The Forbidden Dimensions (2013) Poster

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What ?
runeunhjem14 May 2014
Well i love Sci-Fi and i love horror. So this movie should be a recipe for a good movie to watch... Not so...

I really don't need to say much more than bad actors, bad script, psycho bad effects and absolutely no story.

I have never seen a film this bad, and i watched the whole film, and that's why i write this review. To spare anyone i can from trying it out...

Sorry to the makers and actors, but this was not even 1 star for me.

But hey; Everyone's taste is different :D

U have been warned :D
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It's not only not worth seeing - it's not even worth reading the reviews
Diane-7367669 May 2014
If a group of Junior High School students with no discernible artistic talent decided to create, produce and act in a movie using only a Handicam and a pirated copy of iMovie then this is the movie that they would make.

I would not say that this movie was awful because it would have to really strive for an upgrade in quality to rise to the ranks of awful. Full of rubber Halloween masks, Junior High drama club acting and a heavy handed score that I am absolutely certain had to be ripped off from elsewhere because finding any sort of talent in this movie would be an amazement.

I watched only 15 minutes and that was 14 minutes too many. This piece of crap is a tribute to incompetent people everywhere who have no clue whatsoever as to their true lack of talent. I wish the the writers, actors,directors and film crew well in their future careers in the fast food industry.

EDIT (5-17) I see that one of the actors involved in this train wreck has shown up, identified themselves as such and - unsurprisingly - given the film a 10 star review. 10 stars?? Seriously ???? ! Ugh :( She also mentions that the film was supposed to emulate the camera shooting style of the 1980's. FAIL! I was alive during the 1980's. I know the 1980's and this movie Ma'am has nothing to do with the 1980 - shooting style or otherwise.

I also forced myself to watch the entire movie. If anything it gets worse after 15 minutes - much worse. It's like an interactive horror movie where the real horror is you watching your screen in bored disbelief.

Edit Part Deux: I see that yet another person associated with the production of this unmitigated disaster has come online to call this a "loving homage to 80's films". This is as much a loving homage to 80's films as much as Hannibal Lechter was a loving homage to fava beans. The film has nothing to do with the 80's and is only a homage to horrid film-making everywhere. In that it excels. If you pirated this film be sure to send the makers of this stinker a bill for your bandwidth because they owe you - they owe you bigtime.
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Does anyone who has a pc and camera can become a movie producer?
a-kastenas16 February 2015
I was just wondering, why would anyone produce this film?

I think it must have been quite obvious, that after adding all the clips together the final product was extremely terrible.

We can congratulate people for trying to make something, and this must have been a fun experience for a group of friends who made it.

I would recommend this film only to relatives and friends of those who were taking part in this project, other than that I would urge anyone to avoid this by any means.

Verdict: Home made movie for family members and friends, that should have have never been available to larger audiences.

Good luck, and let it be a good practice, as there is a lot space for improvement.


