Heidi (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Goes on and on and on and on a bit too long
derekjager15 July 2017
This wasn't anything we haven't seen before but I enjoy FF movies so I wanted to give it a try. The cast is likable and fun, they prank one another so there's no reason to believe them when things go bad.

However, the plotting is a little too clunky. The doll Heidi is locked up, gets loose. But the reactions aren't "OMG!!!" It's more like, "Wtf?" And then it happens again. And again. And again. There's never the sense that something truly out of the ordinary has happened. Even when they throw it out a couple times and it comes back...still not much reaction.

Then for some reason, some people are murdered and the film just sort of loses its focus. (Animals are killed too, and that always bugs me more than the humans!) And I started to lose interest. They hire a psychic to find out what's going on and she's no help, Google is no help...and I gave up. Didn't watch the last 20 minutes--which shows that I really did lose interest!
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Found footage horror lacks a convincing menace
Leofwine_draca12 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
HEIDI is a cheap found footage horror movie that feels very much like a copy of the Hollywood creepy doll flick, ANNABELLE. As a low budget film it's surprisingly well presented and edited in a professional manner too; the performances are naturalistic and the two guys who are the film's protagonists are quite likable.

The biggest problem this film has is that the central doll, Heidi, is not in any way, shape, or form, menacing. It's just an ordinary kid's doll that turns up in random places and attempts to make it scary had me laughing more than screaming. Don't get me started on that lame CGI twist ending either. No, HEIDI is a film that has plenty of potential, but a creepier or even unseen menace would have made it a better and more convincing movie.
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You Found Me
nogodnomasters6 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ryan (Samuel Brian) and Jack (Joey Bell) are best friends who are also pranksters and run a web site called, "Boo Ya" something that was better depicted in the deleted scenes. As sis moves out Ryan inherits her job watching Dottie Porter's bird and home while she is away. Ryan and Jack explore Dottie's storage attic and find an old doll without eyes (ignore DVD cover with red eye) with the name tag of Heidi. Heidi seems to be able to move by herself or is it one of the pranksters? I believe Heidi's last name was Houdini.

This is a "found footage" film except all the footage was destroyed so it was never found. Also pictures of the doll can not be up load to any web site, which is why they had to delete one scene...they wanted it both ways. Special effects included shooting a still picture of a doll and then shooting it in another position claiming it moved. Not high tech but marginally effective.

Winner of 5 awards at PollyGrind Underground Film Festival of Las Vegas including best horror and acting award for Joei Fulco. Joei sings and plays the guitar in the deleted scenes. She started out playing herself in the TV series "Wife Swap" and is up and coming in the "B" world of films, Nevada's answer to Utah's Danielle Chuchran.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Revenge of the doll
TheLittleSongbird5 June 2018
'Heidi' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing and quite creative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive. Same with it being found footage.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws are here present in those films, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Heidi' is very weak, with a plethora of problems (fairly big ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There are however a couple of decent, even good, qualities in 'Heidi'.

Lets start with the positives. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky, despite being wasted by the nauseating effects of the excessively shaking camera work and editing.

Best thing about 'Heidi' is the doll, which is quite creepy. Liked the opening, which was attention grabbing and kept me hooked. Which is why it is such a shame that 'Heidi' went downhill so drastically.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their irritating and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the histrionic and stiff acting.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace goes to a standstill after the promising opening and drags on forever, never recovering. The second half is interminable. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness and the lack of tension and suspense.

A lot of 'Heidi' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical, irritating and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending finishes the film on an incomplete and confused whimper. The whole of 'Heidi' felt unfinished but especially so at the end where it just ends with too much left hanging in the air.

