"Invincible" In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity to a Fish (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Fun But Scattered
thekingmanx10 November 2023
This episode follows up on some loose plot lines from season 1, specifically the mars mission episode. It's decently fun but ultimately feels like an in between kind of episode where not much happens. The episode is essentially divided up into 5 different subplots (Mark, Eve, The Guardians, Debbie, and the Martian) which makes this episode feel pretty scattered and unfocused, but each of these subplots are pretty decently enjoyable and build on the world so there isn't that much to complain about. The only thing that I found really intriguing about this episode is the Immortal, does some really weird/unexpected things and overall has been just acting strange since the season began. I'm pretty curious where they are going with him. But yeah overall, this episode was fun but kind of forgettable if I'm being honest.
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Pretty Decent Second Episode
MamadNobari9710 November 2023
This episode tries to continue some loose ends from the previous seasons and does a pretty decent job at it.

But as for the main story, it's kinda going slower so far and I wish there were more episodes than just 8.

The main plotline stuff was mostly a 1-minute mid-credit scene, and some heartfelt moments between Mark and his mom.

I love that still can introduce new things about this world and new weird and wacky villains without it feeling too random or sudden.

I like the first fight Mark had, but I felt like it had a longer runtime than the second and last fight he had which I'm not gonna mention the names of so it won't get spoiled. But I wish the first fight was resolved faster and they lingered on the second fight longer, and the fight scenes were more creative, and Mark's fight lasted longer. I feel like he won that fight way too easily and abruptly just as you thought it was gonna get more interesting and Mark was about to get another beating, he just suddenly decided he wanted to win and defeated that enemy way too easily.

I also like that we still have some mystery in the story with Cecil's secret about Donald.

We also get some Atom Eve storyline with her helping people with her too overpowered powers and her parents. Which I think is now way more interesting than last season's. I think her father is a little less insufferable now and makes sense this time around, and I'm interested to see how Eve's relationship with them is gonna turn out and what she's gonna learn about the responsibility of her powers.

I also find it hilarious how Amber has been acting this season. It's like a 180 from last season's Amber. You cannot convince me that it was the creator seeing how much people hated Amber's character and her mildly psychotic behavior last season and decided to make her a supportive girlfriend and act like nothing happened this season. I chuckle every time Amber is on the screen because I can clearly see that the writers are trying their hardest to make Amber likable again. Never fails to make me laugh honestly, but I'm glad that they're past that and Amber isn't as insufferable as she was.

So not much of the main plotline moves forward but we get a lot of new and old villains get introduced and reintroduced and new storylines are set up. I wish we got to see more of Omni-Man, but I guess we're still relatively at the beginning of the story if they're gonna continue this show for a season 5 or even 6. But with this rate, I think we're gonna have another Attack on Titan on our hands and the story will finish in 2033 probably.

I also wish they brought back Damien Darkblood. He was way too cool and was taken away from us way too soon. Also don't mind having that lion guy gang back to see a round two with Invincible.

Overall it's a pretty good episode but it's mostly setting up new storylines and villains, not that it's bad or anything, but nothing mind-blowing happens either. (Not that it has to)
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SlummyT10 November 2023
This episode was decent it is packed with a lot of new plots and stories merging from different events that are accruing in the background of the main plot and from the previous season.

Invincible has been one of the series that I rely on heavily when it comes to superhero content next to the boys but this episode had a few to many stories going on for me to focus on one I'm sure the average viewer can understand that by no means puts this as a 'bad' episode but more on the ok side.

I did find the part about marks responsibilities out-weighing his desire to be a 'teenager' reminding me a lot of Spiderman having to figure out how to balance his social and superhero life. Let's keep are fingers crossed that the spectacular Spider-Man voice actor has been cast for a reason and can give mark some tips.
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People have no idea what they're talking about
tmmanole14 November 2023
If you've read the comics, you know what this episode sets up. I agree that it might seem a bit like filler, but trust me, there's a reason we see Mark do so many "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man" type missions. Most of these reviews are genuinely pulling things out of their ass regarding character portrayals and progression. I am fully confident that by episode 4 we're going to have a "Where I really come from" type episode, and y'all comic readers fully know what I'm talking about.

