers are not. Why? Because the writers are the industry, Simpsons became Musk and Gaga. I don't believe that they want to shape the audience into their neolibertarian worldview - that would give them too much credit. They are simply too detached to even pretend to have any humanistic values.
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This is when they started force-feeding Musk to the people.
burteriksson22 July 2020
This is when they started force-feeding Elon Musk to the people big time. The biggest hoax since Einstein, if you ask me. He even appeared on three consecutive shows. That's just crazy. I thought he was a new character to the show. At this point I had no idea of who this "genius" was.

There are funny moments and good episodes on season 26. This is not one of them.
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Elon Musk is eviller than Mr. Burns
elonmusk-is_a_moron23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Whats up with adult animated sitcoms and Elon Musk worship?

Rick and Morty, The Simpsons...Even South Park (The supposed most "irreverent" cartoon out there) let him off the hook, treating him in an incredibly soft manner. Other people, much less deserving of hatred (such as Rob Reiner and Barbra Streisand) were treated far worse.

And this episode is pathetic. Pure celebrity worship and butt-kissing from beginning to end, to a man I used to consider merely overrated, but now I absolutely loathe, as soon he started to show his true colors.

Elon Musk is NOT a scientist. He is not taking us to live in Mars (Seriously, whats up with that stupid Mars fantasy drivel? Every time he talks about colonizing Mars he sounds like the Movementarians talking about Blisstonia. The whole thing is a fraud.)

He is just another billionarie cretin. He is an enabler of fascists, nazis, and climate change deniers. Him buying Twitter was a spite-move to silence opposition and the rightful criticism to the damage vile billionaries like him had been doing (and still do) to the environment with total impunity.

This episode is worthless trash. Everyone person involved in its creation should feel embarrased of themselves.

Worst episode ever! And Elon Musk is scum.
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celebrity guest starrings done horrible..
celiawatsonanime3 February 2022
When the entire episode is about a guest star and the town is low key worshiping that celebrity it's horrible.

Elon Musk didn't need to flaunt his personality all over Springfield and give everyone self driving electric cars.

The fact that he's temporarily Homer's friend just because despite having wildly different personalities just feels off!

I bet over half of the time the person viewing it doesn't even know who the celebrity guest star is.

Celebrity guest stirrings are less worse if the whole episode doesn't feature that person.
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A(nother) new low
sepposeppola26 January 2015
We all have Lisa Goes Gaga in our minds, and thus are all fully aware of what level of crappiness this show is capable of. Or are we? This episode goes to the wrong tracks right from the get go. We see a random scene with The Simpsons chasing an eagle (I don't know why), filled with the usual, horribly paced boring cartoon slapstick. Then we get to the plot, oh wait, what plot? There isn't a plot, this is just 20 minutes of Elon Musk -related jokes and pure ass-kissing of Musk with The Simpsons worshiping him. Exactly like in Lisa Goes Gaga. Even some emotional depth is tried to be included, but remains an unsuccessful try. Again.

What is with The Simpsons and celebrity guest voices that doesn't work? Why are they dedicating full episodes for guests who, by the way, don't know how to voice act? The institution known as The Simpsons has reached the point where it's not only a disgrace for its own fans, but a disgrace for the whole world of television. What used to be a groundbreaking animated comedy is now merely a playground for different celebrities to practice voice acting.

My loyalty as a Simpsons fan has been questioned before, but episodes such as Moe Goes from Rags to Riches or A Midsummer Nice Dream seem fairly good after this.

It's time to wash your face and die with dignity, The Simpsons.
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Was That Really a Simpsons Episode?
wells-laurence5 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I like Elon Musk's ideas. I like the Simpsons. Unfortunately, aside from the fact that the episode had the Simpsons characters in it, it did not feel like the Simpsons.

This episode did not even have a couch gag.

The prelude story was pointless, other than to pay homage to Bart's previously keeping pets and nursing animals back to health. The jokes in were bad, especially for Simpsons standards, and the whole episode felt very rushed and poorly put together.

I feel rather cheated out of half an hour of my time. Show me more episodes like this without putting in any effort, and I will wish for the Simpsons to finally end, once and for all.
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Sinemah_Freek14 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK. This Episode Started Out To Be Sort Of Interesting. But Then, An American Eagle Was Harmed. Then The Stinksins Took Care Of Him. Extremely Sadly, They Let The Proud Eagle Go, But He Was Destroyed By That Pathetic Elon Musk And His Bloody Space Rocket. For The Producers Of This Garbage To So Calmly And Blithely Use Such A Brave Creature - The American Eagle, As Fodder For This Ridiculous Episode, Made Me Insanely Furious. I Have Been A Simpsons Fan Since Day One, And Many Of Their Episodes Have Been More Watchable Than Most Of The Trash That Is On The Broadcast Television Stations, But For The Stinksins To Downplay The Destruction Of An American Eagle, Was Too Much For Me. I Might Watch The Stinksins Again, But If This Kind Of Event Ever Happens Again, I Am Totally Through With The Stinksins. The Producers Are Damn Cruel M-fuggahz, As Is Everyone Else Who Was Involved In The Creation Of This Travesty.
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Trash episode
lazytownanimation25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever The Producer of Brooklyn-Nine-Nine did a pretty terrible bad job for Written this episode without include a storyline on it, even if not Elon Musk is much worst that Hitler on it that he is gone far enough for Offesive people and tried not to work for Money, even Elon Musk likes that Homer keep getting stupid for Creating Elon Musk's stupid ideas to Homer's head on it,

But i would not say that is not my personalty, is because that Elon Musk is the problem with the USA is tried to change things good but there are going to ended it badly, That's why he does't not understand Techonology.
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