Ghost Lab (2021) Poster


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It's just a normal horror movie.
SLEEPMAN200128 May 2021
The first 50 minutes is good & interesting storytelling, however, right after turning point (you know what scene), seem like writers forgot what happened in first half and turn it to normal standard horror movie even they could continue expand and explore their own world. Lead to totally disappoint conclusion. Not worth watching to be honest.
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Wastes intriguing ideas for cheap scares
Sir_AmirSyarif5 June 2021
GDH 559's first film to premiere on Netflix, Paween Purijitpanya's 'Ghost Lab,' wastes intriguing ideas for cheap scares. Not without its moments of horror and suspense - and, surprisingly, heartpounding melodrama, but the movie fails to effectively convey promise of its story. The premise is captivating, but the execution and overall story leave much to be desired.
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See some future here
rx7-237-95962818 July 2021
In these days I'm bored with thai movies.

But this is movie can make me watch it till the end.

Still have some hold in plot but i can see future from this team. Lead male actor can make me feel that his acting is real. Can't wait to see his next movie. And one of all is the director. He is good story teller. Glad to see a good thai movie here.
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boycandance26 May 2021
The movie is very very very boring. The acting is hard like rock - predictable and cheap CGI.
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A generally cliched but still fun Thai ghost film
kannibalcorpsegrinder15 January 2022
Working a shift at a local hospital, a pair of friends are convinced they've been witness to paranormal activity and set out on a determined quest to find out the truth about the paranormal world, forcing them deeper into a quest that the ghosts in the area aren't too fond of them discovering.

Overall, the film is quite a jarring and offsetting film. Much of this is due to a bizarre storyline that favors shifting the tone of the film quite frequently from scene to scene. The initial setup of the two working in the hospital for various altruistic reasons as one wants to be close to his comatose mother and the other more interested in the pursuit of the paranormal working there offers him provides a grounding to the characters early on. However, this melodramatic turn is broken up frequently to show that the two are indeed best friends through the use of childish, immature pranks and pratfalls around the hospital that showcase a decidedly more comedic bent to the presentation. While lighthearted and certainly of the variety that genuine friends would pull on each other, these scenes come off as quite odd when contrasted against the dramatic turns later on. Once they discover the ghosts have been visiting the hospital, all pretenses of comedy are dropped in favor of increasingly melodramatic confrontations between the two highlighting their descent into psychological madness and devotion to figuring out the truth rather than featuring a straightforward story. This factor becomes another drawback to the film that holds it back. When the switch occurs that brings the two into their quest for the truth behind the ghosts that they've been seeing, there's a decided lack of interest in what's going on that tends to make for a highly problematic and underwhelming feature. Despite turning the film into a series of enthusiastic and thoughtful conversations involving the physics of the situation against the psychological damage the quest is turning him, very little of this becomes interesting as the ghosts completely disappear from the film in favor of these conversations. They're so infrequent in place of these admittedly spirited debates that it's entirely possible to be bored during these segments while the conversations eventually bring a different change to their personalities by offering a highly dispiriting tone that is completely dull to sit through. This series of scenes here with the guys doing their discussions create a highly dispiriting downgrade against the type of sympathy that had been created beforehand with a series of revelations that we've all been aware of for the most part anyway that tends to alter our perception of the characters. These factors all combine together to lower the film somewhat. While there are some flaws, the film does have a lot to like about it. Most of these factors are based around the ghostly encounters that showcase the terrifying nature of the ghosts as their appearances are genuinely shocking. The initial encounter in the hospital where it utilizes the atmosphere of the darkened hospital to generate some really creepy visuals of the ghosts appearing out of nowhere to generate a sharp shocking sequence for a rather enjoyable starting point to the hauntings. Later scenes in the corridors of the hospital are just as effective, creating a feeling of genuine tension and terror that escalates nicely with the tension between them during their personal crises that is a fine cohesive balance. As the final half builds in intensity with the reveal of their purpose for being in the hospital and they get far more active, the energy and intensity pick up nicely with the encounters inside the hospital which are rather enjoyable overall. There's also plenty to like with the intensity of the conversations involving their search and the motivations for doing so that's painted as sympathy that's filmed quite nicely. Combined with the fantastic ghost make-up that helps their eeriness quite heavily, there are some great elements present here.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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Interesting concept brought down by lukewarm direction...
paul_haakonsen7 July 2021
I must admit that I was expecting a tad more from the 2021 Thai horror movie "Ghost Lab" than what director Paween Purijitpanya managed to deliver.