The more psychological elements are unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show the horror of the subject. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is pretty leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, very weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Found footage killer doll film
chaosbaron8 May 2017
I am not a fan of found footage but I do enjoy the killer doll trope. This film has most of the usual found footage clichés, the biggest offender of course being that this didn't need to be a found footage film. Your main characters are Jack and Ryan, two internet pranksters who switch from being the most monotone narrators to terribly obnoxious and unlikable. The films pacing is fairly slow, and while events are occurring through out the film they are often lacking any real content. The main character seems to switch between believing the doll is evil and defending the supernatural events as coincidence. The movie is relatively low on gore and has little to no jump scares, both of which I consider plus 1's , though different people have different tastes so I will let you decide if that makes you want to see the film more or less. Quick Summary: Outside of detective Harris, the acting was all around poor, it lacked any real scary moments, the story feels empty, the sound work can switch from quiet talking to loud static sound effects blasting your speaker, and the camera-work is... well it's found footage.
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I have a high tolerance
annique-830198 April 2021
I do cheesy movies, and there are more than a few out there under the found footage/horror genre (my unabashed yet hidden pleasure), but I just couldn't finish this. We've all laughed about bad acting, but I have never seen acting as bad as the one for Ryan's character. Never, never, never. It's not as though he was cheesy nor was he hamming it up, if only he were it would be an improvement. It's as though he was doing a read through of the script while he was texting someone. Only paying partial attention to what he was uninterestingly saying. On a positive note, it made the other actors mediocre performances positively shine. I was thinking "Heh, they're not half bad" (tho they really were) because he REALLY was that bad. He made Eyore look like a tantrum throwing, melodramatic diva. Anywho, the story had some poor writing, but also some potential, at least to the halfway point. Then I just couldn't take another second of Ryan.
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Pretty good but has some issues
j-nickturner7 April 2020
This could've been a classic low-budget found footage film, but the use of soundtrack and cheap jump scares (with large variations in volume) hold it back from greatness. If it hadn't been for those bits, I probably would've scored it much higher. The plot is also a bit of a tired trope, but most of the execution shows a lot of creativity and passion. It does manage to feel special and unique, despite the typical premise. It features. a great atmosphere and builds a sense of dread, helplessness, and terror.

I will also say, the climax scared the @#$% out of me! Although I think some people will probably find it kind of hokey. Personally, I found it genuinely terrifying and my heart was beating out of my chest.

If you like low-budget FF, definitely give it a watch.
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The film, if your patient, does pick up and it isn't a bad addition to the found footage genre
kevin_robbins5 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Heidi (2014) is a movie I recently watched off Tubi that came highly recommended form Arus Threepersons and Edward Delgado. The storyline focuses on two friends who find a strange doll in the house of an old woman's home they're working for. Shortly after finding the doll a series of unexplainable events start happening and no matter how much they try they can't seem to get rid of the doll. This movie is directed by Daniel Ray In his directorial debut and stars Joey Bell (Paul Blart), Michael Monteiro (To Kill a Cop), Nicoleta Radu (Vitamin Z) and Lindsey Cruz (Neon). I can tell you the first 2/3rds of this movie I was mad at Edward and Arus because other than them doing a good job with the creepy eyes of the doll, and some cool camera angles with the tricycle scene, this was pretty bad. The acting was somewhat annoying, especially the video game playing sequence and the accent of the physic. However, the film ends pretty strong and I liked the dog body scene and the montage during the ballet sequence. The ending and ultimate demise of the cast was actually really good. The film, if your patient, does pick up and it isn't a bad addition to the found footage genre. I'd score it a 6.5/10 and recommend giving it a shot. You may be pleasantly surprised.
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Best found footage horror of the year.
rottpro14 November 2014
I had the privilege of seeing Heidi at the 2014 Pollygrind fest. I knew nothing but the title of the film, and that it was a packed house. That was it. Unlike allot of the internet, I enjoy a good "found footage" film, the genre has an immediacy and and honesty in it's scares that just works for me. From the first act of the film I could tell that this wasn't just another kids go missing in the woods affair. The film had an instant charm that really doesn't let up. Speaking of not letting up, the increasing sense of danger this tiny doll imposes as the film rolls. This film was made BEFORE Annabelle BTW, and honestly shares pretty much nothing other than a haunted doll at their core. Either way, the film runs us through a series of very well done set pieces meant to do one thing, be scary and build the danger that lead to a climax that unlike allot of FF films, doesn't just peter out. These sequences really show the film makers clever side, utilizing the approach in such different and unique ways, it's hard not to get sucked into the fun of the whole affair. I truly hope Heidi gets a nice fat distribution deal because say what you will about found footage, this movie rocks what its got and then some, and seeing some of the dribble that hits big screens representing the genre, it would nice to see something so well crafted and with so much heart behind it up there of the marquee.
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Worth a watch!
lisacurtner11 October 2022
I don't usually write reviews but giving in on this one. I LOVE horror movies and while this isn't grade A, big budget, fare, it was completely entertaining.

