Monsters of War (2021) Poster

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Worst acting you'll see all year
draftdubya3 October 2021
Amateur YouTube can act better than the people in this. The little girl was the worst. The mom had a entire make-up store on her face. These people do any and everything to became victims. They had 3 months of food. They could've covered the windows and the monsters would've never even thought of them. I hate when people in these movies have life threatening asthma and are always never near their medicine.
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If it weren't for the atrocious acting it might have been fun.
dieharddave4414 September 2021
I like low budget movies, I understand the CGI might not be great or the story might not be original, but what made me quit this movie was the acting, it was horrible. Sorry Mr. Director, but you need better actors.
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These monsters will bore
milkhole21327 October 2021
Monsters of War is producer Scott Jeffrey's third attempt at a group of unappealing, unattractive people trapped in a house stalked by dinosaurs/monsters horror film. I'm pretty sure this is the same hotel as in Dinosaur Hotel. The other film Hatched was in a pretty country house. The star here is the same actress from Dinosaur Hotel and she has the same two annoying kids as in that movie. They must be her real children as they can't act. None of the adults in this should really be in the acting profession either, it features some other faces from Dinosaur Hotel. The Eastern European nun is especially bad at acting plus her character is nasty- homely, mean, condescending and delusion. You'll be longing for her death and the death of every other character here.

Apparently there's a war going on involving monsters though there's no big battles or chaos in the cities. The attacks by the "Monsters of War" are pretty sparse. I think we get more screen time of a super annoying asthma attack. We also get a long crying scene and a look for the lost child part which is pointless as it doesn't end in finding the child's half-eaten remains. All of this is to add unnecessary drama to go along with the endless dialogue inside the hotel. How about some drama of the people being relentlessly assaulted by the "Monsters of War?" Instead our ears are assaulted with endless boring dialogue that is hard to make out due to the accents.

The lone redeeming thing about Monsters of War is the monsters themselves. Sure the CG isn't great but it's not really that bad. There's a decent variety here- two T-Rex's, a snake like monster, a dragon and another neat insectoid/reptoid type creature. There's a mention of a raptor that never appears. The monster attacks are somewhat bloody. At one point the director thinks he's clever doing one of those cliché circle around a group of people while they talk sequences. The only problem is you can hear the cameraman's footsteps during the entire sequence. Genius! There was also some brief but nice scenery of the English countryside. I've seen some fun films produced by Scott Jeffrey like Cupid and Don't Speak, Monsters of War is not one of them.
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Dumb people making the worst decisions
JonjaNet19 February 2023
This is awful! Even for a bad movie it is BAD!

Crappy child actors that are obviously reading things off of cards, a "star" whose giant fake eyelashes make her look like an aged out porn star, and some of the cheapest CGI.

Just a collection of really stupid people making the absolute worst decisions.

In the first 5 minutes the "porn star" yells questions to her kids, we hear no response, but she acknowledges something as if they did, then when a giant monster worm finds its way to the roof of her car, rather than driving off, she and her kids get out and run to a cave! (Which doesn't go well for them, but not as bad as the audience may hope) I post this as a warning. STAY CLEAR OF MONSTERS OF WAR.
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Literally one of worst films EVER
geraldleejones5 October 2021
I cannot imagine a single redeeming feature of this film. The acting is so wooden that cadboard cut outs would have been far superior to any of the performaces rendered by this cast. The plot is contrived in theworst sense of the term and is almost a stream of consciousness affair. Not worth even a ten minute look-see! The British should be tried for War Crimes for this movie!
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It was bad on every account...
paul_haakonsen3 November 2022
When I sat down here late in 2022 to watch the 2021 movie "Monsters of War", I had never actually heard about the movie. I stumbled upon it by random chance, and I must admit that I found the movie's cover to be interesting enough to make me sit down and give it a chance.

Now, anyone familiar with the production level of the average movie from The Asylum might find "Monsters of War", though it was not one of their movies. In fact, "Monsters of War" outdid the usual level of lousy movies they did. So yeah, you are truly in for a dumpster fire of a movie, should you opt to sit down and watch "Monsters of War".

Writer Scott Jeffrey put together a scrambled jumble of a storyline for the movie, one that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. So if you want a movie that is all over the place without making an ounce of logical sense in any way, then by all means give "Monsters of War" a chance. I prefer a movie that provides proper entertainment when watching it, and writer Scott Jeffrey failed on an epic scale here.