Conclusion: as a standalone episode, it feels more like mindless fun. As a part of the whole season, it'll make sense once it all airs.
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Show keeps on giving
eryknieeryk11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The second episode develops the whole story in a really good direction: Debbie is no doubt my favorite character, partially thanks to Sandra Oh's awesome performance, and also because of how much care is put into showing her downward spiral. The subplot with Donald being suddenly brought back to life, though he has no memories of his death (obviously) and Cecil having a hand in it is really intriguing and I can't wait to see the resolution. Also great is the introduction of a new villain and the subsequent mockery of tired elements of almost every superhero's backstory (the humor of the show is incredible, no doubt). Go watch it, it's great.
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Trey_Trebuchet11 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well I liked it

Not sure why so many seem disappointed and I don't at all think it's filler. It has plenty of good character-building moments such as-

...Eve arguing with her dad to name one, and then eventually finding out she caused more damage than good after trying to help others out.

...Mark going out his way to save people who hurt him, because it was the right thing to do and he doesn't want to be more like his dad.

...Debbie confronting Cecil and then breaking down in front of Mark.

And I didn't think the episode was slow at all. I was surprised how fast it went when things were over.

Yeah, this one has quite a bit of set-up for the rest of the season and it isn't quite as good as the first episode, but filler? Not at all. This felt ripped right from the comics and I'm both anxious and excited for what's to come this season. The final moments are particularly dreadful/awesome.

Anyway, I have read all of Invincible and I think they're doing really well so far with this season.
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Not Enough Time Given to Character Work
thegreendrinker28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Other people have already noted the scattered nature of this episode so I am not going to go over that because it has been covered pretty thoroughly. My major concern with the episode is that all of the conflicts between characters feel like they are expedited and simplified in order to cram them in to the episode.

Here is a rundown of the things that didn't work for me: Atom Eve's conflict with her dad is interesting, but her dad is too one-dimensional for the conflict to feel more genuine. Immortal and Dupli-Kate getting together comes out of nowhere and with no precedent. The fish kingdom storyline is changed from the comic in to a much less uncomfortable dilemma. I get why they changed it, but Mark having to decide whether to save people or not doesn't challenge his character in any way since that is his default. Amber and Invincible's relationship is corny and flat. The hangout scene feels stilted too. Portraying people having fun or relaxing can be done in a much more nuanced way.

The episode is best when it focuses on Mark's continued feeling of powerlessness and his eagerness to prove that he is useful or Deborah desperately trying to move on from the trauma her husband inflicted upon her at the end of the last season. When the story doesn't attempt to rush or simplify the storylines, then it works. To be fair, this is a problem the comic often had as well. Anything involving Mark, Atom Eve, or Omni-Man was given time and complexity and many of the other characters got only small bits of development at a time or else were developed off-screen. It is hard to keep so many character storylines going and the show seems to be having that same struggle.
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What was all that?
dprater20014 November 2023
It's like they put all the plots they had rattling around in their writing rooms heads, pinned em to the wall, then fired a buckshot at it to see what plot points they wanted to cram into one episode. This episode was genuinely all over the place. Mars, earth, the ocean, more dimensions (I'm absolutely over multiverse plot lines), more bad guys, the house, the mom, DARREL?, it goes on.

This genuinely felt like a filler episode on only the second episode. Not a great sign going forward.

And I guess this is the theme of the entire comic but it's starting to get old where invicible just gets his butt kicked in every episode and somehow he miraculously survives. Either gets bailed out or just written off with plot armor. For as strong as he is it's amazing there are so many things on earth that can beat him up.
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A huge drop off from Episode 1
hasanyasinhere10 November 2023
This was a very cheesy and unnecessary filler episode with the same old sentences from the 1st episode and the 1st season that I'm not my father.

