Interview with the Antichrist (2020) Poster

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Powerful End-Times film about an interview with the Antichrist after the Rapture.
michelle-gilmore324 December 2020
Powerful End-Times film about an interview with the Antichrist after the Rapture. Amazing film that will AWAKEN you to the last days we're living in.

The interview goes through the entire Bible showing how so many lost track of Jesus in the last days before the Rapture.

I go to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and I believe in the Rapture and the coming Antichrist who again may be alive right now.
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Presented as Deftly Talented Sparring Partners, INTERVIEW WITH THE ANTICHRIST is an Immensely Entertaining & Powerful Look at the Coming Antichrist!
jerrymiyaki17 December 2020
All i can say after watching this is:

Powerful. Thought-Provoking. Christ-Centered. Compelling. Remarkable. Tear-jerking. LIFE-CHANGING.

A must-see film on the end times. Don't miss it!
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An Intellectual FAITH Boxing Match - not for the weak of heart
garciacynthia98815 December 2020
I saw an advanced screening too of Interview.......this film is an intellectual faith-based boxing match between two men where the stakes are high; the winner takes it all, the loser goes to eternal darkness. See it. Mikitas who plays the Antichrist is unforgettable. The film is also Biblically sound.....
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Facebook Banned this Christian Movie for No Reason.....
royg-279254 February 2021
This is a 'jaw-dropping' film. You will never be the same after watching this movie. It's that powerful.

As you might have heard, Facebook banned and disabled the filmmaker's Facebook account for no reason. After thousands complained, Facebook restored the account. Talk about life imitating art! The antichrist spirit is without doubt in every area of our life now.

A lot of people have asked me where they can watch it. You can only find the film if you Google 'Interview with the Antichrist on Vimeo'. For some reason, you have to be Indiana Jones to be able to watch this film!

But it's getting out and this is the best end-times movie in history. Don't miss this and make sure your loved ones see the film. The Lord Jesus Christ could really come this year finally.
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Very rewarding, powerful - my Bible study LOVED this film
scottreedforever2 January 2021
........not to be missed, this film is so engrossing on multiple levels and will undoubtedly be regarded as seminal for it's engrossing insight and expert depiction of the last days of mankind. What a movie. Here, portrayed by Ego Mikitas, we see the Antichrist as described in the Book of Daniel as a thoroughly evil, angry, and bitter satan tool, a man who's made a bed knowing he will burn for eternity. We also see a manipulative and highly intelligent individual who, despite a great deal of success as the world worships him. I believe as the others that the Antichrist is very much alive. My Bible study loved this film. We're so happy to see the film in advance of the theater release. God bless everyone as the end times draws near and this 'wretched world' (as stated in the movie) comes to a final conclusion.
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Maybe the most important film you'll see in your lifetime......
wagthedog934512 December 2020
I was blessed to see a preview of 'Interview with the Antichrist' and it's the most important film I've seen in my lifetime. Finding Christ is the most important thing in your lifetime. Period.

Powerful is an understatement. This film is an instant Classic masterpiece. Ripe with couched metaphors and subtle tripwire dialog, the film's power flows from anyone who knows we're in the final days of mankind.

This movie covers every imaginable area possible and throws down the gauntlet on why this is all "END TIMES BEHAVIOR ALEX!"

This film will turn the most jaded skeptic into a believer in the end times. This is a very serious and real story of the coming Rapture.

A remarkable performance by the lead actor who plays the Antichrist transforms this unexpected film into a gripping, jaw-dropping, and unforgettable experience.

When the Antichrist finishes the interview you can't believe how fast the time went. This is from the same director of 'The Genius Club' and it's a million times better.

10 out of 10.
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WATCH THIS FILM NOW - before it's taken down
BradandMiriamFreeling27 February 2021
Watch this film now before it's taken down - seriously. Facebook banned the film and then thousands rallied for the filmmakers and it was restored. And then it was taken down by another service, really crazy.

This is a brilliant film that will truly scare you, but AWAKEN YOU! JESUS IS COMING SOONER THAN WE THINK....Everyone should pray that the those watching this film will really pull themselves and get their act together before the Lord's return. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT. Watch the film with your friends and family now. Watch the film yourself. It really awakened me to how luke-warm I really am and I've recommitted my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. He's is truly my Savior.

