Older Gods (2023) Poster


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Decent if You're Okay With Lovecraft-Lite
joshkaplan-5293423 June 2023
As an avid Lovecraft fan and someone who's fascinated by cosmic horror in general, I went into this movie with extremely (and perhaps unreasonably) high hopes. The film's website promoted it as a "Lovecraftian descent into madness", and while it has its positive aspects, overall, I found it quite disappointing.

To start with what Older Gods does well, the cinematography is quite nice, the acting is decent, there are moments of genuine tension, there's some good characterization (if not character development), the soundtrack is pretty solid, the (first half of) the script has some moments of real emotional poignancy, and some of the imagery, despite the filmmaker's obvious financial limitations, is suitably haunting. I also appreciated that they paid tribute to the source material without overtly referencing it, as well as their limited reliance on grotesque, gore-based spectacle. Lastly, it seems to have come from a place of sincerity and an authentic desire to create something artistic and meaningful, and for that, the creators deserve praise.

That being said, though it borrows heavily from Lovecraft's mythology in its framing, I'm sorry to say that it seems to entirely miss the point, narratively, tonally, and most significantly, thematically, and comes off more as a home invasion thriller with the motifs of cosmic horror than an unraveling mystery. The runtime is too short to let dread build up naturally, the mood shifts between that of a drama and a thriller and even into sardonic humor that borders on (if not reaches) bathos, and, most troublingly, the message is an undeniably humanistic one, something that's completely at odds with Lovecraft's pessimistic and anti-humanistic philosophy of cosmicism. Because of the way it was sold, I can't really judge Older Gods without looking at it through a Lovecraftian lens, though even with the alleged "descent into madness" being pretty lackluster, there's not much of a mystery or implied lore behind what you see on the surface, but I guess it could be entertaining if you're just looking for a slightly different shade of horror-based fun.

I'm really grateful that more filmmakers are taking on cosmic horror, however imperfectly, and if anyone is looking for recommendations, the even lower-budget Cthulhu (2007), Black Mountain Side, Gaia, The Lighthouse, The Borderlands, and the criminally underrated The Empty Man are all great. The Void, Glorious, and Underwater are also a lot of fun.

I hope that everyone who watches this finds something they like, but for cosmic horror fans, just know what you're getting into.
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A drama with horror scenes
movieface20002 August 2023
Older Gods is a cool little movie that seems to me to be more of a drama piece than a flat out horror.

Not saying its not creepy, there is a nightmare scene that really freaked me out as well as a couple of other really dark scenes but its more of a study on survivor guilt and loss.

Rory Wilson did a lot by himself, hes pretty much in every scene, most of the time by himself, and its a really great performance and it will be really interesting to see what projects he does in the future.

Its not the type of horror I usually watch but I watched it on my phone on a journey and I liked how weird it was.

It would have been interesting to see what the film would be like if it had a larger budget.

The final shot has a great 'oh s**t' moment.
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Had potential, but was unfortunately vague and lack lustre.
M85ALIVE1 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do like the effort this small crew and cast put into this, my hat if off to their efforts, with all the photos, evidence/CSI type stuff, newspaper stuff, not easy at all.

It does have its moments, visually, not bad, not amazing but still nice enough. The special effects with the scars and what not were very impressive and realistic, and so was the CGI effects.

My main issues is the script. Chris' goal: to find evidence the cult was real.

I get that it's for Chris to shed his guilt and be square with Billy, but it's forgettable because it's explained late in the film in a throwaway line and we don't experience the bond Chris had with Billy and the subsequent falling away of their relationship to feel the motivation.

He has to prove the cult is real, to who? Billy mentions the disbelievers, who, that's important context, and it never goes anywhere. He's dead and already believes in it. Why wasn't it for Billy's mother, to put her mind at ease and also Billy's, that would of made some sense. Billy was seen as mad, so why didn't he try to clear Billy's name, something impactful.