There are literally so many many other interesting plot to go into more details and not sure why they are going into this direction, where the Adults are behaving like literal teenagers and teenagers are acting smug like they have everything figured out.

So many emotional outbursts in a single episode with fake drama between characters. The episode mostly contains people talking to each other about their feelings. Overall its just a meh episode with very few plot points with any interest. A snooze fest in my opinion.
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A Catastrophe
sakurestu11 November 2023
This episode was the worst in the series so far, no question. Set-up episodes are key for character development, and this one completely misses the mark.

The Netflix writer seems to miss the mark on understanding the characters entirely. Every nuance in their personalities is wiped away.

The dialogues are turned into preachy speeches, pushing progressivism in the most straightforward ways possible. The conversations are as straightforward and grounded as they can get.

First up, Dupli-Kate is giving Rex-Plode a lecture on workplace sexual language. Yes, you heard right - Rex-Plode, the colleague she had a fling with, at the workplace. It turns out she's doing this while being involved with Immortal, her thousand-year-old boss. The contradiction would seem odd to anyone, but the show presents it as completely justified.

Then there's Atom Eve's dad questioning the ethics of using her powers for personal gain. This could have been interesting if it didn't turn into yet another lecture challenging the traditional role of the male provider in the family.

Moving on to Debbie, she witnesses the abuse of a caricature of an evil man on his wife, focusing on the authority of the breadwinner over their partner.

Her response is a blunt "She's not your pet," an obvious parallel to her relationship with Nolan.

Then comes the dramatic meltdown on a closet door, a cliché symbol of her husband's absence, accompanied by pathetic swearing. It makes you wonder why they hired such a great voice actor for such uninspired dialogue.

I won't delve into Mark trying "not to be his father," as repeatedly stated in straightforward and sloppy writing. I'll just mention a couple of quotes: "-At least he follows orders, -gasp."

Also, Amber undergoes a complete shift to a bland, kind character who constantly emphasizes her volunteer work with phrases like: "Local politics might not be as exciting as flying around in tights, but that doesn't mean you're the only one saving the world."
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How can this season be that bad ?
grasbenjamin10 November 2023
It's crazy how this series has lost all its originality. The first episode of season 1 (where Omni Man kills the guardians) already installed us in a completely crazy and above all very original atmosphere. In this season 2, we just have the impression of watching a children's animation like Spiderman/Justice League, it's ridiculous.

Even the first episode of season 2 was better, with the parallel universe story, but this one... it's really disappointing.

I hope that the season will really find interest in the next episode, if this is not the case it is better to stop there. I forgot to mention the bogus relationships between the characters, apart perhaps from the relationship with Mark and his mother and the famous "I'm not my father", the secondary characters are very far from being interesting, BRING US BACK OMNI MAN!
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That was terrible.
therealjaysmoke11 November 2023
What did I just watch!!? The first episode started so well, but this episode is just a terrible downgrade. Am like, id this the continuation from the last episode, I think not. This episode was just bad. It looks like this series needs to be changed to Omni-Man because he is the only interesting character in all these. I don't know how long they plan to stretch Invincible's coming of age if after all these episodes, he's still not ready. And the villains are so basic, yet they seem to give this boy a tough time.

They better go back to the script n direction they took for the first episode, if not, I might stop watching after Episode 3.
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Just dumb superhero tropes
mugundankottur10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The whole episode is bad this time. At least last episode we had dark comedy, but all we have this episode are the classic dumb superhero tropes that have been done for ages.

From heroes who still don't know how to use their superpowers, waiting for the bad guy to cause destruction before stopping them, Bad guys who are evil for the sake of being evil, etc. There's a part of this episode where fake batman is able to defeat Invincible by trapping him in another dimension, but then lets him out cause he can't control his emotions!?! Why would you do that? The Episode ends with fake Atlantis and the trail by combat trope, and no one knows why Mark wins in the end despite losing up until that point.

Invincible has so much scope in its plot, but it chooses to display bad superheroes who don't know a thing about what they're supposed to do.
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