God bless you and everyone.
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a deep hymn to Christianity
clevelandman441724 February 2021
Amazed from the film and all the messages that come through every minute of it. Totally breathtaking and real.

A perfect blend of the Bible and these last days. It can't get any better truthfully.

All lines are filled with true faith and Christianity.

The director does a perfect job every minute of this priceless monumental work. The antichrist scenes are so vivid and full of "as true" motion.

Everything is perfect and there was nothing that could make me even question the reality of the film.

I only wish that there will be a sequel.

I agree with someone else: If this movie does not move you, nothing will.
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americanpastorfifth16 January 2021
As a pastor, the film is 100% Biblically correct and spot on with the Book of Revelation.


1) Loved how the film portrays events after the rapture - these are very serious times at the end of man. 2) Loved the acting - both the interviewer and antichrist were exceptional actors 3) Loved the use of the Bible verses throughout the movie - very rare - but I counted maybe over 40-60 verses 4) Gloves off! Loved how the film had a hard-core message (this is why so many people have been awed by this film). It's all about JESUS in the end. 5) Loved how the film correctly applies Scripture about the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation


1) Maybe too short! It's 90 minutes but it went so fast! :)

Overall, one of the best films I've ever seen in the past 30 years. You will be super-blessed watching "Interview". God bless everyone on this board, including the attackers who never did anything for the Great Commission except complain - you have a lot of them in my church.
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An extraordinary film
arthurwasson312 December 2020
Warning: You should know a little about Bible prophecy before watching as the film may go a little over your head. Essentially the entire movie is about the Antichrist once the Rapture happens.

Explosive in its content, thrilling in its presentations without losing the rhythm and the movement, this comes as one of the most absorbing films ever made. It's so important to our times. WOW is the only word to describe this. You must see it.

In short Interview with the Antichrist is an amazing film filled with razor sharp dialogues about the state of the world, amazing performances and tense and provocative sentiments as well as an explosive yet subtle ending.

RUN, don't walk to see this.
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No words how bad this it!
nathaliejax27 October 2021
Reading the bad vs good comments I was doubting to purchase this movie, and now I wish I didn't. I'm watching 30 minutes now and I'm afraid I'm not going to watch till the end. The acting is so terribly bad that I feel vicarious embarrassment just by watching them (the antichrist and the interviewer)

The antichrist quotes the scriptures a lot, the interviewer looks scared, confused and silly all the time.

The good reviews can't be real, don't waste your money!
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Wonderful, Biblically-correct film about the End Times
clara217 February 2021
My rating: 10++++++

I believe this is a wonderful way to spread the message of the living Christ and explain the times we are living in. What has been happening and what is happening is presented in such a realistic way. The actor playing the antichrist goes through Scripture remarkably and through gaining knowledge and doing it so well that you can see (and almost feel) the changes come over the interviewer and most of all....the viewer. The movie is scary in its truth, beautiful in its truth and joyous in its truth all at the same time. I recommend it to everyone as it has something for everyone. Very interesting and timely.

This movie gives you a lot to think about. When will this happen? Will I be left behind? Have I told those I love that I love them? It inspires you to read the Bible and think about God's will for you. This movie should be under the drama genre because having the Anti-Christ rule the world is certainly drama to me.