In the end, Chris meets Billy in a dream like cottage scenario, that's fine, but the problem is, it's not impactful or memorable, because that ending wasn't earn, great endings need to be earned. The whole film had very tame moments against Chris, no specific escalations against what he wanted to make the ending feel earned.

Billy says that Chris doesn't have to feel guilty about anything but if he proves his research as legitimate (to who?) then they're square with each other....which is it? Is he in Billy's good books or not?

It took till nearly the last 10 mins for anything impactful to the main character to happen, you need to put that at the beginning of the second act. You might be saying: "Where can you go from there?". Well, that's why writing is so tricky. I remember hearing in an interview with the Coen brothers about their writing process, when they come up with escalations for the main character, if they can find a way for them to get out of an escalation in less than 2 weeks, they they throw that out and try again. That's one of many reasons their films are so impactful and memorable.

The fact that his friend went all the way to Bosnia makes him the more compelling character than the actual main character, who just is in a cottage putting photos on a wall, it's so lack lustre. And what is "real" in terms of a cults existence? What specifically does he need to find, there is evidence of it all around him, it's not a compelling struggle. This makes the whole film vague, real to one person might not be real to someone else. Is it that the cult had an official leader? A registered manifesto somewhere that he needs to find? The cult has paranormal evidence behind it? And is it proof for Chris himself? For his doubters? Billy's mother? It's all so vague. It needs to be a specific thing.

He's basically doing the goal of Billy, fact checking the believers, nihilistic people and giving it to the people who thought Billy was mad. But that goal would be more fitting if it was Billy as the main character.

With Chris, he doesn't have as much to overcome, it's not him who is labelled as mad and wants to clear his name and be recognised as someone who studied something tangible and real as billy puts it. We don't experience Billy's reputation ruined or his mother being hounded by people for her "mad son", if that had of been the case, I'd of felt the motivation of Chris to verify this cult.

Had Billy's mother of called up Chris, desperate, she's a broken woman because her son died of mysterious circumstances in the middle of nowhere. Chris is confused and angry and guilty about not being there and us having experienced how good friends they were, and now wants answers to proof he died for something meaningful.

Chris needed to be way more pro active in his goal, it really isn't his goal, he's been asked to do it on someone else's behalf instead of Chris taking it upon himself to try and earn his friends forgiveness, it's just not compelling as it could of been.

The most powerful thing was the director's real experience of wanting to see his sick friend for the last time and not being able to and them dying without him being able to see them, that was more compelling than the whole film, why, WHY didn't he make a film directly about that, you can see in the film he had access to a hospital bed, WHY?????

With Chris, I don't experience the guilt and weight of how he feels to get on board and want to see him relentlessly try to achieve his goal. I would have, had I experienced how much Billy meant to him and experience Chris not being there when he died. Then I'd be on board. It just needed a few scenes. Shame.

It would of been cheaper, probably, easier and WAY more compelling than this film.

Had the film been about Chris trying to save his friend from dying (which leans into the cults ideology about meaninglessness and going to meet the God they serve) in the cult would of brought immediate stakes, escalations where the cult would stop Chris from saving his friend....it was begging for that.

We don't experience the bond he had with Billy, to feel his motivation to pursue his goal, all it needed was a couple of scenes. You had the actors together in a scene near the end, why didn't you show us their bond and then have it fall away and FEEL THE GUILT Chris felt. It's hard to get invested with this film, and with a goal that seems to have no reward, no focus, meander, no escalations against it, the man who wants the goal achieved is dead and he gives no reason as to why he wants it achieved, it's all very confusing.

The actor playing Chris, his American accent comes in and out, very inconsistent and barely American, some points he sounds like he's from England, then sort of American, it's odd and distracting. He's wasn't great with his performance, shame because he really seemed enthusiastic in his interview on the production YouTube channel.

The cinematography where Chris calls friends mum was very nice. I did like that. It felt very genuine and heartfelt. To me, it was the best scene in the film. Great job there.