The acting performances in "Monsters of War" were terrible, one and all. I swear, it was as if director Jack Peter Mundy went out of his way to ensure that the entire cast ensemble was everybit as dubious, wooden and rigid as the mutation of a script he was handed by Scott Jeffrey way. Of the entire cast ensemble in the movie, I was only familiar with actress Chrissie Wunna.

Visually then you're in for quite a treat here. Yeah, the special effects and the CGI effects in "Monsters of War" were indeed exactly that - special. The CGI was such an eye-sore to behold on the screen, and it was difficult to fathom that something that bad would actually get around to seeing the light of day in 2021.

It was as if the people behind "Monsters of War" were virtually going on all in on every front in making "Monsters of War" every bit as horrible, laughable and poor as humanly possible.

Do yourself a huge favor and stay well clear of this heap of dung disguised as a movie.

My rating of "Monsters of War" lands on a one out of ten stars.
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Terrible Acting
darrenk-6121918 September 2021
The CGI was really good, but the acting came out of a Cracker Jack Box. The facial expression you can tell the lead actress was trying too hard with extra long eyelashes. The kids had no emotion. I want my time back.
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Some movies are so bad they're good, this isn't one of them
Darthfrodo5814 April 2023
Sadly, the acting in this film is High School film class quality. The lead actress has fake eyelashes long enough to dust furniture and the poor kids are smiling at times when they're supposed to be terrified.

After an earthquake (?) a woman taking her kids to Grandma's house stops along the side of the road and hears loud scratching noises on the roof. ANYONE with even a lick of sense would drive off, instead, her and the kids get out and see a monster on the roof. Then instead of jumping back into the car where it's safe they run away with all the quickness of a sloth. They come across two guys covered in blood that tell them there's monsters nearby and that they came from a cave. They hear growling noises coming from inside the cave and what do they do? They run into the cave. The woman and kids then run to a house with a front door that couldn't stay closed against a slight breeze let alone monsters. There's a motley crew of people inside including a nun with a bad accent and changing complexion, and 4 others. The CGI isn't super bad but the writing, the terrible acting and bad plot lines (people do stuff that no one would ever do) just distract from everything so much that it's unwatchable. Nobody in this movie is afraid, there's T-Rex, giant spiders and other monsters running around and nobody shows even a hint of terror. Even though a couple of the actors give it a valiant effort, it's just terrible directing. Not worth seeing this one.
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What a waste of time.
misterbricks-2113420 April 2023
The story of this movie had potential. The acting, therefore, is ridiculously bad. The children who are cast have null charisma and what the children lack in acting talent the rest compensates for with terrible overacting. The local amateur drama society employs more credible actors. The monsters in this movie are quite imaginative, but the execution is downright bad. The CGI looks ridiculously cheap. I can't believe anyone put the time and money into making this. Sometimes there are those movies that are so bad it's still funny to watch but this just hurts your eyes. Avoid this movie at all costs. Go do something fun with your time. Go scrub a toilet, iron the laundry, or literate your stamp collection. These are 81 minutes of your life you will never get back.
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Worst actress ever
cujorocky18 September 2021
Chrissie Wunna is the worst actress I have ever seen. Horrible. Seriously, she is the worst.
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drystyx4 October 2021
I think that says it all.

You'll understand if you watch this movie.

It's a monster movie. Bunch of weird monsters.

The opening family is really weird. All through the movie, you'll be thinking that they were really robots, or something to explain their weirdness and stiffness.

But it never happens.

In its defense, I'll say that it certainly looks like some very important information was CUT. Maybe more was filmed, maybe more was scheduled to be filmed. It wouldn't take much to add for some coherent story line or character line.

Mostly, the military angle looked like something was cut. The two surviving soldiers who join the isolated group have weapons that never work. That is possibly what is missing from the story. Were they given decrepit weapons on purpose by humans, or was there a supernatural reason? Nothing is indicated either way. Was there a scene cut from the movie to explain this? The woman playing the military leader gets top billing, even though the family is center stage, so I'm inclined to believe there was initially more to the script.

Until that is added on to the movie, I have to grade it on its merits as is. So, here goes:

We learn many lessons. The people in the military are given weapons that don't function. And eventually the ones who survive learn to just toss those weapons away.

We learn that if a beast is about to eat you, to stand and talk and don't run away or drive away for a good 15 seconds. This is to ensure that the slower beasts don't get their meal, and you get to feed faster beasts who will breed faster beasts.

Many such lessons.

The motivations for the characters? Well, some are motivated, and some are just kind of "lets just have this character do this thing here". Notably a stereotypical religious nut and the family from the beginning.