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Huh What?
joeshoe8911 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up in the sixties and seventies when LSD was used to some extent. This movie seems to be one long acid trip. There are mainly references to the Mad Max movies but none of that really matters since there is basically no real story here just a lot of images and sfx that just support a great deal of "trippy" visuals. If you start watching be prepared to be introduced to characters that have no reference to the viewer at all. A mad scientist who can destroy the future of 2035. A naked woman with nipple rings who can stop this by making out with Jack Slade a time warping guy (let's do the time warp again) who keeps going from 1998 to 2035 so he can make out with the nipple ring woman and save the world. If this makes any sense or appeals to you along with lots of sfx and "trippy" visuals then this is the movie for you. I've given it a five for the hard work the sfx people did since that stuff is excellent. But the story and some of the "acting" is just way over the top and while having all the makings of a cult movie it can only be one if you the viewers make it one. Like the movie what the future holds is up to you.
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Just watching the trailer will make you cringe and run away from this bomb
jk-692-23639425 June 2015
The reviews that are good on here are obviously from people involved with this hot mess. Hot as in they need to just burn the film and forget it ever happened. The dead giveaway that these reviews are fake is the guy who said if you pirated the movie and gave it a bad review there is a special hell for you. LOL that cracked me up. Right? Only someone who made the movie would ever say something that lame. This looks like such a cheap piece of trash movie. Seriously just watch the trailers on youtube and that will kill any desire you may have to watch this mess. I love time travel movies and usually I can let a whole lot of bad slide by, but not this one. It reeks of cheapness. The cars, the "costumes" which look like they told the extras to dress in summer attire from the 80's. The acting is terrible. I guess Chris Miller the former child actor turned director was going for an 80's vibe because this statement is true. "Critical reviews from horror websites Cinemaglob, Dread Central and Horror News praised the film's 80's VHS style homages and psychedelic tone" I think the word may be critical as in crappy.
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A 13 year old boy's sexual fantasies come to life
byronhold5 July 2020
Wow...this is a stinker. Forget the hideously bad odious storyline, for a moment, if one can. This is a schlockfest of an adolescent trying to figure out their sexuality. There is a transgender alien, an Oedipal part, a gang of beautiful women and the protagonist whose only way of saving the world is by sleeping with a goth girl. This is just horrible. Recommended for the confused adolescent. For anyone who is mature in any way shape or form, avoid like the plague. The only reason I gave this two stars is for the simple reason that it's defenders actually admitted that they took part in this travesty. Their courage to admit that and have no shame about it got them the second star.
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Worst Movie I've seen
knepper3-105-8595812 September 2014
If I could give a zero I would. I watch A lot of movies, I like to have something on while I work so I watch anything pretty much. I have watched some bad B movies but even those I at least finished. I really tried to just leave this on while I was work for background noise but it was so bad I couldn't even do that. Really Really bad acting, lame plot (expected in bad movies), and the effects I could have done in my basement better. I got through about 20 minutes before I had to turn it off. Any of the positive reviews on this must be from someone that was a part of the movie. This is not some style movie, this is just a really bad one. The kids in our local high school plays act much better. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME
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Not THX 1138
nochwysid30 April 2015
This is clearly a college project, in the same way that THX 1138 is, but lower quality. It tries too hard to be 'artsy', and most of those involved are just beginning their careers (check out the credits). The plot was nonsensical, and no attempt was made to justify or reconcile it, or to make it more clear. THX 1138 was, at times, hard to follow. This is impossible to follow throughout. Poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed, and the SFX would be B-budget even in the 90's. The music was eminently forgettable, sounding like something one might in the bargain bin of a giant warehouse store. One should not pay to see this movie as it is wholly unwatchable. Two other movies that are equally bad are The Galaxy Invader (1985) and Rock n' Roll Space Patrol (2005). However, these two are worse than their IMDb rating and are not college artsy projects.
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Mediocre! Is too kind for this
antony-looney1026 January 2017
It'd be hard to spoil this movie since it really gives up having a plot about a third of the way through. Or at least plot is a very very very background element.

The attention is then given the visuals which when it isn't showing off its atrocious editing (which is most of the time) are OK, and you can certainly see the Mad Max inspiration. But when the atrocious editing shines through well... well put it this way, definitely not recommended for anyone with epilepsy.

The acting quality is not very good either. Most of the characters are underacting and not displaying emotions well, making it difficult to get invested. Especially a problem when the torture of the main character becomes a plot point. One character's over-acting is the only saving grace, providing at least some levity in a movie seriously lacking in humour.