My prayer is I only hope more movies like this can be made. I'm so tired of filmmakers pushing their demoralizing agendas on us. Movies like this give me hope that I can still find quality entertainment. The acting was good and the special effects were also good.
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False teaching of the rapture
belairg20 June 2021
I would like to start off by saying that I am a big fan of Tim Chey, the man who made this movie. I consider two of his movies (Suing The Devil and The Genius Club) as my two favorite movies of all time. Although this movie is entertaining and thought-provoking my only real problem with the film is the false teaching of the rapture. One of the greatest end times deceptions is that true Christians will not be here when the AntiChrist is in power and that the rapture takes place before the 7 year Tribulation period. I believe according to the Bible that the rapture takes place at the very end of the Tribulation period. I recommend that people would pay attention to the teachings of Joe Schimmel; Gabriel Ansley Erb; Steven Anderson and Irvin Baxter concerning the end of days because I feel they have crucial knowledge to offer. I still feel this movie is an important one but be aware that there are different views on the rapture and if you are a Christian don't expect to be raptured before the Tribulation and be prepared to face persecution and whatever you do don't take the mark of the beast.
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Not sure how this gets such a high rating
daveimboden-0443716 October 2021
I really hoped that all the great reviews were true, but alas, they weren't. I wish I had seen some of the low rating reviews before purchasing this video.
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Insane that Facebook banned this movie.....
ericmoviegoer212 February 2021 about life imitating art! The whole movie talks about the antichrist spirit pervading over everywhere and what does Facebook do? They ban this film from being advertised for no reason! But I just heard they reinstated the filmmaker's account after maybe thousands protested. Praise God!!!! Please support this film - it's just an incredible, gut-choking, Christ-first movie that strangely flies by so quick. We are absolutely living in the last days. don't miss this film and most of all, Jesus. You will be astonished how fast the time goes when watching this film. 10+
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from the same filmmakers of 'The Islands'
eduardosanchez-woodland17 February 2021
If you haven't seen 'The Islands', that was an amazing film about an island chiefs who came to Christ in 1823 and won the entire island to Christ.

This new film 'Interview with the Antichrist' is really stunning and powerful. You just need to read all the reviews on Facebook to see how it's changing people for Christ in these last days.

The film is so powerful that it was actually banned on Facebook I hear. Just google 'facebook bans 'interview with the antichrist' if you want more information.

There are a lot of people who don't like this film because it calls out luke-warm Christians. by their fruits you will know them. When you see people giving the film a '1' just click their name and see the films they reviewed. This should be enough of an indication.

God bless everyone on this!
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Rapture Explained in Chilling Detail - Amazing!
ridgereilly16 December 2020
My mouth is still open. What a movie. It's like sitting down with the sharpest pastor of the century and having him explain the entire world to you and the end times in the Bible. Powerful is an understatement.

This movie is very...very good. It will make you stronger in your faith no doubt. You might just want to see it, not just because of Ego Mikitas' chilling performance as the Antichrist, but it also is very interesting and extremely detailed. 10/10
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A Powerhouse Faith-Based Drama - You won't regret it.
bcasey-085622 December 2020
I haven't reviewed in 5 years, but had to with 'Interview'.

This is the best exploration of the workings and motivations of the Antichrist that I have ever seen. It is also the best study of the end times by any movie ever.

And what a showdown it turns out to be, for at its heart "Interview" is really an account of a fascinating, take-no-prisoners duel between two evenly matched opponents with diametrically contradictory goals: One for Christ, the other the exact opposite of Christ. Don't kid yourself. The Antichrist may be alive today with Covid-19 just the beginning of the end. Jesus spoke about this 'pestilence' that will be world-wide.

Every Christian needs to see this film as the other critics and posters have said.

A strong recommendation from me.

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Sorry...I liked it...
markchimino22 February 2021
The film presents interesting views about the end times and the book of Revelation, it's very thought-provoking. The plot is a little hard to follow especially if you don't listen and watch carefully for the clues from the Bible and what the antichrist is saying.

The supporting actor who plays the interviewer is very well cast, and the actors who plays the antichrist deserves all the praise he gets for his incredible part. Ignore the haters. It wouldn't matter how grand a film was, if Jesus is talked about they will trash it, pretending to be Christians when they're really anything but. Just watch the flick and judge for yourself.

Again, strong character played by the antichrist. Excellent cinematography, A unique approach to the end times we're all living in, Thoroughly engrossing

The negatives were the Russian accent was a tad difficult to understand at times, but this is a film to watch again and again. This one guy on Facebook watched it 7 times in a row! I watched it like 4 times, but going for that record.