But then he goes to the forest and listens to Billy about the cult and that it would perform killings and that their God would feed off of this suffering. How is any of this provable? You essentially have a goal, for Chris, that isn't provable, his goal isn't achievable. So what is the point of all this? How can you prove a God exists? All the subjects of the cult are mentally not well. How is the viewer supposed to get on board with a character who has a goal that is impossible to achieve? Proving God and verifying claims from mentally ill people? How? But, on the flip side, if it's simply about proving the cult simply existed, there's already loads of proof, so there is no need for any goal? ....I'm so confused.

When Chris' wife calls him. It has no bearing on the plot, she tells him things he already would know, so it's inorganic and just for the viewer.

Billy says that people from the cult, 1000's of miles away all quote scripture written about the same imaginary being? Maybe because of the internet....go back further, the bible allowed that to happen and that existed 1000's of years ago.

If Billy says the god is "imaginary" then how can all this be verifiable. Again, this goal is not achievable, this story will not work under the context provided.

The escalation where someone from the cult broke in and took things, stalked him, just wasn't compelling enough, steal all his research papers, that would be impactful. It really was pulling it's punches, you need to start big and go bigger from there, very tame. The "mysterious person standing by the house, breaks in" is such a cliche that it had no impact for me, i didn't lean in and go "what is Chris going to do now?"

Halfway through and there really hasn't been any conflict, any escalation against the main character, too much telling and exposition from characters, on and on and on, it really drags. The main reason for conflict is to deliver essential context to the viewer, and thus, without that, no wonder it becomes a muddled film at this point. Why is Chris here? What does he stand to gain? I do not see how getting embroiled in a cult will help him ease his guilt over his dead friend. It's just so muddled at this point.

In fact, after the halfway point, the cult and the man in black encourage him to practice the cults actions, opening up people, it's getting easier for him to see that it's a real cult, easier for him to achieve his goal, it should be the other way around. It's quite bizarre, I don't think I've ever seen a film where it gets easier for the protagonist to achieve their goal. The leader invites him to be blessed or his wife will take his place, it's not an escalation specific to the goal that was set up, it should be harder for him to verify it's a cult, again as I said, not easier.

Billy's experience going home from Bosnia sounds way more compelling than Chris'. Why wasn't the film about that? He was a way better actor as well, full of energy and charisma. He can emote in such a convincing way.

What about the God, wasn't it about to wake? Where's the payoff to that? That could of been compelling.

Honestly, the most compelling thing about his film was the voice of Jonathan Keeble, his voice has such an ominous presence, you get so sucked into what he is saying.

I was excited for this film, cult in the middle of nowhere had such potential. If the script got as much attention as everything else it might of been good.

I feel like David watched 'The Empty Man' and made this off of that. If so, great. If not, David, go watch that film, it is a GREAT film about a man investigating a cult because of a missing person he cares about and he REALLY goes down a rabbit hole and discovers something impactful. It's only on iTunes.
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Too much inane dialogue
jamosmonk16 September 2023
This had a couple of decent scenes but was overburdened with inane dialogue and far too much exposition that didn't actually expose anything. The dialogue from the friends narrative is long slow tedium. This did have potential but needed a few more rewrites to pare it down to just the useful and interesting an eliminate the pseudo pretentious drivel that only serves to lengthen the film. The ancillary characters who appear as voices don't come across as realistic at all but as amateurish. There is just too much chatter that seems like padding the run time. This may have been suited to be a 30 minute short.
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A great start, but unfortunately...
damianthegrey9 July 2023
This is an indie film, with a low budget, but the talent behind the project is evident. As you can guess from the title, it was heavily inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's stories and mythos. The film has a great start, building tension slowly but steadily, with a fantastic photography, especially in the dream sequences (which reminded me a lot of another, superior, lovecraft-inspired movie, The Void). No unnecessary action sequences, like many other modern horrors. After the first half I was sure it was going straight to my list of favourite movies...finally, a Lovecraftian story done right! Alas, it began to lose momentum and in the last half hour crashed miserably, with a series of unfortunate choices that, besides being decidedly out of place in a Lovecraftian worldview, also completely ruined the atmosphere cultivated up to that point.