I'll be lax on the rating, because I do believe the panic in panic situations. That's the only thing going for this movie. People not acting calm and cool when huge dangerous beasts are maiming and tearing their bodies apart.

But it total?

I think it can all be summed up with:

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What are they?
nogodnomasters1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Following an earthquake (or camera shake) May (Chrissie Wunna) and her two children annoying called "kids" are the time head out to grandma's house only to encounter big bad prehistoric monsters. Chased by a T-Rex they enter a cave knowing this is where monsters came from to go to a power plant where the monsters ate everyone. They end up at a hostel. The little girl wanders outside and May goes to look for her, shades of "Dinosaur Hotel" (for the person who saw that one).

Even though everyone at the power plant was killed, the grid was still up and operating. The acting was bad and the CG looked as fake as Chrissie Wunna's eye lashes. Just a bad film all around.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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garyparkerca3 July 2022
This is hilarious. So so so bad. The acting is beyond atrocious, so wooden and monotone. How did they ever get this horrible piece of work released.

Worth watching if you are high!!! Or drunk!!!
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If I could have given it a -1
DAXXX_carrand29 February 2024
Oh, Monsters of War, what a cinematic masterpiece! I mean, who wouldn't want to watch a movie that combines bad acting, boring scenario, and mind-blowingly terrible CGI? It's like they took all the ingredients for a disaster and baked them into a cake of cinematic catastrophe. Bravo, filmmakers!

Let's break it down, shall we?

1. Acting Excellence -The actors in this film must have attended the prestigious "Overacting Academy." Their performances were so cringe-worthy that I couldn't help but wonder if they were secretly auditioning for a community theater production of "Hamlet."

2. Scenarios Galore - Thirteen scenarios in a dozen? Genius! Because who needs originality when you can recycle the same tired plotlines over and over again? I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for Scenario #14: "The Hero Loses Their Car Keys." Riveting stuff!

3. CGI Magic -Ah, the special effects! I'm convinced they used a potato to render those monsters. The creatures looked like rejected rejects from a '90s video game. But hey, at least they stayed true to their pixelated roots! 🎮

4. Teleprompter Extravaganza - Every scene felt like a live teleprompter reading. The actors stared blankly into the abyss, reciting lines as if they were reading the morning news. "And now, back to you, Bob, for the weather!"

5. Blackboard Dialogue - The kids, oh, the kids! They spoke as if there was an invisible blackboard in front of them. "Today's lesson - How to emote like a cardboard cutout."

6. Prime Time Disaster - Prime, oh dear Prime. How did you manage to unearth this gem? Did you draw straws in the office? "Congratulations, Tim! You get to upload 'Monsters of War'!"

7. Quality Control:m - And finally, the pièce de résistance: the "better quality." Yes, because nothing screams "quality" like a film that induces eye-rolling, facepalms, and existential dread

So, dear viewers, if you're looking for a movie that defies logic, taste, and sanity, grab your popcorn, dim the lights, and dive headfirst into the abyss that is Monsters of War It's so bad, it's well, just bad. But hey, at least it's consistent!
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Definitely the worst movie I've ever seen
dickje-848-8307692 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My son had found this movie to watch last Saturday. Looked it up on IMDb to see that it had a rating of 2.1. Well, we've done this more often: watching a low rated movie to see if it's really that bad and sometimes it's fun or just fun to see how bad it is. With this movie everything was bad and it wasn't even fun. Luckily it only lasted 80 minutes.

Acting was horrible: the kids, ok, they are kids, spoke without emotion. They were probably reading their lines from an autocue or anything the like.

A bunch of inconsistencies: When May says she's going to check for her children I was thinking we weill get a scream when she finds out the daughter is missing. But no, she returns and later goes checking again for her children.

The story itself is also quite unlogical.

Soundquality of the movie was also quite bad. Soundtrack sounded good but when people were talking it was too soft and you have to turn the volume up.

In total: not recommended.
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sandykane-8931829 May 2024
Actors were horrendous. I love watching low budget movies but this was by far the worst. The mother was so horrible I laughed at her half the time. Definitely need better Actors. When people died you could still see them breathing..their chest rising lol. The kids were something else. The daughter was emotionless when she acted and the son looked like he was hiding back laughter. The 2 best actors were the African American dude and his mom. The monsters looked pretty cool. They made the movie over the actors. was a movie I felt like I wasted my time on that I can't get back. Get better actors.
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