Watch this one!
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I agree with everyone - speechless.....
carmanrosales20 February 2021
....I agree with everyone that after watching this movie I sat stunned and speechless. The Lord is absolutely behind this film and He's most definitely coming soon....what was so searing to watch was how all the events were compacted into one story. it's magnificent. it's like you got some university class on the end times mixed with the current events mixed with repenting of your sins before Jesus. like i said, "what a movie!!!"
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Takes a few minutes to get going, but then it hits you hard!
tlammle30 January 2021
I recommend this movie to just get an idea of what is going on and what is going to happen. It's pretty eye opening and will jar you awake. I had a hard time sleeping after watching this, and then watch it a couple days later with my wife and still had the same issue trying to sleep. The actor playing the anti-christ was amazing and really knocked it out of the park here...
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This is NOT good.
jenkfarrell17 February 2021
I purchased this after reading some reviews. I don't mind end time movies at all, I am a fan of the left behind series. I do read scripture daily, and am fairly versed in it and theology. There are various believes in end times, pre-millennial a-millennial, etc. you can look them up yourselves as this is not a salvific issue by any stretch. I commented on this Facebook feed my thoughts on this movie and the creator promptly deleted my comments and sent me a message that I could not respond to. Christians should be prepared to give an account with gentle love, not cast stones of condemnation and then block the ability for cross communication. This creator did not act in accordance with how scripture calls us to behave. Furthermore, this move is all about fear and even at one point calls some churches good and other churches bad to the point where "baptists and non-denominational were raptured" while others were "left behind". This movie basically is how COVID-19 is the beginning of the end times, and is all about fear. Very unbiblical in my opinion. Scripture says do not fear tomorrow for today has enough worries of it's own. Scripture further says not to call a conspiracy what the world calls a conspiracy. This is all about conspiracy. It also links end times and rapture to America and frankly, I've never seen America in the Bible. This is someone who, I think, may very well have an unrealistic view of America as a savior type rather than actual trust in the Savior.

I also believe one of satans biggest weapons is "Christians" who have a heart of condemnation over grace and love. (Read CS Lewis Screwtape Letters). I think this would turn a non-believer further from God, and that is dangerous territory as scripture also warns about those who would lead His sheep astray.

I also highly doubt any antichrist would advise someone to "read the Bible" as this character did, though I do recommend everyone read the Bible as it will not return void. There are many false Christians out there and if they take the time to read scripture in it's entirety, I believe they'll start to have a relationship and their hearts will change, however we need to be cautious not to pick and choose and read out of context. That is what Satan did in the desert.

This creator did not engage in a biblical discussion, rather he deleted and blocked me. This creator does not embody what Christians are to embody. Watch this if you must, but please realize this is fear mongering propaganda that uses end time scriptures out of context and forgets who God actually is.
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One Powerful Film
mka20129 February 2021
My goodness.....

maybe the most powerful Christian film ever made. no wonder facebook banned this film. if there is one final film you have to see before God comes back, THIS IS IT.
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Don't watch it if you're not American
dgenx-rld25 September 2021
I was browsing for the bible collection of movies like solomon, esther etc. And found the reviews of this movie to be intriguing and decided to buy it. Man.. thats 700 rupees and 1.5 hrs of my life I'm not getting back.

It sounds like American right wing bull-crap about the pandemic and the political media that I don't care about and also, seriously? The antichrist who's supposedly running the world, sounds like a cross between Borat and Schwarzenneger and gives interviews in a rundown warehouse? What supposed world leader have you ever seen do that? Even Gaddafi put up a respectable podium for the press meet after his residence got bombed.

I couldn't sit through the entire "movie" and if someone can point some time timeframes which are relevant for someone who's not from the US, please suggest.

Also in my opinion, the way the devil would trap people would be similar to "A Nice Place to Visit" episode from the 1959 twilight zone. Makes much more sense.
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unexpectedly SPELLBINDING and Full of Tension
keith-morales9019 December 2020
On the face of it, a movie about a TV interview doesn't sound that exciting does it? But Interview with the Antichrist is utterly absorbing, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

I agree with one critic that you should have at least some end-times study in you as this film is like a treatise or doctoral dissertation, yet absolutely enthralling from end-to-end.

I can't give away the ending, but it's just magnificent. By the time the end credits roll, you will be sitting like a stunned statute, but completely blessed.

There is not one single tittle that is left out. You will have a PhD in end times prophecy by the time the film ends.

Excellent production. Excellent performances by two very good character actors.
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