I give it a six and not less for the first part only; give it a chance but do yourself a favor and skip the atrocious ending.
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Amateur and bad story line
rdbfcffvz29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This feels very low budget and amateur. The acting is not good at all.

Who is the random voice that starts suddenly talking to the Chris guy. It came out of nowhere and didn't tie into the film. One minute it seems like it's a cult, then he's going mad or it's all been a dream?

It's not gripping or edge of your seat twist and turns, it just doesn't link up or make sense...

It's not creepy or horrific, the make up was amateur.

The casting really could have been better and the story line needs work. I hate leaving bad reviews but there's really over the top great ones on here and it's a bit suspect like they've been left by the directors and film company friends...
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Older Gods
jonestownmisfire3 August 2023
My girlfreind found this on amazon as we try to find low budget gems and we were pleasantly surprised wit this one. I thought it would be monsters etc but it was a good story with a few scary scenes and the acting was good. Lots of good shots and the nightmare scenes we nicely weird. Its all about atmosphere rather than a million monsters jumping out on you. Like how all the questions werent answered. Be interesting to see a prequel of what happened to his friend as the backstory there was interesting. Think im going to watch it again as like to see if it gave away some clues earlier in the film.
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Decent Movie - Annoying
MFBOS4230 July 2023
Ok, this goes out to all of you movie ppl. Car alarms are wicked fn annoying. Set the thing off, then shut it off. There's no need to let it run for a minutes. There's nothing going on there but you annoying the shite out of your audience. Seriously. {facepalm} Otherwise, the concept was good. I love a good alternative history jont. Good actors, good story, directing could have been better {see facepalm}. What I don't get is, you get these producers to back you and you have the time and ability to make a movie, and 95/100 times, they suck. But this one on its slim budget was good. Thanks for the trip!
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Watch it if you enjoy the lovecraft genre
oneagain24 August 2023
Come on that gem deserves more than an average 5.

I almost skipped this one, after some reviews bashing the supposed fake - which i dont really think they are - what a shame. I, like a lot of us, have plenty of movies to watch everywhere but i really enjoy a good sci fi or horror movie. I liked this one a lot. Yes of course this is about Lovecraft but quite well executed.

If you liked The Void and In the mouth of madness (that one is really a must see), you may enjoy this one.

Small budget, and the credits... almost 4-5 talented guys that did this gem. Kudos to you.

I give it a 8/10 and i think it deserves it.
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Low budget but surprisingly different
kermitsbiggesthelper2 August 2023
I was surprised how much I liked this but I did!

I doubt that friday the 13th / freddy / scream slasher horror fans will like it that much as its thoughtful and slower paced. It replaces gore with mystery and emotion. Its basically a drama with horror elements as its very creepy in a couple of scenes.

I think it was pretty ambitious for a low budget and I was always intrigued.

I thought Rory Wilson did a great job as the lead, its difficult to essentially be the only person who talks through an entire film but I thought he carried the film well.

I think if you go into this understanding knowing what it it (slower, thoughtful, creepy) rather than expecting a monster movie or something, you'll like it.
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crustysaltmerchant6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all it's strengths, it's well made, it's well acted and it does have some creepy moments. But the negatives outweigh all these, poor script tapers out, story becomes increasingly absurd, it looks great but it is dull and it's 80+ minute run time seems a lot longer, so much so that I just wanted it to end and had no interest in how that happened.

So the story concerns a man piecing together what happened to his childhood friend and he stays in the remote farmhouse where his friend died. So far, so good. Then it's revealed the man has left his pregnant wife and his job back in America to come to Wales to look for answers. Ok, bit weird. No reason on Earth why he couldn't have stayed home and typed on his laptop and looked at the notes that he travelled thousands of miles to do at the farmhouse.