For a ghost movie then "Ghost Lab" was sort of a mixed experience. On one hand then it was actually nice to see a Thai ghost movie that deviated from the usual archetypical, and often stereotypical, formula that many ghost movies from Asia follow. But on the other hand, then the movie's storyline just didn't really feel wholehearted, and the movie was definitely lacking in the scares department.

The storyline told in "Ghost Lab" was interesting enough on certain aspects, and I do like the aspect of men of science delving into the realm of the supernatural in order to prove something. And that worked out well enough in "Ghost Lab", at least up to a certain point, then the movie just became stale and lost its drive.

It should be said that the acting performances in "Ghost Lab" were definitely good, and the actors and actresses were putting on good performances to bring their characters to life - pardon the pun - on the screen.

Visually then "Ghost Lab" was adequate, I suppose. There weren't much of ghosts to be seen, so if you are expecting that, you'll be sorely disappointed. It should be said, though, that the special effects and CGI department did good enough jobs with bringing the supernatural elements to life on the screen. Luckily, then "Ghost Lab" was not a movie that was overly reliant on special effects in order to be watchable.

"Ghost Lab", as a horror movie, just failed to bring much of anything overly new to the genre. So writers Vasudhorn Piyaromna, Paween Purijitpanya and Tossaphon Riantong weren't exactly revolutionizing the Thai horror/ghost genre with "Ghost Lab".

But ultimately, "Ghost Lab" is adequate for a single viewing, if you have nothing better to watch. This wasn't a groundbreaking moment in Thai horror cinema, nor was it a particularly memorable or outstanding experience. I am rating "Ghost Lab" a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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touching horror story
alexander_f_istanbul13 June 2021
I really enjoyed the movie, the story is quite touching. Some scenes dont make sense and some of the actions of our two main characters are incomprehensible but I liked the conclusion of the film.

The actors and actresses all did a great job and I recommend this horror movie that has some good jump scares - the one in the beginning when gle was talking about his father i even screamed..

hope more movies from thailand will b released in cinemas or on streaming services. Its so great to watch how all the countries tackle the horror genre (or other genres)
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The experiment
bananasonata30 May 2021
Overall good plot but if you are watching from a scientist point of view, you can't help but feeling a bit disappointed. Gla made such sacrifices, why not finish the experiment. What's the lesson here to learn? To give up? There were a few touching moments, but still they don't balanced out the feeling of incompleteness that was left at the end of the movie. The more I think about how Gla was the one that started the project, the more I felt anger by the fact that he was also the one that wanted to end the experiment. Can you imagine the wave that would create in the research world? The Lancet probably begging you to have the article published. So much cooler if it ends the other way!
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Absolutely Unique Attempt
vpk-7483830 May 2021
Omg.! First 1 hour of this movie was nail bitting scenes. First of all I loved the story line.. Background music just stunning (Earphones must). But the sad part is climax. We must accept the climax scene which is the reality of the world. There is no proof existence of after life. So we should other way..Good attempt and good BG Music guys.
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Unreasonable plots and twists.
siameserich29 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show focuses on twists. But it cannot make senses for the reason that causes each twist, especially the last twist.

And this show is just story telling. I was not feeling anything impressive except frighened with the loud noises just like in the usual horrors.

VFX is also another thing that turns me down.

The name of the show is Ghost Lab which is the same as another one in 2009. But this would mislead audiences' expectations for this show.