In conclusion. Not recommended, to anyone.
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not even a one star
kitschking22 February 2020
Worse than a high schooners homemade move. BAD script, BAD acting, BAD camera work , BAD directing.
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80's style VHS horror dipped in LSD
willgrant95212 May 2014
If you grew up in the age of VHS horror/scifi films, then you will love this movie. Those that didn't will probably hate it. This is one of those rare low budget independent films that comes along once every few years or so that boggles the mind. As a fan of set design and practical effects; it's refreshing to see a film that doesn't rely on green screen and crap cgi for the effects.This movie reminded me a lot of Clockwork Orange, Dune, and Road Warrior but with a psychedelic twist and lower budget. I had to watch it a few times to fully understand the plot, and it got even better with repeat viewings. With a pulsating synth score (very Tangerine Dream), rapid fire editing, warped SFX, and surreal cinematography, it's truly a bizarre movie (feels a bit Argento in spots). As another viewer pointed out; it does feel like an LSD trip, but personally, I didn't find it weird for the sake of weirdness, it all kinda comes together in the end (if you pay attention to the complicated time travel plot line-which is a bit confusing at times). I could see this becoming a "cult" film for viewers who like strange, campy, retro movies. Besides, any film that references Hey Dude is OK in my book.
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A loving homage to bad '80s sci-fi
Curtis G.14 May 2014
Forbidden Dimensions is a loving, accomplished (if not entirely period-accurate) homage to '80s straight-to-video science-fiction post-apocalyptic time-traveling rubber-mask monster movies.

Story? Let me give it a shot. Jack Slade is an S.E.K.—a "solar eclipse kid"—who finds himself jumping back and forth in time—from 1998 to 2035 and back again. He works for the Kronos Corporation, which in 1998 creates a "wavelength generator" that brings aliens into our dimension. The maniacal Dr. Schector then uses alien tissue to, um, do some stuff, thereby destroying the world. As the last surviving S.E.K., it's up to Jack to find some chick named Khadija in 2035 and stop Kronos and Schector (who looks and sounds like he's fronting an '80s metal band) in 1998. I think. It's weird in spades right from the get-go, and things get even more confusing near the end. I would have preferred a slightly more linear story with less jumping around. But whatever.

Overly ambitious? Well, define "overly." I am a big supporter of independent filmmaking and I understand how hard it is to even get a movie made, so I will let an indie get away with a lot of things I'd criticize a big-budget movie for. FD is either unintentionally bad or lovingly bad. I prefer to think it's lovingly bad. Do not take this movie seriously. It is what it is, and it knows it. As such, there's no such thing as a goof. Post-2010 cars in 1998? Crew walking around in the background? It's all good.

FD displays all the trappings of a bad '80s movie: shots that last much longer than they should, bordering on indulgent; overly expository, on-the-nose dialog ("I have to save the future!"); actors taking extra time with movements to be sure the camera is seeing it. The dialog is not just unsubtle, but often it seems like characters are having two separate conversations.

I love the total lack of adherence to medical reality (the "reverse embryo" scene in particular); that is, the total impossibility of it. It's as if writer-director Chris J. Miller had a bunch of weird ideas and just decided to cram them all in, whether they made sense or not. Evidently a lot of the budget went to practical makeup effects. The weak-of-stomach should probably avoid this one.

There is a pact between B-movie makers and the audience, and the director knows it: Namely, if we're going to watch your low-budget movie, we want boobies. Miller delivers. He also gets very good performances from most of the rest of his (non-nude) cast, which was unexpected. Detective Giger is a hoot. Based on the trailers on the DVD, I gather he's a recurring character in Miller's movies.

Shot compositions are remarkably good, and there's interesting and clever integration of original footage with "guerrilla" footage shot on location at Wasteland Weekend. There are some interesting real-world locations, and even a pretty cool "sci-fi corridor" set.

If I have one complaint, it would be the overuse of different fonts for super cards and too many modern video effects. That said, there are enough '80s-era video graphics to satisfy purists. FD features great original music, plus an extra bonus: the same music that Epic Meal Time uses!

Is it logical? No. Easy to follow the story? Not really. But is it fun to watch? Absolutely.