It turns out the dead friend was looking into the exploits of a cult and wants his long, lost childhood friend to continue his research for some reason.

The cult worship some ancient deity and practice blood sacrifices and are trying to summon it to earth. That's the story dealt with. Not the best premise to start off with, with a lot of unlikely and irrational things needed in order for it to work.

The film has a couple of creepy moments but is in no way scary, I wouldn't consider it a horror film, more a drama with supernatural undertones. The final third just seems like they ran out of ideas and so introduce a voice over that explains everything with a nice piece of exposition until the film just peters out and nothing happens.

It did have potential but if you've watched the trailer then you've seen the film, at least all that's interesting in it. As a fan of Lovecraftian horror this is a missed opportunity, it looks great, especially for a low budget film, but needed a much better ending.
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ONLY if you like Lovecraftian horror, otherwise a waste of time
kirachloe19 September 2023
I like pretty much all horror, and am able to give the lower budget films kudos where appropriate, but this one is stretching it. A goods script should be able to entice the viewer to get into the movie, even if the topic is not a favorite sub-genre. This one failed.

The acting was acceptable, sort of. What really gets you is the rest of the components to a good movie. The script was not ready for prime, should have spent more time there.

And the cinematography needed a lot of help. Yeah, I know, there are people out there saying the 'moody' shots are supposed to be like that, but not the rest of the movie! In fact better cinematography during the early parts of the movie can bring up the later parts where 'less than perfect' screening help set the mood. As it stands, it was closer to something I would see from high schoolers.
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It Was Almost There!
icocleric2 October 2023
I think it has some nice points to this film, but in some ways it missed the mark to have the right tone for a Lovecraften horror. The set up was great, investigation of what happened to a friend when investigating some cult like activies works.

But it had to much drama, and not enough horror. Some moments had good tension, but overall it wasn't there as much as it could have been. Some of the dream stuff was pretty cool though, and the cinematography was nice. There were some beautiful locational shots too.

I also think with it being cult linked there could have been more cultists stalking the lead. But one guy messing with you isn't really as scary as it could be.
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I love the craft of Lovecraft
benprichardsdotcom29 September 2023
And have watched some low-grade Cthulhu films too but what attracted me to Older Gods was its connection to North Wales where I live.

Unfortunately this one just wasn't ready for shooting. The premise is great; familiar Lovecraftian cult-horror, it's just that none of the devices created any fear or tension in me.

The leads descent into madness didn't seem plausible: this could have been down to his acting talent but I'm leaning more towards the script and direction not being up to scratch.

All in all, it's a really decent effort to make a British horror and I genuinely wish l felt more positive about it but Older Gods is way off the quality it deserves.
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A Thrilling and Entertaining Introduction to Cosmic Horror
Older Gods is a horror film that's sure to keep you on the edge of your seat! Directed & written by David Roberts, this movie is a great introduction to the cosmic horror genre in a fun and engaging way.

The storyline is intriguing, and the pacing is just right, never dragging on or getting too slow. The two protagonists have an interesting relationship that's sure to keep you engaged and invested in the story.

The locations used in the film are absolutely stunning and add to the eerie atmosphere that permeates throughout the movie. The special effects are also well-executed and will leave you feeling both thrilled and scared.

The characters are well-written, with sharp and well thoughtout dialogue that makes them relatable and likable. Roberts does a fantastic job of building an atmosphere of unease without being too overwhelming.

Older Gods is a horror film that's both thrilling and entertaining. It's definitely worth watching if you're a fan of the genre or if you're looking for a fun and spooky movie to enjoy with friends. Just be sure to leave the lights on!
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Ending spoiled all
train107712 August 2023
The movie had possibilities but for some reason decided to ruin all with the cheesiest of endings that other movies have used before.

The acting was not the best but it was desent enough.

The effects was ok and worked.

Pace was fine.