**SPOILER ALERT** Why would the ghost guy that tries to kill the "bad guy" try to save him in the end? WTF of this twist? Just to make happy ending story? STUPID plot.
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Except bad reviews everything is good.
kavindujayawardhane6 August 2021
Don't judge this movie by critic's reviews and ratings. This movie deals with horror, love, and human relationships. Something different from horror movie titles and this movie is so unique. If you are trying to deal with a ghost in an old-fashioned house this is not your taste. But if you are like to experience and enjoy a meaningful horror movie taste this; you wouldn't be disappointed at the end that's sure.
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An interesting experiment
el728 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ghost Lab is about two friends, both resident doctors at a Thai hospital, who embark on an ill-fated attempt to prove that ghosts are real. Gla is the charming extrovert who has been working on his Northern Lights project privately for years, his obsession driven by a childhood encounter he can't forget. Wee is the genius introvert who starts out a skeptic, but once the two experience a sighting together he gets on board. When his beloved mother dies, he falls into an obsession as deep as Gla's.

Lots of horror movies have pulled a genre switcheroo near the midpoint or final act. What this movie attempts is possibly even more ambitious: not a genre switch, but a tone switch. Ghost Lab is a supernatural horror movie from beginning to end, but it starts with a tone of horror comedy. Then it segues into supernatural drama for the middle act, and the final act is a straight up WTF supernatural thriller. There is some outstanding acting from the two leads, although you could also create a drinking game based around how often Wee adjusts his glasses. The score is foreboding throughout, which is a bit jarring in the early scenes, but becomes less and less noticeable as the movie's tone intensifies.

One thing that's hard to wrap your head around as a viewer is how likeable these two guys are in the beginning and how thoroughly unlikable they become by the final act, before an ending that asks you to forgive them both. The forgiveness aspect is actually fairly typical of Thai horror, though I don't think I've seen an attempt to wrap it up quite this quickly and neatly before. The idea that all of these impulses can live within the same person is one that sticks with you after the movie ends, and it's a notion that sits uncomfortably close to reality. It's like the movie doesn't want to end ambiguously, and yet still does in spite of itself.
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A little stupid but not bad (WITH LISTS)
silviritacutrosiana31 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
✨LIST OF LESSON THAT CAN BE TAKEN FROM THIS FILM:✨ 1. A doctor who thinks logic and found it hard to believe the existence of ghosts can still agree to be a part of his friend's (ALSO A DOCTOR) ghost experiment in just one night just because he sees something creepy, even though he has much more important business to take care of his mother.

I mean, the motivation comes too quick, it doesn't feel genuine.

2. Why didn't anyone check the CCTV after Wee was found in a burning room? Or at least give us a scene where the cctv is malfunctioning or is damaged by the ghost.

3. The best way to complete an experiment that you started yourself and had taken your life away is to ✨simply end it✨. Yes, with no results at all.

4. Guys put too much effort for an unclear purpose experiment. I just can't get it.

5. Not a really bad cheap jumpscares. They got me. ;(

6. Gla is good looking but add ✨stupid✨ and 🔪selfish🔪

7. Wee is logical but add ✨obsessed✨ and 🔪inconsistent🔪

8. Get scared at ghosts ❌ Laugh at ghosts ✅

I think this movie had the potential, but just didn't live up to it.
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Worse than it should be
vparawee27 May 2021
The storyline is quite new but to continue straight is terrible. How it end is so tough.

The best point is Tor's acting. Apart form V and Kla, other casts should have more rolls.

Overall, in my opinion, this is the worst movie of GDH should have.
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The twist is quite fast and unconvinced
FairyManh_200727 May 2021
The opening is quite smooth and clear, audiences and I can catch what the director wants to express in his story, however when he changes the emotion and turns a good friend character to a bad one that is quite fast and unconvinced me. If a director can tell more and make clear the change of friends' emotions, I think the story is better. Generally, this horror movie is not too bad or too good for me. I still catch his theme.
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Yet another bad young Thai movie
natong28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bad acting. Bad story. Stupid doctor role. Bad Thai voice accent teenager. Director need to watch holywood.
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Who you gonna call?
kosmasp8 June 2024
Apparently no one - if you make this movie, because ... well you figure, why not deal with this ourselves? And what could go wrong, right? Hey no pun(s) intended as always, though I am not sure how well thought out the main characters ... well I actually will not even talk about the sanity of their actions, especially after what they go through at the beginning of the movie.