The lead actor, young and definitely not a pro - was great to watch, fit the role and I think, really helped this movie along as he was so likeable.

Again, definitely not big budget, but they made fine work with what they had and didn't have to rely on useless gore or cheesy affects. The doll 'Heidi' was sufficient to give the necessary chills.

This wasn't a total slow burn, but also didn't rely on jump scares - it was just genuinely creepy and a fun watch.
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Can't Hide from Heidi
Spike_the_Cactus3 January 2020
Definitely one of the better films in the FF genre.

I admit that I thought this was going to be awful after the irritating opening scene. My low expectations dipped when they found the doll, predicting a series back and forth shots where it's moved or disappeared. Instead it became more creative and creepy.

It was visually interesting, and actually quite varied in terms of locations and events. Yes the pacing stumbles at times, but it picks up in the third act. The ending (not the mid-credit scene) was genuinely unsettling. At the same time it added a bit of logic to the events of the film (I.e, how does a little doll actually do this stuff).

The acting is a mixed bag, and it's a bit worrying seeing children and animals looking distressed for real. It's certainly not without its problems, but it ends up being a fairly satisfying and unsettling story with characters generally behaving realistically.
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Continues to creep you out even through the credits
hnhnyc9 October 2017
This movie came before Annabelle, and deserves the acclaim that's slowly building thanks to wider distribution in recent months. Going into it, for the first hour, you might wonder exactly how scary two teenagers with cameras being stalked by a rather adorable looking tiny doll could actually be. However, if you know it's earned pretty high critic score ratings, the question is actually just how disturbing it's going to get, and how it arrives there. This one continues to creep you out even through the credits, with information that ultimately pushes the limitations of the found footage genre itself and the universe in which this film exists for viewers. You legit may find yourself flipping out. The only reason this didn't get a 10 from me is because I had to remove myself for an entire scene when a dog became involved, so I'm giving this a 9—good luck sleeping after watching the final frames, guys.
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Loved it
jentilyou1 August 2020
We were so pleasantly surprised!!! Really wasn't expecting much...enjoyed the plot and characters along with the camera work and little extras. I jumped more than once and there were quite a few wtf moments. Highly recommend.
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Clever take on both found footage and scary dolls
ceyx10 September 2019
This 2014 film starts off as a generic low budget found footage and scary doll film shot by teenagers, but evolves into a more complex and genuinely creepy tale. The final scene before the end credits spooked me in a way that stayed with me, and which few horror films accomplish. This predates "Annabelle", and it wears it's influences on it's sleeve (even making direct Chucky references). If you've ever wondered how an animate doll can accomplish complex murders, this movie will clear that up for you.
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One of the more unique and entertaining found footage films
gustheaffen5 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Dolls are creepy especially when they move when you aren't looking. Starts out a little slow, you kind of get to know some of the characters before friends stumble into an attic where they find Heidi and from there the animal and human body count begin. It was entertaining all the way thru and it wrapped up well. Make sure not to turn it off right away, it starts again after the credits start to roll.
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OMG! Like I don't hate dolls enough already!
AndyVanScoyoc22 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fabulous movie!

I wasn't sure what to expect, and I got much more than I expected.

The dialogue was hilarious, especially Jack Jenkins, the friend.

I laughed out loud at him.

There were some slow parts and some parts that were, eh...but overall, this movie was way above par than a lot of what passes for, and what Hollywood is cranking out as Horror, today.

Highly recommended. If you don't hate dolls before you watch this film, you will never want to see one again, let alone have one in your house.

You HAVE to see this film!
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Beware of the killer doll
Woodyanders7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Two high school friends are plagued by a series of unsettling and inexplicable events in the wake of finding an ugly and mysterious doll in an attic.

Writer/director Daniel Ray relates the enjoyable and absorbing story at a steady pace, ably crafts a supremely creepy mood, takes time to develop the characters, maintains a grimly serious tone throughout, and makes nice use of the found footage format. Moreover, Samuel Brian and Joey Beli make for solid and likeable protagonists; they receive sturdy support from Joei Fulco as groovy chick Amanda Honeycutt, Michael Monteiro as hard-nosed detective Harris, Marilyn Weinmann as eccentric bird lady Dottie Porter, and Nicoleta Radu as helpful psychic Vera Constantin, A neat little movie.
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