Story could have been SO much better executed with more dark and twisted visuals and not the oh so silly hollywood ending. The movie I want to see is the one that happends after the movie ends. This is where the real story happends. But like so many other movies we "the audience" is left to use our imaginations. This kind of storytelling works in rare cases and this is not one of them.

Like other reviewers I also love Lovecraftian horror and also think this movie will fall in with A LOT of other movies that failed to live up to this universe of ancient deities hidden behind our world.
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Interesting and different
monstermunch-2 August 2023
Great slow burn film that does a lot with a obviously small budget.

Like the themes of the universe is so big, the fear of being so insignificant can make a lot of people crazy. Which is the basis of the evil cult in this film.

Any gripes with it personally is just me wishing for a bigger budget which is the only thing keeping it from a higher score from me (id like to see monsters and more characters etc but to be fair its not really that kinda movie anyway and its obvious they simply did what they can afford.)

Acted well. Good direction. Cinematography is really nice. Interesting themes.

Give it a try.
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Low budget horror at it's finest
henrikringbert14 August 2023
Is it perfect? No. Not many movies are. Was it entertaining? Absolutely! It's a well crafted movie, with great visuals. And the soundtrack was just brilliant.

It's a very contained story but it still feels big. It's apparent that the whole budget was spent wisely. And no moment in the film felt cheap.

The acting by Rory Wilson and Ieuan Coombs was great. They both portrayed very believable characters that made me totally emerged in the story.

I think the film was a bit hurt by the runtime. I just wish there was more time to explore the story and to develop the relationship between the main characters a bit. That would have made the ending feel far more emotional.

My hat's off to the filmmakers. They created a very entertaining film that I totally enjoyed.
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Very Nice Shots But Somewhat Lacking in Action
wolfqueen202019 July 2023
I felt like they had something going but just didn't quite know where to take it. They had great actors, a great theme, beautiful shots, but we reaming in the same room most of the movie...he does a bunch of talking to himself and watching stuff. Gets a bit creeped out. I just felt like this would've panned off better as a documentary. Some of the epic shots were beautiful but most of intensity was lost due to the story just barely treading shallow water. Made me sad cause the actors did so well. A few things here and there had me confused. I won't spoil it for you. It was decent but my husband completely fell asleep. It's a 50/50 really. Good but not memorable.
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Really terrible waste of time, that I'll never get back
liamdou24 October 2023
The only reason this got a 2 was the interesting idea about the god, which you get in the first 15 minutes of the film, and then you can turn it off because it goes nowhere, like the rest of the film.

The dialogues makes no sense towards the end, and there were multiple scenes that were just dragged out way too long.

I like Lovecraft, and just because this has a Lovecraftian feel to it doesn't justify the watch. If you don't have a lot of time, DEFINITELY don't watch this and go watch something else.

If it's between this or ANYTHING else pleasant, go do that. If all you have is time because you have nothing else to do, sure why not.
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A Weird, Slightly Psychedelic, Slow Burning Psychological Horror...That Might Not Be For Everyone.
meddlecore16 August 2023
Older Gods is a slow burning- slightly psychedelic- psychological horror.

In which a man travels (from Denver) to a remote location in Wales, in a brazen attempt to understand the circumstances surrounding the death of his best friend.

While there, he learns that his friend had fallen in with- and possibly tried to expose- a bizarre murder cult.

Whose stated purpose is to open a doorway between worlds, that would allow them to access and interact with an "old god" (who may or may not be the Lovecraftian Cthulu).

Either way...it causes him to suffer a mental breakdown...and almost lose his life.

The whole thing is relatively drama heavy.

And veiled in ambiguity.

Concerning whether there ever was an actual cult to begin with.

With an ending that doesn't exactly clear things up.

And kind of leaves you hanging.

Though, you can probably chock this up to it's Lovecraftian influence.

It's both kind of interesting...and kind of boring at the same time.

Making for a weird mix of feelings about whether it's a good film, or not.

One thing is for certain...it's weird.

But that's about all it has going for it.