Final note: If you pirated this movie and then didn't buy a legit copy, you suck. If you pirated it and then gave it a bad rating, there is a special place in Hell for you.
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The budget should have been used on a script.
belmont-1351828 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For me to say all that is wrong with the film, I'd end up writing something longer than the script. This film was abysmal. No one in the film could act. The script was laughable. I truly believe that the budget was spent on the sets and the endless amount of strippers hired to play peripheral characters. I don't hate the film, but there are so many problems with the plot that I was getting a headache just trying to figure out what was going on. The creepiest scene in the film came when the sadly lackluster leading man sees his mother dancing nude in a night club....of course the fact that she looked the same as she did forty years earlier was also a head scratcher. Have fun with this one. Totally recommended for a MSTK style viewing.
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For Real?
jmrb777-981-47052014 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just had to write this review because I could not stand one more second of this. I really don't have the words to describe this, so I will be as thorough as possible. I could not even get through ten minutes of this. I was attracted to the movie title, and the dog barking behind the fence was the most entertaining part that I saw. The rest of what I saw had me asking me myself, what is this?! I could not stomach the rest of this, as I may have literally vomited by the time the ending rolled around. I am a huge sci-fi fan, and love time travel movies, but this had me wanting to go back in time, and prevent this from ever hitting the movie shelves.
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I'm going to fix it
nogodnomasters17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Slade (Kyle Morris) is an S.E.K. (solar eclipse kid) who has the ability to randomly time warp between 1998 and 2035. Dr. Shector (Mark McGarrey) has transported an alien being to the earth and has created a toxic drug creating mutants. 2035 is a low budget "Mad Max" type of world which includes the Unit 5 Military Girls. Jack is on a quest to find Khadijah (Jamie Katonic) in order to stop this, but his quest is disjointed and haphazard for him as well as the viewer.

The film uses a techno sound track. It is all over the place and confusing, recreating Jack's mind. It brings in new characters at random whose sole purpose appears to be introducing new characters.

If this film was made in the 60's it would star Peter Fonda and would have deep philosophical meaning, like "Don't eat the brown acid." The production is cheesy by design. The sets and special effects were decent for an indie. This film is from the bizarre mind of Christopher James Miller writer and director who also gave himself a meaningless character role as "Tracker" someone who was supposed to follow our main character around, but then disappears from the script. The movie had repeated scenes of Jack's blind mother telling him her last remembered vision was that of a drip coming from a faucet. In a Peter Fonda film that would have been deep and meaningful, coming from C.J. Miller, not so. As Tom Hanks would say, "I don't get it."

This is perhaps a new class of films which I will just call "Molly Movies."

Parental Guide: F-bombs. Nudity (and not that pretty)
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Worst movie ever
fabrice-leroy-pub31 July 2015
This is my 1076th rating and the worst of all.... So bad that I have to write about it my first review.

I am a big fan of : - time travel movies (all of them except this one), - B movies (such as Bad Taste), - Z movies (such as The Toxic Avenger or Rollergator) I can even find some stuff interesting in teen movies. BUT THAT ! No !

There is something insulting to provide such a bad piece of work. No taste, No vision, No style, No interest, No feeling, No fun, Nothing at all.

It looks like dady's kid got a camera for chrismass and use his student money to pay one or two friends pretending to act while occasionally film them naked. pathetic.

Even "Night Train to Mundo Fine" and "Independence Daysaster" were better.

DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ! (Yes Writing in all-uppercase characters is considered "SHOUTING" but can not be avoided in this case).
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don't watch it!!!!
benjaminsaikhellgren3 October 2015
My dad bought this for 1 dollar and it sucked.

The acting was awful and story was bad. The background music was awful didn't fit in at all. The clothing doesn't make sense, a girl is walking around in a bikini... seriously. I only watched 10 minutes of it! I almost died of boredom. If it had a higher budget it would probably be better. SO Don't BUY IT!!!! Even if someone sells it for 1 cent or for free! Its not worth to exist so burn it or sell it.

this line is for other stuff that you shouldn't care about this line is for other stuff that you shouldn't care about this line is for other stuff that you shouldn't care about
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Enthusiastic SciFi Fan!
Brittanyoneil4 February 2020
Really enjoyed the film, Forbidden Dimensions!!!! I really enjoyed watching the desert scenes!! Along with the lab scenes with the scientists! You could see that the actors were brilliant at expressing their creativity in world of SciFi. Would very much like to see all of these actors expand with their film talents. So much looking forward to seeing them in more upcoming film projects! :) Have a great one and thank you for the excellent film entertainment!!!!!!