But I reckon that is the fun of life and movies. The latter especially if you are able to suspend your disbelief. Because that is really necessary ... like a lot ... to say the least. Good effects and interesting twists (not too surprising mind you, but interesting) ... weird ending, at least for me, but might break the movie towards the finishing line for some I reckon - just a heads up.
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Good content but average outcome
deepudp5 June 2021
With the kind of concept they wanted to shed light on, a lot more was expected. Right from the start however, they lost the track!
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A nice bromance movie.
b-0640826 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
XD spoil alert, The first 15 minutes is scary, The rest is just a love story.
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kathyrivera-4649930 May 2021
I mean, yeah, it isn't the greatest movie of all times but it is truly good. The intense music scores build up the tension at every moment it is needed and the storyline is so cool + the CGI makes everything kinda creepy (more if you watch it alone and in the dark lol) In my opinion, it is totally worth it unless you're a person who doesn't like anything cheesy or about friendship. This movie was really cool.
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"We must cross the line." But I think GDH is too scared too cross their own line??
SLEEPMAN200127 May 2021
With high+interesting concept about exploring ghost+afterlife by science, however, as they almost reach the top of mountain, they take different turn and instead run to the cliff. (and fall really hard)

All good things go to the first 50 minutes, as Wee and Gla help each other to investigate and find the explanation of their experiment. Nice storytelling, scare tricks and good vibe enough to follow them and find out what happens next.

BUT after a turning point at the middle, seem like screenwriters might reach their dead-end (as they thought), instead continue to cross the line like what character says in the movie and go full fantasy sci-fi like TENET, they instead cross back to normal standard dumb psychological drama horror movie like 'The Promise (2017)' and 'The Swimmers (2014)'. Of course, GDH is a feel good movie studio, so happy ending, good moral always come first. The result? All good stuffs from first 50 minutes become wasted like it's 'nothing'.

So, for short. Not worth your time, but you really want to watch good part, watch until minute 56 and you can stop the movie right then.
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Could be a good movie if made by Hollywood.
pffdota2 September 2021
Good plot. Bad acting and cheap scares. Wee's character is very bad at acting, his expression is poor. The twist is not worthy of what has been built.
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Awful. Boring. Adds nothing new to the genre
texasboyy31 May 2021
So disappointing - and boring! The premise sounded interesting - "After witnessing a haunting in their hospital, two medical students become dangerously obsessed with obtaining scientific proof that ghosts exist." - but their methods weren't "scientific" or interesting. They didn't use any devices (scientific or otherwise) during their "research," except a video camera to document themselves babbling as they sat around coming up with generic reasons for the existence of ghosts off the top of their heads; the same basic stuff you'd hear from any layman who has never researched or even heard of the concept of the paranormal. And the few "ghost" scenes aren't scary at all. This movie adds nothing new to the genre.
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Average horror movie...
Thanos_Alfie17 July 2021
"Ghost Lab" is a Thriller - Horror movie in which we watch two doctors investigating the existence of ghosts after witnessing something strange in their hospital. Their research is focusing on finding some scientific proof in order to justify their hypothesis.

I have to admit that I did not have high expectations from this movie and I was not disappointed by it. I found it average due to the fact that there was not any peak moment on it but just an interesting plot at some moments. The direction which was made by Paween Purijitpanya was not something special but presented very well the main characters and how they evolved through its duration. The interpretations of both Thanapob Leeratanakachorn who played as Wee and Paris Intarakomalyasut who played as Gla were good and their combination fitted in the movie. All in all, I have to say that "Ghost Lab" is another average horror movie that presents something new but lacks on suspense.
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Good movie to watch as background noise
kristi_ocampo26 July 2021
Seemed like a unique and intriguing concept of looking at the supernatural through the scientific lens. The execution, however, was far from intriguing as it resorted to cheap scares and cliché scenes.

In my opinion, the storyline was so basic, you can easily watch and understand the movie while going on your phone or doing something else.

Decent movie to watch as background noise.
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