3.5 out of 10.
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peterlaw-7692423 October 2023
This was the most terrible film I have watched this year and perhaps even within this decade. I would not recommend this film to anyone, aside from the fact that it is low budget (which I have no issue with) the dialogue is horrible and the acting is like something from gcse drama. The actors are probably decent people but it just completley falls flat and leaves a poor aftertaste when completed. The story was a cliche cabin in the woods with some lovecraftian elements but could cleary not be fully realised (I'm assuming due to low budget) which just makes half of the plot feel out of place and basically amounts to the main character talking to people on the phone for like and hour of the film.
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More monologue than baki
jamietaylor-8507223 October 2023
Feels like staring at yourself in the mirror. Little to no plot, the dialogue was excruciating and the lead actor speaks like he has a bubble in his throat. The one good thing I have to say about this film is that it was short so it wasted less of my time than it could have. It has also helped with my insomnia.

Please do not listen to the other pseudo-intellectual "kino-enjoyer" reviewers, this film is not cerebral or mind bending, it is boring.

This film is only marginally more interesting than the worst film of all time The Lamb.

If you value your own time spend an hour and a half with a loved one instead of watching this tripe.
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A Fascinating Indie Lovecraftean Horror
splangton16 January 2024
Older Gods is an independent cosmic horror film I recently had the pleasure of checking out, and I had a great time watching it. As far as independent horror goes, I'd recommend giving this film a chance!

What fascinated me most was the context surrounding the making of the film. Serving as director David Roberts' first feature length film (having made some short films previously, such as Afterlyte - which itself is a thrilling, brooding short story about a man with amnesia waking up in an abandoned hospital), the film was made with a small budget. Despite the small-scale budget, Older Gods is an ambitious horror flick, one that I found to be very effective with its tone and presentation.

Something interesting is that Older Gods was filmed during the pandemic with a small crew, making the final product that much more impressive in my eyes.

Older Gods' visual presentation was astonishing to say the least, from its eerie cinematography that grounded the film's dark, twisted narrative, to the scarce, but imaginative and fantastical moments that incorporated visual effects. These played into the film's mystery and reliance on psychological thrills, and I appreciated the director's choice to avoid using predictable jumpscares or over-relying on gore. The standout for me, however, was the sound design. Not only was it phenomenally incorporated, but it managed to make my skin crawl at times.

Overall, Older Gods was an engaging, suspenseful mystery-horror film l'd highly recommend giving a watch. It's well-paced, captivating, and shows the limitless potential of its cast and crew.
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Gods in the Welsh countryside
Older Gods is a bit of a trippy experience, leaning much more towards a drama/psychological thriller with sci-fi and horror aspects to it.

It generally had quite the slow pace that consistently teetered between tension building and belabored, but edged out on the positive for the most part. It had a nice atmospheric sense of suspense, spook, and existential dread. Throughout, much of the dialogue became drawn out and monotonous on many occasions... seemingly pertinent, yet not overtly so. Despite maybe needing said conversations broken up a bit, I don't know if much of the script and acting helped with this issue.

The main guy, while not a bad actor, felt disconnected and one-note throughout the majority of the film and his performance in high intensity/emotional moments was also a bit underwhelming. There were also quite a few phone calls throughout the film, all of which had stilted and unconvincing voiceovers. Where the acting was quite enjoyable was from the character of the friend on the video. He had a natural and down to earth delivery that was enjoyable to watch.

This movie in many ways was also a visual treat. It looks great with a really nice quality of picture and truly stunning and unsettling visuals throughout. There were some impressive effects that really bumped up the overall quality of this movie as well.

Beautiful technical quality aside, I think the foundation for a really interesting story is here. It felt a little undercooked and lacking some layers, ending up having it more so land on the side of a solid proof of concept. However, I don't think that should take away from what this is as a whole.

Indie filmmaking is an art in and of itself and should be appreciated for exactly that. They made something cool and thought provoking here and while it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, it still deserves its flowers. 4.5 rounding up to a 5, would recommend.
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