Anonymous SciFi fan!!!
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Mad Max vs. Donnie Darko on a $1 budget.
djangozelf-1235111 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is bad from beginning to end and it makes you wonder if a script was ever written for this piece of trash. It felt like some people got together on a Mad Max fan day and in a goofy mood decided to make a film.

I made a mistake by not reading reviews before I watched this because if I had I would not have watched it in the first place.

Besides having a F all story it adds nothing of cinematic interest and fails in every department.

You could make an extensive list from all the movies they stole from but its ail so numbed down you just can't get excited about anything.

Even on a rainy day or if your bored as hell don't waste your time or money on this obvious fluke.

Forbidden dimensions is the first dimension into boredom.

Proceed with caution and avoid this flick.

Your better of doing ANYTHING else.

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Alien trannys, mutants, and werewolves?!
marksdavid3315 May 2014
Got a chance to see this epic last night, and let me tell you it's an awesome flick. It has everything a low budget horror film needs to make me happy: Gore, nudity, and insanity. The best way to describe this movie is Max Headroom on crack. Every scene is packed with pure absurdism and oddball characters and for you movie buffs out there, there's a kitchen sink approach to homages. You'll notice references to Mad Max, Terminator, Brazil, 1984, Total Recall, Jacob's Ladder and Westworld. As a fan of Astron 6, I can dig the 80's style that this movie was trying to re-create. Unlike the Astron 6 films it's hard to figure out if this is a parody or a straight attempt to make a serious film. The plot revolves around a time traveler who's trying to alter the future by meeting up with a "star child" who has unexplained superpowers and a crazy scientist hellbent on destroying the world. I think it fits a niche audience and for cinephiles (like myself) this is a tour de force of psychotronic filmmaking.
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Fun piece of micro-budget sci-fi junk
Woodyanders25 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Slade (a likeable performance by Kyle Morris) has the ability to travel through time because he was born during a solar eclipse. Slade travels to the bleak future of 2035 only to discover a harsh post-apocalyptic world run by evil Dr. Shector (wildly overplayed to the hammy hilt by Mark McGarrey) who has infected the population with his nefarious experiments.

Boy, does this hysterically horrible Grade Z $1.50 clunker possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as a real four-star stinkeroonie: We've got cheesy gore, tacky (far from) special effects, ham-fisted (mis)direction by Chris J. Miller, a neat array of funky humanoid mutants (many of which look like they're wearing cheap dimestore Halloween masks), a barely coherent story that jumps all over the place, ineptly staged action, and even a few bare boobs tossed in for trashy good measure. Carl Crew does well as a creepy pastor, Todd Brown likewise impresses as the hard-bitten Detective Giger, and busty blonde porn starlet Brittany O'Neil has a small role as a scientist. A total schlocky hoot.
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Forbiddden Dimensions 2035 movie
sparrowhawkpatti6 November 2014
Everyone has to realize that this movie was "low budget", also a "B" movie.. if everyone would have taken the time to check that out, you would have known what to expect., with that being said, hopefully you may see it differently, maybe, maybe not. This is a company that's trying to get out there, with people also who are trying to get their name out there. Okay, so you didn't care for it, to each his own, that's all fine. But I am, I guess, one who try's to give anyone starting out a "chance". I try not to be rude or cruel, after all, I don't think I could have done better with the acting. Could you ? ha ha Think about that one, and answer yourself truthfully. All in all, I'm just saying "Give them a chance" may be amazed one day !!
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